Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Aug 17, 2020


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Finding Life


Orals Week

Hi All! Mace here, living the life as I can. This had been a crazy week at my work, the end of the month and end of my business' fiscal year. I needed to blow off steam like no other, just to keep sane. I decided that I would try the hook up app to see if I could find some distractions during my lunches.

I pulled the app up on Tuesday and got a hit from a red headed bear looking. We chatted back and forth during the morning and decided to meet up at my lunch time. His apartment was only a few miles away, so when it was time, I headed that way after sending a text. He gave me the final address and parking details as I was en route.  

It only took a few minutes to reach his apartment, park and head towards his door. A few flights of stairs later, I was knocking on his door. He opens the door and I get a look at him as I enter. He is about 6'2", husky, red hair was covered by a backwards baseball cap. He was wearing a tank top and some athletic shorts. He smiles as he welcomes me in.

I step in after greeting him. He locks the door and turns back to me. We both smile and come together and start to make out. He hugs me close and bends his neck down some so our faces can meet. We kiss and our lips open to allow each other's tongues to trade back and forth.

My hands roam up and down his body while our tongues are locked. I let my hands drift from his neck, down his spine, to rest on his athletic short covered ass. I would pull him in closer in a tight hug, he would moan into my mouth as we made out.

Still standing together in a tight hug and with active tongues in a deep kiss, my cock was swiftly getting hard and straining the denim fabric of my jeans. I ground my hips forward as I pulled his ass in closer. He was rubbing my back and arms, trying to rub my chest.  

I am feeling flushed with heat and want his hands over my chest and back. I break our kiss and lean back, reaching down I grab the hem of my shirt and pull it off quickly. A button pops off of the polo style shirt at the aggressive manner in which I ripped it off my body. I toss the shirt to the floor and reach out to embrace the red headed guy. Our lips meet again and we resume deep kissing.  

His hands are now rubbing my bare flesh, touching my arms, chest, back, and nipples. I raise an arm and he traces his fingers from my wrist down to my armpit. He traces around the trimmed pit hair before moving to my chest and centering on my nipple. I began to moan in his mouth when his fingers brushed my pit, but it intensified as he moved his fingers central and began teasing my nipple.

My other arm was hugging him close and feeling his back and all over his ass. Both of our hips were grinding together, I could feel his smaller hard cock brush against my straining cock. His hand moved down from my nipple to rub my abs and then brushed my cock and the small wet spot from pre-cum. I moan and grind into his hand. He strokes my cock through the denim some more, before he slides his hands over to my belt.

I lean back to allow him to open my belt and then the button of my jeans. His fingers grab the zipper and pull it down, his hand pushes against my shaft as my cock is positioned to the side. He slips his hand in and grabs my cock out, giving it a few strokes. I decided that I did not want my jeans on so I stepped back and hooked my thumbs in the waistband to lower them off my hips and ass.  

As I am stepping out of my jeans, I kick off my shoes. I lay the jeans down on my shirt on the floor. I turn towards the younger man and snag his athletic shorts, yanking them down. Like me he was going commando, so after the elastic waistband cleared his hips, they slid to the floor. He stepped out of them, now in just his tank top and ball cap. I am in just socks as we join back together and kiss.

My hands now are able to run against his bare skin as I slipped my hand up the back of his tank top and then ran my hand down to his bare ass. I squeeze his ass with both hands and pull him in tight as I grind our cocks together. He is hard, but only about 4 inches long. He gasps out as my 6 inch prick pushes against his member. I pull us tighter and and sucking and bite his tongue as we kiss harder.  

We have made out standing up for almost 15 minutes by this time. Both of our hands are exploring naked man flesh. I can feel that I am dripping pre-cum and it is being smeared over his body in our grinding. He pulls his head back and looks in my eyes.

"Sit in the chair, please Sir." the redhead asks.

I look behind me and see an armchair. I move over to it with him in tow. I lower myself to the seat, but slide my hips almost to the edge of the chair allowing my back and chest to lean back. He sinks to his knees between my spread legs. Looking up at my face he grabs my hard, bouncing cock and holds it still. Lowering his face he leans down with an open mouth and laps some of the dripping pre-cum from my cock head.  

