Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Jan 16, 2020


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Finding Life

Chapter 14

Daddy Time

I'm Mace, a gay man who has recently come to the reality of living my life as a gay man. I have been using an hook up app to meet other gay men discreetly. I have often be contacted by men who where close to my age or older.

It was a surprise when a younger man, by almost 10 years, contacted me. He was interested in spending some mutual cuddling time, indicating that he was verse but had not bottomed in a while. He was not sure if he was ready to bottom, but wanted to meet up as see how it progressed. He sent me several pictures of himself in many different pairs of briefs in all stages of tumescence. He had a fetish about them and of being with older men.

I had not experienced a daddy type of attraction to this level before. Thinking about it made me feel rather hot, I was getting hard just trading some pictures and chats. It worked out that I had some free time the next evening to meet up. We made plans to touch base the next afternoon, when he would provide his address to host us.

That night I stayed semi hard thinking about our potential encounter. I was pondering how much action we might share - not sure if it would be maybe a hand job or blow job. Who knows, I just knew that I was getting excited about it. I had some doubts if it was truly work out, as I had a few guys flake out on me this week and was feeling some apprehension.

The next afternoon, we resumed our chats. It appeared that he was as excited as I was. He would be getting off work at 5:30 and would be able to host us about 6:30 after he had time to clean up. We agreed that tonight would still work and set it up. He said he would give me the address when he got home from work.

I headed home from work with a spring in my step - looking forward our meeting. In preparation, I hopped in the shower and cleaned up. I was at a little bit of a loss to decided what I should wear under my jeans. I am notorious for going commando, but I wanted this meeting to be special for him. I had not owned briefs since I was in late elementary school, so that was not an option. I did have some Brazilian trunk style underwear that I had worn over three years ago that I would wear when I worked out. This was the style that I choose before I switched over to jock straps for exercise. I settled on some solid black ones with a blue waistband. I fully intended on allowing him to keep this pair, as he mentioned that was a fantasy of his.

I slid them on and looked in the bedroom mirror - I thought that I looked good in them. I am 5'7", around 190 lbs, strong legs and arms, but dad like in the belly area. My brown eyes were warm and my brown hair had some silver flecks in it. I had been trying to get back into the shape I wanted, using mostly cardio workouts and started to add a weight routine as well.

I was looking at what shirt I wanted to wear when I got the chat message that he was home and hopping in the shower. He gave me his address and confirmed that we still could meet in about 30 minutes. His address was about 7 miles away in town - so I knew it would take about 20 minutes with evening traffic and stoplights to reach him at our decided time. I told him I would see him soon.

I picked out a heather gray v-neck t-shirt to pair with my dark denim jeans and running shoes. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed toward the address he gave me. Traffic was as I expected and I made it to his house right on time. I sent the chat message that I was here. I walk up to the door and it opens when I step up.

"Come on in." He said, "I'm Dean."

"Thanks, I'm Mace" I reply, "Nice to meet you."

"Right this way." Dean said has he pointed down the hallway to the left of the door. "We can relax in my bedroom, if that is OK with you."

"That is fine by me." I answer as Dean leads me toward his room.

I look him over while we walk. Dean is about 5'5", medium frame with a little weight but not overweight. He has brown hair and beard, I could also see a little hair on his chest where his shirt collar came down. He has some freckles on his pale skin and his eyes are a dark green color. His hair was still a little damp and messy from his towel drying after his shower. His cheeks under his beard had a rosy glow. He was in his late 20's or so.

We enter his bedroom that has a chair and chest of drawers by a window and then his bed on a floor level base. A side table has a lamp on it giving the room some soft light. The floor was mostly clean, about what one would expect for a young man.

"You can make yourself comfortable." Dean said as he pointed to a chair, "You can put your jacket and clothes there, if you like."

"Great, thanks!" I replied. Taking my jacket off, I ask, "So what did you have in mind?"

Dean thinks for a moment, as if making a decision. "I think I would like to explore your body and kiss. I am not sure if I am ready for more or not."

"That is fine, we can take this at your speed." I answer him, feeling a little bit like an exhibitionist, "Do you want to watch me undress?"

"Fuck man, yes please!" Dean quickly replies, "You are so hot, like a hot daddy or uncle. Do you mind if I am just in my briefs?"

