Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Dec 26, 2019


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Thanks Levi!

Finding Life

Chapter 11


Hi, I'm Mace and these are a chronicle of my adventures as I experience my life as a gay male. I have had success in finding some play time with one of the gay adult hookup apps. I had some free time one afternoon and reached out to a listing titled Stretch. He listed his stats and that he was bottom interested in hosting for some afternoon fun. We sent some messages back and forth, then decided we would meet up. He sent me his address and I let him know I was on the way.

The address put him in a kind of sketchy part of town, his complex was not completely ghetto, but it was close. He told me to message him when I got there and he would come out and escort me to his place. This was a bit strange, but given the part of town I was OK with that.

I arrived and sent him the message that I was there and what vehicle I was in. He sent back that he was on his way. Within a few minutes I saw a very tall and lanky guy head out toward my car. He confirmed that I was his guest and I got out of the car. I quickly locked it and we headed toward his apartment.

As I stood next to him, he introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Joel. I know that most guys say that height is not a problem, but are you OK with it?" Joel asked.

I stand 5'7", medium build - kind of a dad bod - muscular legs but a bit of a belly. I have brown hair that I keep short due to it being naturally wavy and warm hazel eyes. Joel was at least 6'6", with his dishwater brown hair that was kind of shaggy and fair skin showing quite a few freckles. His eyes were brown, but I had to stand back a bit to look directly into them. Our bodies were at least a head and shoulders difference between us. He did not give off any aggressive vibes, so I decided it was fine.

"No problems here" I shared with him.

"Great!" Joel exclaimed, "You would not believe the number of times someone has gotten here and then decided to leave because of the height difference."

He pointed down the sidewalk that went toward the outside of the apartments and we headed toward his unit.

"Sorry about the having to come out and get you." He told me, "I have a neighbor that sometime comes off his meds and has acted foolish to some of my guests. It is easier if I escort you both ways just to make sure he is not a problem."

"I appreciate that." I replied, "That would make it difficult for sure."

We arrived at his unit and he let us in. It was more of a townhouse style lay out, the living areas on the first floor, then the bed and bath rooms on the second level. Joel ushered me upstairs.

"Go on up and get comfortable." He suggested as he closed and locked the door. He followed up behind me, "I was just getting out of the shower when you got here so my hair is still a bit wet." He continued.

We entered his bedroom and he started to take off his t-shirt. He gestured to the side table and chair. "You can put your stuff over there." He told me.

Joel kicked off his shoes and sat down on the bed is his basketball shorts. I took off my shirt and tossed in on the chair, kicking off my shoes as well. I unbuttoned my jeans, leaving me in my no-show socks as I go commando unless I am working out.

Joel glanced over, "Fuck Mace, you have a hot body." He told me, "I can't wait for this. It has been a while since I had someone over" He motioned me to come over to the end of the bed that he sat down on.

I was excited, so my cut hard 6" cock was leading the way. I walk around in front of Joel. His eyes are roving up and down my body. Where his skin was fair mine was tanned, adding another contrast. He opened his arms and pulled my body close to his, while he was sitting and I was standing that put our mouth almost at the same level.

I watched his arms enclose my body, his hands moved up and down my back and top of my ass. I loved the body contact and leaned in closer. I saw his lips open and thought we might kiss, which I like, but he moved his head down and started to give my quickly hardening nipple a lick. His tongue swirled around it and I moaned. I moved my hand to the back of his head, pulling him in close. He suckled and teased the nipple into a hard point. I was starting to leak pre-cum on his chest. He moved his lips over to my other nipple to suck and lick. He kept one hand on the vacated nipple, so both were being serviced.

"Oh my god, that is so good, dude." I moan as he is twisting and nibbling my hard points. My cock is leaking more and more pre-cum across his chest, I could not help flipping my hips back and forth.

Joel pulled his lips off my worked nipple. He pushed me back to separate us sightly, then he leaned forward and down to wrap his lips around my sticky cock. I felt his tongue circle around my cock head, cleaning up my pre-cum and tasting my dick. He pulled his lips back and smiled up at me.

"I am going to move back on the bed," Joel advised and then, "I want you to stand up and mount my face. I want to suck that dick."

With that Joel slid back on the bed, so he came to a stop up by the headboard. I step up on the mattress, stepping up to place my feet on either sides of his outstretched legs. My cock was in line with his mouth, he opened his lips and stretched out his tongue to beckon me in to his waiting mouth. I push my cock in, he sealed his lips around it as my cock head passed them. His hands came up to my hips and pulled me slowly closer to him, my cock pushing further in his mouth. His tongue was swiping side to side as the length of my cock entered. His lips were almost to my trimmed pubes when I felt the opening of his throat. He paused here and started to suck and lick my pole, giving him time to prepare his throat.

