Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Jan 27, 2020


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Finding Life

Chapter 15

Overnight with Alex

Hey guys it is Mace. A gay man on a journey of discovery and experiences in this new phase in my life. I had some of my first later in life gay experiences with my massage friend Alex. It was on in his bed that I had the flashback memories of my abuse in young teen-hood. It was also with his help that I was able to work through and resolve some issues with sex that I had.

I always found Alex physically attractive as he was fit and had a large cock - a thick 10 inch beast. He had a good personality and was very verse with me. The only draw back was that I could cum multiple times in one session and he could only cum once - a huge load, but only one. Not that it was a drawback, he had great control and could fuck me in many positions, edging himself before he finally shot his load.

Through our play times I came to realize that I was pretty verse when we were together. It was always seemed like a short time, usually only playing for an hour or so, before I had to head out. We wanted to spend more time together, but were unable to squeeze it in. It was our goal to maybe have a time that I could stay the night. That way we would not feel so rushed and we could explore each other with more leisure.

This was great luck that my family had to be out of town for several days, but I had to stay for a work meeting that I could not miss. I emailed Alex and he was free for one of the nights. He had had a cancellation of the one massage client he had that night and had not scheduled anyone else. It was a few days away and that we could be ready.

The day arrived and I had a change of clothes packed, a small dopp kit with necessities and my glasses and contacts. It was just after 5 and I was headed out to Alex's apartment. His last client of the day would have been done by 3 and that would give him enough time to get cleaned up both his studio and himself. I pulled my car into the parking space next to his and went up to the 2nd floor to the entrance of his apartment.

"Hey sexy man!" Alex greets me after I have knocked on his door. "Come on in here."

He holds the door open as I enter the front room of his apartment. He turns and closes the door. He is wearing a dark gray v-neck shirt that is tight to his chest and arms. His shorts were a dark denim jean short, which hugged his ass tight. Since he was at home he was barefooted, I liked seeing his foot flex as he walked around.

"Thanks for having me, Alex." I answer smiling, "I am really excited about this."

"You can put your things in the bedroom." Alex said as he points to his room.

I smile and walk through the front room, down the hall and past the bathroom. I put my things on the chair next to the bed and meet him back in the front room. As I pass back by the bathroom, I notice that he has a bath drawn. I walk over to the couch where Alex is sitting and sit next to him.

"Have you eaten? I can make us something or we can order something." Alex inquires.

"Yes, I ate already. I had to skip lunch so I was half starving when I got home from the office today." I answer, "If you are hungry, please eat."

"That is alright I ate a very late lunch and am good for now." Alex replies, "Anyway I am hungry for something other than food."

Alex reaches to hug me, as his arms go around me his face lines up with mine. He leans in for a kiss. Our lips are pressed tightly against one another while our tongues are passing back and forth. I slide my hand down his chest and play with a nipple through the shirt material. His nub hardens in my fingers, I grip it and grind the point between my thumb and index finger. Alex moans in my mouth. His arm goes down my back and settles on my ass. He grabs my ass cheek and pulls it closer to his body forcing our crotches together. His hand continues to squeeze and feel up my ass, I jolt when he his sliding fingers go down my crack over the shorts and hit my pucker.

I move from beside Alex to being on top of him on the couch. We continue to kiss and hug each other, our cocks are grinding against each other, being constricted by our shorts. I reach down and grab the hem of his shirt and start to pull it up. We separate from our kiss as his shirt comes up and over his head. He grabs and lifts my shirt off as well. Instead of resuming our kiss, Alex pulls my chest to his face and he begins to lick and suck on my nipples. I pull his head to my chest, while I am grinding my hips down into his. My cock leaking and pushing up above the waistband of the shorts, his huge cock is leaking as well, but is sliding down the leg of his shorts.

