Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Oct 25, 2021


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Finding Life 36 Fiery Hotel Guy

Hi All! Mace here again. Living the best life that I can. As I have said before, I have something for redheads. I do not know what it is, but all shades of red hair on a pale skinned guy just gets my cock hard and leaking. If I am scrolling on one of the apps and I see a redhead, I usually will read the profile - neither age or size is an issue.

One recent lunchtime I was scrolling and chatting with a few guys. I was really horny, but none of my regular FWB were available and none of the guys online were indicating that a quick hook up was what they were looking for. I had almost given up, but I ran across a profile that was a few miles away. It caught my breath because his picture showed him with bright red hair and beard. My cock pulsed in my jeans.

I looked at his profile and pics. He was a more slender guy than I was and a few inches shorter. His profile name referenced his pubes were red as well. GRRR! He was online and sent me a message after I viewed his profile. He asked what I was looking for. I quickly replied back that I liked oral, body contact, rimming and topping. I also noted that I could not host. He replied that my response was hot and that he had a hotel room. I asked if he was available now. He said that he was and sent me the address.

It was not far away and I took off in that direction. Traffic was crazier than I thought it would be and it took me longer to get there than it should have. I sent a message that I was here and headed up to his room. He answered and had a bittersweet look on his face. His meeting that he was in town for got pushed up and he had to leave in five minutes. He was so sorry that I drove over and it was for nothing. He did say that he would be available after five. We hugged and I headed back to work, a little down and more horny.

I got back to work, but kept the app open to see if this guy came back online. It was almost 4:45 when his online button lit up. He sent me a message wanting to see if I would be available to come by after work. I was available and let him know that I could come by. He said that I knew where to go. I told him that I would head that way just after 5. He sent a thumbs up emoji.

I started packing up and when 5 rolled around I left my desk and headed to my car. I sent him an on my way message. He responded that he was hopping in a shower and getting cleaned out, but to come up when I got there. I drove straight there, with rush hour traffic the drive took as long as it did during my lunch break. I parked and headed back into the hotel. I rode the elevator up and walked to his room. I knocked on the door. It took a moment for him to answer as he was wet and covered with a towel.

"Come in. I am almost done. You can get comfortable." Red said as he ushered me in the room.

I smiled and walked into the room. He returned to the bathroom and back into the shower. I went to the chair by the bed and sat down. I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks. I stood back up and looked out the window, waiting for Red to finish.

A few minutes later the water turned off. Red came walking out of the bathroom using the towel to dry his hair. That was the first good look I got of him naked. True to his profile he was a few inches shorter than I was. He was around my age, if not a little bit older. He was skinner, but still had a little belly. Again true to his profile name, his body hair was the same fiery color as what was on his head and face.

I began to pull off my shirt and then worked on undoing my belt and opening my jeans. I liked the audience when I undressed. (I know - vanity!!) As I dropped my jeans and stepped out of them, my cock was firm and had a few strands of pre-cum on it. Red gave an appreciative hum as he stepped closer. His cock was semi firm, but was small. I was guessing even hard it would be around four inches.

Let's be clear. I am not a size queen. I love men of all shapes and sizes - that includes cock size. What drew me to him was his red pubes that were damp and covering his cock. From his profile I knew that he was a bottom only, so I was not concerned.

I pulled him into a tight embrace as we stood there at the foot of the bed. Our faces met and we began to kiss. I let my hands roam over his body as his hands did the same. Our tongues were passing and wrestling in our mouths as Red was grinding against my crotch. His slightly damp skin rubbed against mine. I slowly moved us closer to the bed.

As the bed touched our legs, I pushed Red on his back. He scooted backward as he laid face up. I moved up on the bed and hovered over Red's body. I lowered down as I resumed kissing him. I then slowly inched down his body, kissing and licking his pale skin. I sucked in a nipple that was ringed with fiery hair. Red gasped as I gently ground the tender nipple between my teeth. Red started moaning as I sucked the hard point more. I switched to his other nipple and got a similar reaction.