"Whatever makes you happy boy." I say.

I lay my jacket down on the chair. Dean has pulled his t-shirt over his head, showing off his sparsely haired chest and bushy pits. He has a very light trail of hair going to the waistband of his shorts. Next he has dropped the athletic shorts he was wearing - he had more hair below, matching the curly hair of his chest, going into the waistband of his jockey shorts. His upper legs were mostly smooth, but got more hairy as it got to his knees and calves. He tossed his clothes next to his dresser and turned his attention to me.

"You like that I look like a daddy?" I ask him, "Does that make you turned on?"

He almost blushes, "Yes, Daddy." He admits softly, "I am nervous, but excited too."

His younger body and his sub-like demeanor are turning me on. I can feel my cock start to plump up. With his attention on me, eyes sparking, I start to pull my shirt off. I raise it slowly up and over my head - giving him time to look at my closely trimmed chest and pits. I toss my shirt on top of my jacket and I kick off my shoes next to the chair. Next I run my thumbs along my waistband of my jeans and unbutton them. I unzip them and then slowly pull them down my legs, revealing the black trunks I am wearing. I step out of the legs of the jeans and let them join my shirt. I slip my socks off and toss them near my shoes. Now I am just standing in my trunks.

"Do you want to come and touch me?" I ask Dean.

He nods and steps up to me. I smile as he looks up into my eyes. He reaches out and rubs my chest and arm. He moves his hand up and touches my neck, ear and then my chin. His fingers trail down from my chin and glide down the front of my neck. He adds his other hand and feels my chest again, his fingers make contact with my nipples. I moan as they stiffen with his rubbing. I feel my cock start to fill with blood and begin to tent the trunks.

He leans his head in toward my chest and I close my arms around him in a hug. I bring our bodies together, chest to chest and crotch to crotch. He breathes in as I hold us there, his hands move around my back. I tip my head and smell his freshly washed hair. I give his head a kiss. I think that I hear his let a soft moan escape his lips. I bring one hand up to the back of his head and nuzzle his face into my chest. This time I clearly hear the moan. His body is soft and warm against mine. I am mostly hard now and I lightly grind into him. I can feel his dick, but he is still mostly soft.

"Sorry, I am still nervous and excited. My body is not reacting normal, I guess." Dean says as he pulls is head back a little from my chest. He sounds like he has let me down.

"Hey my boy. There is no problems." I answer him, "We can take this at your pace. I want you to explore and be happy."

He gives me a smile as he looks into my eyes. His beard is still close to my chest and I feel it lightly scratch as he moves his head. I am feeling very horny, but this is more about him than me at the moment.

"Can we move to the bed?" Dean asks, again looking into my eyes. I smile warmly and nod.

He steps away from our hug. I step over to the bed platform on the floor and crawl on it. I move up towards the head of the bed and lay down, spreading my arms open. He still appears a little jittery, pulling at his still mostly soft dick through his jockeys, and he is smiling widely as he watches me.

"Why don't you join me?" I offer as I open my arms wide and pat the bed next to me.

He smiles again and hops down on the bed. He puts his head on my chest by my arm, his ear towards my pit. His hand rests on my chest and then he starts moving it up and down my chest and belly. I rest my arm around his shoulder and pull him in close - then release him back. His hand is exploring my body - he has felt my arms and shoulders, felt my pit opposite of where he was laying, and chest and belly. His hand nears the waistband of my trunks, he pauses. I move his hand down to grab my hard and leaking cock. I feel him squeeze me under my hand - I moan.

I look down as his face turns up. I lean in and pull him into a kiss. His trim bearded face is against mine, his lips open as I put mine on them. I slide my tongue into his opening. My lips brushed against the mustache of his beard and it tickled. I pushed my tongue in further and wrestled Dean's. He started to relax and kiss back more passionately. His hand moved up and down on my cloth covered cock, I moaned in his mouth. I needed to slow down some, so I could make this last as long as I could for him. I broke our kiss.

"So you like being in a daddy's arms? Does it make you feel safe or turned on or what" I asked while I continued to hold him to me. I had moved his hand from my crotch to give me a break.

