Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Mar 5, 2020


Thanks for reading my story. Comments and questions are welcome at These are real stories of my experiences: names and locations have been changed for the anonymity of those involved. This story involves intimate interactions between a 16 year old and a 20 year old relative.

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Finding Life

Chapter 18

Uncle Nick

Mace, here! Just trying to continue to experience the full expression of my gay life. I had been trading messages on the gay hook up app for several days, but our schedules were just not cooperating. I had enjoyed my evening with the younger man, allowing him to view and touch my body and him allowing me to top him. In one of our chats he called me Uncle Mace instead of daddy. We laughed at the change and then continued to use Uncle and Nephew titles.

Knowing that we would not be able to see each other in person for a while, we began to trade photos: progressively undressing, playing with our hard cocks covered and then jacking off. We ended the night with both of us showing cum soaked bellies to each other. We signed off and said good night, Dean ended by saying he loved Uncle Mace time.

Sitting in bed enjoying the afterglow of our wank session his ending comment reminded me of time I had spent with one of my uncles. Growing up my parents divorced when I was in Kindergarten, my mom and my brother and I moved back to my mom's parent's home in our hometown. We stayed with my grand parents and my younger uncles that were still in school. It made for a full house but it was only temporary until my mom got a small house for just the three of us.

My mom remarried several years later and her new husband decided that they should try over the road trucking as a career. As this was not conducive to having two grade school boys in the truck with them, my brother and I went to live with my grandparents. Not long after moving in with my grandparents, they went through a rather rough divorce, grandpa had cheated on grandma with one of his co-worker's wife. Soon it was just grandma with four boys living at the house.

The house was built originally in the 1920's and while it had some renovations and updates it still had only 1 bathroom for four bedrooms. My mom was the oldest child of four, but my grandparents had adopted two sets of three siblings. Growing up it was one bathroom for 12 people - modesty was not a part of the family's existence. People were always in all states of undress and nudity was not uncommon. When my brother and I moved back, the same was true for us.

The two youngest uncles were in middle school and high school while my brother and I were in grade school. Grandma had returned to work and left my uncles in charge of us until she got home in the evenings. Uncle Mick was a year older than Uncle Nick, they were both in sports - wrestling and track. Uncle Mick was roughly 5'6" and lanky, dark hair and eyes. He was mostly just moody and did not stay home much, leaving most of the watching duties to Uncle Nick.

Now Uncle Nick was about the same height as his brother, but his frame was more muscular with a broad chest, strong arms and legs. He was only four years older than me, so he his progression from pre-teen to teen was in full force. Uncle Nick was very masculine and liked to lounge in only his underwear unless people were coming over. I was attracted to him even at that age, but due to our upbringing it was mostly suppressed. I could sit for hours watching TV by him clad in only his skivies, smelling his musky scent, watching his muscled arms or legs flex or move. I would be turned on when he used my for a wresting dummy to try new moves. I could not name what I was feeling for him, but it was there.

A few years later, my bother and I moved with our dad in the state capitol. We stayed with him and his second wife for about 5 years. My mom had since divorced her second husband and had relocated a few states away. During a visit between my freshman and sophomore years in high school, I expressed interest in moving back with her. Plans were made and I moved to live with her the following summer. My brother had stayed living with my dad and step-mom.

My mom and I traveled back to our hometown several times to be able to see my brother. We stayed with grandma for our visits. Uncle Nick had graduated only 2 years before and was still living with grandma to save money and to help her out. It worked out that I had to share a bed with Uncle Nick as the other beds were all full and my brother had claimed the couch. I had made a bit of a deal that I was tired and going to bed.

I stripped down to my underwear and climbed into the bed to wait for Uncle Nick. In the time that I had spent with just my mom, I had come to grips that I was attracted to guys. The childhood man crush, Uncle Nick, had been a reoccurring theme in my jack off sessions. I had a plan in place to see if I could experience some more since I was sharing his bed.

When Uncle Nick came to bed later in the evening, I pretended to be asleep. I was so nervous though when he crawled into bed only wearing his tidy-whiteys, that I was shaking - I told him that I was cold. He got up and put another blanket over our feet. I was able to calm myself down and relax with effort after he got back in bed. After a few minutes Uncle Nick dozed off, though for me it felt like an eternity. I waited about 10 additional minutes to let him fall in a deeper sleep.

