Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on May 5, 2021


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Finding Life 32 Trio of Cum Dumps

Hey All! Mace here living the life - my gay life. I have enjoyed playing with the cum dump by the river. Since he got me turned on to the bird app, I had been exploring more with people with similar tastes. I was looking one day before my lunch hour when I got a direct message on the bird app.

It was someone who had liked some of my comments and videos with the cum dump by the river. We began chatting and I looked at his profile. He was a few years older than me, mostly in shape, liked to bottom and blow guys. He was located in an apartment downtown, actually not far from cum dump on the river. He wanted to know when I had play time. I explained that most of my play time was during the week around my lunch breaks. He replied that was great, he would be trying to get some guys together the next day during that time. We finished chatting for the day, but would pick up tomorrow.

The next day rolled around and I was horny just thinking about being with the cum dump from downtown. We connected through direct messages throughout the morning. It appeared that the other guys were falling through, but he still wanted to have me come by if I was still up for it. I let him know that I was. We decided on the time and as it got closer he gave me his exact address and to message him when I got to his building for his apartment number.

My lunch time was here, I sent him a brief on the way message and headed from my work to the downtown address he provided. It was not far from the highway that I would take to get downtown, so it would be fast and easy. It was under 10 miles away and with highway speeds I was there in less than 15 minutes. I parked adjacent to the apartment building and sent my message that I was here. He sent the apartment number on the 2nd floor. I got out of the car and headed up.

The building that the apartment in was nice. It was one that had been recently restored and the apartments were retrofitted to be loft style: taller ceilings, nice fixtures, and new appliances. I walked up the stairs and soon was at his doorway. I knocked.

The downtown dump was like his pictures and profile lead me to believe, taller than me by a few inches with blond almost white hair. He greeted me and ushered me in. The apartment was very nice, bright walls, large windows, and an open floor plan. He led me into his couch that backed up to two of the large windows, he had some towels draped over the couch and the floor.

We got to the towels and he dropped to his knees in front of me, looking up for permission. I nodded and he reached up and undid my belt and jeans. I pushed them open and he helped by tugging them down. Like usual I was going commando and my cock sprung out. He hummed as he lowered his face down on my crotch.

I stood there as he sucked in my cock and started to lick and suck it to make it hard. His tongue and lips were sliding up and down on my cock. It felt great. He reached a hand up and was playing with my balls as his mouth was working over my cock. I could feel my climax start to build. I reached down and placed a hand on his head as he bobbed on my cock.

He started sucking harder, taking time to tug on my balls. I started breathing more swiftly as I could feel it build. From our conversations online I knew he liked to have facials, so as I got right to the brink, I pulled my cock out of his mouth. I grunted as I started to bust my load. I shot three good jets of cum on his forehead and cheeks before I pushed my cock into his open mouth for the rest of my load. He sucked it down with flair.

I stood resting as he still was sucking my still hard cock. He pulled it out of his mouth and rubbed it around his face, spreading my cum around. I looked down to see his smiling face. He had moved his hands up to cup my cock as it had not really gone down much. With each stroke my dick was firming back up to be fully hard.

"Do you want to fuck me?" He asked breathlessly.

"Yes, sure." I replied.

He stood up and slipped out of his athletic shorts. He reached on the couch and got his bottle of lube. Getting a handful he reached back and greased up his hole. He then put his knees on the couch and leaned over the back of the couch facing the window. He smiled as he looked over his shoulder. I had kicked off my shoes and pulled my pants off. I stepped up behind him, between his legs. I moved closer and tapped my cock on his ass a few times before I placed it in his ass crack.

He moaned a bit as I started to slide my cock back and forth in his ass crack. He was tilting his hips back up at me as he moved his chest closer to the back of the couch. I took a firm grip of his hips as I ground my pelvis into his ass. My cock was getting slicked up from the lube that he had prepped himself with.

I pulled my hips back and lowered my cockhead to his pucker entrance. With my grip on his hips. I pushed my cock into his hot hole. He let out a soft groan as I slowly pushed until my balls were resting on his ass cheeks. I stayed there and let him get used to my thickness. I leaned forward and began to grind my buried cock in him, he started to moan.

I then began to slowly slide in and out of his hole. I had leaned back up and returned my hands to grip his hips as I picked up my pace. Soon my balls were slapping his taint and balls as I pounded away. He was grunting and moaning as I worked his ass. I leaned back forward and hooked my hands under his armpits to hold his shoulders. I was now thrusting more forcefully, jolting us against the couch making it jump.

