Finding Home


Published on Feb 9, 2003


This story involves sex between teens, adults, and anyone else I can think of. For those of you going "yippee" then keep reading. If you don't want to read hot erotic stuff about gay guys, then don't. If you are not of legal age to read this type of material, then turn off your computer and pull that playgirl out from between your mattress like some others had to do before computers. Or go snoop into your dad's stuff and hope that he has some porn that shows cock. But whatever you do, don't read this if your not old enough.

Now on to the story. This will be a multi chapter story, so look for one about once a week depending on my homework load from school. If you have any comments, constructive criticism, or story ideas please email me. I like hearing from you horny guys that enjoy my stuff. If your cute include a If you have any fantasies you want to read about, a friend or someone you know from school that you want to read a hot story about, or a celebrity you want to read about fucking (cause I love writing those stories) feel free to make requests. Anyway, enjoy the story. This story will start adding quite a few characters so that there is plenty of hot cock to write about, so at the beginning of each subsequent chapters I'll include a list of characters and how they fit into the story.

Finding Home: Chapter 1

[Middle of January 2002]

"Mmm....yeahh.....ahh that cock feels good man....yeah..." Joel moaned as he bounced up and down in his brother's lap and felt his brother's hands massage his entire body.

Joel was 15 and had been enjoying his now 17 year old brother Brian's cock for about 8 months now. They had begun exploring their passion for each other a few nights after they had moved into the new house. You see the boys and their dad, Cal, had moved to Hardwood, TX about 8 months ago from Houston after the boy's mom went nutso and ran away with the UPS guy. Cal, 36, was happy to see the nut job go after almost 18 years of her craziness and infidelity, so he had convinced the boys to move to Hardwood and start over. Brian was easy to convince since the Hardwood high school had an awesome soccer program closely associated with the LBJ University soccer program which was really close. Brian was an awesome goalie and had fit into the program easily. Joel was a little harder to convince as his interests were more into just school and hanging out with friends, but in the end he did it for his dad and his brother.

Brian began having sex with Joel a few nights after they moved into the new house. The brothers had separate big bedrooms with brand new king beds, but Joel was feeling pretty homesick and lonely so asked his brother if he could sleep with him for the night. Brian was a little taken aback by the request, but never could refuse his little brother anything. When Brian got naked to slip in bed it brought a whole conversation between the two about sleeping naked, and wanting to make his little brother feel comfortable started to put some underwear back on. Joel stopped him and instead shucked his own t-shirt and underwear. Brian felt a little uncomfortable being in bed naked with his brother, but finally got comfortable and drifted to sleep.

Brian woke up that night at about 2am when he normally has to go piss, but he felt something move in the bed and remembered that Joel was in bed with him. Brian didn't move but he could tell that Joel was awake, and after listening to the sounds coming from the other side, he knew what Joel was doing. Brian didn't want to embarrass his little brother, but he had to piss really badly. Brian finally couldn't wait anymore and turned over towards his brother to let him know that he was awake. Joel froze, and Brian just looked at his little brother next to him. Joel was lying on top of the sheets with his cock in hand, and with the other hand he was holding something up to his mouth and nose. It took a second for Brian to realize that it was his red briefs he had taken off earlier. Neither boy moved for a long time as they looked at each other, but Brian finally broke the silence.

"Dude....what are you doing?"

"Brian....I'm sorry...I didn't mean to....I just...I'm so sorry," Joel said as he started to whimper.

"awww Joel....jacking off is fine...but why do you have my underwear on your face?....don't cry little's gonna be ok..." Brian tried to console but still freaked.

"I'm sorry Bri.....please don't tell anyone...GOD...PLEASE DON'T TELL DAD..." Joel pleaded.

"Nah man...I'm not gonna tell anyone...promise...but why do you have my briefs?"

"sniff....I.....God, I'm so embarrassed....I like to smell them it kinda gets me off."

"Really? long have you been doing this?....are you gay?" Brian asked wide eyed.

"A couple of years, mostly with stuff you leave in the bathroom......and I don't know...I think I might be....I don't know Bri...I'm just scared and I hate being here."