I get impatient to be naked, so I stand up and take a step back. I grab and open my shorts, letting them drop to the floor. I kick them off along with my shoes. My cock is jutting out now pointing towards Alex. I pull him up to standing. I unbutton his shorts and pull them down, leaving his cock to be snaking down the leg of his boxer briefs. I put my hand on his big cock and stroke it through the fabric. Alex runs his hands up and down my sides, when he lowers his hands he flips his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs. He peels them off, his cock springs out as he frees it. He steps out of the clothes pooled at his ankles and pulls me to him. Skin on skin we rejoin our kiss, hands exploring our backs and asses. Our cocks are rubbing against each other now as we grind together.

"Come with me." Alex said as he grabs my hand and walks down the hallway. "I want to relax with you." he continues. We come to the bathroom and he ushers me in. He lights several candles that were around the half filled tub. I could see the steam still coming off the water.

Alex turned off the lights and the room was then only lit by the candle light. He brought us to the tub and stepped in while guiding me to step in as well. He settled into the water at the back of the tub and had me join him between his legs. As I settled down the water came close to the top of the tub with the two of us in it. I leaned back to rest my back on his chest, he put his arms around me pulling me closer to him. The warm water had some bath oil in it, making it smell clean and relaxing.

Alex took a small cup from the side of the tub and filled it with water. He took the cup and poured it over my chest and head. I dropped my head back to rest on his shoulder. I could feel his cock against my lower back, like mine it had not gone down much. Now with my chest wet, Alex grabbed some shower gel and put it on a scrubby. He then began to scrub my chest, arms and arm pits. He followed by going down lower on my chest and belly, proceeding to my hard cock and balls. His actions made me moan as he thoroughly cleaned my junk. He had me sit up and he scrubbed my back and down to my ass. Then he had me stand up and he cleaned my legs and feet, working on one leg at a time.

Fully cleaned he pulled me back to his arms in the water. "Close your eyes and relax." He told me. I reclined my head against his shoulder and I could feel his arms hold me. He tilted my head toward his face and we kiss. Our tongues are playing together, his hands rub my clean chest, centering on my nipple. He uses his wet fingers to rub and kneed the nipple to a hard point. He switches to the other nipple to repeat the process, though once the second one is hard, he grips it hard and uses that grip to pull us closer together. I moan in his mouth at the attention to the hard nub.

His hand trails down my stomach and he rubs my balls, carefully avoiding my shaft. My cock is achingly hard and is leaking. I feel his finger swipe up some of the pre-cum and bring it to our joined mouths. He slides his finger in between our lips and we both are licking the sweet sticky fluid from it. He removes the tongue cleaned finger and resumes rubbing my balls and reaches under to massage my taint and slips every now and then by my pucker. My hips tilt forward as he explores below my balls, providing better access. His finger slips further in and begins to circle and tease my hole. He plays some more progressing to slipping the tip of his finger in and out.

After he has explored for a while, he broke the lazy sexy kiss. He has me stand up and he follows suit. He steps out and grabs a towel. "Step out and let me dry you off." Alex instructs. I step out and he begins to rub the towel up and down on my body, from head to toe, he works to dry me off. I turn at his hand motion and he gets my back and legs - extra attention to my ass. Finishing up he gives my ass a slap and has be move over. He would not relinquish the towel for me to dry him, instead he dried off quickly. Leaning over he opened the tub drain and put the towel on the rack.

"Are you ready for some more fun?" He inquires as he leads me by hand to his bedroom.

"Your damn right I ready, you sexy fuck." I answer back to him.

We move into his bedroom and climb up on his bed. He has the some muted music playing on his computer and only has some indirect lights on. The room is calming and relaxing, setting the mood to take it easy. We resume our hugging and while not kissing, we are licking and nibbling at each other. I am on the bottom and Alex is kissing me and sucking on my ears. Our cocks have been frotting for a while, even though we were freshly clean I can feel pre-cum from both of us.

I start to shimmy down the bed under Alex. I suck and tease his nipples as I lower. I lick his abs and tongue his belly button. As I lower more, my lips come in contact with his hard cock. I taste and lick all around his cock head, swallowing up his pre-cum. I opened my mouth and slide a bit more of his cock in.

