Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Mar 25, 2021


Thanks for reading my stories. Comments and questions are always welcome at These are real stories of my experiences: names and locations have been changed for the anonymity of those involved. This story involves intimate interactions between men over the age of 18. The story also invovles unprotected sex. Be smart: know your stats, be prepared, and get tested regularly.

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Finding Life 31 Cum Dump by the River - The videos

Hi Guys! Mace here, learning to live 'The Life'. I had really enjoyed playing with the cum dump I found on the hook up app. He had been added to my favorites and I tried to keep track of when he was on and when he would be hosting next. Just thinking about his ass makes my dick hard.

Due to my family situation I have to be very discreet in social media, I have to use my writing pseudonym on my email and the hook up app. I was on dump's profile and noticed that he had added a note to check out his twitter account for more details and videos. I was intrigued as I wanted more. So I set up a twitter account linked to my discreet email. Using the link from the hook up app made it easy to find his tweets.

Wow, I will be honest I am late to the game of twitter, but I instantly enjoyed it. I was able connect with my friendly cum dump and quickly several others. I was able to see that he posted more details in a live setting than on the hook up app. Clearly I was a fan. I was in luck that he posted that he would be open that night to receive visitors, in his words "blindfold on, ass up!" I checked my schedule and I could fit a stop by in.

I messaged him on the bird app to let him know that I would be coming by after work. He let me know that several guys had indicated that they were going to try and make it to see him as well. I replied that it was cool. Then I tried to work the last few hours of my job, rubbing my firm cock that would not go down. The office finally closed and I was ready to head that way. I sent a message and got on the road.

I arrived at his complex and sent the message that I was there. He quickly replied to come on in. I walked in and around to his bedroom, he was in position. I hummed in appreciation as I walked to the end of the bed and rubbed my hand over his ass cheek. He gave me a moan as I squeezed his ass. From the bird app feed I knew that I was the third to stop by that night, so rimming was not in the cards. I kicked off my shoes, undid my pants and tossed my jeans on the floor. I bend down and spread his ass cheeks apart, his pucker glistening in the low light with the previous guest's seed. I grabbed my cock and stroked it to life with one hand and the other I pushed a finger into the slicked hole.

"Yes, Sir!" dump muttered.

I pushed a second finger in and started to make big circles in dump's wet hole. He was moaning as my fingers began moving in and out. I pushed my fingers in deep and then flickered them, bouncing against his p-gland. He was pushing his hips backward to meet my hand. I pulled my fingers out and used them to slick up my hard cock.

Before I mounted him, I fished out my cell phone. From dump's bird app profile I saw that he had posted videos of being used. I was a little nervous about videoing for the normal reasons - size, duration, and in my case being recognized. I was horny and feeling bold, so I pulled up the camera feature and popped it over to video. Electronics at the ready, I slid my cock in dump's hole. I sighed as I pushed all the way in, dump gave an apprecitative moan. I started to rock my hips in and out in a steady stroke, his warm and wet hole being welcoming.

After a few minutes of thrusting I decided to try to make a video. I turn on the phone and hit record. The first attempt was a disaster, it was not showing any action, only my belly flexing. And no flash, so it was dark and muddy looking. Fiddling with it messed up my rhythm a bit. I refocused both my cock and the phone, then got back to working his hole.

Holding the phone with my other hand and aiming better, I started video number two. I was more confident and was pounding dump well, he was giving me sounds of encouragement as I pumped my cock in him. I moved the phone to shoot looking down from above, you could see my cock sliding in and out of his hole. With the flash you could see clearly as my cock head came out and then thrust back in multiple times. I cut the video after about 30 seconds. I closed the camera app and tossed the phone on my jeans.

Having accomplished that part, I redoubled my thrusting power into dump. He was bouncing now as I pounded hard into his hole. I pushed down on the small of his back and he tilted his hips up, smiling I was now plunging in at a new angle. My cock liked the change, the wet and slippery skin was rubbing the underside of my cock the full way in and out.

I could feel my first climax start to build. I let out a moan and grabbed his hips as I start thrusting faster in his hole. He is letting out a moan of his own at my change of pace and power. I lean forward and growl as my cock starts to shoot deep in his chute. I fill it with six or seven good ropes of cum before I pause a moment.

"Yes, Sir! Breed that hole." cum dump lustily said.

I give his ass a good swat, which makes his ass muscles twitch around my cock still in his ass. I am still hard and still horny, so I begin to rock my hips back and forth.

"Yes, Daddy. Breed me again." he cries out as I set a more rapid pace.