He motioned for me to pull back and then push forward. I start to fuck his face, his hands still on my hips helping to set a tempo. I start pushing forward with more force, at the back I am hitting the throat opening - at first gently then with more power as my strokes pick up. I hear his slurping and sucking as we continued. With my next push in, Joel's hands pushed me deeper, my cock entered his tight throat. I grunt at the tightness surrounding my cock head. I grab the sides of his head as I start to throat fuck him. He gags a few times until he got his breath in time with my thrusts.

He lets his lips mostly relax and rests his tongue, to allow my thrusting cock to move swiftly back and forth into his hot throat. His hands run down my legs and then come back up on the inside of them. He grabs my balls and gives them a light squeeze I assault his throat. The thumb of his hand strokes my taint and he pulses his grip on my balls. I can feel my climax coming, I thrust harder, pushing deeper. His gagging is back as the speed and thrust are too much. The combination of sensations push me over the edge. I grip and hold his head tight at I do a final thrust deep in his throat. I shoot 2 or 3 ropes of cum down his gagging hole. I pull back to allow him to breath and shoot the last of my boiling cum on his tongue.

He looks up and our eyes meet, his tear streaked, as I slide my still hard dick from his mouth. His lips wrap around my exiting member and he collects all the cum. Sweat is dripping off my body, he motions me to sit next to him. I sit and he starts to slide down to recline when our mouths are close, he leans in and kisses me. I feel and taste my cum still on his tongue. We force our tongues between each other's mouth. His arms wrap around me and mine around him. I feel his large and skinny shoulder frame, his body is mostly hairless - small patches in his pits. We slide further down on the bed so we are both laying down. I pull one of his hands up and then trace my fingers down his arm and ending at his pit. My fingers pull and tease his lightly furred pit.

I pull away from our kissing and lean over to his exposed pit. I bury my face in and start to lick it. Joel starts moaning, pushing my face in with his free hand. I slurp and lick his pit wet. I move my lips along his bare chest and start on his nipple. I keep his arm up and my fingers tease his wet pit. He is moaning and writhing at the attention. I bite on his hard nub and he lets out a low continuous moan. I move to the other nipple and take my wet hand and play with the tender nipple I just left. He is squirming and lightly thrashing as my tongue and fingers flick his nipples at the same time.

He sits up and starts to remove his basket ball shorts that he still has on. His hard cock is tenting them making it hard for him to remove. I help slide them down and he tosses them to the side of the bed. His cock is about 5 inches hard and jutting out from a bushy layer of pubes at the end of a faint treasure trail. He grabs his hard spike and gives a tug or two. I move down and take his small cock into my mouth. I slide my lips all the way down to his pubes. He leans back and moans. I start to bob my head up and down, it taste his pre-cum as my tongue moves across his cock.

My hands reach down and explore his balls and inner thighs. He spreads his legs to allow me better access. I wet my fingers from the slobber created while bobbing on his prick. I start to trace circles around his tight pucker ringed with sparse hair. He moan as my wet finger tip rubs across his hole. The attention and pressure are loosing up his ass lips. I gather some more spit and then place my finger tip at the entrance of his hole. He tries to impale the wet finger, but I move it away - teasing him. I place it against his pucker again and this time slide it in.

"Oh my god!" Joel cries as I rub past his gland, "I want you in me so bad. Please Fuck Me!"

I insert a second finger and start to finger fuck him. It is starting to release his tight rings, getting it ready for my hard cock. I keep from hitting his gland too hard to keep him from shooting yet. Joel is bucking his hips between my lips on his cock and my fingers in his ass.

"I don't want to shoot yet." Joel pleads, "Fuck me now!"

I pull my mouth off his hard cock, it releases to his belly with a hard wet slap. I remove my fingers as I slide my body the rest of the way in between his long legs. I push his legs forward to expose his hole, his hot pick pucker is pulsing. He grabs his knees to hold his legs up, I drop my head and attach his hungry hole. My tongue is licking and flicking his ass lips. Joel is reduced to moans as I eat his hole getting it ready. I spread his cheeks out wider and plunge my tongue in and out of his hole. Joel is writhing from the attention, his head is thrashing back and forth.

"Are you ready for this dick?" I inquire, "Do you want it?"

Joel nods his head.

"You need to tell me what you want." I tell him, then ask again, "What do you need?"

"I need your cock in me. I want to be filled up with that hot piece of meat." Joel pleads, "I want you to fuck me hard. Please!"

I line up my dripping cock with his hole, like my finger before I just place it at the opening of his pucker. He tries to move his hips to get my dick to enter him, but I match is moves to just keep it touching. I look up to his eyes and see his pleading look. I lean forward and rest his legs on my shoulders, as I scoot up I slam my hips down. I bury my cock all the way to the hilt with a hard push.