We both knew that I could not take his whole 10 inch cock down my throat, but we had played enough to know I could do about 5 or 6 inches with ease. I continued my mouth taking his cock in until I reached my comfortable limit. Alex started to fuck my face, starting slowing letting my jaw and throat time to relax and open. He continued to hump my face, each stroke in pushing against the opening of my throat. He kept his rhythm steady to allow me to breath and not gag. Alex started to get close, so he slowed down and pulled out of my mouth. He slid his body down to mine and planted a kiss on my puffy lips.

He flipped me over and rubbed my back, moving down to the top of my ass. He used his hands to spread the globes of my ass open, exposing my pucker. He dove his head in and started licking and teasing my hole. Our previous playing had determined that being rimmed was one of my major turn ons. I was writhing as he ate my ass. Occasionally he would lick down and suck my ball sack, but would then return to tongue fuck my hole. I felt myself loosen from his persistent actions. Alex slipped two spit soaked fingers in and started to loosen my hole up more. I was moaning as his fingers would graze my prostrate. He added a third finger as my hole could accommodate it.

"Fuck me Alex, I need you in me." I pleaded over my shoulder.

I felt the fingers being pulled out of my hole and Alex's knees coming between my legs to spread them open. His cock head touched my hole and he leaned forward. I moaned as his head passed through my second ring. Alex pushed slowly until I felt his pubic hair against my ass lips, he rested as all 10 inches were buried deep in me. I became use the to super full feeling and my body relaxed - I began to pulse my ass muscles around his monster cock.

Alex began to pull out and then push back in, pulling back further each time. As I became more use to the fucking, I was able to pulse my ass muscles as he pushed in. Alex was moaning from the extra stimulation. He continued to fuck in and out for several minutes. He stopped abruptly and held still.

"Don't Move!" He said loudly in my ear. He held his body still for several minutes. I just rested, not making any movements of my ass. Slowly he pulled his cock out and laid down next to me on the bed.

"Fuck Mace, that was close. Your tight ass gets me so worked up, I almost shot my load." Alex advised me. We pulled together in a kiss and his hands reached down to stroke my cock. He rubs and tugs on my balls.

"I want your ass Alex. I need to feel it around my cock." I tell him.

"We can make that happen my stud." Alex answers as he rolls to the middle of the bed. He pulls his legs up towards his chest. His pucker comes into the open.

I take my hand between his legs, starting at his chest and begin to trail it down. I circle his huge cock and play with his balls. I slide my fingers lower and trace the edges of his ass lips. He reaches down and puts some lube in his hole, then beckons for my cock. I shift up on my knees and lean my cock forward. He slicks up my fully hard 6 inches.

"Mace, your's is the softest feeling cock I've ever known." He confides to me as he strokes my turgid member. "Shove it in me, I need you too."

I pull my cock back and line it up with his hole. Alex has told me before that he likes it rough sometimes. I have been hesitant before due to my experiences in my youth that he helped me work through. I was in a place now that I could indulge him. I push my cock head in his hole. As soon as I was past his inner ring, I quickly bear my weight down and force my cock in balls deep.

Alex grunts as I bottom out and starts to moan as I pull all the way back to then slam my cock back in all the way. I lean forward and place his ankles on my shoulders and pull his hips closer to me. I force my dick as far as it can go in. I start a hard fast pace. I am slamming against his prostate gland with each stroke in. His cock is leaking pre-cum in streaks. Alex starts to clamp his ass muscles on my cock when I bottom out each time, so I have fantastic friction as I pull back each time. I feel my balls start to tingle with my first load.

"I'm going to cum!" I yell as my cock starts spewing hot ropes of cum deep in his ass. He is milking my cock as I push in with a final thrust. Several pulses of my dick completes my climax. I fall forward on to his chest as I release his legs from my shoulders.

Still with my dick in his ass, he rolls us over. He dismounts my dick as part of my load leaks down on my crotch. He swiped up as much as he could from his ass and rubs it on his cock. He pulls one of my legs up and pushes his cum slicked cock back up my ass. I yelp in surprise, but am moaning before he makes his second push in me.