I moan and close my eyes as his lips seal around my cock head. I feel his tongue swirl around my cock in his mouth. Slowly he pushes his lips further down my shaft, brushing his tongue on the underside of my cock as he goes down. He does not stop until his nose is buried in my trimmed pubes. He rests his lips there while he begins to suck on my hard cock in his mouth.

The redhead starts to bob his head on my cock, in small movements and sliding up higher each time. Just as he has just my cock head in his lips, he lets it pop out and lets his tongue lick up and down on my dick shaft. On a downward lick, he drops his mouth lower and licks my balls. I moan louder as he sucks in each ball and slobbers on it.

He has returned his mouth back up to my cock head, letting just the tip in his mouth he sucks and licks around just the head. I feel that I am starting to get close as he resumes bobbing his head up and down. My breathing starts to get shallow and my body has started to tense up.

"I'm getting close." I pant, "Do you want to swallow?"

He does not say anything, tilting his head back and looking up to my eyes, he smiles. His sucking increases in pressure and his tongue is fluttering all over my cock. I start to raise my hips off the chair, pushing my cock deeper in his mouth. My breath started to gasp as I was just on the edge of letting go.

"Oh shit! Here it comes!" I yell, "I'm cumming!"

My cock begins to pulse as ropes of cum jet out and in his mouth. I moan loudly as he sucks down my shooting cum. My body is shaking and twitching as the last jets of cum shoot out. He is still bobbing on my cock, causing my body to twitch more frequently.

"Can you go for another?" He asks as he lifts his head off my sensitive dick.

"I usually can shoot a few times." I reply. Looking at my watch, "I have some more time before I have to be back."

He smiles and then drops his face back over my cock. He lowers his lips and starts to suck again. My cock is still hard and with the small break I am just relaxing as he bobs up and down. I reach a hand over to my chest and tease a nipple, a moan breaks from my lips. He looks up and then moves a hand up to my other nipple. The combined work on my nipples and his excellent head skills were bringing my second climax along.

He switched to taking my cock all the way in his mouth and then forcing his face hard into my crotch. This was making my cock head slip into his throat. Sounds of pleasure were leaking out of me. He lifted my hand from my chest and placed it on the back of his hat covered head. He continued to deep throat my dick, with my hand on his head I was pushing it further down, sliding more of my cock in his throat. His hand still on my nipple and my hand forcing his head down on my cock were both making me get closer.

I whimpered as he handled my balls with his free hand. He kept rubbing, pulling and teasing them while my dick was punching in and out of his throat. I felt the tingling feeling start to curl my toes, my breathing changed and my body flushed. I moved both my hands onto the back of his head and I forced his face closer to my now thrusting cock. I yelled as I felt my second climax build low in my body and then fling out of my cock. I held his head tight as I positioned into his throat, not really pulling back enough to come out of it.  

The ropes of my cum were searing down his throat now. I grunted and thrust my hips into his face several more times before I was finished. My cock was now super sensitive again, I released my grip on his head and lowered my hips. He gasped for air but still kept my cock in his mouth.

Slowly he started to lick and clean my cock and balls. He made sure that there was not any residual cum suck to my dick. As he lifted his head up, I reached forward and pulled him up to my chest. I could feel his heavy breathing against my chest before I lowered my face to a kiss. It was hot and slow kissing, I sucked on his tongue and lips tasting some of myself on him. We continued until both our breathing was closer to normal.

He broke our kiss and looked up at me with a smile on his puffy red lips. He rocked back on his heels and then stood up. Offering me a hand up, he pulled me to him in a big hug. We kissed for a minute or so longer, not as rushed or passionate as before, but very nice.

Glancing at the clock, I knew I had to get after it to make it back to work on time. I gripped his body tight in a last hug before I dressed. We seperated and I pulled on my jeans and my polo shirt (with a missing button). I had leaned down to tie my shoes as he was collecting himself as well, he had pulled on his athletic shorts.

I came to him with a brief hug and kiss. We were both smiling.

"We will do this again sometime?" I inquired as I stepped toward the door.

"I would like that." He replied with a smile. He closed the door as I headed to my car.

