Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Dec 14, 2020


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Finding Life 28 Sensitive Ginger

Hi All! Mace here spending my time trying to have a good time. About a year ago I was on my favorite gay hook up app(won't mention the name - it gets enough credit as is.) I was prowling before my lunch break at work. I had a five day load in me and was having problems staying focused at work. My usual FWB were either busy or out of town. So far it has been all chat with no plan for action. I was getting more and more horned up and still no place to let off steam.

A message popped up with a picture. In the picture it showed a tall white guy with red hair. I will be honest, I have a thing for redheads. There are things that I will do for gingers that others would miss out on. Anyway, the description was fairly basic, listing that he was a white bottom only and was 6'2". The message was something like, hey stud ready for an anon bottom. I'm big, but I can host. In my horned up state and him being a ginger, I replied cool, available at 1, what part of town?. He quickly responded back with his address and that 1 would work. I sent a thumbs up and said will let you know when I leave to head your way.

My lunchtime rolled up and I was ready to go. I sent my text and then headed to the house of his address. It was only about 10 minutes away in drive time and I was pulling up in front of the house in no time. I headed to the door and knocked. The door opened to a tall, fair skinned man with red hair. He had a trimmed beard and mustache in the same red as his hair. He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He had a towel around his shoulders and his hair was wet from a shower. My ginger host did mention that he was a bigger guy, but he was larger than I expected.

Now to be clear, I do not have anything against larger guys. I have been with more than a few that were over 100 lbs more than me. It just caught me off guard that he was closer to 150 lbs more than me.

He ushered me in the front room as he closed the door and then led me to the bedroom. The room was sparsely decorated and the mattress and box springs were on the floor. He placed the towel on a side table and turned towards me. We came together and started to kiss, he was leaning down for our faces to meet, as he was about 7 inches taller than I was. I wrapped my arms around his chest and pulled him closer to my body. He made a small squeak and I held on to him.

Our lips were pressed together and our tongues were passing in between each other's mouths. Even though he was taller and bigger, he was deferring to me in the kiss. I was now moving my tongue more forcefully in and around his mouth. I reached one hand up and used it to pull his head in closer to mine. He whimpers and sighs as I bring us together. We kiss for about five minutes or so.

Our kiss broke and he is standing in my arms and is breathing heavy. His eyes are looking lustfully at me and his hands start to move up and down my torso. I am not skinny, as I sport more of a dad bod, but in his embrace I felt like a twink.

"Oh my god, you are a stud." he exclaimed breathlessly. "I want to see more of you."

I smiled as I pulled back and stepped away from him. I like being called a stud, so in a sexy way I begin to undress. I pull my polo up and over my head, exposing my chest with trimmed body hair. I toss the shirt aside as I kick off my shoes. I go to reach for my belt on my jeans when he steps up and starts to undo them for me. He pats the front of my jeans and rubs along my semi-hard cock. I reach out and touch his chest as he continues to undo my jeans.

When my hand brushes against his nipple through his shirt, he whimpers again. As my finger circles around his nipple lightly he moans. He puts more effort into opening my jeans. My belt opens and he unzips them, I am semi hard from the kissing and touching so my cock is ready. He looked down and realized that I am going commando. He hums in pleasure before he looks back up with a smile.

"Damn stud! No underwear. That is so sexy." He said as goes down to his knees in front of me.

I smiled back and he turned his attention down to my crotch. His hands open my jeans up the rest of the way and he tugs them down. My cock juts out as the fabric clears them. He licks his lips and then bites his lip. He pushes my jeans down to my ankles, urging me to lift each foot to remove them. He pulled the jeans off and tossed them by my shirt.

Now I am standing in just socked feet, my cock pointing straight out and the bearded ginger is staring lustily at my cock as he kneels in front of me. My cock bounces with my heart beat as he continues to look at it. He runs his hands up my legs towards my hips as he tips his head forward. Pausing with his lips parted, his breath is blowing across my cock head. I shiver as he takes my cock in his mouth, he closes his lips around my shaft and sucks.