With my arms and hands already under the covers, I reached out my hand slowly towards Uncle Nick's body. My hand reached his belly, it was flat from his workouts and had a sandy blond treasure trail leading down to the waistband of his underwear. I let my hand rest there is to see if he responded - thinking if he woke up I could play it off as being restless in my sleep. His breath remained the same, he stayed asleep. After a few minutes of feeling his warm, lightly furry abs, I crept my hand lower reaching the waistband. Again I waited to see if there was any response from Uncle Nick. Still his breathing was the same.

I stayed with my hand on his waistband for it seemed like a long time. I was nervous and excited with what I was doing. Feeling a bit more confident, my hand moved down the fabric. I soon encounter Uncle Nick's flaccid cock and balls. It had been a while since I had seen my Uncle naked, but his cock seemed to be about 3 inches long while soft in my hand, his balls were like ping pong balls. Now feeling very nervous, I just kept my hands on his cock. I was not moving my hand at all, to be honest I was not hardly breathing myself. I was trying to make sure that I was paying attention for any changes in his sleep or breathing.

It could have been that I held my hand on Uncle Nick's cock for over 5 minutes before I made any movements. Up till now I could play any touching off as just movements in my sleep. I know that once I continued I would not have that excuse. His cock was so warm in my hand, I could feel the cut head and shaft with just the pressure from gravity against my hand. Slowly I started to trace and feel his dick through the fabric. Uncle Nick's breath changed a little, but he did not wake up - I paused my movement while I confirmed this. I resumed the tracing of his cock, slowly it was getting bigger. His cock head was filling with blood and expanding, I was able to trace around part of the corona. I continued to feel and stroke the growing cock through the fabric. Continually I monitored to see if Uncle Nick was still asleep - his breathing remained the same, occasionally he would offer a half moan, but did not wake.

Uncle Nick was close to fully hard, about 6 inches long, due to the rubbing of my hand over his fabric covered cock. There was a small patch of wet near his piss slit, it was sticky to the touch. I now decided that I wanted to feel his cock skin to skin. I moved my hand down to the leg opening. Carefully I pushed my hand up the leg of his underwear. I moved very slowly to avoid Uncle Nick from waking up. My hand brushed his balls covered in thick pubes. I continued moving my hand up until I felt his cock shaft. I wrapped my hand around it to feel it. I realized that it was radiating heat, being hard like it was. I wanted to feel the cock head as well. I moved my hand slowly up the shaft and felt the spongy cock head. I let my hand grip his cock lightly.

In my new found discovery of Uncle Nick's hard cock in my hand, I had missed that his breathing had changed. I now felt Uncle Nick's hand come down on top of my hand lodged in his underwear, wrapped around his cock. I was now starting to get scared, what if he wanted to tell on me or beat me up for touching him? I was holding my breath.

"What are you doing little man? " Nick said quietly, his hand still covering mine.

"I just wanted to see what it felt like." I answered softly back, still unsure.

"You have not had sex yet have you? You don't have a girlfriend? " Uncle Nick said, "or a boyfriend? "

"No." Was all I could answer. "

How does my dick feel?" Uncle Nick asked.

"It is big, bigger than mine and hot." I answered again in an almost whisper.

"Do you like the way it feels?" He prompted.

I could not speak as his hand gripped mine, that caused my hand to grab his dick tighter. I nodded. He moved our hands up and down on his shaft. His arm that was between us, he brought up and pulled me into a hug. I was still shaking, his hug was calming me down.

Together we were still jacking his cock. Our chests were close together as his arm held me tight. He moaned when our stroke brushed his cock head.

"What is it that you want to do? " Nick asked.

"I want to feel it...." I started to answer but faded out.

"Yes, how do you want to feel it?" He asked patiently.

"I want to feel it in me." I whispered even more quietly than before. I was not sure if he could even hear my reply.

In response, he pulled me a bit closer to him. My heart was beating really fast, not sure if I had made a mistake in confessing my desire. He pulled his hand away from mine under his underwear and used it to tip my face up to his in the dark bedroom.

"This is something you want to try? You understand that it can be painful, right?" He asked as he looked into my eyes.

I nodded again.

"I need to hear you say it. This is important and I love you enough that I want to be clear in our intentions. " Uncle Nick explained.

"Yes, I want to try. I trust you. I want to feel you in me." I answered as I looked at his eyes.

"OK, I need to get some things first and will be right back." Uncle Nick said.

I released his cock and slid my hand from under his briefs. He got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. I was nervous and scared again - I started to shake a little again. In just a few minutes Uncle Nick returned with some things that he placed on the foot of the bed while he slid a chair under the door handle. The house was so old, the lock did not work, this would keep people from opening up the door before we were ready.

