Finding Freshmen Love

By Andrew Hermes

Published on Aug 13, 2009


Hi all! This is the third installment of my story. Sorry it took so long to get out, but I have been on vacation. I want to thank all of those who have written to me. Your words of encouragement give me some validation to continue writing this. Once again, this story is completely based on my own ideas/fantasies. This story is about two of age gay men consenting to gay sexual activities. If you are a minor or this type of material offends you, please leave now. Please don't reproduce this story without my permission because it's my work and I own all the rights to it. Love it? Hate it? Comments welcome at


Finding Freshmen Love-Part 3

As we hit the shower room, anticipation flooded my body. I was already falling hard for Jake. As he took off his towel and stepped into the shower, I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning, unwrapping that gigantic present with the humongous bow that Santa Clause dropped off in the wee hours of the morning. Although, I don't think Santa ever stuffed any stalkings with a beautiful nine inch cock complete with a matching set of enormous balls. I quickly followed Jake into the shower and we began playing grab ass immediately. As I tweaked his left nipple, it occurred to me that I had three serious, electrically charged orgasms in less than 36 hours. At this pace, my balls might pack it up and go on strike. Jake moved his hand to my ass and slid his index finger into my crack. Jake's eyes, filled with lust despite the business we had transacted in our dorm room less than half an hour ago, told the story. The way he concentrated on my ass filled me with passion. I moved my hand down to his nether region and moved my hand through Jake's pubic hair. His dick responded to my playing with his pubes and slapped his stomach with a loud smack, notifying me that Jake was once again ready, willing, and able.

Jake let out a guttural moan as I cupped his balls and gave his cock one long, deliberate stroke. As I firmly wrapped my hand around Jake's slab of man meat, Jake inserted a finger into my hole. In less than 30 seconds, both of us were hard, leaking pre cum, and moaning, lost in one another, as if nothing else in the world mattered. Jake removed his finger from my hole. He must have seen the disappointment on my face because he said, "I have an idea." Not sure what this meant, I followed Jake's gaze to my crotch, my neatly trimmed crotch. His hands, lead by those amazing eyes, explored my cock and balls, rubbing my smooth skin from my ass to my tightly chiseled abdomen.

"I want you to shave me. I want to be smooth like this." With that, he pumped my cock, stroked my balls, and even slapped my ass, all in one very fluid motion. I could really get use to this!

Just the request sent my libido into overdrive. My cock leaked precum at the thought of shaving another man, even though I had been shaving myself for the better part of a decade. I released Jake's cock, reluctantly, and grabbed my special razor. I think it's a little disturbing when people shave their balls with the same razor they shave their faces with. So, like the good Boy Scout, I had two, one for the private property, and one for every day maintenance. As I applied some shaving powder to Jake's cock, balls, taint, and ass, he moaned very loudly. "I haven't even started yet."

"I know. But this is so hot, I might just bust a nut thinking about it!"

He always knew the right thing to say, at just the right moment. I began by shaving his thick bush. I started at his abs and made my way south of the border. When I grabbed his cock to get a better angle, Jake's cock leaked several healthy drops of precum. As I shaved the hair away from his penis, Jake shivered, purred, and even convulsed with bliss. After removing the majority of his hair from his abs to the top of his balls, I worked on the underside of his scrotum. The vibration from the electric razor clearly had an effect on Jake, as his cock throbbed time and time again. I shaved the area between his balls and his ass next. As I looked up into his eyes, he smiled. "I'm close. Very close. Are you almost done?

"I'm almost done with the electric razor. Now, I just need to shave your ass."

He turned around, presenting me with his shapely backside. After wiping drool off of my chin, I began shaving him again. Unlike his front, Jake's ass was sparsely covered with hair and didn't take nearly as long to shave. When I finished shaving his ass, I grabbed my Bic and shaving cream from the bag. I changed razor blades, and in the exact same order, went back over Jake's body. This time, as the sensation from the razor worked its magic, Jakes moaning became much louder and constant. For the five minutes it took me to carefully shave the base of his cock, the underside of his ball sack, his taint, and his ass, Jake progressively whimpered louder and louder. By the time I reached his ass, a steady stream of precum flowed freely from his cock. I admired my handy work before standing back up.

As Jake rubbed his newly shaven body, I told him, "Every shave needs a very happy ending."