When Bri heard this he just reached for his brother and pulled him into a hug. Brian loved his brother more than words and couldn't stand to see him so upset. Joel whimpered into his brother's chest, but started to feel better knowing that his brother wasn't going to tell and wasn't mad at him. Brian just held Joel close but after a few minutes as Joel stopped whimpering and just breathed, he became more aware of the fact that both of them were naked, Joel still had his hard-on, and he was beginning to feel stiffness from all the contact. Brian was a ladies man back home mostly cause he was expected to be since he was a star athlete, but had only scored with a couple of girls with mild enjoyment. Joel was very aware of his still slick cock rubbing against his brother's thigh, and he thought he could feel his brother's own stiffy. Brian and Joel held that hug for along time as thoughts ran through both of their minds. Finally Brian needed to feel something, so he pulled himself away from Joel, looked down into his little brother's watery eyes, then leaned down and kissed him. The two kissed long and lovingly as they felt each other's bodies grow closer. The kiss led to the brother's licking and tasting each other's bodies. Joel was able to smell and taste his brother's body like he had only dreamed of, as Brian laid back and enjoyed a new passion. Joel was able to taste his brother's cock and precum, and lick and nuzzle his brother's ass, and finally sit on his brother's dick and feel it inside him. This was the ultimate pleasure for both brothers and ended in a violent orgasm for both of them.

With Joel sitting on his brother's spent cock as Brian laid back on the bed, the two brother's breathed hard trying to recover from their first encounter. Their sweat covered bodies just heaved as they stared at each other. Finally Brian just smiled wide and pulled his little brother into a deep kiss. Joel slept in his brother's arm that night and for most nights after that, as this wasn't the last of their lovemaking which brings us to present as Joel bounces up and down on his brother's cock.

The two were in Brian's bedroom, as Brian sat in a chair with his brother bouncing up and down on his cock. Their sex had become a daily routine as they explored the depths of their passion and perversity. Brian could only take a few minutes of his brother's very talented ass before he blew his load. Brian sat back and caught his breath as his brother pulled himself of his cock. Joel dropped to his knees and began gently licking Brian's cock cleaning the left over cum from his brother's cock. Brian caught his breath fairly quickly and had a hunger of his own. He jumped to the floor and guided Joel onto his back as he sucked Joel's 7inches into his mouth. Over the past year Brian had developed an insatiable appetite for cock, precum, and a nice big load. After the pounding his ass just took, Joel didn't need much attention before he let his load loose into his brother's warm waiting mouth. Brian swallowed every last drop of cum from Joel and looked up at Joel, smiling, and licking his cum covered lips. The two became entangled in each other's arms, making out on the floor of Brian's bedroom.

The two had just gotten home from school when they started their love making. The boys knew their dad never got home from the clinic until a little after 5 and it was just now 4:30. Joel went to take a shower, then to his room to study. Brian left all the cum and sweat in place, pulled on his old jockstrap. He never showered after sex with Joel, cause he liked the musk and smell to build which made Joel even hotter during their next sessions. Joel was a hot little number that got off on sweaty musky masculine men. Brian slipped on a t-shirt and tennis shoes and headed off to the park to play soccer with some of his friends. He'd work up a killer sweat for later tonight.

A Few Blocks Away At About the Same Time*

Cal, or Dr. Hinson, was working a full day yet again, as he had managed to put together a busy practice over the last several months. Luckily Cal had one of his better friends since college, Kevin Flores, to recommend his friends and students to his clinic. Kevin coached both soccer and weightlifting at the high school so had many contacts around town. Cal was glad that Kevin was coaching his own son, Brian , in soccer, as he knew that the move had been hard on his sons and Kevin was helping Brian adjust. At the beginning Cal had been most worried about Joel, but a bout a week after they moved, Joel brightened up and seemed perfectly fine. Cal still worried that he never saw Joel hanging around any friends like his brother who hung around his soccer team pals, but he figured Joel would adjust soon enough.

Cal walked out to the waiting room to get the next patient from the nurse. His nurse was a guy named Chris. Cal had felt really weird at first about hiring a male nurse, as he had been used to only female nurses before then. Unfortunately, Chris was the best qualified of the three that had applied. Cal had thought long and hard about having a guy as a nurse, but finally relented and hired him. Chris was a good looking guy that seemed to attract a lot of female patients, and he was a former athlete from the nearby college so he could relate to a lot of the athletes that Kevin sent over. All in all, Cal was pretty pleased how Chris had turned out.

Chris handed Cal the chart and quickly spouted off the patients name, complaint, and history then whizzed back to the front desk to grab the phone. Cal looked at the chart and realized that is was Kevin's son Anthony out in his lobby, so proceeded to open the door to the lobby and call for him.

"Anthony Flores?" Cal called out in to the lobby. Only after using his booming voice, did he realize the lobby was empty.

Anthony jumped when he heard his name called, then smiled when he saw Cal. The two had met a couple of times when Cal and the boys had gone out with Kevin and Anthony, but both families were pretty busy and rarely got together.

