Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Apr 22, 2020


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Finding Life 20

Suburban Power Bottom

Hi all! Mace here relating some of my experiences as I live my life as a gay man. I had had some success in the past finding some fun on the gay hook up app. I was reviewing some profiles when I was contacted by a discreet profile with a picture of a guy in tight jeans leaning over. His stats showed he was close to my height and age. He was about 30 pounds lighter and a total bottom. His message was that he offered to bottom for no strings attached and was available during my lunch break. From the distance locator he was about 9 miles away in one of the suburbs of my city. It would make for a quick run there and back, but it could be done in my lunch time. We made arrangements to meet the next day.

Lunch time rolled around the following day. We had sent a few chats between us that morning, just confirming time and providing the address. From my office it would be about a 15 minute drive, so I advised my coworker that I had to run an errand and might be back a little late. I sent him a chat saying I was on my way. He replied to send a chat when I was there and he would be ready. I headed out.

When I arrived at his home, I sent the chat that I was here. He replied back to come in and go to the bedroom to the right of the kitchen. That he would be on bent over and ready. I exited the car and went inside. Following instructions I turned past the dinning room and kitchen to the hall that was on the right. The hallway led to an open bedroom door.

I walked through the door to the sight of the guy laying on the end of the bed, face down. His ass was up and his legs were off the side of the mattress. He had a ball cap on backward and had on socks, otherwise he was naked. His crotch area was resting on a towel and a bottle of lotion was on the bed next to him. His body was smooth and his ass was firm. His legs were spread open, giving full access to his hole.

There was a chair next the bed with a bath towel folded on it. I started to undress, kicking my shoes under the chair. I put my shirt and slacks on the chair, leaving me in socks only as I go commando unless I am exercising. I turn back to the fine ass staring up at me.

I was starting to get hard, but was not fully hard yet. I reached down and stroked my cock a few times as I positioned myself between his legs. I reached my other hand and ran it down the man's bare back to his ass cheeks. He shivered as I rubbed against his skin. I then began to trace down the exposed ass crack, the man jumped when my finger brushed over his pucker. My cock was getting harder by the second. I grabbed the lotion bottle, poured some on my hand and started to slick up my dick.

I lined my lotion slicked dick head at the entrance to his hole. I was able to stand behind him, as I pushed in I grabbed his hips and pulled us together. His hot hole was swallowing my cock as we joined. The guy moaned as my balls came to rest on his ass. The heat was radiating all around my buried cock, I paused for a moment to enjoy the sensation. I started to circle my hips, making my cock move around his ass muscles and pushed further in.

I began to pull back and push in, inch by inch until my cock head was just close to coming out. He was grunting and groaning as I thrust into him. His hot ass was working my cock with each stroke, pulsing around my dick when I was pulling out. I was pounding my full weight in with each push, I had to hold his hips to keep him from being pushed away.

I felt the tingle in my balls and with a growl my climax bust out of me, blasting my cum in his waiting hole. I kept throwing my body against his as I was pumping more cum deep in him. After the fourth or fifth pulse, I pushed myself further in and slumped over onto his back. We were both breathing hard.

My cock was still hard and buried deep in the guy. I began moving my hips around again, my dick was returning to full size. I started to slide my dick in and out again.

"You good for a second?" He asked.

"Yes, if you are good with that." I replied.

He nodded.

I continued, "Pull up further on the bed, I want to get up on my knees."

I pulled my cock out of his ass. He scooted further up the end of the bed and got on his knees. I climbed up on the bed behind him, I took my hand and was rubbing his round ass cheeks with both hands while he settled. I ran one hand down past his hole and felt his small cock underneath him. I played with his balls and shaft for a few minutes, he was moaning.

"Please, I need your cock in me." The guy said in a pleading tone.

I released his cock and balls as I raised up on my knees. He was on all fours, so I pushed his shoulders down to arch his back some. I lined up my cock head again and just paused. He move his hips back and I moved with him just keeping my cock touching his pucker. When he stopped moving around, I started slowly pressing my cock in. I felt his tight ass muscles grip my cock as I moved milometer by milometer deeper, taking my time. He tried to push back when I was about half way in and I forced his chest further down into the bed pinning him from moving back. I resumed my slow, easy push in until my balls brushed his. I then reversed and very slowly began to pull out. He clamped his ass muscles tighter, I felt him try and create as much friction as he could.

