Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Feb 23, 2021


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Finding Life 30 Cum Dump by the River

Hi All! Mace here, just living my new life. I had been cruising our favorite app while driving around one afternoon and got a message from a guy nearby who was hosting at a hotel for a quick fuck and go. It has the usual door open, blindfold, ass up type of details on the profile. I had seen his profile a few times, but had never been available when he was. I took a chance as I was driving near his location and had the time - I am always horny. We text back and forth to confirm location and timing.

I arrived at a hotel, not the best but not the worst either. I had learned some things from some of my friends, if you walk with confidence and purpose then you can look like you belong. I got out of my car and headed for the stairs just like I was a patron of the semi-seedy hotel. I got to the room, with a brief knock on the door I entered. Closing the door behind me, locking it.

I see the guy on the bed. He is on all fours with his face towards the bed. His eyes are covered with a black eye mask and his ass was pointed upward. Other than his eye mask he was naked. His profile had him at about my height and within 15 pounds of my weight. That appeared accurate, his hair was dark brown almost back, his skin fair and lightly covered in the dark hair.

I walked up to the bed, reaching down to feel his ass cheeks. His crack appeared to be trimmed, as the hairs were short and not wild. He shivered as my hand rubbed up and down on both cheeks. He let out a little moan as my fingers rubbed over his crack. I give his ass cheek a little swat, he moans and lifts his ass up in response.

"Nice, hole." I say in a quiet voice, his response is to wiggle his ass at me.

I kick off my shoes and drop my jeans, stepping out of them. I am commando as usual, but I am not fully hard yet. I walk up behind him, running my hands up and down from his back to his ass. I lean over and drape my body on top of his, grinding my plumping cock in his crack. My cock was not fully hard yet.

"Let me get you hard." He requests.

I pull off his body and walk to the side of the bed that is closest to his face. I push my cock towards his mouth. He pushes his face into my crotch and pulls my cock in his mouth. He starts bobbing his head back and forth on my cock which is swiftly firming up. I rest my hand on his head as he blows my cock, making slurping noises. I let my head fall back as my hips start to pump in and out of his mouth. We continue for a minute or so, then he pulls his head off my spit soaked, fully hard cock.

"Fuck me, please." He requests.

I pat his head as I walk around to get behind him. Again I swat his ass cheek and get a lusty sigh. I slap my hard cock on his crack, pulling my hips back and pushing up and down. I pull my cock down so my cock head is resting right on his pucker. Pointing it inward, I push forward sliding all the way in him. He makes a cross between a moan and a grunt as my trimmed pubes come to a rest on his ass lips. I rotate my hips in a circle and push in deeper, grinding against him. He moans more loudly.

I pull my chest up and grab his hips. I slide my cock back so only the cock head is still in him before thrusting hard into his ass. He gives a little squeal that turns into a moan as I continue with the long dicking motion. He grunted with each hard impact, but started muttering things like: 'Oh Daddy!' 'Fill Me With That Cock!' 'Gawd, What A Dick!'

With the next plunge in, I stayed deep and circled my hips again. He moaned into the mattress as I stretched him out. I resumed pounding his ass, but not pausing and hard thrusting as before. I kept increasing my pace, my groin was slapping into his rounded ass. I leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders to give more force to my thrusts. He was muttering again, but this time he was incoherent.

I felt my climax starting to build. I increased the power of my thrusting as well as the speed. He was groaning in the steadily increasing thrusting pattern rhythm. I was trying to hold back as long as I could, the sweet pain of delay. Then with a grunt, I started to shoot my load deep in him. The speed and power of my thrusting were causing loud slapping sounds as I pumped seed and grunted. After five or six hard thrust, I made a final push unsettling his position. We both fell forward on the bed, my cock pumping the last of the load deep in his chute.

We laid there for a few minutes while we recovered our breathing. I pulled my cock out of his ass, glancing down it was slimy with my cum. I noticed on the nightstand there were paper towels. I stood up and wiped my cock clean. I started to get dressed.

When I had put back on my shoes and was ready to go, I glanced over to the bed. He had repositioned himself, readying for the next guy. I walked over and slapped his ass.