He retrieved the items and got back in bed. Again he placed his arm around me when he felt me quaking upon his return. He just held me close to his chest, our skin touching, allowing me to calm down again.

"You are still sure you want to do this?" Uncle Nick asked to confirm again.

"Yes." I answered back, louder than before, but still quiet.

"OK, first we need to get rid of our underwear." Uncle Nick instructed. He moved his arms down and slipped his briefs off and put them under his pillow. I followed his example and removed my bikini style briefs that I had on, and I put them under my pillow.

Now we were both naked under the covers. He put his arms back around me and hugged me close. I was comforted by his masculine heat as our skin pressed together. He took my hand and placed it back on his cock, as it had gone limp as he had to leave the bedroom.

Without the briefs covering his dick, I was able to explore the shaft and dick head better. As his cock started to expand again, I also rubbed and felt his balls, Uncle Nick made a light growl sound as I played with his nuts. I returned to moving my hand up and down on his cock shaft. He was cut like I was and I traced the circumcision scar around his shaft before exploring the cock head again. I could feel a sticky liquid leaking from his slit.

Uncle Nick rolled my over to my side, with my backside toward him. He pressed his body against my back, his lips right near my ear. He let me get use to this position.

"I am going to be as gentle as I can. I am a little thick and if it is too much you need to tell me to stop. Can you do that?" Uncle Nick whispered in my ear.

His breath on my ear and the closer contact with his body made me shiver, "Yes." I answered.

"Let me get us ready then." Uncle Nick told me.

He reached and got a tub of petroleum jelly he had retrieved from the bathroom. He opened it and put a glob on his dick, rubbing it in. Then he moved my upper leg up closer to my chest, opening up access to my hole. He put a glob of jelly on his fingers and proceeded to grease up my hole. He slipped a finger in my tight hole to get some of the makeshift lube in me and to loosen me up a bit. He took his fingers away and wiped them on a wet washcloth, also from the bathroom. He moved his hips close to mine, letting me feel his hard cock against my lower back.

"Here we go." He said in my ear again causing me to shiver now in anticipation.

He pushed his cock down and lined his cock head at my hole. He pushed his hips forward while holding on to mine. I still had my upper leg bent up toward my chest, so as he pushed forward he also twisted a little down to enter me. His cock head was flared and felt huge as he slowly forced it past my first ring. He paused to let me get use to his girth. After a moment he pushed through my inner ring and paused again this time a little longer.

I was breathing heavy, but I wanted this too much to let the pain cause me to stop. I was trying to relax my ass muscles as I was getting use to the fullness of his cock. My breath became more relaxed as we paused.

Uncle Nick then began to push his cock in deeper. The fullness feeling was more intense but it was not to painful. I could feel the heat from his cock as it continued to slide in me. It seemed like a long time, but I felt his bushy pubes against my ass lips. He held us there, with his dick fully in me and waited a minute.

Slowly he pulled back his hips and then pushed them back, moving is dick very slowly in and out with the small movement. Each time he pulled back he would come further out before pushing back in. It was not long before he was sliding his full 6 inches back and forth. He was moving as quietly as possible and was not rushing it as he prepared my hole.

After a few more slow strokes, he picked up his tempo and was putting more weight in with his thrusts. I was past the point of pain and was feeling the pleasure, so he opened up with his power. The bed started to creak with his strokes, so he lighten up as he did not want to be heard. His pace continued to speed up.

I felt his breath start to get shallow and he began to thrust deep. He became jittery as he started to shoot his load in my ass. With a final thrust he came to rest, dick buried deep in me. He sat there and rested.

"Is that what you wanted?" Uncle Nick inquired.

"Yes, thank you Uncle Nick." I replied.

I had hoped maybe he might reciprocate and let me fuck his hole or even shoot a load, but that was not the case. He grabbed the washcloth as he started to pull out of my tight ass. He used the washcloth to wipe his dick off, then used it to wipe up my ass. He was through was he did not want any evidence showing. He stowed the washcloth and tub of jelly under the bed and retrieved his briefs from under his pillow. He handed me mine to put on. He hopped up and moved the chair from underneath the door knob, before sliding back into bed.

He allowed me to hug against him as we fell asleep. He was satisfied and I had gotten the experience from him. We awoke and he did not make any mention of it, acting as if nothing had happened. We left that day so there was no problems.

We returned to stay at grandma's house again about 6 weeks later, but only for one night. It worked out that I was again sharing the bed with Uncle Nick. This time I wanted to see what else I could do with Uncle Nick.

I pulled together some items that I stuffed under the bed: washcloths and tub of jelly. We had our normal dinner and watched some TV before I turned in. I got undressed to my briefs and curled up to sleep.

