Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Nov 18, 2019


Thanks for Reading my story. Comments and questions are welcome at These are a collection of real life events with the names and locations changed for anonymity of those involved. This particular story involves flashbacks of predatory grooming by a pedophile. While not violent, it may trigger some. Please be advised. Nifty provides these stories for our enjoyment, please consider donating below.



Finding Life

Chapter 3

Alex's Bed - Gateway to Discovery.

I lay face down on the bed, my head buried in a pillow, my body thrasing at the expert tongue lashing I was receiving from Alex. I continued to moan and twitch as his tongue attacked my tight pucker. He pulls my ass cheeks wider and moves his face closer as he moves his turgid tongue in and out of my hole like a little cock. I am sweating and start to pant as he digs in deeper still, I feel his scruffy face against my tender cheeks. To myself, "God this is hot!"

"Mace, this is the tightest pucker I have rimmed!" Alex said excitedly.

Suddenly my body stiffens and all my reactions pause.

I am flashing back to the summer between my eighth and ninth grade year. I had had a rough year in school as I hated doing busy work and most classes in Junior High were revolving around repetition as the main method of subject retention. The saving grace for my grades were the quizzes and tests - daily work suffered. By the end of the year I was getting the hang of finding the right balance of work to keep my grades up and my dad and step-mom off my back.

The reward was to ship me off for a month or so to a older couple who had been friends of the family since before I was born.

They lived across the state, having moved away from my birth city due to Rob's work. Rob and Pam Udall were at this time a early sixties couple. They never had children of their own, but had rather adopted our family as we called them aunt and uncle. When my mother was pregnant with me, she worked in the same building as Pam. My father had taken a security job in the building as well, they both got to know Pam as they interacted with her several times a day. They had even moved into the same trailer park when a space became open and started to attend the same church. My early life always had memories of interactions with my aunt and uncle. Even after my parents divorce and my brother and I moving away with my mother back to her hometown, we still kept in touch.

Many years had past and my brother and I decided to move back to my birth city to live with my dad as we had been living with my grandmother for a while just before I entered sixth grade. My dad had met a lady and remarried while I was in seventh grade and now spent more time with her than he did with my brother and I. As I did not participate in sports at the time, my summer between junior high and high school was going to be shuttling between home and my brother's baseball games. Apparently there had been a conversation between uncle Rob and my dad and it was decided I could go keep aunt company during the day as she was retired on disability and Uncle Rob worked as a mechanic with long hours.

I was going through puberty and was coming to terms with my liquid sexuality, not knowing at the time that I was more bi than straight. A chance to get some time away sounded like fun. As term ended at school, I packed my bags and was driven to a halfway point between cities by my dad and stepmom. We met Uncle Rob and Aunt Pam there, we transferred my bags and off we went. The town they lived was a college town with pretty scenery.

In my head I was thinking I would be laying out tanning while college kids would just be walking by. In reality it was an older trailer park with little to no other pre-teens to meet, let alone college kids just strolling by.

A daily pattern of getting up, drinking some coffee (well more creamer and sugar than coffee, but coffee to me), helping make breakfast, playing cards, watching tv or reading with Aunt Pam. Uncle Rob would come home on his lunch break and eat, then would head back leaving us to do more of the same. Evenings Uncle Rob would come home, get cleaned up and take us out to eat. I enjoyed being doted on as eating out was only for special occasions with my very thrifty dad and stepmom. Weekends would be spent with Uncle Rob taking time to teach me to tie fishing flies, and talking about cars - not my favorite things to do, but still one-on-one time with an male adult I felt special.

One weekend Uncle Rob was the on-call mechanic for his shop and got called in late afternoon on Saturday. Aunt Pam was feeling a bit tired and was going to lie down for a nap. Uncle Rob suggested that I come with him for the call. I went along taking a book to read while he would be working. We arrived at the shop and Uncle Rob took care of the customer's issues, it was several hours since we got there and he had finished.