I lower my hand to his ginger haired head, brushing his ear as I do. He whimpers again and shivers. The vibrations in his mouth add to the feeling of his hot mouth and tongue on my cock. I move my finger over and trace around his ear as he moves his head down my shaft. The whimpers and moans increase as I play with his ear, running my finger tip over the ridges and lobe. He cries out, mouth still around my cock, as my finger dips into the ear canal.

He starts to bob his head up and down on my cock. His lips and tongue are sucking and rubbing from the base by my balls all the way to the tip of my cock head. I rest my hand on his head, playing with his hair and occasionally brushing his ear. Each time I brush his ear he lets out a sound: moan, whimper or cry. The vibrations from his noises caress my cock in his mouth.

The ginger guy continues to bob his head on my cock, but he now is letting his hands roam over my lower body. He touches my legs, knees, thighs, hips and my ass. He does not venture towards my ass crack, but does grip each globe tightly as he pulls me harder into his face. I hold the back of his head and start to thrust in and out of his waiting mouth. I feel his ginger beard brush my pelvis as I thrust away, it tickles.

I am now pounding my cock into the ginger's face. My balls are slapping his chin and being tickled by his beard. The ginger has moved his hands to the back of my thighs as I pump away, just to help anchor himself. As my pace picks up, I move a hand towards the ginger's ear and begin stroking it. The ginger is moaning loudly now at my assault on his mouth and his ear. I use his moaning which is opening his throat more to punch deeper in with my cock.

I gasp for air as my cock head pushes into his throat. The ginger hums as my cock head in deeply and it massages my cock sending sparks of energy to my core. I pull back and punch my hips forward, pulling the ginger's head in closer. My cock is plunging in and out of his throat as I thrust. The ginger is doing well at giving head and deep throating me so no gagging.

I feel my climax building, my pounding force increases. Now the ginger is starting to gag here and there as my pace increases as well. Moving one hand directly behind his head, the other slides over to the ginger's ear. I start to push the pinky finger in and out of his ear canal in rhythm with the pumping in and out of his mouth.

Had my cock not been deep in his throat he would have squealed. As it was his throat was opening and closing on my cock head and shaft with extra massaging vibrations. The added stimulation and friction were enough for me to crest.

I begin to grunt as I pump four or five hot ropes of cum right down the ginger's throat. I release my firm grip and let my cock pull back into his mouth for the last blasts of cum to fill it up. As my cock finishes it's spasms, I leave it resting on the ginger's tongue as he is swallowing the load in his mouth.

He closes his lips and sucks up my shaft as he pulls his mouth off my cock. I look down to his spit soaked face and puffy lips to see a bright smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He uses his tongue to lick his lips and then my cock head to retrieve any cum left behind. Satisfied he rocks back on his heels and then stands up.

We embrace as he stands, our lips meeting up. I can taste traces of my cum in his mouth as our tongues pass between each other's mouths. I reach down and stroke his chest and the ginger coos as my fingers brush his erect nipples. We continue for a few minutes making out, me almost fully nude and the ginger still in t-shirt and shorts.

Breaking our kiss, "I want you to fuck me. Please I need it badly." the ginger pleads with some urgency.

"OK, but we need to get you ready." I tell him.

He nods his head. I reach down and lift up his shirt. As the shirt comes off his torso I get to see his almost smooth body. He has furry red hair on his chest and pits. His upper back has a thick coating of the fine red hair as well. I reach out and bring my hands to his chest. Looking into his eyes, I brush my fingertips over his nipples. He lidded his eyes in delight as he whined and moaned from the touch. I lightly tease the nips and he continues to make horny noises.

The ginger reaches down and hooks his thumbs in his shorts, as they clear his hips they drop to the floor. He steps out of them and takes a few steps towards the bed. He reaches out and holds one of my hands, leading me to the bed. He sits down on the bed and lays back into the pillows, reclining to look up at me.

I smile at him as I come onto the mattress and climb up his body. I am able to see that he has a small hard cock poking up from between the folds of his skin. I reached towards his cocklet, but he moved my hand up his body to his nipple. I take his lead and move both my hands to his nipples as I lay my body on top of his. My cock is swiftly hardening again as we lay and play on the bed.