With that, I dropped to my knees and literally shoved his cock into my mouth. Jake screamed when my mouth engulfed his enormous tool. I sucked hard on his dick, knowing this little sexident was going to end rather abruptly. I rubbed the cleanly shaven balls and taint roughly sending Jake over the edge. For the second time that morning, well, technically the third, Jake blasted my throat with shot after shot of delicious jizz. This time, however, he came so much, it began dribbling out of my mouth. Not one to waste protein, I selfishly licked my lips and retrieved his cum from my chin, not wanting to waste a drop of his man juice. After recovering from his eruption, Jake pulled me to my feet and kissed me hard. Our tongues collided, and we savored yet another moment of incomparable joy.

"Looks like you could use a hand." Jake grabbed my throbbing, leaking cock and roughly stroked my dick. He then surprised me by going down on me in the shower. On his first attempt, he deep throated my cock. It felt so good, I grabbed the back of his head and began face fucking him for all I was worth. Jake moaned as I forced my cock deeper down his throat. The moaning only added to my glee and I fucked his face harder with my engorged cock. As my dick slammed into Jake's mouth, my balls slapped the hell out of Jake's chin. The sound, combined with some delicious deep throating and lengthy foreplay sent me off. I exploded in Jake's mouth. Like a true cock sucker, he guzzled every drop of my cum. After I regained my composure, I helped him to his feat, embraced him. He asked, "How was I?"

"Ball draining good!"

After I regained my legs, we swapped some more fluids, engaging in some hot making out right there in the shower. Five minutes later, we finally began to actually take our showers. We finished about the same time. While we were drying off, I told Jake, "Go look in the mirror and see what you think of your new haircut."

Naked, Jake walked to the mirrors outside the shower room and admired his new look. Looking down at his cock, he said, "You got bigger."

I laughed out loud and replied, "This is not an Extenz commercial, but trimming certainly makes things POP!"

With that, we finished drying off and wrapped our towels around ourselves. As we were leaving, one of the guys at the party last night, Jamal I think, walked into the shower room. As he unwrapped his towel, he showed off his fine ass body for us to look at. Just as we made it to the door, he said, almost to no one, "Smells like sex in here!"

Sprinting to our room, Jake and I roared with laughter. If he only knew about how we turned that shower room into a sultry sauna five minutes before he graced us with his presence, he might shit a brick. We both walked to our dressers and chose our outfits for the day. I selected khaki shorts, a Beer Pong t-shirt, and Burkenstalk sandals. Jake went with a muscle shirt, gym shorts, and Adidas running shoes. After the steamy episode in the shower room, we were both famished. So, we decided to have lunch at a Chinese place not far from campus. With classes starting tomorrow, this could be our last good meal for quite some time. As we approached the restaurant, we discussed the endless possibilities at Mr. Chow's $8.99 Buffet.

With that sexy twinkle in his eye, Jake rattled off his entire meal. "I'm going to get me some crab Rangoon, fried rice, sweet and sour chicken, egg drop soup, egg rolls, Mongolian Beef..."

"Whoa there fat ass! You eat that and I might not want to get too close to you for a couple days!"

"You know you can't resist."

"Well, to tell you the truth, I have probably had my fill of cream of some young guy for at least a few hours." I quipped, giggling the entire time.

"Well, I don't know what you are going to order, but if you play your cards right, you might end up with some really wholesome dessert. I'm thinking, nuts on chin."

Now, I was doubled over at the restaurant door, finding myself with the sudden urge to piss my pants right then and there. After I regained control of myself, I replied, "Promises, promises!"

We went into the restaurant, ordered water and the buffet, and got in the rather long line. It was still the lunch hour, so the place was pretty busy, but we didn't have to wait to be seated. As I always do, I took a moment to look at the eye candy in the restaurant. There were many college students eating lunch here today. My eyes fell on a hunky athlete type. He was about 6'4" tall and 250lbs of hot manliness! Jake caught me looking at the hot piece of man candy. He almost looked hurt that I would check out another guy after all we had done in the past 36 hours. Leaning in, I whispered, "Remember, princess, it doesn't matter where I get my appetite as long as I come home for dinner."

Jake erupted in laughter and it was his turn to double over in a fit of laughter. This, of course, caused quite the scene. Half of the restaurant turned to gawk at the man I offered to buy lunch as he bellowed in a fit of hysteria. I simply announced, "He forgot to take his meds this morning. Sorry!" At this, Jake broke out into yet another fit of laughter, this time causing tears to flow down his adorable cheeks. After what seemed like an eternity of laughing, Jake calmed down, but not before I yelled in the packed restaurant, "Clean up on aisle two, this fucker just pissed his pants!"

