Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Jan 3, 2020


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Finding Life

Chapter 12

Hard Muscle Dave

Hi! I'm Mace a man working out what is is like to now live as a gay man. I have been working out trying to tighten up my dad body, so I have been hitting the gym for some heavy cardio to help burn the fat. The extra gym time was starting to make a noticeable difference, my legs were toning back up, my ass was tightening up too. To help balance the cardio, I had started to add some weight work as well. That addition is what caused me to work a couple of knots in my shoulders and back.

I had looked several times for a more sensuous massage, but needed to find one with more depth in massage knowledge. I came across Dave's website that offered an in home studio and offered a 120 minutes sports massage with stretching. I contacted his website and scheduled a block the next day.

The next morning I got up and decided to skip the weight routine, but to double up on the cardio. I ended up hoping an a elliptical machine and running a straight 5k. I decided that was enough exercise so I headed to the locker room and the sauna. I peeled off my shirt and dropped my ear buds in my locker, then took a seat in the warm sauna. My muscles were tired, but the heat helped relax all but my knots. I had about 40 minutes before I had to leave for my massage. I leave the sauna, stop at my locker to drop my shorts and shoes and socks. I grab my towel and headed to the shower. Sadly this gym did not have open showers so I did not have a chance to view any good young bodies this time. I finish a quick shower and get dressed.

I check the time and I am on track for my appointment with Dave. I was able to drive straight from the gym to Dave's home studio. It was only about 5 miles away and traffic was light. I was there just a few minutes early. I step out of my car and step up to the door. I can see myself in the reflection of his front door. I am 5'7", medium build - getting better with my new exercise routine, brown hair and hazel eyes, with my tanned skin, I liked what I saw. I rang the door bell and heard some dogs start to bark. The door opens and Dave is welcoming me in.

Dave is about 5'11", buzzed grey hair, pale blue eyes, broad shoulders and big arm muscles. He is wearing a tank top and athletic shorts. He is moving back his dachshunds that were the source of the barking.

"OK, ladies let the man though." Dave chided the dogs, "He is suppose to be here. Hi, I'm Dave" He reached out his hand.

I moved in and shook his hand, his grip was firm and solid. I caught a whiff of citrus and sandalwood. His eyes were smiling that matched his beard covered face. I felt my dick pulse.

"I'm Mace. I am glad you had the time for me." I answered and headed into the house.

Dave pointed down the hall to the left as he ushered the dogs in and closed the door.

"It is just down the hall here then to the right." Dave directed, "I am happy I had an opening too."

I entered the studio and it was a nicely appointed massage studio: extra long massage table, clean white linens, soothing music, some tasteful massage photos that were matching from his website. I realized that they were not stock photos, but were off Dave massaging several different guys. His website did not specially indicate that he offered anything but a standard massage, but I was picking up on some strong M2M vibes. There was a chair and side table for my things.

"I will let you get settled, you can place your clothes on the chair. " Dave says, still standing there, "I have you for 2 hours for the sports massage. Any places that we need to target?"

I have kicked off my shoes while we are talking, "Yes, I have some knots in my upper back. I have added a weight routine to my workout program and I think I have maybe been too aggressive to start with." I answer and turn my back towards him and point to my upper back.

Dave moves up and starts to rub and feel my upper back and moves his hands down toward my hips over my clothes. "I can feel some tightness." He mentions.

"I did push a little extra cardio today, did a 5k on the elliptical, so my legs and hips are a bit tight as well." I continue over my shoulder.

Dave moves his hands from my hips down to feel my legs. He nods and stands up. "That is some cardio, I am sure that we can work that tightness out." He says.

Dave steps back to go over to his iPad on the side table and I turn back around. He is making a few notes, but not making like he was leaving the room. I am fine with nudity, so I continue to undress - pulling my t-shirt off and stepping out of my shorts. I am now standing next to the table, my body on display. Dave looks up with a smile.

"How about we start out with you face down. " Dave instructs as he pats the table, "It is heated so let me know if it gets too hot. I have to go get the lotion warmed up." He heads toward the door.

I hop up on the table and get comfortable. The table is nice and warm, I realize that there is not a towel or sheet for draping. Not that I have a problem with that. So I am ass up on the table when I hear Dave return.

"Well Mace, that is a nice view." He chuckles. I hear him place what I imagine is the massage lotion on the side table. I hear him applying the lotion to his hands. He moves to the head of the table. I feel his large, strong hands come down and begin rubbing on my back. He has a firm pressure and I am starting to relax into table. It is feeling very nice. He finds one of the knots and starts to work it out.

"The pressure OK?" Dave asks.

"I have a very high pain threshold, so the more pressure the better." I reply, "It feels really good."