Lifting my mouth off his nipple, I moved down his chest and belly. I flicked my tongue around Red's belly button which caused a moaning again. Then I moved my licking closer to his fiery crotch. I hummed in delight as I licked the wild red hair as I moved closer to his rigid cock. I licked around the base of his cock and then sucked his red haired balls into my mouth. Red's head was whipping back and forth as my tongue flicked and sucked his orbs.

My lips worked up to Red's cock. I opened my mouth and bobbed my head on his cock. I used my tongue to roughly rub the underside of his shaft and then cock head as I bobbed. Red was moaning loudly now, his hand resting on my head as I worked. I sucked and bobbed for several minutes with varied pace and intensity of sucking. I could feel Red getting closer, so I backed up and off of his cock. When Red's cock slipped from my lips, it slapped against his abs.

I again sucked and licked my way to his balls. Then with my hands pushing upward on Red's legs I moved my face down under his balls. Red's moaning got very loud as my tongue began to circle around his red haired surrounded pucker. I pulled his ass cheeks apart as Red supported his legs so I could dive my tongue in deeper. Red was gasping and moaning as my tongue flicked and darted in and out of his pucker. I lifted my face away.

"Flip over and on your knees." I ordered in a husky voice.

Red nodded as he rolled over and positioned on his knees. I leaned back forward pulling his ass cheeks apart and dove my tongue back in his hole. Red cooed and pushed his hips back into my face. I ground my face into his ass cheeks, letting my scruff scratch his sensitive flesh. Red was moaning again. I placed a finger at the bottom of his pucker and pushed it in as I wet Red's ass lips with my tongue. Red let out a low groan and then shivered as I moved the finger into my knuckle as his ass lips tightly gripped it. I flicked my tongue several times at his opening as I pulled my finger back out.

I started to slide my finger more smoothly in and out of Red's pucker. He was moaning and shivering as I brushed his gland. Red was once again pushing his hips backward to meet my finger going in. I added a second finger on my next push in, Red shuddered and moaned into the mattress. I had slowed down the thrust in and out to let Red's tight hole loosen up. As his ass muscles relaxed I increased my finger thrusting speed. I then added a third finger and stopped when they were as deeply thrust in as I could. Red again was quivering, his legs were trembling as I started to move the three fingers in a slow circle. Red was panting as I pulled them back and then pushed them back in.

I pulled the fingers back so just the fingertips were in Red's pucker lips. I was pulsing the finger up and down making Red moan again. Red was more loose than before and he was more relaxed from the finger play.

"You ready for some cock?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir!" Red replied in a breathless manner.

I removed my fingers and spit on them. I then rubbed the wet fingers along my cock to slick it up. I pulled his ass cheeks apart and spit on his hole, making Red shiver. I pushed some of the spit into his hole with a finger and Red whined. I pushed up to be on my knees behind him. Taking my cock in hand, I positioned it at Red's ass lips.

I have been told that while I am not super long, around 6 inches hard, that my cock is thick. That in mind I slowly insert my cock head into his pucker ring. Red gives a long, low moan as I slowly move forward. Red's ass muscles were gripping my rigid tool in a moist, hot glove as I pushed forward. I sighed as my balls touched his ass lips. I stayed in place to let Red get acclimated to my cock. Red was still panting and moaning as his ass muscles were clenching and squeezing my cock.

When Red's ass muscles calmed down some, I started to pull back and thrust forward. The foreplay and Red's tight ass was bringing my first climax on quickly. I rapidly started to thrust against Red's ass. Red would grunt with the impact and then moan as my cock slid back. I started to growl as I could feel my balls start to tighten up. I increased my thrusting pace.

"You ready for my first load of seed in your ass?" I asked in a grunting voice.

"Yes! Sir! BREED! ME!" Red replied with a word between each of my successive thrusts.

I start to grunt and I pound my cock in harder with each thrust. I feel the tingle run up my legs and I begin to growl as my cock is pulsing, just waiting for the cum to shoot out. Next my cock starts to explode, coating Red's innards with my hot cum. I am grunting and huffing as I plow my seed deep in Red's ass. Red is moaning as he can feel the hot liquid that is forced out with each of my thrusts.