I pulled my cock completely out, it was rock hard again. I slapped his ass with it a few time, before I lined it up and pushed it back in. I was faster than the first time, but still kept it at a slow pace. He made an effort to hold my cock like a glove in his ass. The tightness was impressive. Each time when I drew back I would pull my cock out and slap his ass with it. I kept this pace for a few minutes, before I started increasing my speed. He kept trying to maintain the pressure as before, but the speed made it near impossible.

I was still withdrawing my cock completely, but now I would just force it back in. I began to move quickly again, thrusting in and pulling out before thrusting hard back in. As I thrust in I added a hard push right as I bottomed out, making my balls slap his. He began to whimper as my thrusts became more powerful.

I leaned in with the next thrust and moved my chest against his back. I hooked my arms under his chest and gripped his shoulders. I then started to jack hammer hard with each thrust, pulling his body back towards my upward moving body.

Sweat was pouring off of both of us, our breathing was heavy and we were each grunting. The slapping of my body against his was getting louder as our sweaty skin. With a yell. I felt my second climax crest. My cum was pumping into his ass again. My cock was jammed deep in his chute and was pulsing strongly.

I slumped against his back and released my grip on his shoulders. We spent a few moments resting before I pulled my cock out. As I did a trail of cum leaked down from his hole. He slid back carefully staying over the towel under him on the bed. I stood up and helped him up.

"Damn, that was hot." He said, then looking down at my crotch, "Shit, you are still hard?"

"Yea, my dick will stay hard for a while, even after cumming twice." I answered as I was using the towel that was folded on the bedside chair. I was wiping sweat, cum and lotion mixture from my body before dressing.

"Dude, I am glad you came by today." He said, "Have you ever tag teamed someone before?"

"No, but it sounds interesting." I replied.

"Well I have a guy that I think would do that with us." He said.

"Cool, keep me posted." I reply as I head to the front door. We hug and I head back to work. Only a few minutes late.

About a week goes by and we had shared several chats, but had not been able to hook up again during the day. It was a Friday and my family were all busy, so I had some free time. We traded some chats earlier in the day, but about 4:30 he sends a new one.

'You available after work to tag me tonight? I have two other guys, you would make the third.' - he chatted.

'Sure that sounds fun. I can be by your place by 6.' - I chat back.

'Great, see you then. The other guys will be here before you. Just come in when you get here.' - his chat reply.

I headed over after work, with rush hour traffic it delayed my, but I was able to get there about 5:50. There was a car in the driveway and another in the street in front of the house. I parked in the double spaced driveway and headed inside. I opened the front door and could hear the sounds of sex coming from the bedroom. I headed that way.

I arrived and saw our ball cap wearing power bottom was face down on the bed, up on all fours, leaning over some pillows for support. Mounting him from behind was a tall native american guy, close to 6' 2", wide shoulders wearing a t-shirt and crew socks. His ass flexing as he was pumping hard into the bottom. On the other side of the bed was a white guy a few year younger than me, his dark blond hair was also covered by a ball cap. He was in a t-shirt and was jacking his cock, watching the action on the bed and me as I began to undress.

The native guy grunted and thrust hard into the bottom shortly as I entered the room. He dismounted from the bottom, leaving his open for one of us. I looked over to the guy in the ball cap and nodded toward the bed. I had just kicked off my shoes, but had not removed my clothes yet. The guy wasted no time in crawling up behind our bottom. He sank is 6 plus inch dick in and started pounding away. I finished undressing, I removed all of my clothes, and was stroking my cock watching the bed. I saw the native guy was on the other side of the bed and was stroking his cock, as well. The ball capped guy was close to my weight, but his was more muscle. His tight body was giving the bottom a good fuck.

It was only a few minutes and the ball capped guy grunted and shot his wad into the bottom. He only paused a moment before pulling out of the used ass. The native guy helped him down off the bed as he legs were a bit unsteady. They both smiled over at me as they began stroking their cocks.

