Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Jun 19, 2020


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Finding Life 22

Bear Massage Revisited

It has been several years since I had been in contact with Ned. I know at one point that he and his partner had moved out of state for a job opportunity for Ned. I lost track of him around that time, occasionally I would see a post on social media, but usually just family comments or pictures of his dogs. About a year ago, I saw a post that he was back in town and now on disability due to complications from an illness. We had a brief contact on social media, but not much more than a "Hi!" here or there.

I was browsing on the hook up app that I liked using when I got a hit from a local profile. The picture reminded me of Ned, but I was not completely sure, like I said it had been some time since I had seen him. At the time, I was headed for a meeting and could not respond. The next day, I received another hit from him. I was available to chat this time and sent a vague greeting. I received a reply back almost immediately. He sent another, more clear face pic in the message. Now I was sure it was him. I replied to his question and asked if he had done massage appointments before, because he looked familiar. He responded back yes and that he had remembered me as well. We chatted a bit more, but then I ended up making an appointment with him a few days later.

Friday rolled around and I was excited for my appointment. I knew that from our massage and play from before that I was in for a treat. I got a text from him just after 9 to confirm that we were still on for our afternoon time. I sent my reply back and let him know I was excited. Time sped by and I was heading out of my office. I sent him a text to let him know I was on the way. I got in my car and drove the short distance to his apartment on the second floor of his building. I parked, sent a text that I was here and walked up to his door.

After my short knock, Ned opened the door. He was dressed in a light tank top and some loose shorts. He appeared to have lost some weight from the last time I saw him, but it had been a few years. Ned ushered me in, his table was set up in the living room. He explained that he was doing massage appointments again for extra spending money and was glad that I was there.

I began to undress while we were talking, folding my shirt and jeans on a side chair that I had kicked my shoes under. I bent to take off my socks and was now naked. Ned asked what part of me needed attention during my massage. I advised that I had spent a great deal of time recently on my feet and my calf muscles were very tight. Ned requested I get on the table face down then and he would start with my legs.

I climbed up and spread out on the table. I was settling down as I heard Ned walk towards the foot of the table and pump some oil on his hands. As I was relaxing my breathing, Ned began to stroke and rub on my lower legs. He was working on releasing the tension in my feet and lower legs, rubbing out knots and stretching out the tight muscles. Ned then began working his hands higher up on my legs; he would brush his fingers along my crack. He brought his hands up my inner leg, at the top his fingers brushed my ball sack.

Each time he would brush my crack or sack, my back would arch higher and higher. The next time he ran his hand up my inner leg, he grabbed the shaft of my cock, pulling down on it in a jerking motion. I raised up higher to give him better access to my hard dick. Ned slipped his hand up and ran a finger from my balls up my crack. I shuddered when the slick finger rubbed my pucker. Ned lifted his hand off of me long enough to pull off his tank top.

Ned was now focusing his hands on rubbing and stroking my crack, his fingers were circling and tracing around my hole. I had pulled my knees up as Ned used one hand to rub my hole and the other to stroke my cock. I felt his hand pull away from my hole, only to have it replaced by Ned's face. He has a trimmed beard, so I felt the coarse hairs brush against my tender flesh when he dove his lips to my pucker. I moaned when his tongue began to lick and tease my hole. Ned continued to jack my cock while his lips and tongue attached my tight pucker.

I had been keyed up from the initial part of the massage anyway, I felt my climax building. Ned kept rimming and jacking me, waves of sensations were pulsing through my body. I tried to hold off shooting, but my effort was quickly going to be in vane.

"I'm going to shoot" I panted between my moans.

"Go ahead, stud!" Ned replied as he pulled his face back just a bit.

Ned shoved his face back in hard and increased the efforts with his tongue on my hole. He hardened up his tongue and jabbed it in my pucker, piercing in the outer ring. This was the final amount of stimulus my body could handle. I began to shoot rope after rope of cum down on the sheet covered massage table. I was uttering a low moan as my spunk was hitting the table. Ned continued to jack my cock until I was shuttering and shooting dry.

Ned released his grip on my dick and reached over for a towel. With my ass still arched in the air, Ned moved my cock out of the way and wiped up my load from the table below me. When he had as much as he could wipe up, he pushed my hips back to the table. Ned then began working on my back.

He had already pulled off his tank so he was only wearing the loose shorts. As he moved along the table to work on my arms and back, he brushed his covered cock against my hand. I moved my hand and was stroking his hard member with my fingers. Ned stopped to lower his shorts and underwear, then tossed them to the side. His cock was turgid and pulsing, as he moved closer to my hand I was able to feel his naked flesh against mine. I was surprised when I stroked down to his cock head as he had a Prince Albert piercing in. That was hot, I ran my fingers around his cock head and then along the piercing with a light touch. Ned began to moan as he continued working on my back.

Ned moved to the other side of the table to work the opposite side. He placed his semi hard cock in my free hand and I resumed playing with it. Ned continued with the massage, he would occasionally let his strokes go down to my ass cheeks and graze my crack. This always resulted in a shiver from me and most times a moan. I would also flick my finger along the PA piercing which caused Ned to moan as well.

Ned then moved up to the head of the table to work my neck and upper shoulders. Now if he did a long stroke, he would spread my ass cheeks apart and run his slick finger right over my pucker. This attention was keeping my cock rock hard and I would shift slightly with his strokes.

Ned finished with my back and it was time for me to roll over. My cock swung up like a flag post and slapped my belly. Ned chuckled as he settled a cloth over my eyes. He worked some more on my neck and chest, as he started down to my abs, he bent over and took my hard cock in his mouth. I gasp as he closed his lips on my shaft and dropped them down until he was at my trimmed pubes. He swirled his tongue around my shaft and head before he bobbed up and down a few times. He lifted his mouth off and continued down to the foot of the table to finish working on my legs and hips.