Joel can only grunt as I slide my cock back almost to the tip and then slam it balls deep again. As I had the good blow job before, I knew I could last a while. I continue to plow his ass with hard, strong strokes. My balls are slapping his ass each time I bottom out. I lean in to his chest and suck on a nipple, when I grind my teeth on his hardened nip I can feel his ass muscles pulse on my dick. I keep my fucking rhythm, my cock brushing against his gland each time. I move to the other nipple with my mouth and get the same reaction in his ass when I chew on the hard point.

My body is slapping in to him with each stroke in, the only sounds are my heavy breathing and Joel's grunts and whines from the through fucking. I begin to pivot my hips from side to side slightly with each thrust in, stretching his tight ass lips wider. I thrust straight on again, but move my hands to his knees. I pull his legs off my shoulders and spread them wide.

I can see Joel panting from the assault his ass is taking. As our heights are so different I know that I can not enter him in a full doggie, but I want to get behind him. I pull out my cock and slap his balls and dick with it a few times.

"I want you to flip over and move down the bed" I instructed Joel.

He complied, flipping first then crawling down to the foot of the bed. I had stepped off the bed guided him to drop his knees onto the floor with his chest leaning over the bed. His hips did not touch the top of the bed and with his chest resting on it, his ass was flared up and open for me.

I step closer and line my hard dick back into the waiting pucker as I am in a slight squat. I grip his hips and slide my cock back in to the hilt. The change in position moves his gland to be directly in my thrust path, so it is getting hit with each stroke. Joel's dick is hard and dangling above the bed, dripping with each hit to his gland. I move one hand to the small of his back and force it closer to the bed, his ass opens more.

I have been fucking him hard for about 10 minutes now. I start to feel my second climax building. I begin pounding him harder, using more body weight when I thrust down. My balls had been slapping is as I entered him, but now they were pulling closer up to my body. I shove my dick in as deep as I can as I start to shoot in his ass.

"I'm breeding your hole buddy!" I yell, "Grip my dick with your ass! Take that seed!"

Joel clenches his ass as tight as he can, I shoot rope after hot rope down his love chute. He groans as I fall forward on him, my cock still buried to the hilt. He moves his hips and milks the rest of my cum from my dick. I push up and pull out. He flips over and pats the mattress next to him.

"Lay down now." Joel requests.

I comply and he puts his knees on either side of my belly. He reaches back and places my dick back in his hole. He lowers his body down and engulfs my still hard cock. I grab a pillow and place it behind my neck and back to be able to reach up to his chest. I grab and pinch both of his nipples hard. They quickly become hard nubs in my hands. I rub the hardened points between my thumbs and index fingers, allowing the finger nails to rake across the engorged tit.

Joel reaches down and grabs his dick. He starts jacking his cock as he is bouncing up and down on mine. I start thrusting up as he bounces down to impale him deeper. This is jabbing and rubbing his p-nut hard. Joel's pale skin starts to flush. I see his balls tighten close to his body. His hand is jacking his pre-cum wet cock furiously. He throws back his head and starts to yell. I move my hands to his hips and start power fucking up into him.

Joel's yelling starts to pulse to a string of "oh, oh, oh, ohhhhhh!"

I feel his cock explode, his first two jets of cum go over my head, the next few coat my neck and chest. His climax caused his ass to tighten and grip my cock hard as I continued to thrust into him. The tightness pushes me over and I shoot my third load into his dripping ass.

Both of us spent Joel slumps down on his elbow and leans against my chest. Our heads are together we force our lips together. We make out for a few minutes, before my cock finally shrinks and pops out of his hole. Parts of my loads leak out of his loose ass onto my cock.

Joel breaks our kiss, then slides his head down my chest. Licking and sucking up his load from my chest, then scoots down and starts to lick and clean my cock up. He has lapped and cleaned my cock and balls up from our fuck juices. He come back up and we share a hot wet kiss with our combined spunk.

"Fuck that was hot, Mace" Joel starts as he stand up and heads to get a wet towel for us. He hands me a towel to wipe up.

"That is for sure." I tell him, "You have one hell of a tight hole and now I am spent." I laugh as I wipe down the sweat and residual cum from my body.

We are both getting dressed, he finished first and sat down on the bed next to where I was pulling on mine. He leans over and we kiss again.

"I wish I had more time." I confide in him. "I think I could bust that hot ass a few more times. You are one hot fuck for sure."

"We will definitely have to do this again." Joel replies.

We head back downstairs and he escorts me back to my car. I hope in and he starts back. I am thinking, "For sure I want to be with him again." We wave and I head back to work, relaxed and ready for the afternoon.

Next: Chapter 12

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