Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Nov 20, 2019


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Finding Life

Chapter 4

Massage tales - Bear Massage

I am Mace, gay man that recently unlocked forgotten memories from my sexual past and am now in the process of finding out what I am. With Alex's help, I had been making strides on combining my complex sexual life with my current life. Some time has past since my initial discovery and recovery of the repressed memories with Alex. We had grown apart with just changes in my work and his romantic life - he and Alan were an item now.

I had always enjoyed getting massages and I knew that it could be a discreet way to gain some experience with my gay life. At the time I was recruiting for a business and ran across a resume line for a self-employee at Bear Massage. Ned Tipton had a professional listing for his in home studio massage clinic. I made arrangements for an appointment with Ned the following Tuesday after work. His studio was only a few miles from my house, so I was able to stop and shower prior to coming to my scheduled time. Since it was late spring, I just dressed in my summer type uniform - polo style shirt, shorts and flip flops.

I arrive at Ned's house and knock on the door. He answers quickly and ushers me into the converted front den of his house that was now his studio. It had all the trappings of professional massage studio, dimmed lights, table draped with white linens, posters of reflexology, and soothing music. Ned was dressed in a t-shirt and draw string shorts. He was not wearing any shoes, not usual for a professional but as it was his home as well I did not think anything of it. Ned was about 5'11", medium build, shaved head but a full trimmed beard. His eyes were a striking blue color.

"Come in," Ned said, "please get comfortable to your level of undress. We will start by with you face down, if that is ok?"

"Sure thing." I answered as I started to kick my flip flops off. "As it is already warm, I usually do not need draping if that is ok with you?"

Ned answered directly, "That is completely up to you. It is just us guys here today, my partner will still be at work until late."

Ned stepped out of the room while I undressed the rest of the way. I looked at my reflection in the mirror before I hopped up on the table. I am just about 5'7", small frame but sporting a dad bod, brown hair and eyes, tanned skin, and my flaccid 3 inch cock that would be a little over 6 inches when fully hard. I relaxed on the table awaiting on Ned to return.

"How are you doing today?" Ned inquires as he returned to view my naked body prone on the massage table.

"I am doing alright," I answered, "I have some tension in my upper back and my legs hip area are always tight."

"That is great, I can help you out in those areas." Ned answeres and continues, "What type of pressure do you like?"

"I like deep pressure," I state, "usually as deep as people can go. I really want to feel my muscles relax."

"Perfect, I do deep sports type of massage." Ned advises as he has slicked up his hands with oil. He starts out with my shoulders and back. Rubbing and pressing my tight muscles. He worked out some knots in my upper back, switching to his elbow in some tricky places.

"Is that too deep?" He inquired when he was digging in one such area.

"No, that is great." I answered.

His hands started making some longer stokes moving toward my lower back and butt. I sighed lightly as his hands grazed my crack. My hips started to slowly arch as his hands continued to work my glutes. As he was working on one hip and glute, his hand slipped further into my crack - almost grazing my hole. I could not stifle a moan when he did this. He just chuckled lightly. He worked over to the other side and repeated his stroke. This time it swiped my hole directly. Again I moaned and my body twitched at the attention.

"You liked that didn't you?" Ned asked his hands still stroking me, "You like your pucker getting some attention?"

All I could do was nod as I was continuing to moan from his handy work. He gripped my cheeks and spread them apart exposing my tight hole. I knew that I had chosen well and had made the correct assumptions in the types of services Ned offered.

"There it is," Ned said in a breathy voice, "damn that is a good looking pucker." His thumbs doing circles on the inner parts of my ass cheeks. I writhe as the circle to the sides of my love chute. I straight out moan when he pulls the lips open when he pulls my ass cheeks wider. He leans forward and I feel his hot breath, then his tongue in my opening. A shiver goes through my hips as I arch higher trying to reach out for his tongue. His hands control my hips and keep them close to the table. I feel his tongue start to swirl around my ass lips and then dip in my hole. He pulls his head back and starts tracing around my hole, briefly inserting the tip of one.