I had been thrusting now pretty hard into his ass for about five minutes. Sweat was flinging off of both of us. I was not sure if I was going to be able to shoot again. That was when I heard the front door open. I looked up while still thrusting away. I know that cum dump likes to be used by two when he can. I nod to the new guy.

The new guy was older than me, about four or five inches taller and slender. He comes into the room and nods back. Slim opens his jeans and fishes out his cock as he walks to where I am. In the dim light I am not able to see how big Slim's cock is. I pulled out of cum dump's ass and moved to let him in.

"You jerk this for me?" Slim asks as he holds his cock.

"Sure." I said as I reached over and grabbed Slim's cock.

Slim shuffles over behind cum dump's ass and gives it a few swats as I jack his filling cock. Slim has a nice piece, as it hardens it is close to six inches like mine but is thicker. Slim smiles at me and leans to me for a kiss as I help position his cock at cum dump's hole. As he thrusts in cum dump gives a grunt and continues as Slim starts a hard pounding pace.

Slim moves my hand up to his chest and places it on his nipple. I give his nipple a strong squeeze and Slim moans. Still leaning over we continue to kiss. Slim is thrusting a good pounding into cum dump who is moaning and groaning from the action.

After a few minutes of thrusting and us kissing, Slim starts to get close. He breaks our kiss and I move behind him reaching around to grab both of his nipples as he leans back to my chest. Slim's breath begins to get shallow, his thrusting gets faster. Then a hard series of grunts, Slim starts to pump his seed deep in cum dump's ass.

"Yes, Breed MY ASSS!" cum dump yells as Slim is filling his ass.

Slim bucks a few more times before he pulls his shiny cock out. I was fully hard again and the play with Slim gave me a breather that I needed. As Slim moved aside, I stepped up and plunged my cock deep into cum dump. Slim moves up behind me and reaches under my shirt to play with my nipples. I was very keyed up and my thrusting into cum dump was extremely hard.

Cum dump was grunting and groaning as I picked up my pounding pace. I could feel that my climax was going to be quick. It started to build and I began to growl deep in my register. As I got closer to exploding my growling became louder and higher in pitch. I lean forward holding cum dump's hips tight as I crest my climax. I yell out as I begin shooting in the cum slicked ass.

As I am pumping my seed deep in cum dump, Slim pulls up his pants, gives my ass a slap and heads out the door with a nod. I finished my thrusting with a last hard thrust in, circling my hips to push my cum in deep. Cum dump moans loudly as I rest a minute, savoring the tight ass pulsing my cock milking the rest of my load out.

"Fuck, that ass is good!" I whisper into dump's ear as I am draped over his back.

"Yes, Sir!" he moans in reply.

I pull my cock out and push two fingers in his gaping hole. Cum dump gives a happy moan as I quickly vibrate my fingers in him. I continue to jiggle my fingers as I use my thumb to press on his taint, putting pressure on his p-gland. Dump shutters in pleasure after a minute of play. I pull my fingers away and give his round cheeks a good swat.

"Damn fine ass indeed!" I say as I retrieve my jeans and phone.

I pull on my pants and tie my shoes. I walk over to the bed and give cum dump a hug and kiss his head before I head out.

"Thank you Sir!" he replies as I walk out of his room and then out the front door.

I get to my car and pull up the videos. Of course, I deleted the disastrous first video. I watch the second video. It is a hot action clip of my cock pushing in and out of his hole. I make sure you can not see any specific identifying markings that could link me specifically and was happy that I could not see any. I sent a private message to cum dump's bird account with the video. Quickly he replied that it was hot and thanks. He asked if I could share. I replied yes. He then said it looked like he could not post it on his feed as it was just in his private messages. I took a moment and then posted it on his feed as a tweet. As I was driving home, my phone kept getting notices of his followers commenting on the hot vid clip.

It had been several days since my last visit to cum dump's apartment. I was looking at my apps: the hook up one and the bird one, to see if I could find some fun on my way home again. I was in luck cum dump put out that he was taking loads, trying to get load 200 for the year (it was only early March). I shot him a message that I would see him shortly after 5. He instantly replied back that he would see me then.

I made the drive from work to his apartment horny and not sure what I might walk into. Like I said cum dump likes as many loads as possible, but does not want drama - just cum and go. I park and send a 'here' message as I walk to his front door. I go in and can hear someone is using the dump. I enter his bedroom and cum dump has a latin guy balls deep in his ass. Latin nods to me as I step up to cum dump's face. I drop my pants to my ankles and push my cock towards cum dump's mouth. He quickly sucks my cock in and starts to lick and suck on it. Latin leans over the dump's back and reaches over to play with my nipple through my shirt. I moan and smile.

"Are you married?" Latin whispers.