We traded a few chats back and forth and told each other we would see if we could set up another meeting. In the chats he told me his name, Terry. Truly a great guy.

Later the same week, I need to get out during my lunch time. Terry was busy as were my other friends who I would meet up with for fun. I turned to the hookup app to try my luck again. I had struck out on meeting anyone until Friday rolled around.

A guy, Jim, that I had chatted with several times, but never had been able to connect with was taking a half a day off work. He would be available to meet up during my late lunch time. We were both excited that we would finally get to meet up. He sent his address with gate code so I could get in and we agreed on the timing.

As I was headed to the car, I sent him a text to let him know that I was on the way. He lived a little bit further from work than I usually preferred, but I had stayed late several days and had some extra time to flex during my lunch time today. I was on the way quickly and pulled into his complex's parking lot. I entered his gate code and headed to the correct building.

I texted that I was here as I parked in an open space. I walked up the stairs to the second floor and quickly found his unit. I knocked and was greeted by Jim. True to his profile he was a few years older than I was, about 5'11", similar to me in frame and build. His head was trimmed very close, he had tanned skin, twinkling light blue eyes and a great smile. Jim was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He welcomed me in with a hug.

Jim led us back to a bedroom. The shades were drawn, but still allowed a glow of diffused light. It was a king size bed with a soft blanket over the sheets and quilt. He ushered me in and then closed the door. He was aware that I was on a time frame, so he started to remove his shirt and shorts. I watched him as I stripped of my shirt, kicked out of my running shoes and started to undo my belt.

After I undid my belt, Jim stepped closer and rubbed a hand over my swiftly hardening cock in my jeans. I made a pleased murmuring sound as he explored. Then he undid the button and lowered the zipper of my jeans. Tugging the jeans down off my hips, he lowered himself to slide them down my legs. My cock flopped out as it cleared the jeans. Jim chuckled and gave my cock a quick lick while he helped me step out of my jeans. Laying the jeans over where my shoes were, Jim stood up and pressed our bodies together.

As we pulled together in a deep hug, I noticed that Jim fully tanned except for a brief outline of a square cut swimsuit, but even that was not fully white. His body hair was sparse and was very light in color. His pubes were trimmed and darker brown. His cock was plumped and looked to be about 4 inches long at that point.

I looked at his face and we met in a kiss. We were standing next to the bed, embraced in a hug as we kissed. Our hands were exploring each other's body. I felt his hands run up and down my back, then down to cup each ass cheek when he pulled us closer together, grinding our cocks together. I allowed my hands to run from the top of his closely trimmed head down to his ears. As I traced in and around his ears he moaned in my mouth as we were still kissing passionately.

I slid my hands down from his ears to his chest when I snake in to find his nipple. Jim's moaning got louder as my fingers played and tweaked with his nipple. I let my other hand slide down to grab a handful of his tight ass, pulling him in close again. Jim's hands were rubbing and massaging my back and shoulders lightly as we continued to kiss and I played with his ass and nipple.

"Come up here with me." Jim said as he broke our kiss and crawled up on the bed.  

Jim moved to the center of the bed and laid on his side. I got on the bed and worked my way towards him. I used my free hand to trace my fingers lightly up his body, swirled them around each nipple before letting my hand rest on the back of his neck. My face moved from his abs up to his nipples as I used my tongue to tease and lick. I briefly latched on to his nipple and sucked.

"Oh fuck! I like that!" Jim said in a husky voice, "Come up here with that tongue and those hot lips."

I flicked my tongue over the nipple in my mouth, causing Jim to shiver. Then I licked from the nipple, up his chest to his throat, going over his chin before sealing my mouth to his for a deep kiss. Jim's hands were rubbing my chest and my nipples. It was my turn to moan as he squeezed and flicked them into hard points.

Jim rolled us over so I was on my back. He broke our kiss and started to move his lips down my chest. He only briefly flicked my hard pointed nipples as he continued down my chest and stomach. Jim's hands trailed down my sides as he moved, when he got to my hips he reached over and held my cock, stroking it.

"I am looking forward to this. I love your cock, it has a nice shape and it is sensitive." Jim said and chuckled when my body shivered when his finger traced around my cock head.