"Nice, fucking ass! We will definitely have to do this again." I said as I leaned down next to his ear.

"Yes, Sir!" He replied.

After that meeting, I moved him to my favorites and kept a closer watch on his availability. It was about a week later that I saw that he would be open for visitors starting at 6 that evening, but he might be opening up early. I sent him a message about 5 to say I could head towards his apartment if he was open. He replied back quickly that would be fine, I would be his first for the evening. With that I left for his apartment.

I pulled into the parking lot and quickly found his apartment, the door was unlocked so I went in. He had the tv on in the front room with sports on, his post said he would be on the bed, so I turned to find the bedroom. I stepped in and he was again blindfolded and ass up. I ran my hand from his neck down to his ass, which I gave a playful swat. I started to take off my shoes and jeans.  

I came up behind him and laid my cock in his crack. Leaning over his body with mine, I asked if I was the first one in a whisper. He replied that I was. I knew that he would have been cleaned out, so I slid my body down until I was on my knees beside the bed. I grabbed an ass cheek in each hand and pulled them apart. He gasped for air as my tongue touched his pucker.

"Oh FUCK YES!!!" he yelled into the bed as I began to lick his crack.

I dove in with my face knowing that my 5 o'clock shadow would work on his sensitive skin. He was writing and moaning as my tongue and face worked his hole. I licked all around and then into his pucker, that was gaping from my stretching his open. I started to lap and lick all the little hairs down, wetting his entrance. He moaned again when my tongue pierced his pucker and pushed inside. His body was vibrating from the pleasure.

"Oh Gawd, Fuck Me! Please!" He hoarsely whispered over his shoulder.  

I pulled my face away with a few last wetting licks of his hole. I stood up and lined my cock up behind him. I spit on the head of my cock as it rested right at his opening. I heard him moan, which got louder as I pushed. I continued until my pubes brushed his ass, then I slammed my hips forward, bouncing him on my cock.

I started to long dick him again, this time pulling all the way out before thrusting balls deep each time. His grunty squeal was a turn-on for me. I kept this up for seven or eight thrusts. I then thrust deep and left my cock buried. I leaned over his body laying my chest on his back. Then I snaked my arms under his shoulders and I began to thrust in and out of his hole. My cock was rubbing at a different angle and he was moaning with each stroke in. I moved my mouth up near his ear, opening my lips I began to lick and nibble on his ear. I felt a shiver of excitement run through his body as I continued to play with his ear as I fucked him.

I lifted my torso up and changed my position again. My hands went from his shoulder blades to his chest. Moving then in carefully, I was able to put both of his nippled between my fingertips. I started to tweak and pinch his nipples. He cried out as I played with one, then the other, and sometimes both together. His ass tightened with each twitch of his body from the nipple play. It was massaging my cock nicely.

I felt my climax building, I leaned forward again placing my chest on his back as I pumped my cock in and out. I continued to play with his nipples which was still sending massaging twitches to his ass. I start to moan as I feel my climax build, I thrust with more intent. I yell out as my cock starts to spew out ropes of cum in his ass. I feel my cock pulse eight or nine times before I exhaustedly drop my full weight on his body.

I begin nuzzling his neck and ear, licking into nooks and crevices. My cock is still mostly hard. I decided one climax is not enough. I start to rock my hips forward and back. He moans under me as I start back up. After several thrusts back in, I push up holding on to his shoulders. Now I am able to pull his body back to meet mine in the thrusts. He groans as I forcefully slam our bodies together, pushing my cock deeper into his chute - cum soaked as it was. The bedroom is now filled with slapping, slurping and grunting noises as I resume a fast pace.

I tilt back and hold onto his hips as I pound into his sloppy hole. He is moaning into the mattress again. My balls are now slapping his ass hard with each thrust. I reach a hand under and grip his balls and leaking cock. He groans as I squeeze them while I pump into him. Each little squeeze makes him tighten his ass muscles around my cock. I rub his nub a few more times before I release it and focus on pounding his ass.

