Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Jul 9, 2020


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Finding Life 23

Daddy Play

Hey All! Mace here, as you know I am just trying to live what is now my blended life.

I was on the hook up app on my way to the car after work when I got a chat notice. The message was from a guy that I had chatted with before, but it had been quite some time and we had never met up. I had some extra time before I had to be home and I was feeling horny, so I responded. We chatted back and forth for a bit while I was letting the AC cool my car. After trading some pictures, we decided to meet up. He sent his address and I headed over to his house.

It was about a 10 minute drive from my work, in a nice residential neighborhood. At the address I pulled into the driveway and parked next to a large quad cab pick up truck. I headed to the door. I smiled as he answered the door.

"Hi, I am Mel. Come on in." Mel said.

"Thanks! I'm Mace." I replied.

As I came in the house and greeted his two dogs, I was able to get a good look at Mel. He was about my height, maybe an inch or so taller. He had a bald head with a mustache and connected goatee style beard. He was just wearing a pair of shorts, so I could see his muscular arms and chest that were deeply tanned. Mel led me back to a bedroom. We entered and he closed the door.

"Let's get you out of those clothes." Mel said.

I nodded as I pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it on a side chair. I kicked off my shoes and was undoing my pants. I looked over and Mel had dropped his shorts, waiting naked for me. I quickly shucked my pants and socks. I came over to him after I dropped my clothes in the chair.

"Very nice, stud" Mel commented.

Mel ran a hand over my chest and arms, before reaching down to my swiftly hardening cock. I sighed as he stepped closer and rubbed our hardening cocks together. I reached out and rubbed his chest. Mel's nipples were thick and firm, as I rubbed my hand over them Mel moaned. He was jacking our cock with a firm grip. In slipped his nipples between my fingers lightly and flicked them.

"You can play harder with them." Mel groaned.

Mel's groan turned to loud moans as I grabbed his pecs firmly and squeezed them. I took his hard nipples and pinched them between my thumbs and index fingers. Mel stopped jacking our cocks together and he was rubbing my cock and balls in his hands. I continued to work his pecs and nipples, being more forceful with the pinching and grinding.

Mel dropped my cock and pulled me close to him, our bellies were mashed together as our cocks were grinding into each other. I lowered my head and brought my mouth to cover one of his thick nubs. I dropped the hand that was working that nipple down to grab his ass cheek. Mel grunted as I set my teeth down on the nub. I continued to tweak and rub the other nipple. Mel reached up his hand and held my head closer over his pec, bringing my face closer. I sucked and licked the nipple in my mouth, changing from light to hard. I moved the nub back between my molars when I sucked it in hard. Mel gasped as I began to grind my molars on his sensitive nub.

I lifted my head off the first nipple and moved over to the other. I switched my hand, so one went down to grab his ass cheek and the other up to the spit soaked tender nipple. I grinded my hips forward as I attacked the new nipple in my mouth. My hard cock was pushing into his firm cock and balls. I latched on to the nub in my mouth and sucked, teased, licked and nibbled on it all while Mel was moaning.

Panting Mel lifted my head away from his chest and settled his mouth on mine. I sealed my lips to his and we passed our tongues between our mouths. I was pulling his hips closer to mine with my grip on his ass cheeks. His arms were around me, pulling me close as well. I could feel my pre-cum start to drip as we frotted standing up.

Mel broke the kiss and turned over towards the bed. He leaned his chest over the bed, arching his back and putting his ass up towards me. I took the steps over to the bed, coming up behind his prone form. I took my hands and rubbed from his deeply tanned back down to his mostly pale ass. I rested my hard cock on his ass crack as I let my hands continue to explore and rub his body. I started to move my cock up and down along his crack.

Mel reached between his legs and started to rub and work on my balls. I pulled back and he used his hand to position my cock head at his pucker. I pushed forward slowly as he arched his back and pushed towards me. My cock head pushed past his rings, I could feel the sweet warm heat encompass my member. I kept pushing forward until my balls were resting on his ass. I adjusted my stance and I pulled back.

My hands were holding on to his shoulders as I forced my cock back in with a strong thrust. Mel grunted as my pelvis impacted on his ass with a smack. I began a quick and hard thrusting rhythm, our bodies slapping loudly and us both moaning off and on. I pounded in his tight ass, my balls slapping with the thrusts. Sweat was pouring off my back as I was slamming my body into his. I leaned forward and reached my hands down to his chest. My fingers closed around his pecs and Mel moaned as they tightened around his nipples. Pulling his chest up slightly, I began to work his nipples while I continued to slam my cock in him.

I felt the tingles of my climax building. I released his chest and grabbed onto his hips as I picked up my thrusting pace. The warmth spread out from my chest, the flushed feeling went all the way to the bottoms of my feet. Thrusting harder, splattering droplets of sweat all over, I began to feel my balls pull tight.

"Oh, fuck yea!" I moaned as I felt my climax just on the edge.

"Yea?!" Mel answered.

I yelled as I began to pump Mel's ass full of my first load. I felt my hot seed push deep in his ass and coat my cock, making it more slick. I kept pushing and pushing deeper with each thrust. My body was twitching as my climax crested, but I kept slowing thrusting. I was breathing hard and more sweat was rolling off my body, my cock was still hard and liked Mel's tight hole.