I drew in a breath as Jim leaned his head over my cock and sucked it in his mouth. He pulled back up and licked just the head, getting the few drops of pre-cum. He smacked his lips together tasting my sweet essence. Taking his tongue he proceeded to lick around my cock head again and then up and down my shaft. I laid my head back and relaxed as he started to suck my dick.

Jim continued to use his lips and tongue to slurp and slide up and down my dick. He moved to be between my legs, pushing them wider open to allow his body to rest. The next time he moved his lips down my cock he went all the way to the base, I could feel my cock head brush the entrance to his throat. I moaned when I felt the throat opening.

I dropped my hand down to stroke Jim's head as he bobbed up and down. Jim bobbed his head lower and held it still. I started to pump my hips upward, moving my cock between his lips and over his tongue. Jim dropped a hand down and was playing with my balls as I maneuvered my cock in and out of his mouth.

When I had pushed in, Jim lowered his head and I felt my cock right at the entrance to his throat. I pulled out just an inch before pushing back up, Jim met my thrust up with a push down, popping my cock head into his tight throat. We continued just popping the head in and out of his throat. It was starting to get me closer.

I could feel my body start to tense as a flush was racing through me. I took a tighter grip on Jim's head and on the next thrust in I pushed in deeper to his throat. I maintained my grip on his head and I forcefully began thrusting in and just barely out of his throat. There was a sloppy wet, gagging sound as I was punching in and out.

My toes tightened and curled, with a grunt I began to pump my load directly down to his belly. Jim kept down as the first few ropes of cum spewed down his throat. In my climax, my hands let off the back of Jim's head and he pulled back so the last ropes of cum spurted into his mouth. Jim held my cock resting in his mouth as I twitched and settled with my climax.

Jim crawled up my body into a hug. Our faces met and we shared a kiss. I could still taste some of my cum in his mouth. I let my hands go down his body, I reach his hard cock I begin to stroke and play with it. Jim shifted for us to be side by side, he reached his hand down and fondled my cock as well. Jim sits up some and spits into his hand and returns to jacking my cock. He then pulls my hand away from his cock and spits on my hand, returning it to his cock.

Both of our hands are sliding up and down each other's cock. Rhythms vary, strokes change, grips move around. I feel the build up starting again, I moan slightly. Our eyes meet while our hands are pounding away. I see a misty look in his eyes as his jaw opens and he is moaning steadily. I pick up the pace of the jacking of his cock, he matches my change.  

"Close!" I whisper horsely.

"Me, too!" Jim answers.

I feel Jim's body stiffen and then he is shooting his load. The first jet of cum hits his neck, then the others splash on his chest and belly. He issues a happy groan.

When I felt his hot cum hit my arm, it pushed me over the edge. I start shooting my second climax. I cover my chest and belly with my smaller load, since Jim had sucked the first one from me. We both lay back, spent with sticky chests. Our breathing returns to normal as we continue to lay side by side.

"I needed that. It is hot that you can shoot twice in such a short time frame." Jim said as he looked at my face.

"Yea, sometimes it can be a curse. I stay hard for quite a while." I replied.

Jim got up and slid off the bed. He reached and got a towel and began to wipe up my chest, belly and still firm cock. Gripping my cock through the towel, he chuckled as I was still hard. Mostly dried up now, I scoot off the bed. Jim hands me the towel to hit any spots he missed. He turned and grabbed a towel for himself. He dried off as I finished up.

I draped the towel off the bed as I started to get dressed. Jim was pulling on his clothes as well. I bent down to tie my shoes as we were chatting. I looked up and smiled.

"You have very pretty eyes." Jim said as he looked down into them. "I think your's are sexy and caring. That is hot."

"Thanks!" I said as I stood up. I pulled him into a brief hug and a kiss. "This was fun. I think I would like to meet you again sometime and play when we have more time."

"Agreed, I want you to top me sometime." Jim replied as we walked to his front door. "I can hardly wait for our schedules to match up. You are a sexy man."

"Again, thanks. You are pretty hot yourself." I say as I step out into the afternoon sun. "See you soon."

Next: Chapter 25

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