Finding His Limits

Published on Sep 16, 2022


Finding His Limits: Introduction

Finding His Limits: Introduction

I was browsing Facebook after a long, fun Friday. It was Tom - that cute awkward little guy who was obsessed with me in high school had just become CEO in a real state company. He was celebrating with his family at a fancy restaurant.

Back then, he would stare at me all day while we were in class, he would also be in all the parties I found myself to be in (only in those). That poor guy followed me around and did everything I told him to, and he didn't even complain. One day he slipped a "Cool! Thank you." when I asked him to do my homework because I had 2 girls going to my place that night.

I didn't bully him. To be honest, I was pretty nice to him. I didn't even care if he raised a tent in his pants every time he came to say hi to the gym. I would even take my shirt off and flex in the mirror when he was there (quite obviously just to see me). I know fags can't help it. They worship real men, that's just how it works, I've learned that by now.

I grew kinder in the last year of school. I even let him be my friend, well... sort of. We would hang out at my place, play video games or talk about sex. He somehow always made it sound fair that he paid for dinner and cleaned our mess. He was always eager to do that kind of stuff, like I was doing him a favor by letting him around me (and quite frankly I was). I just went along with it and people thought I was the approachable jock who was nice with the little guys. Points for me.

The last couple of weeks I started getting bored of him. It was always the same, he would just stare at me and drool. I tried to get rid of him by being rude but it didn't work, he was as happy as ever. I then started giving him demands and commands, not asking nicely for stuff.

"Hey go get me a beer from the fridge" I would say while he was doing my homework and I was playing video games. He immediately stood up and went get me one.

I was used to him being always super extra "nice" and servicing but I didn't know how far this could go. It wasn't normal at this point. I was curious and decided to find out.

He was cute and lame at the same time. I could always feel his eyes on me. I could sometimes smell his nervous sweat when he was around me. He would get shaky and couldn't stop fidgeting around when talking to me.

It wasn't that weird between us, anyone could have said we were good friends. Except we both knew I was letting him be around me, and there was something more.

It was the final week in school, then we all would go our ways to different places. It was time to find his limits.

He was working on my final project while I was chilling, playing video games, with my feet hanging over the couch. I looked at him and as if it was his responsibility I said:

"My feet are aching."

"So...?" he asked rather confused.

"Give them a massage" I demanded while taking my shoes off.

I saw a spark in his eyes while he raised his eyebrows, then he practically ran and fell to my feet. He slowly slid his hands around them, almost like he was in trance. Taking his time with every single inch. His hands felt so respectful touching me... it was the first time I was experiencing this and I definitely was enjoying it.

"Hey, have you seen this new show on Netflix about;?"

I immediately kicked his face with my bare feet. "Did I tell you to speak?"

"N... no, sorry." His face went all red and his eyes look down, which made me smirk.

"Hey, I'm gonna order a steak from this new fancy place. Get me your wallet. You can eat the pizza leftovers from yesterday." He reached his back pocket without a second thought and handed me his money.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you."

We both locked eyes in surprise. I'm sure my face looked evil as fuck, while his face got way redder than I thought could be possible.

"This is gonna be a fun graduation week..."

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