I work my hands forward walking them down his back. I push his shoulders down into the bed, making his hips tilt up higher. He moans as this has my cock hitting his gland with each thrust. He is now trying to force his ass back onto my cock. The bed is squeaking loudly as our combined efforts are becoming erratic. He starts to pulse his ass muscles on my cock as I thrust in and pull out. Through his grunts he is moaning loudly, working my cock hard.

I cried out again as I missed my signs to try and delay my climax. I begin pumping more seed into his ass. He feels the hot cum splash in him and he begins his own climax. His body is twitching around my cock as it pumps jets of cum in him. After several more blasts I collapse down on his back again. We are both breathing hard.

I only rest a few moments before I pull my cock out as I stand up. He is still recovering as I clean up and pull my jeans and shoes on. He has positioned himself to be ready, I take my index finger and push it into his puffy hole filled with my two loads. I swirl my finger around coating it with my cum. I pull it out and he gives a slight moan. I lean over and kiss his cheek, then push my cum soaked finger in his mouth. He swallows and swirls his tongue around my finger getting it clean.

"Until next time." I tell him.

"Yes, Sir. You are a stud!" he replies, smacking his lips.

It was about two and a half weeks later when I saw that he was opening up for visitors. I arranged my schedule to drive across town to his apartment. I messaged him to let him know I was on the way. His reply said that was fine. On the way there he sent me another message, another guy was there, but to just come in when I arrived. I replied back a thumbs up.

About five minutes later, I pulled in the parking lot and found a place near his apartment. I sent him a quick 'here' message. I walked to his apartment door, it was unlocked so I walked in. As I looked in the bedroom, he was in position and a tall skinny guy was taking him from behind. This was my first time with this guy in a group setting and I was not sure what he was comfortable with. I dropped my coat on his couch and then stood in the doorway and I started rubbing my cock through my jeans. It was hot seeing him being serviced by another guy. My cock started to firm up watching the skinny guy pound into him.  

I was about ready to walk in and join them, when the skinny guy grunted softly shooting his load. Skinny guy pulled out and shoved his cock back in his jeans as he walked out of the bedroom. I gave him a head nod as he left. I walked in the bedroom, again running my hand down his back and swatted his ass.

"Did he just breed you?" I asked as I walked behind him. "Yes. There may be others coming in too." He replied.

"That is hot!" I said as was rubbing his ass.

Since I did not know who he may have been breeding him already, I was not going to rim him. I did slide my finger down his crack, teasing his hole. I pushed my finger in and he moaned as I began to slide it back and forth. My other hand reached down and felt up his crotch. His balls and nub were out of his jock pouch. He moaned more loudly as I worked his ass with my finger and began to fondle his balls, teasing his dick. He was wiggling his hips back at me as I worked. His dick was soft but leaking, I stoked it a few times which increased his moaning volume.

I stood up and dropped my jeans down to my ankles and used my cock to slap his ass cheeks. I was plenty hard from watching the skinny guy and then the playing I did with his hole and nub. I looked closer on his ass and there were three hash marks. On the bedside table there was a sharpie and lube.

"Three guys already?" I asked as I rubbed my cock up and down his crack.

"Four." he replied as I pushed my cock head in. He went on, "Lube on the table."

I reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube. As I slicked up, I picked up the marker and made two more hash marks on his ass. He wiggled his ass more as I set the marker down. I returned and lined up my slicked cock. With a firm push I went in balls deep, staying put and grinding my hips in a circle. He grunted when I entered, but when I started circling he was moaning again. I reached down and under to play with his balls and leaking nub. He started shaking with the sensation.

I pulled back, cock coming out and then rammed it back in with hard thrusts. As I repeated this several times, he was whimpering and moaning the whole time. I buried my cock deep and then bent over his back, grabbing his shoulders as I began to plunge in and out of him with some force. He was muttering: oh yes, gawd yes, fuck me, harder... I angled my head closer to his and licked his ear. I could feel a shiver run through his body. Reaching under his chest, I grabbed his pecs and began to squeeze them hard as I pounded his ass.