With my body covering over his, I resume kissing the ginger. I let my hands explore over his body. I know that his ears and nipples are sensitive enough to cause him to react strongly, but I wanted to see if he had other spots. I lift one of his arms up and let my fingers brush his pit. Again he gives a little squeak. I move my hand down his side, past his hips and to his thighs. It was when I was tracing a finger behind his knee that he gave me another moan and squeal.

I then started to tease his sensitive areas in a random pattern. He was cooing, moaning, and squealing as I continued. The ginger is writhing under me as I move from place to place. My cock is getting hard again from both of our movements. I lean forward and plant my lips on his in hot kiss as I continue to frot my cock against him. He moans in my mouth again.

I break the kiss and turn his head to the side, then I place little kisses over his cheek and jaw. When I make it to his ear, I use my tongue to trace around the outside of the ear. His moan turns into a shrill whine as I circle the ear. When my tongue starts to trace the inner ear, the ginger starts to pant hard and his whine is now staccato with his panting. As my tongue lightly pushes into the ear canal he cries out in passion and his body is vibrating. I pull my tongue out and blow warm air over his moist ear. He almost shrieks and is trembling more.

"Please stud, you have to fuck me. I need this in my ass so bad." The ginger said as he stroked my hard cock.

"Ok, roll over." I tell him as I pull back to my knees next to him.

The ginger turns his body over and I look at the red fur on his upper back that tapers down to a fine dusting as he reaches his ass cheeks. He reaches over to the side of the mattress and pulls out some lube. He squirts some on his hand that quickly goes to coat his hole. He then reaches out the lubed hand for my cock. I shuffled on my knees to get closer. He lubes my cock from the base of my shaft up to the tip.

"Keep one leg straight down and pull up one knee to the side." I instruct the ginger.

He quickly moves into position. I straddle his leg that is straight down and move forward to bring my cock close to his crack. I line up my cock and swipe it up and down his crack slowly. He is cooing and it gets louder when my cock head is directly over his pucker entrance.

I lean more forward and feel my cock head become enveloped in his outer ass lips. The ginger moans loudly as I slowly inch my cock into his pucker. His ass walls are hot and tight around my cock. He cries out as I feel my cock pass through his inner ring and my pelvis is resting tightly at his ass crack. I pause to let him get used to my thickness.

As the ginger's panting slows down and he is more accustomed to my size, I begin to pulse my cock inside of him by tightening my pelvic floor. As my cock is throbbing deep in his bowels he is moaning and cooing in reaction, that intensifies as I start to grind my hips forward.

I lean my chest forward and drop my head down, opening my mouth and flicking my tongue in and out of his ear canal. The ginger squeals loudly and his ass muscles grip and release and grip my cock again. I blow on his ear to hear another squeal as I prepare for more.

I push my torso back up and slide my knees on either side of his downward stretched leg. With a hand on his shoulder and the other on his upward stretched knee, I slid my cock out and then pushed it back in deep in his ass. He gives me a high pitched grunt with each thrust in. I continue pulling out a bit more each time before thrusting home until I have just my cock head in his ass lips.

I pause here and pulse my cock head, the ginger moans as my cock is flexing his ass lips and first ring. He tries to push his hips up or back to get more of my cock back inside him, but I move as he does to further tease him. I take a calming breath and then I throw my full weight behind my downward thrust.

"YES!!!!!" the ginger shrieks as I am now long dicking his ass with full force.

I use my grip on his shoulder and hip to anchor on and pull tighter into his ass with each plunge. The ginger was moaning and crying as our bodies were slapping in a fast, hard pace. I could feel his ass muscles grip and clamp on my cock with each thrust. The ginger was now moaning wordlessly that was only punctuated with grunts when I slammed home.

I continue to thrust in and out of the ginger to his moans and sighs. I moved my hand that had been on his shoulder up to the back of his head, pushing it into his pillow. The ginger's ass tilted up with the change and my cock was punching deeper with each plunge. I turned his head sideways and moved my finger to his ear.