Most of the college students laughed at my quip, but the manager, a real stick in the mud, or maybe he had a stick up his ass, didn't find it all that amusing. In a heavy, Asian accent, he declared, "Either you guys straighten up, or you are outta here." He almost made me laugh, but I bit the inside of my cheek, apologized, and pulled Jake to his feet. Jake also apologized for the scene we had caused. We made our way through the line. Because of my big fight coming up in five days, two days before classes started, I decided to load up on carbs for my last real meal of the week. I filled my plated with streamed rice and covered it with a Mongolian specialty, complete with extra hot sauce, chicken, shrimp, and beef. Jake, as promised, loaded his plate to the hilt, truly making a pig of himself.

We sat down at our table, chatting between bites of food. Jake told me about how awesome his brother was. "Jack is a junior in high school. He is an outside linebacker for the football team, wrestler during the winter, and runs track in the spring. He is pretty much a bad ass and my best friend in the entire world. He is also hella smart. He gets straight As even though he always has some extra curricular activity going on."

"Sounds like a great guy."

"Oh, he is. Jack would be cool with you and me. I mean, no one knows I'm gay, but I don't think he would be an asshole or anything. Jack is one of the most open minded people I have ever met. He is even dating a black chick. Anywho, he and I always have gotten along. I think he would really like you."

"Cool. My sister Katherine is like that. She is the only person I told that I was gay. She was awesome about it too. She married this Army Ranger, and he has also been really great. They have two kids, Pete and Mary. I adore those little guys, even though they are a little rambunctious at times."

"I don't have any nephews or nieces and wont for a really long time, I suspect."

"Yeah, but wait till the come. Then Uncle Jake can spoil them rotten, load them up on caffeine and send them back to their parents. That's the best part. You get to spoil them because you are the uncle. I know I want to have lots of kids someday."

"Really? But you are gay?"

"What difference does that make? A gay parent is just as good as a straight parent as far as I'm concerned. I hate how people automatically assume the queers are gonna fuck the kids up more than the straight parents. That just pisses me off. I mean, seriously, the divorce rate is like 60% in this country and you can't blame that on the gays. Thank God. I mean, if you listen to some of the bull shit pinned on us for being who we are. For example, the dumb bastard Fred Phelps from Kansas blames the war in Iraq on the American Government's failure to remove gays from this country. He honestly thinks that God is punishing America for homosexuality. The asshole even has the nerve to protest soldiers' funerals because he believes this."

Jake cut my rant off right then and there. "What a fuck head! How the hell can he get away with shit like that?"

"Welcome to America brother!"

"That's fucking ridiculous. My father lost lots of men in Iraq and Afghanistan, and God and gays had nothing to do with it."

"Yeah. I would so punch that fucker in the face and gladly go to jail for doing it."

Changing the subject, Jake said, "Hey, speaking of punching, when is your cage fight? I wanna be there!"

"It's Friday night. I fight under contract with Midwest Fight Club. This will probably be my last fight for a while though, thanks to school. I took this fight because I needed to finish my contract out. But then, the asshole I'm fighting, Billy "Rage" Green, in an interview broadcast on the six o'clock news told everyone how I was a fluke and how he was gonna beat my ass from pillar to post."

"Isn't it common for fighters to talk smack before a big fight?"

"Yes it is. But, that's not my style. I do my talking in the ring. I am on a nine fight winning streak and I beat three guys that gave him hell inside the cage rather decisively. So, I'm looking forward to shutting this ass hat up."

"Business is about to pick up!"

"Fucking A Scotty."

"Who the hell is Scotty?"

"Today, you're fucking Scotty. It's the way I agree with something people say!"

"Oh, like fucking right doggie?"

"Yeah. But, I'm not Sean William Scott. Although, he is absolutely delicious."

"I'm new to this whole gay thing, but I thought you were pretty tasty myself."

Water shot out my nose as the waitress brought us the bill. She gave me the WTF look before handing it to me with two fortune cookies. I grabbed my wallet before Jake had the chance to object, handed her my debit card, and thanked her, water still dribbling down my face.

"Ready to read your fortune?"

"Sure thing."

"Okay Jake, but you have to add the words `in bed' to the end of it!"


"Tradition. It's like the Husker-Sooner Thanksgiving Day Game or the Rose Bowl. You have to adhere to the traditions that make us who we are."


"Just do it. Please."