While I do not use poppers, he had a bottle and took a hit in each nostril. He moaned in pleasure as the rush hit him. I could feel his ass twitch as I was pounding in deeper. I lifted my chest back off and moved my hands to hold his shoulders from above, pushing his head down closer to the couch top.

I could feel my climax start to build. I reached up one hand and tweaked my own nipple as I felt my legs start to tingle and tighten. A growl was building in my chest as my climax neared. My growl got louder and my balls were slapping his ass with loud reports.

He was groaning, still feeling his poppers rush as I felt my cock explode in his ass. I yelled as I was shooting five or six jets of cum deep in his hole. My body twitching, I made a final thrust into his hole and collapsed on his back. We were both breathing hard as the final bits of my load were pumped into his chute.

I pushed my body up and my cock popped from his cum loaded chute. A trail of cum pulled out with my cock, he moaned as his space was empty now. I step back and he turns over to rest down on the couch cushion. Looking up at me he smiled.

"Fuck that was good. Are you always able to cum several times like that?" He asked.

"Yeah, I usually shoot twice. It is not unheard of that I can go a few more times in an hour's time." I said as he handed me a towel to clean up with.

I was cleaning my cock as he stepped back into his shorts. There was a big smile on his face as he watched me get dressed. I sat on a chair to put on my shoes and looked up at him.

"We need to do this again. I had fun and your loads are big." He said as we both stood up.

On my way to the door, "That would be nice. I am free mostly during my lunch hours during the week." I told him.

"Is it usually around the same time, because this is a good time for me." He asked.

"Yes." I replied as I opened the door. "Thanks again."

He smiled as he shut the door. I did not even reach my car before he sent a message to check in with him the next Friday and see if we could hook up. I smiled bigger as I drove back to work.

It was later in the week after I had hooked up with cum dump downtown, that one of my other cum dump's sent me a message on that hook up app. He was going to be free during my break time and wanted to see if I could swing by and fill him with a load. I happily sent a positive reply and confirmed his gate code. It was a plan.

I sent him a 'on my way' message as I headed to mid-town to meet up with him. I had hooked up with him multiple times. The first time for a quick blow and go that turned into me topping him and filling him with my cum. He was closer to my age, a little taller and a full bottom. He mentioned that he had some problems with ED so he did not get fully rigid, but being a bottom it did not make much difference for him.

I got to his apartment complex and entered the gate code. I was parking and sent the 'here' message. I walked to his apartment and knocked on the door. He had a nicely furnished apartment, with a wide variety of items that interested him. At Christmas time he had three trees that he decorated in his one bedroom apartment. He was interesting in that way. His small, older dog greeted me when he answered the door. He welcomed me in and gave me a kiss.

He was a talker and was alway interested in how often and who I was hooking up with. I have a high sex drive, which he was aware, and I was only able to meet up with him about every other week. He knew that I was finding relief with other guys, so his conversation did not surprise me.

"Seen any other cum dumps? You know I want to be your only cum dump." He asked and teased.

"Yes, I have seen some other guys. You know our schedules do not always match up for my needs." I chided back.

"I know, I know. You cannot hurt me for trying." He replied as we walked to his bedroom.

I followed him into the bedroom and slapped his ass when he made the last comment. He playfully yelped. I pulled him into a hug, grabbing his ass, as I planted another kiss on him. He was taller than me, so he had to lean down to reach my mouth. I was kissing him aggressively as our hands were groping each other. My cock was grinding into his legs as I kneaded his ass.

We pulled apart to undress. He worked in a nice retail location and dressed nicely. As he took off his shirt and tie, I pulled my shirt off and began to play with his nipples. I was able to quickly drop my jeans and kick my shoes off as he took off his slacks and dress shoes. I returned and used my fingers to tease and tweak his nipples as I tilted my head back and we kissed again. My tongue was thrusting in and around his mouth as I played with his body.

I moved one hand down and fondled his balls and semi hard dick. I gave him a few tugs which caused him to shudder. With my other hand I reached behind him and gripped his ass cheek and kneaded it. He was moaning in my mouth as I teased his body.

"Fuck me! Please!!" he pleaded as he broke our kiss.

"On the bed!" I ordered.

I pinched his nipple hard enough to get a yelp as he moved to lay face down on the bed. He had to have poppers when he was playing. He took two long hits before I moved up on the bed. I settled my knees between his open legs, reaching up I grabbed his upturned ass cheeks. I tightened my grip on them until he started to groan. Then I began to knead them with a firm grip. He was moaning loudly as he took another pair of hits on his poppers.