It was dark by the time we left and we loaded into Uncle Rob's truck. He always made small talk while we drove, I usually just nodded along, but tonight his comments had been more sexually charged... "look at the chest on that one." "I would pound that beaver." etc, etc. This was out of the ordinary for what he usually said, but most times we were with Aunt Pam. This was really the first time I was in the truck with him alone.

"Why don't you slide over next to me?" Uncle Rob said as he was driving. He patted the center of the bench seat in the truck.

"OK" I replied. I unbuckled my seatbelt and slide over next to him, he put his arm around my shoulder. Uncle Rob did not usually make demands and I did not think anything of it. From the time I had arrived at his house, Uncle Rob had been making efforts to be close to me physically - sitting behind and reaching over while tying fishing flies, sitting on the same side of the booths at the resturants. Each time, he was casual about it, but it became more and more contact.

Arm still around my shoulder, he hugged me closer to his body. Uncle Rob was never a looker in his day but he had a solid body from a lifetime of working as a mechanic. He was about 5'11", a bit of a beer belly, strong arms and hands that were always with a slight tinge of dark color due to oil and grease residue. He always used a Brill hair cream on his thinning hair, that coupled with the Pall Mall cigarette smoke and Old Spice cologne were the components of his scent. Tonight that was coupled with the overpowering dankness of his sweat from his working on the vehicle.

"I think that you and I have a special relationship." Uncle Rob started, hand and arm gripping me closer. He glanced over at me and went on, "I think that it is time that we shared some more. Something that is even more special. I know that it is what you need and I do too."

I nodded along, not really sure what to say at this point. I did not pull away, but felt a special glow that he wanted to spend time with me.

He pulled his arm back to his side, but then lifted my hand from my side to rest on his thigh. He then moved his hand to my thigh. I was not sure what to do, but then Uncle Rob gripped my thigh and started to move it slowly higher on my leg. As it was summer time, I was wearing slightly loose shorts that were cut pretty high - I liked my legs and wanted to show them off. His hand was on my bare skin when he started, as he moved higher he continued to slide it on the bare skin pushing up the leg of my shorts. He would squeeze my thigh and inch higer as he continued to drive.

When his hand was almost to my crotch, we were at a stop light. He reached down and moved my hand right on top of his crotch. My hand had not moved, I had squeezed back, but was too nervous to do anything else. Now I felt his hard cock under his work pants, it throbbed as the weight of my hand was placed on it. By reflex I gripped it. Uncle Rob's hand now covered my hard kid dick. At 13 I was just starting to grow, hard it may have been 3 1/2 inches long. With the touching, it was already hard and I moaned when his hand settled on it. The truck started moving again as the light turned green.

Up to this point the only hard dicks I had touched belonged to my brother and cousins when we were messing around like all boys do. We had jacked, sucked and fucked each other with our tiny dicks - all while considering ourselves to be straight. The hard dick under my hand now had to be 5 or 6 inches long and thick enough that my small hand had barely fit around it while coved in Uncle Rob's work pants.

I looked around at this point to see if anyone could see what we were doing in the truck. I noticed that we were not headed in the direction I was familiar with to get back to the trailer park. Uncle Rob seem to notice that I was paying attention to my surroundings.

"We are going for a little ride." He said softly, I could just barely hear it over the radio. "I let Aunt Pam know that it would take us just a little longer with this job." When he said the word job he squeezed my boy dick. It caused me to moan again.

"I wish we had more time to let you really ride me. You are just what I need." Uncle Rob said in a breathy manner while we drove on, "I bet you would really squeal if it stuck it in you here."

I was taken aback, never had an adult ever talked like that around me much less to me. Also I had never been handled like he was holding me now either. It crossed my mind that this was strange, but my body short circuited my mind. His hand was lightly stroking my hard dick.

"You know that I trust you a lot to be doing this with you, right?" he said as he looked at me. Not knowing what to do I nodded. "This is the type of thing that only special people do with one another." He continued talking and rubbing.