I thrust a final thrust forward which pushes us flat to the bed, my cock still lodged in Red's hole. My body is covering Red's backside, my face is next to his head. I flick out my tongue and circle it in Red's ear. Red lets out a low sounding moan. Red is slowly pushing his hips back as I continue to work my tongue in and around his ear.

"You are ready for some more." I whisper in his wet ear, Red moans as he nods.

I push upward and my cock pops from Red's hole, it is slick with my first load. I pull back up onto my knees before I reach down and give his ass a quick slap. Red yelps as he turns his head and looks at my face.

"On your back and get your legs up." I tell Red as I stroke my cum slicked cock.

Red rolled over to his back, his small pecker was hard and leaking as it jutted upward. Red then pulled his legs up towards his chest. His red body hair is such a turn on for me, I stroke his chest and then his legs. My hands then pass downward towards his exposed pucker. I push a finger in Red's hole causing him to moan loudly. My finger made a big circle before I pulsed it up and down a few times. Red was now whining with need.

I look up into Red's eyes and see his desire and want. I move closer and lift my cock up. When I release my cock it slaps down on Red's pecker and balls before it comes to rest in Red's ass crack. I tilt my chest forward and plant my lips on Red's open mouth. My tongue is darting in and around Red's as I move my hips back and forth, sliding my cock up and down his crack. I place my arms on either side of Red's chest so he can rest his legs on my body. Red wiggles his lower body against mine as we continue to kiss.

I lift my hips upward and position my cock at Red's pucker. My cock head pushes through his pucker ring and Red moans in my mouth. I slide my hips forward until I am fully inserted in Red's ass. I circle my hips as I grind down, Red moans loudly enough he has to break our kiss. I move my head down and suck in one of Red's nipples ringed with his red hair. My lips and tongue are bringing the nipple into a hard point. I suck his nipple deeply into my mouth and then grind down with my molars. Red gasps from the sensation.

I then pull back my hips and start to thrust into Red's opened pucker. My first load is acting as all the lube that I need. Even with the first position, my girth is stretching his pucker lips wider in this position. Red is moaning again as my cock slides in and out slowly. I move to Red's other nipple and begin to work it over. Red throws his head back and is groaning in pleasure.

I lift up my face from Red's chest as I start to increase my thrusting speed. Now my cock and balls are again pounding into his flesh. My balls are slapping Red's ass cheeks with each meeting. I continue to thrust away. I vary my speed to slow down, with long strokes in and out, then speed rapidly up, ramming like a piston. Red is bouncing into the mattress with each thrust, the bed frame is nudging the wall.

I look into Red's eyes as I pound away and they are glazed over with lust. Red's mouth is pulled back into a smile, pleasure is washed over his face. I am enjoying this position, but I can feel his legs resting more heavily on my shoulders. I do not want to spoil his pleasure by having uncomfortable hips. I thrust deep and then pull all the way back. My cock pops out and Red looks up into my eyes.

"On your belly." I order Red, he nods.

Red drops his legs as he is rolling onto his front side. He tries to open his legs up, but I straddle them, keeping his legs together. Red grunts as I lower my body on top of his. I position my cock to be in Red's crack again before I tilt my hips and slide my cock. Red moans as my cock head finds his pucker and slides in. I do not stop until my balls are touching his pucker lips. Red shudders in pleasure at the full feeling.

I reach my arms under Red's shoulders for a grip and then pull back and thrust back into Red's ass. Red gives a brief cry as the position is letting my cock pound into his gland. When I thrust in again, Red's body gives a twitch from the contact with his gland. Red is now moaning and giving little cries when I pound into him. I start with a slow pace, but quickly take it up to a jackhammer speed as I drill into Red's ass.

Red has been tossing and turning his head as my cock is pounding in and out of his ass. Red's legs are curling up at the knees with the successive plowing. I am able to pull his upper body downward against my upward thrusting, making Red gurgle with pleasure. We maintain this pace for several minutes. I am not getting close to my next climax though.