"Wonderful!" He quips. His hands pressing around my back again. He found another knot that give him some trouble. He ends up having to use his elbow. He takes my arm and does some stretching to open up parts of my upper back. He does the same on both sides - really opening up my back well.

Satisfied with his work on my upper back he starts making his way to my lower back and glutes. His strokes are firm and he works out a few knots in different places. His hands trailed lower with each stroke, without any draping he had full access. My glutes were still a bit tight from the cardio workout. He spent some time rubbing and stretching them. I felt a finger slip down my crack with a stoke and could not suppress a moan. My back arched in reflex.

"Something feel good?" Dave asks as his hands slide down again and runs a finger down my more exposed crack.

"Yes, it does sir." I reply in a soft moan. I am not sure why I said sir, but seemed to fit.

I felt Dave's hands lift off my body and I was starting to feel disappointed until I felt warmed lotion drip at the top of my crack. It then was running now to my hole as more was added. The next moment I could feel his hands return to my ass, gripping each globe to then pull my ass crack more open. The warmed lotion continues to slide down and reaches my pucker.

I moan again as the warm lotion makes my pucker twitch. My bach continues to slowly arch as well. Dave move his grip in to allow his fingers to be able to trace around my hole. I feel my ass lips loosen from his actions. My hips are softly grinding when his finger runs right down the middle. I felt the tip of a finger just at the entrance of my hole. I try to scoot back to guide it in, but Dave denies my attempt. He drags the tip just at the edge of my pucker, pulling outward. I moan again.

Dave places his other hand on my lower back, then pulls my hips back, lifting my lower body up on my knees. With his finger still tracing and stretching my hole, he moves his free hand to trace from my hole down to balls that were now hanging down. His hand, felt and squeezed my hangers. He pulled them out and let them dropped them down with a bounce. His hand reaches down and grabs my dripping cock. He gives it a stroke and then just holds it.

The tip of his other hand has been stretching and teasing my hole. After he has grabbed my dick, he moved the tip to the entrance of my hole and pushes it in. He sides it in and as it grazes my prostate gland I shudder.

"Oh my god!" I moan, feeling pleasure on my dick and in my ass.

"Well, I'm glad I found something you like." Dave says with jest.

I try to reply with a laugh, but it turns to a moan as he starts jacking my cock and finger fucking my hole.

Dave must have felt my gland start to harden as he pulled his finger out of my hungry hole and stopped jacking my cock. He pushed my back and hips back down to the table. He had positioned my hard cock to point down when he did so. I sighed in sexual frustration. Which made Dave chuckle.

"Don't worry, we will get you taken care of." He confided.

He re-lotions his hands and starts to massage my legs. My thighs and calves are tight from my cardio. He has to use his elbow several times to work some tough spots to release. Every so often he slips a hand up and either tweaks my cock or slides a digit over my pucker. I moan with each tease.

Dave moves down to my feet next. He pulls and stretches the ankle, applies pressure to the sole of my foot. He lifts the foot up and flexes it. Then I am surprised when I feel his lips close over my big toe. His tongue moves over it as he begins to suck on it.

This is the first time someone has played with my foot that way. My cock pulses and I udder a low moan.

Dave continues to suck on my toes, he sucks each one and then puts several in his mouth at once. I shudder with the sensations.

He the switched to the other foot and started the massage and stretching. I am holding myself in anticipation as he flexes this foot and lifts it up. He pauses just a moment in a teasing fashion, then again sucks the big toe in slowly.

Even knowing it was coming, I begin to moan again. Thinking to myself, "Fuck this guy is good. Why have I not done this before?"

Thoughts are pushed from my head as he continues to suck and lick this foot. My cock has been twitching and leaking pre-cum while my feet have been worshiped.

Dave stops playing with my feet and he runs his hands first up the inside of my legs, pausing to tease my dick and my hole, then slide his hands on the outside of my legs stopping at my hips. He starts on one side and begins to move my leg to open and loosen my hip joint. When he positions his hands he tweaks me in some fashion to keep me revved up. He lays the first leg down, but in a spread wide position. He then works the other hip is a similar approach. He completed the second hip and placed the leg down like the first one. I was spread wide from behind.

I could hear what I thought was Dave taking off his tank top. Then I felt the massage table gain some additional weight and I felt skin brush past my spread legs. I soon had hands on my ass cheeks spreading them further apart. I then felt the scruff of his beard scratch my ass cheeks and Dave's hot breath on my exposed pucker. I bucked my hips as his lips and tongue touched my hole.

Dave's tongue was licking and teasing my hole. I was making grunts and moans while my pucker was flexing open and closed. His beard was rubbing my tender ass cheeks, his lips and tongue was kissing and licking my hole - making it more and more relaxed. Occasionally he will move his mouth down and suck or lick my balls, as well as licking down the shaft of my cock. Dave is a pro at eating ass and my body is responding appropriately to his skills - my hole is wet and open.