I climbed up on the bed. I came up behind the bottom and tapped my cock on his ass. I looked down, stuck my fingers in the open ass. When I pulled them out I saw some of they guy's combined cum on my fingers and dripping down his ass. Not needing any additional lube, I pushed my hard cock head in and began a good pace of thrusting. Since he was warmed up, I was able to begin pounding him sooner. His cum slicked hole was still able to grip my cock when he flexed his ass muscles. I pushed his chest further into his pillows and leaned forward to grip his shoulders. Now my thrusts were hitting his prostrate, punching it each time I thrust in to him. The bottom was moaning as I pounded away. I flicked out my tongue and licked his ear. I felt my climax was building, so I increased the power of my thrusts - bouncing us closer to the headboard of the bed.

A strangled yell and I started shooting the my ropes of cum deep in the bottom's ass. I kept thrusting four or five more times before I pushed in deeper and came to a rest. As we sat breathing heavy, I again became aware that we had an audience. The native guy was still there, stoking his cock, though he had pulled on his boxer briefs. The ball capped guy left sometime during my fuck time.

My cock still in the bottom, "You want in again?" I asked the native guy.

"No, I just want to watch. Can you go again?" he replied and asked.

"Yes, I can." I answered to the native guy. Then to the bottom, "You good for some more?"

"Yes, please!" the bottom replied.

My cock was still in his ass as I began to pump my hips again. I was still hard and he was pulsing his ass muscles around my dick. I pulled back up and got on my knees, I pulled the bottom up with me. I spread his legs a bit wider and I began to pound up into his ass. I reached out my arms and brought them around to the bottom's chest. My hands were tweaking the bottom's nipples as I was pounding in his ass. The bottom moved further up on his knees, leaning back to rest his head on my shoulder. I kept pounding away at his ass.

I wanted to pound harder, so I pushed his torso back down to the bed. I pulled up on his hips and moved my legs outside of his. Now when I leaned down in to almost a push-up type position, I was able to raise and then drop my hips against his ass. This was forcing my dick harder into his ass each time. Since I was using my body weight to assist he was getting a deeper pounding each time. The bottom was moaning again. Our bodies continued to slap against each other.

I changed positions again, but lowering my chest to his back again. This time I kept my legs of his, but hooked my feet around his shins. I gained leverage to pound harder, again now punching the bottom's prostrate. The bottom started to grunt as I assaulted his gland. I had increased my pace as I started to feel my climax coming on. The bottom cried out as my pummeling of his ass and gland caused him to climax hands free. His spunk was emptying out onto the bed below him, as his ass muscles began to spasm against my cock. That extra friction was enough to tip my climax over. I grunted as I was unloading my second set of cum blasts in his ass.

The native guy who had been stoking his cock watching us, began to grunt as he shot a load. He stood there breathing hard as he was coming out of his climax. As I was still buried in the bottom's ass, the native guy wiped his dick and started to get dressed. He had pulled on his clothes before I was able to slide back on the bed and pull my still semi-hard cock from the bottom guy's ass. I heard the front door open and shut as I stepped down to the floor.

The bottom pushed himself up to all fours, before turning over to sit on a towel he had on the bed. His ball cap had come off during our last session and he was fishing it from amidst the pillows. His breathing was starting to return to normal as I was wiping my body down with the towel from the bedside chair.

"That was fucking hot, man." the bottom exclaimed.

"Was the native guy the one who wanted to tag team with us?" I inquired.

"Yes, he has been wanting to for a while. Especially when I told him that you could cum twice in short order." The bottom answered, then went on, "The other dude I have played with before, but it had been a while. Out of the blue he wants to get together. I explained what we were planning and he wanted to come anyway."

"He was pretty hot. Too bad he did not stick around longer." I replied.

"Well he gave me two loads, as he was first. Then the native guy gave me a load. Since you were not ready, the first guy gave me his second load when you undressing. I was not surprised that when he left before we were done." the bottom explained. "The native guy was really interested in watching us. He usually can only shoot once, so he must have been turned on to jack another load out."

"That was hot." I said, he started to get up but was struggling a little. "Here let me help you down."

I grabbed his side as he got his feet situated on the floor. He smiled as he began to move his legs around. He pulled the towel off the bed and had used it to wipe his cum leaking ass.

"You were hot my friend. I could feel your loads warm my insides when you were shooting. That and your pounding caused me to shoot my load. Thanks." He said.

"No problems, it was fun and hot." I replied again.

I finished dressing and he pulled on a t-shirt and athletic shorts. He followed me to the front door. We traded hugs as I headed out.

Next: Chapter 21

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