The pleasure was getting almost too much for me. Uncle Rob started to realize that I was getting close to shooting off. He backed off on the pressure and stoking. He moved his hand from my dick and placed on top of my hand on his dick. He started stoking himself with my hand, putting the combined pressure against his cock. We continued this for some time. All I could pay attention to was the heat radiating from his hard member - even through his pants. He must have edged himself like this for about 20 more minutes, my hand sandwiched between his.

"Damn, I really need to blow, but that will have to wait." He said, "Remeber this is just our special time, no one has to know about it."

Again I just nodded. He released my hand and placed it back to my side. He arm moved back around he as he pulled me in close. I was conflicted, but still kept quiet. I began to notice that we were in a familiar part of town, back on the route I knew to get to the trailer park. We pull up to the trailer and see the kitchen light on - letting us know that Aunt Pam was up from her nap.

"Remember, not a word." He commanded as we exited the truck. I silently followed him in to the trailer. The smell of food hit us from the door as Aunt Pam was pulling dinner from the oven.

The next few days it went back to as it was before our trip to the shop. I was confused and conflicted, as I was not sure what I had done was OK. My body seemed to have responded and I could not get the images and feelings out of my mind. I think I had a semi most of the time, not unusual for a teen just that I had the extra sensory memories to make it more often.

About a week before I was to head back to home. Aunt Pam scraped her calf on the bicycle peddle, causing her to have to be taken to the doctor. It had not caused much damage, but it was a deep scrape and would require some additional rest and some medication to help her sleep. We had our instructions on her care and got her home. An early supper at a resturant on the way home from the doctors office was had so no need for cooking.

"I am ready for my medicine and for sleep." Aunt Pam said as she was starting to feel the effects of the in office pain killers wear off. Uncle Rob got her squared away and headed her to bed. It was still early evening, we had been out most of the day first riding bicyles and then having to direclty to the doctor's office. I still had some dust on my legs from the day's activities.

"Why don't you take a bath now." Uncle Rob tells me, "When I am done with Aunt Pam I will get in." He had come straight from the shop and had not had a chance to clean up before the doctors visit and then dinner.

I headed to the bedroom that I used and grabbed a clean t-shirt and sweat pants that I would sleep in. I wandered into the bathroom and took my bath. The trailer was old and the bathroom was original, it had years of oil and grease traces that were built up from years of baths. You could never scour it enough at this point to restore the tub to the original ivory color. The smell of bathroom products was very strongly of Uncle Rob's hair creme and Old Spice cologne and the ever pervasive cigarette smoke. I quickly finished up and headed toward the living room.

Uncle Rob finished settling Aunt Pam and had headed into the bathroom. From the living room I could hear the water start to run. The bathroom door opened and Uncle Rob headed toward the living room.

"Why don't you pull the hide-a-bed out and pick out a movie to watch." He instructed me, "We can lounge out to which ever one you choose." He went back to the bathroom to bathe.

I did as instructed. The bed was easy to pull out. It gave more room to sit and watch the tv as the living room was small and the furniture had to be arranged to fit in but did not give good viewing vantages. I picked out a comedy and got is set up in the VCR.

I had just queued up the movie past the coming soon items and Uncle Rob came in. He was wearing an old t-shirt and some loose jean cut-off shorts. Hair still damp he sat down on the edge of the pull out. You could smell the fresh soap smell and Old Spice. He scooted back up towards the head of the bed and patted the spot next to him for me to come up and sit. The move got started and I leaned towards Uncle Rob as his arm pulled me in. His hand was stroking my side, going from shoulder to hip in an slow, almost hypnotizing manner. He managed to get me to angle my body on my side. His strokes then continued down my hip and butt.

"This is nice for us to have our special time together." He whispered in my ear. With that he moved my hand to rest on his hardon that was covered by his jean shorts. He returned to stoke me, but focused more on just my butt. Moving his hand closer and closer to my crack through my sweatpants fabric.

I let out a moan as his fingers grazed my hole. I was hardening up with my boy cock pressing up against Uncle Rob's leg. My hand reflexively gripped his cock below my hand.