"It makes me feel all hot and tingly when I am being held like this." Dean starts, "Your scent turns me on, as does your body hair. You smile at me and I feel excited. You talk to me and I get all anxious and horny."

"Well, that is hot. I like holding you and having you touch my body." I said then, "As we can both tell, I am clearly hard. Can you tell me what experiences you have had?"

"I have been mostly a top and I dated a guy younger than me. That was OK, but I always looked at older men and that seemed to turn me on more." Dean confessed. "I really think I might want to bottom, but I am so nervous. This is the first time I have had someone older over. I am not able to get hard, but I am so turned on."

"OK, I just wanted to be sure you were still doing alright with what we are doing." I advised him, "We can do as much or as little as you are comfortable with. You have that control. I am very patient and want this to be pleasurable for you. Even if all we do is this, that is OK. I will not rush you."

"Oh my god! That is so cool that you would do this. I really like this a lot." Dean answered excitedly, "I think that I want to do some more things."

"Would you like to see me without my trunks on?" I offered.

"Yes, daddy!" Dean answered.

I moved to the foot of the bed and stood up. I hook my thumbs on the blue waistband of the black trunks and start to lower them. I have to work it over my hard cock, a string of pre-cum is stretched as I lover them all the way down. I know that he likes to keep a memento pair of underwear to use as spanking material from our previous conversations. I toss them over to his pile of clothing. I turn back and wink at him. I flex my body some, enjoying the attention of being watched. Then I crawl back up on the bed to lay next to him.

"That was so hot daddy!" Dean whispered to me excitedly.

I pull him back to me and let his hands wander over my body as he pleases. I lean up and take his ear in my mouth - I kiss and suck it. I am not sure if anyone had done that for him, as he shivered when I pulled back and blew on his damp ear. He moaned when I took my tongue and traced his ear and trailed it down to kiss his cheek. I moved over and kissed his pert nose and then down to his lips. His return kiss was much more energetic that when I first kissed him. His tongue was darting into my mouth as much as mine did to his. I start to let my hands wander down his body. I pull as arm up and I kiss and lick his semi furry pit. I then move over and take a nipple in my mouth. I suck on it and then pull back and blow on the exposed wet nipple - making it hard. He is panting from my exploration. I want to see how comfortable his is feeling now.

"Do you want to take off your jockeys and let me see the rest of your body, boy?" I ask him in a husky low voice. He shivers at the sound, almost as much as from my blowing on his wet nipple.

"Yes, daddy" He answers. He slides to the foot of the bed and stands up. He slides down his shorts and drops them with his clothes and my trunks. He nervously takes a hand and tries to stretch his mostly flaccid cock, it appears to be about a skinny 4 inches long.

"You have a nice body, boy." I assure him, then slightly commanding, "Why don't you turn around and let me see all of you?"

I swear he blushed when I told him to do this, his fair skin looked a little flushed in several places more than just his face. He starts to turn around and show me the rest of himself. His back is almost smooth of any hair, this extends down to a tight little ass with just a dusting of fur in his crack. I am enjoying this view of him, I have a big smile when he turns back around. He then steps back up and climbs on the bed, into my arms. I hug him in.

"It is so cool that you are willing just to hold and kiss me." Dean confesses, "I was not sure that I would have a chance like this."

"I am enjoying our time together." I repeat to him to assure him, "I want you to feel confident and good. I want you to enjoy the time as well."

I start to kiss and hug him again. I let me hands travel down to touch around his newly exposed areas. I fondle his soft cock and balls. My fingers flick down by his taint when I play with his balls. He moans in my ear, his cock is still not getting hard, but he is clearly turned on. I move my hands to stroke his side from his ribs, over his hips and down to his outer thighs. Again he makes a slight moan in my mouth. I pull off his lips and I turn his head to lick and suck on his ear while my hand keeps stroking his body. I keep my touch light and vary from one to two or three fingers tracing his exposed body.

"Daddy, I think I am ready." Dean starts, "Will you top me. I want you to fuck me, please."

I stop kissing him and still my hands. "Are you certain that is what you want? You do not feel pressured into this just because of our cuddling and kissing?" I ask him while maintaining eye contact with him. "I do not want to force you to do anything you are not ready for."