As my finger caressed his ear lobe, the ginger shrieks in pleasure. His body shudders and his ass muscles quake around my cock. I begin to play in earnest with his ear to the ginger's continued shrieks and cries. The clamping of his ass muscles brings me closer to my climax.

I wet my finger and then trace the wet tip around his outer ear before I dip it in his ear canal. The ginger's volume of shrieks increases and his body is shaking as if he is having an orgasm. The intensity of his body's reactions push me beyond holding back. I start to pound my cock in and out of his quivering ass faster and faster.

"OH FUCK YES!!!!" I yell as the first volley of cum shoots deep in the ginger's body.

"OH YES! OH YES! GIVE IT TO MEEEE!" The ginger cries as he feels the boiling hot cum enter his chute.

I am thrashing my hips against his fair ass cheeks, slapping our bodies together as I pump six or seven ropes of my jizz into his hole. The ginger's ass rings and clamping and milking the cum out of my cock. With my final thrust I slam by body against the ginger's with a grunt. My cock still plunged in, I lay my body against the ginger's back.

My face is next to the ginger's head, I nuzzle my lips along his neck. He starts to coo and moan. I hug my arms around his chest and snake one hand to his nipple. The ginger gasps for air as my fingers begin to tighten on his swiftly hardening nip point. I run my chin over his neck, lightly scraping with my five o'clock shadow. The ginger is moaning again as my lips touch his ear. My tongue flicks out and caresses the ginger's ear, his body reacts as he lets out a sexual squeal.

I tease and play with the ginger's body, causing him to moan, squeal, gasp, shriek and groan. My cock is still buried in his hole and the quaking and shaking of his body is bringing me back to full hardness. I add grinding my hips into his ass with my play. The ginger is panting and breathing hard as I rub, suck, kiss, grind and flick parts of his body.

"Oh my God!" the ginger moans as I start to move my cock back and forth.

My cock is sliding easily in and out of his ass with the cum from my climax. I would thrust in and then grind my hips around before I would pull back. My fingers and mouth were still stimulating the ginger's body as I was fucking his ass. The ginger's body was shivering and shuddering as the stimulation increased.

"Let me get on my knees. I want you to pound my ass." The ginger requested in a breathy voice.

I lifted my body from his back, my cock dislodged with a pop. The ginger sighed huskily. He pushed himself up on all fours and crawled down to the edge of the mattress with his ass hanging out. He then dropped his chest and shoulders to the bed, tilting his ass up and out.

I stood up and stretched my arms up high as the ginger turned his head to look at me. My cock was jutting out, cum slicked. I walked around to his exposed ass crack, his pucker was puffy and red. I gripped my cock and slid it up and down his crack. The ginger cooed. I pulled my hips back and swung them side to side, making my hard cock slap his ass. The ginger started to whimper as I teased his crack with my shaft.

I swung my flattened hand and slapped the ginger's ass cheek. He squealed. His ass flesh had rippled from the swat and an outline of my hand was now starting to show. I placed my cock shaft in his crack and rested it there. I swung my other hand and slapped his other ass cheek. The ginger responded the same and he let out an earthy moan.

"Oh Daddy! I have been a bad boy!" the ginger sighed huskily.

My cock still resting in his crack, I swat the ginger's ass cheeks on alternate sides. The ginger's ass cheeks now had several hand prints tattooed on them. He was squealing and panting as the swatting continued. The ginger's fair flesh was feeling warm to my palms as I rubbed both cheeks and then pushed them to envelope my resting cock shaft.

"Oh Daddy, fuck that crack." The ginger cried, "Fuck that hole Daddy. Fill me up."

I had started to slide my cock in between the pushed together ass cheeks. My cock head was sliding over and across his pucker with each stroke. The ginger was reduced to moans again as my cock teased his crack.

I released my hold on his ass cheeks and they opened his crack up wide. I lined up my cock head at his pucker entrance. The ginger started panting in anticipation. I moved forward and my cock head pushed through the first ring. I then grabbed the ginger's meaty hips and with a rush, plunged my cock balls deep in his ass. The ginger howled as my tool pillaged his hole.