He worked on the first leg, massaging and stretching it, before bending it up and then laying my foot just below my crotch, resting on my inner thigh. Ned bent down and took my cock back in his mouth - sucking and bobbing for a moment. He moved then to the other side and continued the leg massage. He finished the second leg and laid it out in a mirror to the first one, the soles of my feet touching and my hips turned up.

Ned then walked to the end of the table. I still had my eyes covered, but I felt the table shake as he climbed up on the foot of it. He spread his legs and straddled the table and moved up closer to me. Ned leaned over and took my cock back in his mouth, I could feel his thighs against my shins as he leaned forward. He began to bob his head, licking and sucking on my dick. His hands reached under and were playing with my balls, occasionally slipping a digit down under going toward my pucker. Ned was now rubbing against my taint with his hand and had increased his pace and suction on my cock.

I felt my second climax building as Ned's actions intensified. My body flushed and my nipples hardened as my breath became ragged. My body began to shake as my dick started spewing hot cum down Ned's throat. I yelped as he moved up and was lapping my cock head while I was shooting my jizz. Finally I stopped shooting and was breathing hard.

Ned leaned forward and took the cloth that was covering my eyes away. He was grinning ear to ear, still straddling the table below me. He still had a hand around my cock, which had only softened slightly. He continued to jerk his hand along my shaft.

"Do you have another one in you?" Ned asked.

The best I could reply at the moment was a nod, with a goofy grin. Ned chuckled. He moved his body closer to mine, lifting my legs up he slid his body up so our crotches were touching. He set my legs down behind him, so he was in the middle of them with his thighs supporting mine.

Wrapping his hands around both of our dicks he began to jack them up and down. I could feel the cooler metal of his PA piercing up against my cock head as he squeezed our cocks together. With his other hand he reached up and was rubbing my nipple. I was writhing from the combined sensations. Ned must have been getting closer, as he stopped jacking our cocks together.

He kept a hand on my cock, but moved the other lower to lift my balls out of the way. Ned slipped two fingers down my crack and began to trace and circle around my pucker. I was moaning each time one of the digits would rub over my hole directly. Ned removed his hand for a moment and got some of the massage oil on his hand before he returned the fingers to my crack. The newly slicked up fingers were making my hole slick, he was slipping the tips of them in my pucker. Ned resumed jacking my cock, leaning down to take my cock head in his mouth and suck on it.

My cock head between his lips, I felt him slide both fingers into my slicked up pucker. Ned kept pushing them until he had them all the way in. Not giving me any time to acclimate to the intrusion into my hole, he began to slide them in and out. The thickness of his fingers together were stretching my hole, but I blocked that out when he began to rub and jab my prostate with each thrust.

I was moaning and lifting my legs up to allow Ned more access to my chute. Ned started to jab his thumb with his thrusting fingers, so my prostate was being squeezed between them. His mouth still only on the head of my cock and his other hand, pistoning my shaft.

In no time, I began to feel my toes curl, my third climax was building. With a grunt and a yell, my cock began to shoot my load into Ned's waiting mouth. He kept moving his fingers in and out of my quivering ass muscles as I shot my load. I was shaking as the last amounts of my cum were deposited in Ned's waiting mouth.

I was recovering from my climax and Ned was still thrusting his fingers in me. He added a third finger now that I was relaxed from my climax. The thrusts now had a slight twisting out motion, to widen my hole up each time he pulled back. Ned's hand returned to my dick shaft and he began to stroke it again. He removed his fingers from my hole and pushed the tip of his cock against my ass lips.

Ned's tool was wide and with the Prince Albert in, it made his cock head bigger. He was able to get just past my first ring and it was tight. I was breathing heavy, Ned paused his pushing in and kept jacking my cock. I grunted as he tried to push in further.

"It's tight. I don't think it is going to make it in today." I advised him.

"Next time, I will leave my piercing out." Ned agreed.

Ned changed from trying to push in deeper to just rocking his cock head in small movements. He leaned over and spit on my hard cock, giving it more lube. Then using my cock as an anchor, he began to pulse his cock in and out of my ass. The stimulation and the extra lube on my cock were making me start to tingle. In just a few more minutes I was yelling as I shot my fourth load of cum, this time it just shot on my belly and down on my cock and balls.

Winded from my last load, I sat up as Ned pulled his cock out of my ass lips. He reached over and got his massage oil and slicked his cock up. I wrapped my hand around it and began to jack it. I moved my thumb so it would nudge his PA with each stroke. I also slipped my other hand down to play with his balls. It did not take much and I felt Ned's body start to stiffen. I slowed my strokes just a bit as Ned began to shoot. His cum was jetting out of his piss slit and where the PA was pierced through, splattering hot jizz over my belly and cock. Ned was huffing and shaking as he finished his climax.

"Damn boy, that was hot." Ned said breathlessly. "I can not remember having someone shoot four times. Fuck dude."

I just smiled, "All it takes is the right stimulation." I said with a chuckle. "I should hit the shower before I head out."

"No problems, there is a towel already in there." Ned said as he pointed towards the bathroom.

I headed in and started the water. Hopping in when it was warm enough, I washed the oil, sweat and cum from my body. I finished and dried myself off after turning the water off. I walked back in the front room naked as I left my clothes in the side chair. I got dressed while Ned had stripped the table and was folding it up. I put my shoes on and stood up as he finished. I set the money for the massage on his kitchen counter and leaned in to give him a hug.

"Thanks, that was fun." I said.

"It certainly was." Ned said with a smile as he ushered me to the door.

Next: Chapter 23

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