I was a light sleeper so when Uncle Nick came in and got ready for bed, I woke up. We got settled as Uncle Nick got into bed wearing his white briefs. I was in my briefs as well. We both dozed off to sleep.

I woke up to go to the bathroom, as I had drunk extra water before coming to bed. I came back to bed and crawled under the covers. Uncle Nick had not stirred. I laid quietly next to him, listening to his breath. Ensured that he was deeply out, I reached out to stroke Uncle Nick's cock. Going slowly to make sure he gets fully hard. Soon I felt his hand placed over mine.

"What are you doing?" Uncle Nick asked.

"I want to see what it feels like to taste your dick." I replied boldly.

"You still have not had a special friend yet, have you?" He asks.

"No. I trust you and I want to experience this with you." I answered him.

"I understand that you want to experiment, but this will be the last time we can. This is too risky of us getting caught. You really need to get a special friend at home." Uncle Nick said, "What are you wanting to do?"

"Can I taste your cock? And maybe suck it?" I asked him.

"OK" Uncle Nick replied.

He reached down and slid his briefs down and placed them under his pillow like last time. He was now naked under the blankets, my hand returned to stoke his cock. It had gone a little soft, but returned to being fully hard in a short time. I moved down in the bed, under the covers. My head moved down to being directly over the hard cock. I reach out my tongue and lick his cock head. I taste the sweet salty pre-cum that was there from my stroking his cock. I heard Uncle Nick moan as my tongue ran over the cock head and then down his shaft. The head was more spongy than the hard shaft. I could feel the heat coming off his dick.

I licked back up and swirled my tongue around his corona. When my lips got up to the top of his cock, I kissed it. Again I hear Uncle Nick's moan again. I open my mouth and put the head in my open mouth. I have to open my jaw pretty wide to fit it past my teeth, I know that teeth scraping is a bad thing. I slide my lips over his dick and move my head down. I take about an inch past his cock head down. My mouth is full and I try to relax my tongue and throat. I bob my head slowly up and down, taking more of his cock in my mouth as I go. I continue until I feel his cock brush the entrance to my throat, I am close to taking his full length. I work back going up and down getting to about the same spot with each bob.

I feel his hips start to push forward to meet my bob down. This is just enough to push his full cock in my mouth, pushing into my throat briefly each thrust. I continue my head bobbing with his hip thrusts.

While giving Uncle Nick a blow job was what I told him that I wanted was not the entire truth. I wanted him to fuck me again. If this was to be our last play time, I wanted the most of what he could give me. With this in mind, I pulled off of his dick and scooted to get my head back above the covers. The fresh air was needed, as being covered while blowing Uncle Nick had me gasping for a minute or so. I had left him with a raging hardon.

"Will you fuck me again?" I ask him with my breathing returning to normal. "I wanted to make you feel good."

"I do not have the supplies like last time and my dick is too hard to go and get them." Uncle Nick replied.

"I already have them." I answered him, pulling them from under the bed.

"Alright then, if that is what you want." Uncle Nick said.

I hand him the tub of jelly and I reach down and pull my bikini briefs off, stowing them under my pillow. I turn my backside towards Uncle Nick as I hear him start to slick up his dick. I position myself like last time, giving him access to my hole. I feel a slicked up finger touch my hole and enter it to put lube in.

Uncle Nick moved his body forward, lining his cock up and pressing into my slicked hole. He does not pause going through my ass rings like last time. He keeps pushing until I feel his pubes brush my ass. I have the super full feeling and a bit if pain. He starts to pull back and push in at a faster pace, the blow job had him horned up. Grabbing my hips he begins to pound my hole. It does not take long for him to start to shudder and thrust all the way in. I can feel heat pulsing in my ass as he shoots his load in me. It was rougher than last time, but I am still proud that I could get Uncle Nick off.

Uncle Nick pulls out and begins to clean himself off. I had a second washcloth to clean myself. I finish and take the stuff back to place under the bed. Then I grab my briefs and put them on the same time he does. We settle back down and he puts his arm across me as we fall asleep.

In neither encounter with Uncle Nick did he offer to get me off. We never did play again, true to his word. He was a major part of my spank bank fantasies for many years. I did learn though that it was important for your partner to have the opportunity to climax from my experiences with Uncle Nick - I did not want to leave anyone frustrated like I had been.

I could not wait to see Dean again and try our Uncle/Nephew role play out in person. I got hard just thinking about it. Hopefully we get that chance soon.

Next: Chapter 19

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