Soon I felt his finger slide in my hot, openness with ease. He is quickly able to add a second finger in. Quickly he has started to finger fuck my good, hitting my prostrate with almost every push in. I feel my first climax rising fast. Dave was reading my body as well, my balls were starting to draw up and my p-nut was hardening. He reached down and pulled my cock out and sucked the cock head into his waiting mouth. His speed of finger fucking increased and he starting sucking on my cock.

"Eiiieh!" I yelled as my balls pulled up and started to empty in Dave's talented sucking mouth. With his fingers still fucking and hitting my prostrate, I shot 6 hot ropes of cum into his waiting mouth. He stopped his fingers and withdrew them as he pulled his lips from my cock. I slumped forward as he gave my hips a gentle push.

"Feeling more relaxed now, my friend?" Dave asks again in a playful manner. "Why don't you flip over and I will work your front."

I lift up and flip over on the table. I can now see Dave's bare chest. He is covered in silver hair on his chest and belly. He works out so his muscles are well formed and tight. His pale blue eyes are twinkling with a smile as he steps up closer to the table. He takes a moment and drops his athletic shorts to the floor, he is now standing in tight black boxer brief. His silver body fur goes down to his waistline and continues down his legs. His cock is filling out the pouch of his boxer briefs.

I lay back and position myself with my hands to the edge of the table. My cock is still mostly hard and is pointing up my belly. My balls have relaxed down and are hanging between my slightly spread legs, making my dick angle a way from my body just a bit. I watch Dave turn and pick up the massage lotion, his ass is tight in the boxer briefs.

Dave moves back to the table and starts picks up my hand and arm. He massages and rubs the muscles in my forearm and them moves up to the bicep muscles. He then stretches the arm and shoulder before laying the arm back down. He leaves the palm of my hand open on the side of table. He then leans over and works on my upper chest, his cloth covered cock comes to rest on my open hand. I grip and massage his dick and balls as he works my chest. His dick is getting more hard and is starting to form a damp spot from pre-cum. He looks at my face and gives me a smirk. He pulls away from my hand and walks to the other side of the table. Again he works this hand, arm and shoulder. When it lays the arm down, he just guides the hand directly to his crotch.

He allows me to play with his dick and balls while he finishes up the chest and belly massage. He has avoided touching my cock, which is now starting to drip again. To my disappointment, he moves down to work the tops of my legs and my hand is unable to keep fondling his package. He works out some tough knots on thighs that he could not reach while I was on my stomach. He moves down toward my feet. He grabs one foot and lifts the leg to stretch and manipulate my knee and hip. The stretching opens up my ass to him, he slides a hand down and flutters his fingers below my balls at my taint to tease me. He comes back up and before releasing my leg back down, he finds my big toe with his mouth and sucks it in. He bobs his head a few times, sucking the toe, bathing it is his spit. He finished the other leg stretching and ends with the same toe head.

Dave moves up to the head of the table, he works on my neck and upper shoulders. He reaches his arms down between the table and my back, to stretch and release some neck tension. His hands slide out and he pauses to move his thumbs to the waistline of his boxer briefs. He drops his undershorts down and releases his hardened cock. He has a nice and thick 5" cut cock, his silver hair continues down and covers his balls in a silver nest.

I am watching his cock as he starts to climb up on the table from the top. His lips and mouth are moving down my body towards my waiting cock. His knees come up on the table and I see his hairy and toned belly move down the table preceding his hard cock. As he reached my cock with his lips, I opened mine and took his member in my mouth. His knee height on the table gave me enough space to be able to move my head up and down on his cock. It was not too large, so I could go down all the way to his balls. I tasted his pre-cum when I licked his head and shaft. He was licking the sides of my shaft like a sucker and then swirled his tongue abound my cock head before plunging down on it. As his lips reached almost to base of my cock, I could feel the opening of his throat. He bobbed his head up and down, slipping my cock head in and out of his throat. I resumed sucking and lightly bobbing on his cock in our 69 position.

We ate each others dicks for a few minutes, he started to get close and he pulled his dick out of my mouth. "I can only shoot once then I am done." He told me.

"No problems." I replied, "I can shoot several loads."

"That is hot Mace!" He said, he moved down some and I was able to access his balls.

I licked and then sucked one in my mouth. Dave groaned on my dick as he went back to sucking me off. I continued to service his balls, plying them with my tongue. I could see up between his ass hairy cheeks. I reach and spread him open. I can not reach up to his hole, but I can lick his taint and part of his crack - he seems to enjoy it as he wiggles his ass back and forth.