I am pretty flexible for a guy my age, so he can push the vertical leg to my chest while the other is prone to the bed. He is able to make long, hard thrusts, reaching deeper in me. He continues to pound my ass. He pulls almost out and grabs my other leg up placing my ankles on his shoulders. Again he thrusts deep and leans his chest forward, rolling my hips up off the bed.

I am nearly folded in half, he is on his toes, in an almost plank position. His hips are pulling and pushing straight up and down into my tilted up ass. He is pistoning his cock in and out of me, at this angle my prostrate is getting maximum stimulation from friction in both directions. My cock is starting to harden back up and is dripping streams of pre-cum onto my chest. I begin to pulse my ass muscles when he reached the bottom of his stokes. Alex starts groaning, his face inches from mine. I grab his head and pull him in for a deep kiss. He pushes for another minute while we are kissing, then he stops cold.

"I am so close!" Alex pleads, "Please stay still."

I relax and do not move for almost a full minute. Alex pulls his cock out of my ass and releases down my legs. Then he slides down my chest and swallows my cock again.

"Fuck!" I cry out as he pulls my hips toward his face and my cock head enters his throat. He holds it there and works his throat muscles around it. Then pulls back with a gasp for breath. My cock is fully hard again, his sucking has cleaned all the pre-cum off of it as well.

Alex raises his chest and moves up the bed. He swings a leg over and straddles my belly. He reaches down and grabs both of my nipples. He teases and rubs the hard points. He wiggles his hips backward, his ass pushing up against my hard cock. While he continued to play with my nipples, he started to push back further and my cock pushed up into his crack. He releases his grip on my nipples. He raises up his hips and takes a now free hand to guide my cock in his hole.

Since I had already breed his hole, it did not need any additional lube and he sank down to engulf my full length in his ass. He begins to raise and lower his body, impaling himself fully each time. He reaches down and grabs onto my shoulders for support as he pick up the pace. His huge cock is still pretty firm and is bouncing and slapping my belly. I let him ride me for a few minutes and start to feel good. I grab his hips and hold them still, Alex looks into my eyes questioning.

"I want to come into you from behind." I tell him, continuing "I want you to lean over the bed."

Alex nods and lifts himself off my cock. It releases and slaps my belly. We both move to the side of the bed. Alex moves in front of me and bends his chest over the bed. I step up behind him and using one hand spread his ass cheeks open. I run my cock up and down his crack, before placing it at the entrance of his hole and pushing all the way in. Alex grunts with the impact. I pull out and then slam back in. I continue this pattern for may strokes. Alex is moaning now with each impact and makes a whimper as I pull out. I push in and hold, taking my hand I push his lower back down to make his ass arch up. I resume stroking, but do not pull all the way out, just so my cock head comes to his first ring before plunging back in. The change in friction is building my next climax, I feel my balls start to tingle.

I pause again when I was fully in ass. I grab one of his legs and lift it up on the bed, allowing my pushing to go deeper in his ass. I resume my plunging pace, forcing my cock in more and more each time. I have kept my hands on his hips and am pulling him to me forcefully with each stroke. My balls are starting to churn and have pulled up to my body. I yell wordlessly as I thrust three more times deep in his ass, delivering ropes of hot cum into him. Lastly I push once more and feel my dick pulse twice more as It rests buried in his chute. I guide us down on the bed, my dick still buried. I hug him close to me, our faces are turned toward one another and we kiss until my dick has softened and pops out of his ass.

We have turned and are curled up in a front to front hug. Our kissing has resumed as we are resting on the bed. I slide my foot up and down his leg - I know that he has a major foot fetish and that he has not gotten off yet. I break our kiss to tilt my body back to be able to move both feet up his legs towards his crotch. Alex leans his head back and moans as my toes touch his ball sack. I carefully rub my feet up and down his big cock. My big toe touches his cock head and a shiver runs up his body. He starts writhing as I continue, it turns to a thrusting as he is more turned on.