"Mnnn" he hummed, then slapped my ass cheek lightly. He then started to work my legs. As he would get close up my inner thigh, he let his fingers slip and graze my taint and my balls. My cock was almost fully hard and was leaking pre-cum on the table. Ned moved down and was working on my feet next. I felt a wet tongue stroke from the heel to my toe, then lips swallow around my big toe. This repeated on my other foot.

"It is time to flip over." Ned instructed, "Make sure to slide down a little bit."

As I flipped over and scooted down, my dick flipped up and slapped my belly. It trailed a strand of pre-cum from the table. Ned pulled the face ring out and placed it under the table. Then he took his finger and caught the strand, taking it to his lips to taste.

"That is good stuff." he confided. He then went on, "Let me get a little more comfortable too." He slipped his t-shirt exposing his lightly haired chest, his nipples hard. Then he reached his waist band on the shorts and slipped them down, leaving only his trunk style underwear on. His semi-hard cock was trapped in the band of the trunks, it appeared to be cut and about 6 inches long.

"Should I lose these too?" he inquired as his thumbs hooked the waist band. I nodded and he slipped them down. He stepped both legs out and tossed them with his other clothes. He stepped up to table close to the side. He then lifted my hand off the table and onto his semi while he started working on my neck and chest.

I let my hand explore his quickly hardening cock and balls as he worked. He flicked my nipples which caused me to moan. I in turn rubbed my thumb over his dick head by the piss slit - he moaned. We continued this play as he worked this side of my chest, both our cocks were pulsing from the actions.

He removed my hand and then went to the other side of the table. Again he took my hand and placed it on his now fully hard cock. I squeezed it and ran my fingers up and down the sides of it. His hips flexed a bit and he started working this side. When he got to my nipple on this side, he leaned over and took it in his teeth. He lightly ground the hard tip in his mouth. I struggled to keep another moan in as his teeth and tongue worked my erect nipple.

Ned pulled off my nipples as he straightened up. He moved down to work on lower half, starting with my feet. I reluctantly released his cock from my grip as he headed to the foot of the table. Ned kneaded the soles of my feet, stretched out my toes and flexed my ankles. He then massaged up my left calf and knee. Then he shifted up to work on the top of my thigh and hip. He added some stretching of my knee and hip to open up my pelvis, with my foot laying on the table near my right knee, my inner thigh up. From this position he worked from my left knee down on my inner thigh. This left my hard cock and balls on display, my balls cascading over my taint and my cock arching toward my belly. As his hands got closer he gave my balls a quick tug and slid his fingers over my cock. I moaned. He pulled my left leg down and straightened it out. He placed my foot towards the outside edge of the massage table.

Ned moved to the other leg and repeated the calf, knee, and hip massage. When he started the stretching he left my right side flexed open, he slipped to the other side and duplicated the stretch. My legs in a open butterfly position, knees spread wide and pelvis fully open. His hands slid over my hard member and balls. He held the base of my cock and ground it around with one hand. The other played with my balls, pulling them an kneading them. Ned leaned over and took my positioned cock head in his mouth. His lips just covered to the shaft directly below the twitching head. I leaked some more pre-cum. I felt his tongue lap it up. He gulped as he slid his lips down my shaft.

"Oh my God!" I moaned as he bottomed out on my dick and started heavy duty sucking. Ned's fingers trickled down below my balls and started to play with my exposed taint. Every so often a digit would slide by my pucker causing me to jolt. Ned started to bob his head on my cock and trace a circle around my hole. As my chute loosened up I felt a finger tip press in. The combinations of sensations were too much, my balls churned and pulled tightly to my body. I shot four volleys into Ned's sucking mouth. He continued to lightly suck as I recovered, his hand had not left my hole.

"Damn, that was good stuff. You stud!" he exclaimed as he lifted his head. His fingers started to piston in and out slowly, gently stretching my pucker. I moaned my cock twitched as he slipped in a third finger. I whimper as his finger fucking becomes more rough. His fingers start pushing against my love nut, my cock starts leaking pre-cum.