I leaned forward and laid my chest on his back, turning his head so we could resume kissing. My cock was hard and leaking as I laid it in his crack. While we were kissing, I was grinding my hips down into his ass, wiggling my cock around in his crack. He let out a whimper as I pushed my chest up and slid my cock head up and down his crack.

As he finished another hit of the poppers, I had lined my cock head up and pushed all the way into his chute in one thrust. He yelped out as I impacted against him. I did not stay, but started to pull back and thrust hard into him time and time again. He was groaning into his mattress as I pounded and pummelled his ass.

His body was starting to sweat as I worked his hole. He was giving me a littnay of 'Oh Fuck!', 'Pound My Hole', 'Oh Damn', and 'Use My Hole'. I liked to hear his cuss and mutter as I abused his mancunt. I could feel my climax start to build as I continued to work away.

He liked it when I made guttural noises. As I felt my first climax build I began to snarl and grunt. When the pressure in my balls was building higher and higher, I began a rough growling sound. My cock was thrusting at an increased pace, our bodies were slapping loudly together. He was whining and moaning as I got closer.

I began shooting my load deep in his ass when I yelled. I pushed his shoulders and chest down hard to the bed as I was unloading rope after rope of cum. His body shivered as he took my pounding, my cock thrusting right against his prostate. After I shot six or seven pulses of cum out I slumped forward with a final thrust. I laid my head down against the back of his, we were both breathing hard.

My cock was still lodged in his ass, now surrounded with my first load. I snaked my arms under his underarms and hooked onto his shoulders as I started to lift and thrust back into his ass. He was cooing as I was making short jabs right on his gland. I started to pick up my pace again, my thrusting going deeper each time - my cock was fully hard again.

"Are you going to breed my ass again?" He breathed out in between my hard thrusts.

"Yes!" I growled in his ear as I started to nibble on his ear lobe.

His body shivered again as I pumped my cock in his ass and licked my tongue in and out of his ear canal. I reached one hand under and latched it onto his nipple, giving it a hard tug. He squealed as I pinched his nipple and chewed on his ear. I need to change my position to get in deeper in his ass, I pulled back out of his dripping hole.

I used my knees to spread his legs wider and then reached down and guided one of his knees up beside him. Now I came up and straddled his leg going straight down and thrust in his hole with the extra space from his bent knee. He quickly took another pair of hits of his poppers as I ramped up my pace again. I took hold of his hips and used them as anchors to facilitate my harder and deeper pounding. He was cooing and moaning at the depth my thick cock was getting in his ass.

I pushed in deep and then tilted my chest back down on his back. I snaked my hands under his arms, but locked on his wrists. Now I began a forceful upward type of thrusting using the lock on his wrists to pull his body down to meet mine. The force was causing both of us to grunt, he was trying to speak but the grunting made his speech unintelligible. He was trying to tilt his pelvis back to allow more of my cock to enter his hole.

He started to shake as his body had a dry climax from the strong thrusting against his gland. He was grunting and moaning as his body quacked around my cock. I could feel my leg muscles start to tighten up and my toes begin to curl - I was not far from my climax.

I yelled as I pounded his still quaking body. My cock started to shoot five or six more ropes of cum in his ruined hole. I was growling with each hard thrust, trying to seed him as deeply as possible. After my final thrust, I collapsed down on his back. Our sweaty skin was sticking together as I laid on top of him waiting from my cock to soften.

After a few minutes, my cock popped out of his hole. The two loads worth of cum were sloshing around in his hole, a trail of glistening cum came out as my cock exited. I stroked his head as I laid there relaxing. Our sweat dripped down everywhere from our physical meeting.

"You should shower before going back to work." He suggested.

"Are you saying I stink?" I asked him.

"No, you smell like potent sex and the people in your office will know you hit it at lunch." He countered.

"You do not think my relaxed smile and attitude will not be enough for them to guess?" I asked.

"You should at least leave them guessing." He chided.

I laughed as I crawled off his body and stood up. I moved towards the bathroom as he stood up off the bed. He slipped a hand back to catch some of the dripping cum, which he brought to his mouth to taste, making a 'yum' sound. I chuckled as I started the shower.

I finished my shower and dried off. He had put on a pair of boxer shorts to scout me off before he showered himself. We continued to chat as I got dressed and headed into the living room. I got another deep kiss before I tweaked his sore nipple and pinched his ass. He yelped and grinned as I headed out the door.