My balls were whacking into his crack with each forceful pound. My moaning was matching his as I could feel my climax build. I leaned back, moving my grip to his hips. I picked up speed as I was holding back my climax as long as I could. He clenched his ass muscles as I was pulling out, that created the final sensation that I needed, my climax started. I yelled and pounded five solid jets of cum in his cum filled ass. A squelching sound occured as I made my final thrust and pumped the last few jets of cum in him.  

Breathing hard, I stood holding tight to his hips, feeling my cock swimming in my cum in his ass. I was still mostly hard and his ass was now gripping and releasing on my cock. I leaned back and swatted one of his ass cheeks, to which he moaned. I started back with a nice, slow thrusting motion into his ass. My cock was swelling back up to full thickness with each stroke in. I would reach under and play with his balls, once when doing so I reached forward and started to jack his cock. He was cooing at the slippery jacking I was giving him.

After about five minutes of pumping steadily into his ass, we heard the front door open. A new guy with a jacket over a grey hoodie and jeans walked in. He was darker complected and wearing a mask so I could not tell much about him. I focused on pounding the ass in front of me. Hoodie walked behind me to drop his jacket. I was not sure what he had planned as my naked ass was thrusting into the cum dump.  

Hoodie walked back around and came close to the dump's face. Hoodie opened his jeans and pulled out a semi hard cock. It was dusky colored and a bit thicker than mine. He pushed it into the mouth of the dump, who began slurping and licking on it. The focus of my eyes was now on the cock being blown in front of me while I fucked the dump's ass. I was starting to build my climax but it kept building and retreating as I changed my fucking speed and power.

The Hoodie decided to start mouth fucking the dump. I let him set a pace and then I matched my thrust forward with his. This was exciting for all three of us, each of us were moaning with our motions. I could feel that my cycle was going back down from a potential climax after we spit roasted the cum dump for several minutes. The dump had been sucking and then rubbing his face against Hoodie's cock.

"You want his ass?" I inquired to Hoodie who was still thrusting into the cum dump's mouth.

"Yea." Hoodie replied in a husky voice.

I pulled my cock out of the dump's ass and gave it a swat which he rewarded with an ass wiggle. Hoodie and I traded places. Hoodie grabbed the dump by the hips and thrust in hard, bodies slapping together. I lifted my knee up on the bed and positioned my cock at the dump's mouth. He sucked it in and began to bob. Being on this side of the spit roast was exciting too, Hooding would slam in hard and it would bounce the dump to have to throat more of my cock and shaft.

Hoodie was starting to speed up, so the bouncing of my cock added with the tongue and suction of the dump's mouth were bringing me close. Sooner than I thought, I felt my balls rise up and start to pump my second load directly into the dump's mouth. I gripped the back of his head and thrust my cock in and out as my cum sprayed his throat. He was making sucking and smacking noises as I fed him the load. I pulled my cock back and his lips sucked the rest of my cum off.

Stepping back I was breathing heavy. I bent down and pulled up my jeans enough to walk into the front room where my coat was. I looked over to see that Hoodie was pounding away with frantic motions. He was mostly quiet, only the dump making moaning sounds. I finished tucking my undershirt in and zipping up my jeans when Hoodie came walking out of the bedroom, already zipped up and went out the door. I grabbed my coat and went back into the bedroom.

"He cum in you too?" I asked.

"Yes." he replied, still breathing heavy.

I looked and Hoodie did not add a hash mark, so I went and marked it for him. That made 6 total. I made sure to give the dump a harder swat to the ass as I walked out. He whimpered and then moaned as I rubbed his ass and flicked his puffy pucker with a finger.

"This was fun." I told him as I walked to the door of the bedroom.

"Yeah, it was," he replied, still a little breathless.

I headed out of the apartment and to my car. I checked my phone and I saw a message from the dump come through.

"Did you come in." he sent.

I replied "Yes, breed you a load and then fed you one after the flip flop spit roasting."

He replied back, "I thought so, thanks that was hot."

"Agreed, until next time." I sent and then headed home.

My cock was starting to swell again, but I had to let it be even though I wanted to go back and fuck the dump another time. I had plans and could not spend any more time here. Shaking my head and rubbing my crotch thinking that was a hot time.

Next: Chapter 31

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