I changed my pace and still kept thrusting into him. My cum was making it more slick, with my cock still hard I was slipping it in and out of his hole. After a minute of a slower pace, I started to speed back up. The slapping sound of our bodies returned. I pushed his solid back forward toward the bed, tilting his hole more open as I pounded away. My balls were starting to drop again and were loudly slapping around. Mel was moaning as the pressure of my thrusts was increasing.

I shifted my thrusting slightly to the side as I moved my grip from one hip to one shoulder, pulling Mel back into my thrusting. I was starting to growl as I felt my second climax start to build. I began to lift up on the balls of my feet and lean more forward with my pounding. I began to shake as my cock started to burst with ropes of cum, coating his already wet hole. My thrusting was more erratic as I pushed deep, my body twitching as the rubbing of my cock in Mel's ass sent waves of pleasure through me. Finally I pushed in and fell forward on Mel's back.

"Damn man, that was hot!" Mel breathed as I was still twitching in him.

"That is one hot ass." I murmured as my cock slipped out.

We both stood up, Mel's cock was firm but not hard and mine was still spunk covered and hard. We hugged and began to kiss. I moved my hands back to his nipples and roughly began to tease them. Mel dropped his head back and moaned as I moved my mouth back to bite and grind on a nub.

"Come on the bed with that." Mel said.

I nodded and he climbed on the bed, motioning for me to join him. I hopped on the bed, sliding my body on his as I moved up to latch back on to his nipple. I worked my lips, tongue and teeth on both of his nipples that were firm and about the size of my pinky. I tried to match the motions of my mouth with my hand on his other nipple. Mel was writhing under me from the nipple play, his cock was becoming more firm. I moved my lower body against his, thrusting around with our cocks to provide more stimulation. Mel would cup my head against his pec and hold it tight.

"You want to suck my cock?" Mel asked.

"Sure." I replied.

I moved my head down his chest and abs. Stopping briefly at his belly button, which I tongued. I continued down and licked his cock head to taste his pre-cum. I took my tongue then around the rest of the head before I licked down his 6 1/2 inch shaft to his balls. Mel moaned as I sucked a ball in my mouth one at a time. I then licked back up his shaft to take his cock in my mouth. He was thick so I have to open my jaw wide to get his head in. I slide my lips down his cock, swirling my tongue around the tender head and undershaft. I could get about three fourths the way down before he was too wide for my jaw. I worked back up and began to bob on his hard cock. I varied my bobbing speed and depth as well as played with his balls and down to his pucker. Mel moved a hand down to my head as he thrust in deeper.

"You have more cum in you?" He asked as I came off his cock for a breath.

"Sure." I grinned.

Mel helped me slide my body up his. I grinned again as I nipped his hard nub. I pulled his legs up towards his chest and I scooted up on my knees. Pushing forward with my hip and lifting his lower body up to line my cock up with his hole. Mel reached down to help line up and to slick my cock up with some of his spit. I felt my cock head enter his pucker, I shifted my grip to bring his legs up closer to my chest. Leaning forward I sunk my cock back in his hole. I put my hands down on the bed to besides his chest as I tilted forward and began my thrusting in and out.

I resumed a hard pounding pace, my cock feeling new parts of his ass as the angles were different. Mel was moaning again and I was grunting with each thrust. I hopped my knees closer together and changed to a faster, jackhammer like action. This pounding was localizing on his prostate gland, moving his moans to a gruff groan. The new punching of his gland and the fiction of his cock between our bodies were bringing Mel close. I snaked a hand up and sharply tugged one of his nipples.

Overloaded in sensations Mel yelled as his climax shot ropes of cum between us. The tightening and quivering of his ass muscles around my cock, provided enough additional friction for my third climax. I growled as I lifted higher to slam into the tight hole. I pumped several jets of cum in his waiting ass.

Exhausted I collapsed on Mel's chest, moving my arms to release his legs from being pushed up. As his hips moved down, my cock popped out of his chute. I rolled to one side, still keeping Mel in a light embrace. We shared some post-coital kisses as we let our hands rub our chests.

"Does that thing ever go down?" Mel chuckled as he grabbed my still hard cock.

"Not for a bit, I guess I'm like the battery bunny." I answered back with a laugh.

Mel started to jack my cock, I think amazed that I was still hard. With a mischievous glance, Mel slid down my body. His mouth covered my cock and he took my 6 inches down to the base. He began to bob his head up and down, pausing at the top to swirl and suck my cock head. I flung my head back and closed my eyes as he worked my cock. Mel's hands tugged my balls when he would focus on just my cock head. I began to feel my body tense and my breath got shallow. Mel backed off and then after a moment started up again. He continued this cycle of bringing me close and then backing off a few more times.

I felt the build up again, my toes started to curl. I reached down and pushed my hand on the back of Mel's head. I began to thrust into the back of his mouth. I yelled as I shot a fourth load into his mouth, my body was twitching again as I was overstimulated. He released my cock from his mouth and I released back onto the bed, panting hard.

"Damn that was good stud." Mel said, "Would you want to come back some time."

"Absolutely, this was fun." I replied with a smile.

Mel hugged me close for a moment, before getting up off the bed. He reached into a side table and pulled two towels out, tossing one to me he began to wipe himself up. I dried the cum and sweat from my body before I started to get dressed. I finished tying my shoes and stood up. Mel had put his shorts back on.

"Well, next time maybe we can get my husband to join us. I think you might like that." Mel said.

"I think you are correct." I answered as we walked to the door.

Next: Chapter 24

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