"See you soon. I really want to be your only cum dump. Think about it." He said as I stepped out of his door.

"Bye, bud!" I called out, not answering his inquiry.

As I was pulling back in at work, I sent him a message on the app that I would think about it. He replied back with a thumbs up.

A few days later I was pulling up my apps to check messages and see what was going on. My friendly cum dump by the river was posting that he would be taking loads, starting just after I would get off from work. I sent him a quick message to let him know I was interested and to keep me posted.

After 5 rolled around and I got to my car. According to the apps, the cum dump by the river was not open yet. I had to decide to go towards his apartment or go to my house as they were on opposite sides of town. I was horny and let my cock make the decision. I pulled out of the parking lot at work and headed towards the river.

While en route, I noticed that he had updated his bird app that he was open for taking loads. I smiled as I rubbed my cock, I had made the right decision. I shot a quick on the way message. I was only five minutes away at that point. I was parking my car and sent a 'here' text in no time. He replied that he was ready.

I entered his apartment and turned into his bedroom. He had a large flatscreen TV playing porn with the volume low. He was in his load taking position: ass up, head down and with a blindfold on. I ran my hand down his back and over an ass cheek, which I gave a little slap. I could tell that I was the first one there, I licked my lips. I opened my pants and let them fall to my ankles as I bent down and pushed my face in his ass.

He moaned as my tongue began to lick around and over his pucker. I nibbled and sucked on his ass lips as I heard his groans. I pulled his ass cheeks wider apart as I speared my rigid tongue into his hole. He gave me a moaning 'yes, sir' that was muffled as he pushed his face into the mattress and his ass back towards my face. I was flicking and twirling my tongue in his hole, pushing my face in as far as I could. He groaned in pleasure as my five o'clock shadow was lightly scratching his tender ass cheeks. I continued to lick and suck at his hole.

Pulling my face back, it was dripping with my spit, his ass crack was sopping wet. I took my index finger and pushed it into his hole until his ass lips were around my knuckle. I made wide circles with my finger as I pulled it out. Once out I thrust it back in deep and repeated with circling it out. After a few repetitions I added my middle finger. He groaned and his ass muscles pulsed around my fingers. I kept the same pattern as before, but added my fingers spreading apart as they circled out. Each time they were all the way out, his pucker would gap a second or two before contracting.

I added a third finger and his groan was louder and longer. He took a moment and I heard him sniffing on some poppers. As I have said, I do not use them, but if my partner wants to use them they can. I could feel his body react to the poppers as his ass ring relaxed somewhat. The three fingers were not having any problem moving in and out. I pushed them back in and instead of making the wide circles, I turned my wrist and the trio of fingers pushed to widen out his hole. He groaned in appreciation. I added some lube to my fingers as I plunged them back in and turned my wrist to pull them out. The next plunge in, I vibrated my fingers up and down rapidly after I turned my wrist. His moan was loud and he thrust back his hips to get more of my fingers in him. He was breathing heavy at the stimulation, bucking his hips as I worked his ass muscles.

I pushed in all four of my fingers next thrust in. He moaned a 'yes, sir' as he held still trying to accomodate my pinky finger with the others. I knew this was stretching him out so for a while I just thrust in and pulled the fingers back out. When I felt some relaxation, I thrust the four fingers in and held them deep as I vibrated them. His groaning got louder again. I kept up the pattern for a few more times.

The next thrust of my fingers in, I held them deep and made a slow turn of my wrist. He was panting loudly and breathed an 'oh god' into the bed. I continued to turn my wrist until my fingers were vertical again, but with my thumb over his taint. I dropped my thumb down and pressed hard as I vibrated my fingers in his hole. The compression of his gland between my thumb and vibrating fingers was making his moan louder and his nub to twitch.

I added more lube to my hand and pushed it back in with my thumb down over his taint. I repeated the pressure on his taint and the vibrating fingers in his hole. He was groaning, then he paused to take a hit of the poppers. As his hole relaxed I slowly rotated my wrist around which rotated the four fingers from vertical to horizontal to vertical to horizontal (well mostly.) He was panting and moaning as I paused. I let him take a deep breath and then I rotated my wrist back until my thumb was over his left ass cheek and my fingers were horizontal. I paused my hand before I started to slide my fingers in and out of his stretched hole. He was moaning and shuddering as the fingers moved in and out of his ass lips.