I pause on my next inward thrust, my cock buried in Red's ass, I move one of my knees between Red's legs. I release my grip on Red's shoulders and use a hand to pull his right leg to the side. As his leg goes upward, my cock slides deeper into Red's ass. Red gives a moan again as I resume a steady plowing pace. My cock is brushing his gland not punching it so Red is not twitching but he is moaning more as my cock head is making contact in and out.

I slowly twisted my chest towards Red's left side, now my cock was going even deeper. Red panted and moaned as I picked up my pace. I loved feeling my cock slide in and out of his tight hole. I was thrusting balls deep and then pulling back until just my cock head was still inside his pucker ring. Sweat was dripping from both of us as I pounded away. Red was grunting and letting out little yips every now and then. The bed was starting to nudge the wall more loudly now that I had more swing in my thrusts.

I reached down and held onto the back of Red's left shoulder, pushing it into the bed as I moved my left leg up from resting on my knee to lunging forward. My foot settled next to his left hip. As I was angled towards his left side and Red's right need was pushed forward, I was able to get more range of motion with my thrusting. When I resumed thrusting, the additional depth and now angle were causing Red to moan and squeal. I raised up my chest and with each thrusting motion I deepened into my lunge causing my cock to go deeper than before.

Red was now shaking as my cock was pounding his gland hard with each thrust and then retreating angle was pushing steady against it as well. The full range of motion for this position and the power of my thrusting was now fully knocking the bed against the wall with each thrust in. Red again was gurgling in passion as I plowed into his stretched and wet ass.

I increased my thrusting power as my grip on Red's shoulder tightened and pushed Red deeper into the mattress. I was feeling my climax build, my deep chest growl returned. My pace began to increase and the bed was bouncing up and down some now as well. Red was grunting and squealing as the pace increased.

My thrusting began to become erratic and more forceful as I got closer to my release. My growling increased in volume and I let out a roar as I felt my cock erupt again deep in Red's bowels. I thrust deeply for four or five times before collapsing on top of Red's back. I was drawing a ragged breath as I lay on Red's sweaty body.

I slowly pulled out of Red's hole, the trickle of cum was leaking down to his balls. I rolled to the side to give Red some relief from supporting my full body. Red was panting from the energetic play. I pulled Red into a spoon, letting my body wrap around his. Red reached a free hand down to his rigid pike with a fist to start stroking it. I snaked a hand under Red's body to latch onto a nipple. My top hand reached down and played with Red's balls. I nuzzled into his neck and nibbled his earlobe.

Red's breathing was turning more rapid and shallow, his body started to tense. He let out a cry as his cock started to send jets of his jiz on is chest and belly. I continued to play with his body at the various places I was able to until Red gave a final cry and hip thrust sending his final jet of cum up to his chest. Red then relaxed back into my embrace. Turning his head towards mine, we kissed again briefly.

"My god! That was intense." Red sighed as our kiss broke.

"Not too much for you?" I inquired, as I had gotten a bit wild at the end.

"Oh, no! It was wonderful. My! God!" Red exclaimed as he rested back against my spooning.

I let Red rest for a few minutes. Neither of us needing to speak. Finally I let out a large sigh. Red looked into my face and understood the look. I needed to get up and head out. Red gave me a peck of a kiss as we separated. My cock was still firm and was jutting out, if only I had time for another round. I looked up and Red smiled - he would be up for it too. Damn!

I took a hand towel and cleaned up some before I pulled on my clothes. Red pulled on a pair of athletic shorts. I glanced and saw that his cum was drying on his chest and belly. Red noticed my gaze and looked down, he blushed slightly.

"I will clean up in a bit." Red confessed sheepishly.

"Well, have fun. I know that I did." I said as I finished dressing and moved towards the door.

We met and kissed again briefly. I swatted his ass and gave it a good grab. Red chuckled. We separated and I walked to the door. Red followed me and held the door open as I exited. Red closed the door as I headed down the hall.

Later when I got home, I looked at the app and Red was still on. I sent him a messaged hoping that he enjoyed our time together. Red replied back almost directly to thank me and that it was amazing. I sent a smiley face and thumbs up back. Like I said I will do a lot for redheads. Even better that he was an outstanding fuck.

Next: Chapter 37

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