"That's me Cal....or Dr. Hinson." Anthony said as he popped up walking towards Cal.

"Cal is least for you Anthony. Come on in the back...2nd door on your right. When you get in there, hop up on the table and I'll be right in."

"No problem Cal."

Cal put the chart under his arm and headed to the office to ask Chris if there were any more appointments for the day.

"No sir, boss. Your last appointment was at 4, and then that kid walked in.

He said he knew you, so I figured you wouldn't mind taking a look at him."

Chris said as he filed away the day's charts.

"Yeah...that's perfectly ok. His dad's a friend of mine. What time is the first appointment tomorrow?"

"10am...Mrs. Brooks...flu symptoms."

"OK...good...then you don't have to come in until 9:30. I'll be here about the same time. I'm gonna go check this kid real quick, and then you can clean up and we'll get out of here."

"Ok boss. Should be done with the filing when your done with that kid."

Cal walked towards the examining room reading Anthony's chart. He walked in and saw the young man perched on the table with a Sports Illustrated in hand.

"So Anthony, let's see....your 17 now? 5'11, 163 pounds, brown hair, green brown eyes, dark skin, and otherwise healthy? So what brings you in today?"

Cal inquired sitting on a stool across from the examining table.

"Well, I was sick last week with a cold when the insurance doctor for the school came to give everyone physicals, and I have to have my form filled out so I can run track this spring. So, dad told me to run over here." Anthony said pulling a form from his pant pocket.

"That's fine....I'd be happy to do it. I would imagine you've had a physical before, right?"

"Oh yeah...once a year since I was 13."

" you know what they entail." Cal said as he pulled on some plastic gloves and started to gather the supplies he would need.

"Oh yeah...." Anthony said with a weird little smile on his face.

"I've got to get a few things from the supply closet, so go ahead and disrobe and put one of these plastic gowns on."

Cal walked out to the front desk to find Chris sitting at the desk straightening up papers.

"Hey Chris, Anthony needs a physical for school, so it's going to take a while. There's no need for you to stay, so just go ahead and go, and just come in at 9 instead and you can clean up anything that's still left."

"You sure boss? I don't mind waiting."

"Nah....there won't be much to clean up except some trash and the one exam room I'm in. What I don't get tonight, you can take care of easily in the morning."

"Ok. I'll lock the door as I leave."

"Thanks Chris. See you in the morning." Cal said as he walked back to the examining room.

Cal, opened the exam room door to see Anthony sitting bare assed naked on the table, with just his white socks on, and leaning forward on his knees. Cal was quite shocked at first, but regained his composure as the boy looked up.

"Something wrong with the gown?"

"Scratchy....felt more comfortable like this....your going to see it all anyway Doc."

"I guess your right. Let's get started."

Cal went through the standard stuff for physicals, saving the prostate and hernia exams until last since most guys hated those. Cal wasn't fond of giving them either he thought, as he remembered some of the rank bodies that had come into his offices over the years. But Cal couldn't help admire Anthony's body. It was perfectly smooth except for the little bit of hair in his crotch. Cal could tell Anthony trimmed his pubes and shaved every other hair on his body. He wondered if his dad new Anthony did this? As his gloved hands moved all over Anthon's smooth skin, he couldn't help but be aroused causing his tight briefs to stretch outward.

"Ok Anthony, almost done. I just have to do the last two tests for hernias and prostate. I know you probably don't like these, but I have to do them. Just grin and bear it and I'll finish it before you know it." Cal said as he looked for a new pair of gloves and some medical lubrication.

"Which first?" Anthony asked surprisingly cheery.

"Lets do hernia and then prostate." Cal said with his back turned looking for the lube in the cabinets.

When Cal turned around, Anthony was standing in front of the table with his hands on his hips, proudly displaying his crotch. Cal looked in wonder at the huge set of hairless walls and the 5 inch limp uncut dick lying over them.

"Go ahead, Cal. Lets get this over with." Anthony said with a smile.

"Ok...this might be cold...just hold still."

Cal carefully gripped the boy's dick and pulled it to the side as he cradled the teen's balls in his hand to begin the examination. Just as he was about to ask the boy to cough, he realized that Anthony was becoming super hard in his other hand. Cal watched the dick grow to total 8inch hardness in a split second. Cal let the dick go as it sprang upward and started leaking precum like crazy.

"I'm so sorry's just.....I couldn't help it...sorry."