It was so hot that my cock was starting to ache and was leaking down my cock shaft. I slowly pulled my four fingers out of his hole and marvelled at the time it took from his ass lips to close back up. I pushed my face in and gave it a quick kiss before I stood up.

I lined up my cock and just thrust balls deep in his prepped hole. He grunted as my pelvis slapped against his ass cheeks. He moaned an emotional 'yes, sir' into the mattress as I began to thrust in and out of his hole. It was a new sensation to feel his gaping ass lips begin to tighten around my cock shaft as I was pounding him. I gripped his hips and picked up my pace. The rimming and intro fisting had horned me up more than normal.

It was only a few minutes of pounding him deep that I felt the start of my first climax. I kept thrusting while trying to hold back, it was causing me a sweet pleasure/pain mix. I began to growl deep in my chest as I tried in vain to keep my cum from shooting. I could feel my balls churning and it felt like my cum was boiling as it slowly started to fill my cock. I was now bucking hard into his ass.

I shouted as I could no longer hold back. My cum was now spraying rope after rope of jizz deep in his hole. I continued to buck hard with each pulse of my cock planting my seed deeper each time.

"Yes, Sir! OH GOD! YES, SIR!" he started to yell as my climax crested and I pounded my full weight into his ass.

I was breathing hard and only paused a moment before I pulled back and started a steady pace of thrusting in and out. I knew that my cock was going to stay hard as I was that turned on. He was moaning again, now trying to reach back and hold his ass cheeks wide for me to get in deeper. I reached forward and pushed my hands down on his shoulders, tilting his chest forward and his ass up. I kept up a good pace, feeling my cock slip and slide in his chute with my cum as lube.

We were both moaning as I plunged in time and time again. I changed my positions a few times, moving the grip of my hands around on his body. He had pushed up on his hands and I ran my hands under his shirt and latched my fingers on his nipples. I tweaked and rubbed his nipples to hard points as I leaned forward and was long dicking his hole. I could feel his body respond to each pinch and tweak, his ass was quivering around my cock.

It had been about ten or so minutes from my first climax and I felt the tingles again. I pushed up and began a hard pumping action, holding his hips for stability. I was using enough force to slap my balls against his taint. I was quickly picking up my pace in thrusting. Again I felt a growl deep in my chest that mirrored how I reacted the first time. I rubbed one hand on his ass cheek and then swatted it. He cooed at the spanking. I shifted my left hand to push his lower back down and I used my right to strike his ass cheeks between my thrusting.

"Yes, Daddy! Spank me! Ohhh!" He was yelling as I continued to thrust and spank his ass.

I could feel his rounded flesh warm under my hand from the swats. I was getting so turned on. I gave him one more hard swat, which made him jump before I grabbed his hips again. I just concentrated on my thrusting into his hole. My full attention was on my cock ramming into his ass, time and time again.

My feet and toes suddenly tightened, my balls pulled up close to my body and I screamed. I thrust in thee more times before I started shooting my second load into his ass. I was aggressively pounding his ass as my cum was jetting from my cock into his chute. He was grunting to the rhythm of my pounding as I unloaded forcefully in him.

I finally came to rest deep in his ass after six or seven pulses of jizz were deposited. We were both breathing deeply as I recovered from my climax. I ground my hips into his ass a few times before I pulled my cum shiny, still hard cock from his ass. I patted his lightly as I walked to the end of the bed near his head.

I put my cock up to his blindfolded face. When it was near his lips, he sucked in my cock and began to clean the cum from my two loads off of it. I let him suck and lick the remains off for a minute before pulling my cock from his lips. He licked his lips to make sure he got all of the cum from my cock.

"Thank you, Sir." he said as I pulled my pants back up.

"You are welcome. Have some fun tonight." I answered as I made sure I was put together well enough to leave.

"I will, Sir." He replied.

I headed out the door and to my car. I got in and checked the bird app and he had already posted that he had two loads, who was next? I chuckled. He is a hot fuck for a cum dump. I liked using him because he knew what he was and what turned him on - servicing hot men.

As I drove home, I compared the three cum dumps that I had been using recently. The downtown one was fun as he was new to me. The mid-town one was nice as we made out before I bred him, but he was more needy than the others. The one by the river was the one that kept my cock plump and fueled my jackoff sessions if I could not find a volunteer for my cum. I was relaxed and my horns were sated for a while. It would not be long before I was ready to visit cum dump by the river again.

Next: Chapter 33

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