My body was slapping hard against the ginger's upturned ass. My grip kept him from sliding forward on the bed as I pummelled into him. The ginger was crying and grunting as I picked up my pace. I slightly pivoted my hips as I thrust in the ginger's ass, stretching his ass lips and pounding less worked areas in his ass.

My balls were now slapping his ass in a hard and fast rhythm. I was breathing heavy as I tightened my grip and pounded harder. I was grunting and sweating as I railed the swat warmed ass cheeks with my pelvis, raking my cock deeper in his hole. I could feel the twinges of my climax start to build.

I released my grip on one of the ginger's hips and brought my flattened hand down in a hard swat onto the ginger's already reddened ass cheek. The ginger shrieked and his body quivered in response. The tightening of his ass muscles around my cock were bringing me closer. I then used the free hand to swat the other ass cheek to a similar response.

I continued to swat the ginger's ass as I plowed into it. The ginger was reduced to mumbling and slobbering into the mattress. His body was still convulsing after each swat, causing a delicious friction on my thrusting cock. I felt my balls start to tighten and lift. I stopped swatting and renewed my firm grip on the ginger's hips.

I was piledriving my cock in and out of the ginger's hole when my climax crested. I shouted as my thrusting cock was shooting my second load of cum deep in the ginger's hole. The force of my thrusting was pushing his body more and more forward. As my five jets of cum splashed his insides, the ginger's knees slipped and he fell forward to the bed. I was swept with him and my final thrust lodged my pulsing cock head deeper in his chute.

I was now laying on top of the ginger's back, dick still twitching as any movement of his ass muscles were sending energy shocks throughout my body. I just layed there with my cock embedded as my breathing returned to normal. The exertion had tapped my energy and I could not get up or pull out for several minutes.

"Damn Stud. I have not been plowed like that in quite some time." The ginger sighed. "My ass is on fire, but I have never felt more satisfied. That was awesome."

"Glad you enjoyed it." I chuckled, "As you can tell I enjoyed it as well."

We both chuckled at that. My cock had relaxed and softened. As it slid out of the ginger's hole a trail of cum leaked out and down to his balls. I rolled over onto my back on the bed still catching my breath.

The ginger reached back and scooped up the leaking cum from his ass. He then rolled onto his back and gripped his cocklet with the cum slicked hand. The ginger started stroking his small, hard cock with his fist. I reached over and started tracing his ear with my finger and leaned my face over and sucked on a nipple. The ginger's fist started pounding faster as he moaned and sweaked from my playing.

The ginger's body started to quake as he furiously pounded his little meat. His breath got shorter and shorter as he continued. With a high pitched cry he started to shoot three ropes of cum from his cock. The small load coated his belly and hand as he slowed down his wanking. Finally he released his cock and dropped back flat on the mattress.

We stayed there cuddling for several minutes before either of us moved. Our heads were next to each other and we kissed in a slow, relaxed pace. My hands lazily traced over his body, getting little pips when I went over one of his sensitive spots. I glanced at the clock on the dresser and sighed.

"I have to get going." I said as I broke our kiss.

I disengaged and stood up while the ginger rolled to his side and watched me. I pulled my clothes together and started getting dressed. I looked over to him still staring as I pulled on my shirt and stepped into my jeans. I tucked my cock in and did my belt before pulling on socks and shoes.

"Damn I am spent. I think I will come back here and nap." The ginger said as he got up from the bed.

He pulled his t-shirt over his head and then stepped into his athletic shorts. I was finished getting dressed and had checked my pockets to make sure nothing had fallen out. We smiled at each other as I walked towards the front door.

"I will want to see you again, Stud. That was hot." The ginger said as he gently rubbed his ass cheeks. "I think I will have to nap on my belly."

I chuckled, "That may be so, those cheeks are very rosy. We will have to make this happen again." I replied.

We exchanged a brief peck of a kiss and a hug before I headed to my car and back to work. I smiled as I drove away. That was a good fuck and damn I do have a thing for gingers.

Next: Chapter 29

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