"Yes." I answer.

Latin then pulls me over to him and he kisses me while he is pounding into cum dump's hole. He is a few inches taller than I am, skinny and more hairy. His ass is covered in dark fur and it was flashing as he thrust in and out of the dump's hole. Latin pulled his cock, a hard and thick 6 1/2 incher out and guided my cock in. I begin thrusting in and cum dump realizes that we are tag teaming him. Latin is still kissing and nuzzling me as I am pounding into the dump. Latin reaches down and collects some of the cum that is on his cock, taking his finger he feeds me some of the previous guest's mix seed. He gets some more and sucks it off his own fingers. I go for a few minutes and pull out to have Latin replace me in cum dump's hole.

"Yes Sir! Oh! Yes Sirs!" cum dump is moaning over and over as we work to pound his hole.

Latin in steady pumping into cum dump's ass. I run my hands up and down Latin's back and ass. I then reach under and feel Latin's cock pushing in and out of cum dump's hole. Both men moan as I run my hand back and forth over their union. I run my hand down the cum soaked hole down to cum dump's cock and balls. Cum dump is wearing a chastity device, so I give it a good tug and play with his balls. Cum dump is groaning with pleasure of his ass being plowed and his nub being teased.

Latin leans over and whispers into cum dump's ear. Cum dump nods and pushes his phone into Latin's hand. Latin stands back up and opens the phone's camera app. Turning it on he starts a video. I am pulling my hand up from between their legs as Latin has slowed his pace and making long strokes in and out of cum dump's bussy. Latin pulls all the way out and has me push into dump's wet hole. I follow his long stroke method as Latin is still videoing us.

After a bit Latin stops the video and tosses the phone back up by cum dump's head. I pull out and let him back in the dump's entrance. As he pushes back in, Latin pushes my finger on top of his cock as it enters cum dump's hole. It goes in with his cock and cum dump moans. I pull out my finger and Latin and I share the cum that is on it. Latin leans to my ear.

"Are you clean?" Latin asks.

"Yes, I am DDF." I answer.

"Hot! Get behind me and let me on that cock." Latin says.

I move behind Latin as he is thrusting into dump's hole. My cock is hard and glistening with cum from dump's hole. Latin reaches back and positions my cock at his entrance. I step closer and as Latin pushes back making my cock head enter his hole. Latin moans and he begins quick thrusts in and out of cum dump's hole and back onto my cock. Latin leans forward some and I step up closer so more of my cock is moving in and out of Latin's ass. We go in for a few minutes, but I feel myself getting close and I want to breed cum dump.

I pull back out of Latin and squat down reaching my hand between Latin's legs. I begin to rub Latin's balls and shaft along with cum dump's taint and balls. Latin moans loudly and picks up his thrusting pace. I can tell he is getting close as well. With my other hand I rub along Latin's ass and back of his legs. Latin's breath gets shorter and he is pounding deep into cum dump's hole. Yelling out, Latin starts to shoot his cum deep into the chute. I can feel his balls pulse as I massage them. After depositing his load, Latin straightens up and pulls out. He gets some of his fresh cum on a finger and feeds it to me. I suck it clean.

I return to stand behind cum dump and begin pounding into him. Latin pulls his clothes on and slaps me on the ass as he leaves the bedroom and apartment. I had cooled down some, so I was thrusting hard into cum dump's pucker, bouncing off his round ass cheeks. I grab his hips and press my thumbs along his hip bones close to his spine. Dump moans loudly as I press my thumbs down and quickly pound his hole.

The bedroom is awash with moans and groans with slapping flesh. My balls were bouncing off his ass with each of my thrusts now. I could feel my climax start to build. Deep in my chest I begin a gravelly moan, in the next few thrusts I start to shoot my load. My body is quivering as my cum blasts deep in dump's ass as I growl with pleasure. I am still shaking as I do my final thrust, throwing my body on top of cum dump's.

"Thank you Sir!" cum dump whispers loudly.

I lean back and pull my cock from the gaping, wet hole. I reach down and wiggle the nub cage making cum dump groan. I push my fingers in again and vibrate them in his hole until his hips start to wiggle. I pull them out and give his ass a hard swat.

"Yes, Sir!" he lustily replies.

I clean up and pull my pants back up. I tossle his hair as I exit the room. I walk to my car and get ready to head home. I look at the bird app and see that cum dump had tweeted the tag team video between Latin and myself. It was hot and was getting a lot of comments from cum dump's followers. I was smiling all the way home, my cock was firming up again. Damn that ass is hot. I know I will breed that hole again. I smile as I see cum dump post later that he is now over his 200 load goal.

Next: Chapter 32

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