"Thank you daddy." He replies still looking at me, "This is what I want. I have been struggling with the decision all afternoon and night, but I feel I am ready and I want you to be the one who does it. It has been over five years since I have been fucked and I am still nervous, but I want it. Please daddy!"

"That is what I needed to hear from you." I tell him. "Get your head back up here, I want to kiss you some more first."

We start to kiss, and is it more responsive than any of the times previously. He is actively sucking and wrestling my tongue. I let my hands resume rubbing and stroking his body. I lower them down and play with his cock and balls. His cock is starting to plump up - it appears that his a shower not a grower, as he is not getting much longer but it is not as skinny as when he was limp. I let my hand travel down now and start to play with his taint and flick a finger along his crack. He shivers from the new attention my hands are creating. I know that I want him to be as relaxed as he can be before I fuck him and I also know that he is freshly showered. I have an idea.

"Boy, do you trust me." I ask him.

"Yes daddy!" He replied.

"Then flip over and spread those legs." I command him, "I want to eat some of that hot boy ass."

His blush from earlier was nothing compared to how he responded this time. It looked like he was having a hot flash from the crimson color that pulsed on his fair skin. He was almost quaking when he turned over and exposed his ass to me.

I crawl up between his legs, my hands grab each globes of his smooth boy ass. I lean in and kiss each ass cheek. I slide a finger down his crack, his hips flexed when I felt his pucker. I follow my finger with my outstretched tongue. I stretch his cheeks wider and I kiss and lick his hole. I start to make circles with my tongue moving from the outside to the inside of his hole. I push my stiffen tongue in and out of his first ring. He has been moaning the whole time while moving his hips around. I really start to tongue fuck him fast, he starts to whimper.

I feel he is ready for more than just tongue. I wet my finger and slide it around his ass lips while I am still eating. I place the tip right at the entrance and slide it in. His moan deepened and he gave a yelp when I pushed over his love nut. I work my tongue and finger in his hole, making him wet and loose. He is bucking his hips back, trying to get more of my finger in him. He is dripping with my spit and I add a second finger. I start finger fucking him slowly and focusing on stretching and warming his ass lips up.

"Oh, please fuck me daddy." Dean pleads, "I need you in me, PLEASE!"

"OK, boy. I will give you what you need, what you want." I tell him.

I pull back up to set on my heels. I keep one hand teasing his hole, while I wet and stroke my cock with spit and the dripping pre-cum. I lean my face forward and use more spit on my tongue to push into his begging hole. I move my face away and I scoot my knees forward. I place my cock head at the entrance of his pucker.

I know that it has been a while for him and even with a thorough rim job he is likely to be super tight. I lean in and slowly push my cock head in. It makes it past his first ring with ease, I feel some resistance at his inner ring. I hold my cock in place and I start to rub and caress his back and hips - trying to have him relax and not tense up.

"You are doing good, boy" I start telling him in a low and husky voice, "Your ass feels so good against my cock. You are doing great."

I keep up with a steady continuation of positive reinforcement as I rub his back and hold my cock in place. He is not showing that he is in a lot of pain, just is a bit tense. I know that if I force it, it will be very painful for him and he will want to stop. After another minute of my whispers and rubbing, his back starts to relax some. When it reaches his hips and ass, I can feel the resistance against the inner ring start to waiver. I slowly push my hips forward, with steady pressure. I push through the inner ring and Dean grunts, but quickly moans as my cock head pushes against his prostrate. I hold there and let him adjust some more.

"That's it my good boy. You are doing great, taking this daddy cock in your ass. You feel so good against my daddy cock." I keep my litany of praise going is the low whisper I have been encouraging him in.

I start to push the rest of my cock in his tight ass. I continue with the rubbing of his back and I am moving very slowly. Finally I am balls deep in his tight hole. I pause and shift my weight onto his back. I am letting his adjust to the full feeling from my thick cock.

"You are doing super, my boy, You have my whole daddy cock in your ass, tight as a glove. You are so sexy and hot. You are making this daddy so horny. Daddy is feeling so good." I continue to whisper.

His hips have relaxed some and I can feel his inner ass muscles pulse on my cock. I know he is ready for some more. I pull my hips back about half an inch and then push it back is a slow, but steady pace. Dean's moaning has continued and I continue my whispering of praise.