Alex reaches down and pulls my feet up towards his face, he licks and nibbles on my toes. He snakes a hand down to start to jack his cock. He is licking and kissing my foot while is is jacking furiously. With my position I can rub his inner thighs with my hands, I cradle his balls and trace his taint. He is getting close, I see his balls pull up in his ball sack. His fist pounding away at his dick, he sucks in my big toe like it was a dick, swiping and swirling his tongue around it. His breath starts to get shallow in the midst of his sucking and jerking, I snake a finger lower beneath his prepared balls and plunge it in his open hole. As my finger tip brushes is hard p-nut, his orgasm explodes. He shoots multiple ropes of cum, covering his head, face and stomach. His ass muscles finally let up on the vise like grip that had trapped my finger in his ass, I slide it out and twisted my body around.

I scoop up the cum from his body and place it in my mouth. When I have all I could gather, I lean in and we kiss sharing his seed between us. We are both sated from our adventures, Alex pulls a blanket up to cover us. I turn my body around to be the small spoon, Alex's large but limp tool resting in my ass crack. He kisses the back of my neck and nestles us in close. We fall asleep.

I awaken and it is still dark outside. I feel wet lips taking my hardened cock in his mouth. Alex had stroked me hard and then plunged down to take my full dick down his throat. I place my hands on the back of his head and start to fuck his face. He hollows his lips and lets me pound into his throat. It does not take long and I am feeding him my morning seed. I had pulled out of his throat on the last few ropes of cum, and I wanted a taste. I pulled him up to a kiss and we shared the remains of my jizz.

"That is a great way to wake up, Alex." I tell him, "That was super hot. I am not sure if my dick will go down this morning or not."

"Not to worry, I can take care of that for you." He says with a smile.

He rolls onto his back and parts his legs, exposing his hole. I glance down and see that he has prepped himself with some lube as his pucker is slicked and shiny. He pulls my thighs closer as I move myself in position. I push my cock head in and slide deep in his ass. Alex moves his legs around by hips and ass and he pulls me in deeper to him. We are both moaning as I start my thrusting, slow at first but I speed up quickly. Alex moves his legs up and crosses his ankles with them above my lower back while my ass is pumping back and forth into him. I feel my second round of cum boiling in my balls. Alex moves his head to the side and he slides his tongue in my ear.

"Cum in me, I need to feel you deep in my stomach." Alex whispers, then plunges his tongue in my ear canal and blows.

My body takes the stimulation and it pushes me over the edge. I am bucking hard as my cum is pumping deep in his ass. I stop thrusting after three or four thrusts and his ass muscles are milking my cock for the rest seed. I rest a few minutes but know I have to get up to be out the door for work. I pull out and slap his ass, Alex looks up and grins.

"Let's take a shower before I have to hit the road." I say and offer my hand to help him up. Alex proceeds me into the bathroom as I get my stuff together. The water is started and he has two new towels setting on the counter for us. We hop in and take turns scrubbing soap and shampoo on each other. I go to jack his cock and Alex moves my hand away.

"I can't cum this early in the day and still function. I am not like you my friend." Alex lets me know, then laughing, "I think you could cum all day long if I worked hard enough."

"I am sure I have a limit, I just have not reached it yet." I advise him, "It is easy with a hung stud like you able to give and take as well as you do. You make me hot just thinking about you."

I give him a nice deep kiss as we have rinsed off. He cuts the water and we dry each other off. I shave and brush my teeth and hair, while Alex slips in to get dressed. I go and dress in his bedroom as I smell coffee brewing. I gather my things and Alex meets me in the front room with a travel mug of coffee.

"Until we get a chance to do this again, this was super hot Mace." He says handing me the cup, "Thank you coming over, it was great."

"Agreed, Alex! I had a blast." I tell him and lean in for a kiss. "See you soon."

We part and I head out the door. I reflect at work later that day. I seem more relaxed and calm. It would be nice to have time with Alex like that all the time. I muse and work on with a smile thinking about him.

Next: Chapter 16

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