He lifted up my shirt and put his hand down the waist of my sweatpants. His rough hands tracing again closer to my crack. The textured fingers found the crack and grazed down to tease my pucker. My hips were writhing at the attention to my hole. My body was surrendering to his minstrations.

He moved down the pull out and slide me along with him. At the foot of the bed he grabbed the waistband of my sweatpants and pulled them off. My boy cock sprung up and hit my belly, it was dripping pre-cum. He gave my balls a light tug and then flipped me over and spread my legs. With his hands he gripped my ass cheeks to spead them open. This exposed my tight hole. He leaned in and took a long sniff, then flicked his tongue out.

I flinched as I felt the hot and wet intruder to my hole. He began to work his tongue around my hole, flexing it against my tight pucker. My body started to quake as he continued to work my hole. As it started to loosen, I felt the tongue push in hole like a little cock. My shaking increased as the sensations increased. Soon the tongue was replaced with a finger. He was working one pushing it in. I felt my hole grip down on it as he forced it back and forth. Slowly it relaxed and was starting to open up.

"Mace, this is the tightest pucker I have rimmed!" Uncle Rob exclaimed as he sat up. One finger was still fucking my ass. "I think that is time for us to become closer still."

With that he removed his finger and moved under to feel my hard cock. He gave it a quick stoke and grabbed my balls again.

"Stay right here, I will be right back" He ordered. He got up and headed back down the hall towards the bathroom. He returned shortly with a jar of petroleum jelly. He set it down on the pull out bed and then proceeded to open his fly to the jean cutoffs. He lowered his shorts and leaned over onto the bed. He opened the jar and smeared some of the product on his fingers. Then he thrust his fingers into his exposed ass, coating his hole.

I had not seen an adult do this and was rooted to the spot not knowing what was going on. I had fooled around with my brother and cousins, but it was nothing like this.

He finished coating his hole and called me over. "Here put some of this on your dick." he ordered, "We are going to be closer yet. This is something very special."

I put jelly on my cock as instructed. He then guided me to his upturned ass.

Looking back, "Now I need you to put it in me. You know how to do that right?" he said, "This will make us special friends."

I kind of nodded. He pulled me closer and tried to line me up. At that I pushed down my dick and aimed it towards his hole. Being that is was my first time on an adult I did not know what to expect. My dick entered his slicked hole. He grunted as I pushed my 3 1/2 inch prong in him. My body responded to what was natural, I started thrusting in and out of his hole. It was only about a minute or two and I felt my cock start to explode. I thrust hard and burried my boy dick as far as it would go.

After I caught my breath, Uncle Rob pushed back and stood up. "Just a minute and I will return." He said, "It felt good didn't it?"

Too stunned to do much else, I nodded. He went back down to the bathroom. This time he returned with a towel. He handed it to me to wipe my dick of the dribbled cum and petroleum jelly.

"Now I need to share with you to be closer friends." He advised as pushed me onto the bed and then flipped me over. With my ass exposed he reached over to the jar and coated his fingers again. This time he took the finger and put it in my ass. Coating around the hole and in it as he pushed his finger in and out. He then reached back in the jar and got more. Returning his hand he used it to coat his hard cock that was jutting out.

I looked over my shoulder and could not believe that he was kneeling with his 6 inch hard cock, coating it to be placed in me. I had come to that conclusion, but had no way to stop it. He set the jar aside and wiped his hands on the towel. He pulled me back with my legs just off the bed and spread them open to expose my pucker. He forced his cock down and moved it up and down my crack. He toyed around with his cock head at the entrance of my hole. The careful play down there still had it somewhat relaxed. I felt his cock head start to push forward. I tried to move away, but he grabbed my hips and pinned them in place.

With me imobilized, he pushed further in. He pushed with slow but steady force. He made it about 3/4 of the way in and my tight hole would not allow he any further. He pulled back slightly and then returned it back, his dick only going about half an inch further. He held on to my his as he started a slow fuck. I felt him lean over me as he worked his dick in and out of my hole. The pain I was experiencing was starting to relax and I moaned out.