I am now pulling more than half way out before pushing back in, I can feel his ass loosing up and he is not so tense. I pull back a little further and the bottom of my cock head is now putting pressure on his prostrate gland. He moans more deeply each time I pull back to that position.

"Oh daddy! Fuck me harder, I need your cum in me." Dean pleads, "Please daddy, I want your seed. Fill me up!"

I lean my weight back some and raise my chest off his back. I grip his shoulders as I start to move with more force. I am now pulling back so my cock is almost out of his ass lips before I thrust all the way back in. My whispering to him is stopped and I am grunting as I piston away at his tight hole. Sweat is dripping from my face on to his back as I work away.

I start to feel my climax build deep in my balls. With my grip on his shoulders, I use my knees to push his legs apart wider. I push with additional force into his hot body, making a slapping sound as we connect. He is reduced back to moans and grunts as I pound away. The change of position, now has my cock putting more pressure on his p-nut with the stokes in and out. My balls start to tighten as my cum is boiling.

"Fuck yea, boy! Take that daddy seed!" I yell, "I cumming!!!"

I thrust my cock in and out delivering four jets to hot cum in his ass before I push deep in a final thrust. I feel my cock pulse three more times, pushing my seed deep in him. I am resting and have not attempted to pull out.

"You did so good boy. You made daddy feel wonderful." I tell him in his ear, I lick it, "You are filled with my cum."

"You feel so good in me daddy. I like being full of you." Dean whispers back.

I hug his body and kiss his head and side of his face. I pull my cock out slowly, glancing down to confirm that there is no traces of blood. My cock only pulled out dripping my cum. I use a towel next to the bed to dry my cock off and to wipe his ass. I fold the towel over and place it under him when I turn him over. I slide back down next to him and hug him closely to me. I begin to kiss and stroke him.

"That was so good daddy!" Dean answered as our kiss broke. "You were so patient with me and were so gentle until the end. That was hot daddy."

"You are such a hot boy, how could I not please you the way you wanted?" I said as I stroked his hair and face.

He was laying on his back and started to play with his dick. He started to stroke it and pull his balls. I leaned over and took a nipple in my mouth and started sucking and nibbling on it. I reached my hand over and tweaked his other nipple as well. He is moaning and stroking harder.

"Can you come again with me, daddy?" Dean asks, "I see you are still hard, can I feel your cum on me?"

"I think you turn me on enough for that, boy." I answer, "You are so hot and I want to please you."

I take my hand and start jacking my cock. I spit into my hand and start to jerk it fast. With his hot body touching mine, jacking like I am, I start to feel my cum boil again. We both pick up our pace, I am getting close and I can tell he is as well - our breaths are getting shallow and our balls are starting to pull close. I am so turned on.

"You want my daddy batter on you now that it is in you?" I ask him, "Are you ready for my cum, boy?"

"I want to feel it before I blow my load, daddy." He replies, "I'm so close, daddy!"

That was all it took, I was shooting again. I aimed it towards his chest and belly. Five hot jets of cum shot out of my cock, covering parts of his chest, belly and then some on his jerking cock. The touch of my hot cum on his cock started his climax. He shot four large wads of cum on his chest and belly. His body was shaking as he finished and fell back to the mattress exhausted. I put my arms around him and pull him into a cum slicked hug.

"You shot a big load my boy. That was very hot." I tell him as I kiss his head and cheek.

Looking over at me, "I loved it daddy, you made me feel so good." he replied, "Thank you daddy."

We laid there for a few more minutes cuddling in our post sex glow. I hear a text come up on my phone across the room. This breaks the mood a little and we come back to reality. I look at Dean and he is smiling. I kiss him once more and then start to untangle myself. I grab the other towel he has and wipe off the mixed cum from my body. I toss it to him to clean up.

I go and get dressed. Now commando as I am leaving my trunks with him as I planned. I pull my shoes on and stand up. Dean has pulled on his shorts, also commando, and his shirt.

"I will walk you out daddy!" Dean says as we head down the hall, "I have a great time. We need to hang out again sometime soon."

"You are right my boy, that was hot Dean." I reply as I step to the door, "We do need to do this again soon, son."

I grab one last quick hug and head to my car. I waive as I pull away from one very hot boy just needing some daddy time.

Next: Chapter 15

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