"No problem Anthony, it's normal. Just hold it out of the way for a second while I finish up the exam. Now cough for me."

Anthony held his cock up and out of the doc's way as he began to cough and Cal squeezed his nuts. The last cough caused Anthony to accidentally let go of his cock and it hit Cal square on the lips leaving a good sized glob of precum all over Cal's mouth.

"Oh shit Cal....I'm sorry.....It just slipped." Anthony said worried that Cal was gonna beat his ass.

"LOL.....Anthony it's I said...just normal....just try to control that thing better ok?" Cal said laughing. He reached behind him to grab a towel to wipe up with, but some of Anthony's precum slipped onto his tongue as he instinctively licked his lips. Cal was struck with how good it tasted. He had tasted his own, but there was no comparing the taste from this kid. Cal composed himself as he cleaned it all up, and turned back around.

"'re ok down there. Let's get this prostate exam done and we'll get out of here."

"Ok Cal." Anthony said jumping up on top of the table on all fours, giving Cal full access to his round bubble but. Anthony even wiggled it a little for Cal.

This struck Cal as a little odd, but he put it out of his mind and grabbed the medical lube. He used one hand to spread the young man's cheeks a bit, and then used the other to squirt just a little dab of the clear lube onto his ass. Cal put his finger into the glob of lube and worked it into Anthony's ass. Anthony let out a little sigh as he felt Cal's finger on his ass.

Cal was becoming more uncomfortable with this even more than usual. He had done a million prostate exams, but he had never been aroused by one, until now. Cal could still taste Anthony's precum, and could see it dripping onto the paper cover of the table beneath him. Cal finally came back to earth and began to push inside Anthony's ass. Cal expected a wince of pain from Anthony like most that get a prostate exam, but no wince or protest came. In fact, Cal's finger just popped in and slid inside Anthony with no resistance.

Cal heard Anthony sigh again and even moan as his fingered worked it's way in and back out searching for the boy's prostate gland. Cal finally found it and checked it out, then began to pull it out so he could get this exam over with. As Cal tried to pull his finger out, Anthony reached his hand back like lightening and gripped the doctor's hand tightly to keep Cal's finger buried inside him.

"Leave it in Dr. feels good." Anthony said cooing.

"Anthony...let go of my shouldn't do this." Cal ordered trying to sound in charge.

Anthony kept his iron grip on the doctor's arm, loving the feeling of that big finger up his ass. Anthony started to move the docs arm a little bit to cause Cal's finger to brush against his prostate again.

"Anthony...God damn it....stop this...let go of my hand."

"I can't Cal....I need it inside of me....I need you inside of me...pleasssse..."

Anthony continued to use Cal's hand to pleasure his ass, until he started to moan loudly. All of a sudden, Cal looked down as he saw Anthony's dick spasming all over the place letting cum shoot all over the table and himself. Anthony was breathing hard with an even tighter grip pulling Cal's finger into him, until he finally came down from his high and let go of Cal's arm. Cal slowly pulled his gloved hand back to himself, rubbing his wrist where Anthony had gripped it so tightly especially during his orgasm.

Anthony jumped down off the table, cleaned himself off, and then began dressing. Cal just sat back on the stool still in shock. Anthony finally dressed and stood in front of Cal waving his hands.

"Cal? You ok? Hey...that was fun, but I have to get home...would you go ahead and sign the form?" Anthony asked totally in a totally normal voice.

"" Cal replied in a total stupor as he signed and handed the form back to Anthony,

Anthony flew out the door and home as Cal just sat in the exam room, trying to make sense of everything. Cal finally came around after a few minutes and could feel his aching dick in his pants, and he began to rub it. He looked over at the examination table and the cum that was all over it. Almost instinctively, as he remembered the taste from earlier, he dropped to his knees next to the table and began licking up every drop the boy had spilled on the table and the paper cover. Cal's dick was out of his pants as he furiously jerked it off and savored the sweet and musky taste of the 17yo god that just left his office. Cal was like a madman trying to get every last droplet of cum, which he did as he himself sprayed a huge load into his own hand.

Cal just sat there a few minutes on the floor of his exam room, lips covered with cum, and his cock hanging out covered in his own cum.

"What the fuck did I just do?" Cal asked himself in a whisper.

Behind him, at the door, a shadow moved, laughed quietly, and scurried for the door to get home.


I love comments that are good or offer constructive criticism or story ideas. So feel free to email me. I plan on continuing this story for awhile depending on how much time I have. The more mail you send, the quicker I'll

Thanks for reading C.

Next: Chapter 2

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