I felt betrayed by my body, but it was getting exited as he continued on. I started to get hard again, much to my disgust. I felt guilty for my reaction.

He continued his thrusts in and out of me, careful not to push past where I could handle. His breath started to get rushed and his pace picked up. He did one harder push into me and I felt his dick pulse several time as he unloaded his seed in me.

Having gotten what he was after he pulled out with plop sound. He grabbed the towel and wiped his dick and then my sore ass.

"Now we are the most special of friends. Friends like this do not tell others what we do." He said softly but forcefully, "That is for us to share only." He got up and picked up his shorts. After he put them on he collected the towel and jar and headed back to the bathroom.

"You need to get dressed now." He ordered, "And remember not a word. Now go to sleep."

I pulled my sweatpant back on. I was not sure what I would do. How could I have let myself get to this place? What would happen if I told someone? Would they have even believed that I did not want it to happen, as I fucked him first? I lay there tossing and turning quietly for hours.

I awoke the next morning having finally dozed off. I was sore and kind of scared. It was just a few days until I was to return home. I hoped that I did not have to do anything more. I was so conflicted.

The next couple of days went by, I helped Aunt Pam as she healed up. I was able to stay with her and reduce the alone time I would have with Uncle Rob. There were no additional meetings for us to grow as more 'special' friends.

The trip back to meet my dad & step mother for the pass off was uneventful. Life seemed to return to normal. I just had a dark secret of shame and guilt.

As the years went on, I blocked out more and more of that trip. Until I had just hazy memories of my indiscretion. As a college student I came to realize that I had been a victim of a very smooth pedophile who excelled in grooming. I had some of my memories come back while in conference break out sessions of sexual abuse victims. Still I did have my complete memories and emotions from that experience. I had only told my future spouse that I had realized I had been victimized.

Flash forward to me frozen on Alex's bed. He instantly stopped when he noticed my reaction. "What is it? Are you hurt?" Alex inquired, "Have I done something wrong?" Clearly he was freaked out by my reaction.

Slowly I was acclimating to the rush of my victimized experience. Tears start to roll down my face. Alex looks up at my tears, he sits up and collects me in his arms. A look of concern, but he is reassured as I begin to relax in the circle of his strong arms. He just holds me as I sob. In about 15 minutes I have calmed down to start to talk. I pull my head up from Alex's chest, with tears still in my eyes I kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you for your strength & support just now." I share with him, "let me tell you what happened. You did nothing wrong."

I relate that his comment had been a release of a capstone of repressed memories from my childhood. I shared the details of my summer with Uncle Rob. He held me close as I related the experience and my feelings of loss and hopelessness. He sobbed with me as I told him of my sense of worthlessness from being used. "You are so strong. " Alex relayed to me after having let me pour out my heart & story. "I don't think I could have survived that to be honest."

"I'm not sure how well I did, but thank you for letting me talk it out." I told him as I cuddled into his warmth.

We did not do anything else thst night but hold each other. That was what I needed that night. Alex became more than just a friend that night. He became the patriot for my heart and gave me the confidence to fully heal. Many years after this connection we shared, I learned that Alex had passed away from a random seizure. I watched as friends shared their feelings and memories of our massage friend Alex. He was well loved and he loved back as much as he received. We may have gone out of each other's daily lives, but I think we were as close as brothers from our time together.

Rest in Peace my friend Alex!

PS This is part of my life story. I have only changed names and kept locations to protect those involved. I learned after my memories came fully back that my aggressor had died an old, broken and lonely old man. He had separated from his wife and had passed almost penniless in a seedy hotel know to be frequented by cheap prostitutes. I never had a chance to address him for the wrongs he caused me. It makes me hyper vigilant to watch for child predators now.

If you or someone you know has been a victim, please contact the National Sexual Assault telephone line at 800.656.HOPE (4673) to talk with a trained staff member from an agency in your local area.


Next: Chapter 4

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