He withdraws his fingers and my hole gapes. His hands grip my spread thighs and he torques my body sideways on the table, as my hips clear the table he flips me over. My chest is supported on the table as my ass hangs exposed off the edge. I feel Ned spread my ass cheeks and feel his hot cock rub up and and down my crack. He circles his slick head around my hole, my pucker opens and he pushes his cock head in. He pauses to let me recover as he inched past my second ring.

"Tight hole. That is hot!" Ned softly tells me as he leans over my back and kisses my neck and ear. He then slowly pushes the rest of his turgid member into my velvety tight hole. He grunts when he bottoms out. I feel his balls rubbing up against mine.

After he paused, he leans up and grabs my hips. He slides his dick back and then forces it back. He continues to both speed up his strokes and to pull further back each time, until he gets to the tip of his dick head just barely still in my ass lips. He squares his hips a bit, then starts long and hard thrusts into me. I feel his bounce off my ass as he slams into it. The massage table starts to squeak with the terminus of his strokes. He leans forward and grabs my shoulders, pulling my torso up slightly. His thrusts start to push up with the change of angle. His tempo increases and his breath has become ragged.

"I'm cumming!" Ned yells as he pushes his cock deep into my ass. I feel his cock flex and my chute fill up with his seed. Ned pulls his dripping cock out of my ass. He kneels down, spreading my cheeks and dives his head in. I feel his tongue tease and pull his seed that is dripping from my ass. His tongue is spearing my hole, my cock starts to harden again.

Ned seeing my return to erect state, "Are you ready for more?" He asks.

I just grin and nod my head over my shoulder. With that approval he comes over to the table and sits down. He moves me to stand next to him as he reclines. His cock is still hard, even after his cum.

He motions me to join him on the table. "You want more, you get to ride me for it."

I hop on the table and straddle his hips with my knees as we face away from each other. With Ned's help I line up his hard cock to my waiting pucker. Since I was fully warmed up, I was able to sink all the way down on him. I rest as I bottom out and pulse my ass muscles around his hard cock.

"Oh my God, Mace. That is so hot." Ned pants, "It feels like a dick massage and you are not moving."

I work his cock internally for another minute or so. I start to lift my ass an inch or so, then drop back down. Ned grunts when my ass hits his pelvis. I go higher each time I go up and let gravity help with my descension on his hard cock. I start to increase my tempo, moving faster up and down on his cock. Ned starts to push his hips up as I come down. It is now my turn to grunt. We are both feeling good.

Ned is starting to get worked up again and I want to cum at the same time. I pull off of his cock and turn around facing him. I sink back down on his pulsing member. I grab my cock and start to jack it as I am riding on Ned's cock. The change in position and sight of my cock jacking in front of him sends Ned closer to the edge. His breathing becomes labored. I pound down harder each time, forcing his cock to punch my prostate. I am getting very close as well.

Ned grabs my hips and thrusts deep inside of me. I feel his cock pulse as he is breeding my ass. The stimulation pushes me over, as I feel his load fill my hole, I climax. I shoot 5 ropes of hot cum, some landing in his hair, then face, then the rest on his chest and abs.

"Did you like that?" I ask while I grind my hips with his spent cock still in my ass.

Ned gives a contented sigh, "You are damn right I liked that. Shit Mace that was fucking hot."

Ned slips his deflated cock out of my hole as I dismount him and the table. I take a moment and stretch out my legs and hips. Ned comes over and grips me in a big bear hug. He leans in for a wet kiss, which I readily return.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Ned starts as he hands me a towel. He picks up one himself and we start to wipe off the combination of oil, sweat and cum from my body. We toss the used towels onto the massage table.

"I look forward to working on you again," Ned says, then slaps my ass, "or working in you again."

I laugh as I get dressed. "You can count on that, my friend."

Ned has slipped on his shorts while I finish dressing. He leads me to the front door. We trade another hug.

"Until next time," I tell him, "it was fun!"

Next: Chapter 5

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