His mouth is working hard on my cock, he slips his fingers down to my pucker. He has slicked them up and shoves two fingers in. He starts punching my p-nut again and he is still bobbing his head on my cock. He inserts a third finger and leaves them in deep, massaging my gland hard. I feel my second climax coming, my balls are tingling and my ass muscles start pulsing. Dave pushes his head deeper on my cock, forcing my head into his throat. He makes his throat close and pulse on my cock. I force my hips upward hard, and start to shoot four or five ropes on hot cum into his stomach again.

Dave holds my cock in his mouth for a few moments to let me desensitize. Then he lets it pop out of his mouth, still mostly hard. It slaps down to my stomach. He slides off the side of the table.

"You up for some more fun?" He asks, "You want to fuck it up?"

I was briefly confused, by the 'fuck it up', but nodded yes saying "Sure thing hot man!"

Dave pulled my legs towards him and pivoted my body on the table. He pulls my legs up and moves in between them. He has grabbed some of the massage lotion and is slicking up his cock. With slicked fingers he inserts two and starts to widen and stretch my hole. After a short time he adds a third and rocks his hand in and out, just short of hitting my gland.

I lay my head back as he is finger fucking me again. I gasp when I feel his thick cock head at my opening. He pushes forward and inches his thick dick past my second ring. He waits to let be become use to his size. I pulse on his dick and he starts to slide forward again. I feel his balls as he bottoms out, his cock just brushed past my fuck nut. He moves his hands down and pulls my thighs in closer to his body, pushing his cock in as deep as it will go. With his combined work on my hole, I am ready to fuck soon.

Dave starts his strokes, using his grip on my thighs to piston in and out of me. My ankles rest on his shoulders as he starts to work away. He is flinging his body back and forth into mine - rubbing my fuck nut with each stroke. He has been plowing away for a few minutes when I grab my legs and spread them open wider. Dave is able to go deeper with this new position and it tilts my ass, so he is punching my gland with each entry. His pace picks up, his climax coming fast. With the change of position, my third climax is building as well.

"Jack my cock." I command him, "I want to cum when you do."

Dave complies. He reaches down and grips the base with one hand and starts to jack with the other. My cock is serving as his stabilization base as he fucks in and out of me. His fuck pace has picked up and he starts furiously pounding my dick in his fist. I feel my balls pull up and then I start to shoot. He is still punching my gland with each hard stroke and I shoot the first two ropes over my head, the next few land on my chin and chest, the last one just lands on my belly.

The spasm of my climax tips off Dave's own. He released my cock and has grabbed my thighs again to pump hard into my ass. With a final thrust he has buried his cock deep in me and I feel it pulse filling me with several ropes of cum. Spent he leans forward and we share a kiss.

His cock softens fairly quickly and it pops out of my ass. I feel a small trail of cum drip down my crack. He breaks our kiss.

"God, what does a guy have to do around here to get off?" He asks in a joking manner, then goes on, "Looks like someone needs a shower."

"Sure do stud!" I reply.

We separate and I slide off the table. My hips are taking a moment to return to be able to walk. He chuckles as he points the way to the bathroom and slaps my ass as I head that way. We enter and he starts the water in the shower, getting the temperature right.

"Come on in, young man" he requests. He leads me in to the shower,"Stand up against the wall with your hands up."

I move into the shower and place my hands on the cool tile above my head. He takes the shower wand and starts to wash the hot water over my head and body. He puts the wand up and pick ups some shampoo, placing on my head he then massages it in. He has lathered the shampoo in enough and takes the wand back to start rinsing the suds away. Having cleaned my hair he then takes up some body wash and lathers it on my arms, back, butt and legs. He paid special attention to my hole when he squatted down to lather it. Then he turned me around, keeping my arms up he washes my pits, chest, cock and legs. He pulled my cock and balls playfully when he was washing them with a chuckle. It was my turn to chuckle when my cock started to rise again. "Fuck, it wants more?" Dave asks, "More than three times?"

"It would take some work, but I have shot four times in one session." I confided.

"Damn, that is so hot!" He exclaims as he resumes with rinsing my body of suds, turning me when he needed to. He turns off the water and steps out to grab a towel. I start to dry myself, but he grabs it and dries my head and back, flips me around and finishes drying me off. He took a second to kiss my cock head. He then handed me the towel and grabbed one for himself.

"You can go back and get dressed now that you are fully serviced." he laughs. I laugh as well and head to the studio.

I am getting dressed when he comes back in and retrieves his athletic shorts and tank. He slides them on and comes over to give me a hug. I return it eagerly and we kiss for a minute or so.

"Next time, drink your energy and sports drink because we are going for four times!" He laughs.

"You are on, hot man!" I reply.

He leads me to the door, the dogs are coming up to see me off. I head out to the car and wave to him as I pull off. To myself, "For sure we are going to try for four."

Next: Chapter 13

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