"Okay. Here we go. Be open to experimenting with the bed."

"HAHA. Take some chances, they will pay bed."

After giggling at our fortunes, we made our way back to the door room. I planned on taking a run to burn off some of the carbs. Jake, after pigging out, decided to pass on the run and take a nap. I gave him a show, however, when I undressed and put on my running gear, being sure to flash both my ass and gorgeous cock. "Hope this gives you something nice and hot to dream about," I said as I put my Zune on and headed down the six flights of stairs. Shinedown blasted in my ears and the words to "45" moved me. I always loved running because for however long I was on the path, it was me, the road, and the music. Nothing else mattered, and nothing else existed. I began to pick up the pace as I flew down the hill outside the entrance to our dormitory. I ran a route I had picked out when driving in from Chicago. I ran past the park, some trees, a beautiful stream. The entire time I was running, I focused on my game plan for my upcoming fight. Basically, I planned to use my wrestling and vicious ground and pound to take Green completely out of the fight. He loved to bang, but I was not slouch in the stand up. I thought about keeping the fight standing to my knock out power, but my trainers advised me to keep the fight in my world. I ran harder as I imagined beating the hell out of Green. My side ached, my breath grew ragged, and my legs began to cramp up due to the blistering pace I had set for myself. I rounded the bend on the path and headed back up the hill. I guesstimated that I had run at least ten miles, considering I had been gone for an hour and a half. I sprinted the last quarter of a mile and by the time I reached the door, I was absolutely exhausted. I walked up the stairs to cool off. When I got to our room, I saw Jake sitting on his bed, wide awake, tears flowing down his eyes. He didn't even notice me come into the room and his eyes were transfixed on his cell phone.

Immediately, I rushed to his side. "Jake. Jake. Jake!" When I shouted his name the third time, he snapped out of the trance and looked up at me. "What's wrong."

"I can't talk about it. Leave me alone."

"Please, Jake. Tell me what's going on."

"I can't. I can't. I just can't."

I moved toward him, but he jumped back, shivering. I moved no further. I knew something serious was wrong. My mind rushed to various scenarios. Did he tell his dad about us? Did someone die? What the hell happened? I slowly backed away from Jake as he sobbed into his pillow. I grabbed my shower gear and decided to wash the grime off from my run. The shower felt good on my sore, tired, and filthy body, but the entire time I was bathing, I worried about Jake and whatever the hell happened to him while I was gone. I finished washing my hair, rinsed off, and quickly dried myself so I could return to our room and be there for him. Upon returning to our room, I found that Jake had calmed down so that his uncontrollable sobbing was now more of a whimper. Just looking at him this way hurt me. I mean, I had only known this guy for two whole days now, but the connection the two of us made in the short span definitely influenced my emotions as well as my words.

"Jake, I know we haven't known each other very long, but I am a good listener if you want someone to talk to."

"I'm so sorry Alex. While you were out running I got a phone call from my sister."

This was new. "I didn't know you had a sister Jake. I mean, she hasn't come up in our conversations in the last two days."

"That's because I hate her. And I absolutely mean that. I fucking hate her."

"Okay. So what happened while I was out?"

"Well, she called. I didn't want to answer the phone, but I did anyway. She would keep calling if I didn't, so I thought I better take the call. She blabbed on and on about her life and this new guy she is seeing. You see, my sister has some serious problems. She's clinically depressed, an alcoholic, and a meth head. My parents kicked her out of the house six years ago. They still talk to her, but she isn't allowed around me or my brother."

"Did they try getting her into some type of rehab?"

"Yeah, about ten times. They spent my college fund on rehab programs for her and shelled out a quarter of a million dollars before they finally gave up."

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry to hear that dude."

"Yeah, well, that's not the worst part. My sister use to terrorize me and my brother all the time. She was an absolute bitch. She use to beat me up. She even tried to beat Jack up, but I always defended him from her. Then, she attempted suicide over half a dozen times. She would cut on herself, or worse, take the entire bottle of her prescription medication. I actually saved her life three times."

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry to hear that. That's incredible that you saved her life though, I mean after all she did to you and your brother."

"Yeah, well, I wish she was dead."


"Well, when I was about eight, she began doing things to me. She said we were playing games. She would make me take off all my clothes. Then, she would do things to me."

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry."

"The worst, part, however, is I never told anyone. She continued doing it until I was thirteen. That's when my parents began taking notice of how she was acting. I still never told anyone. But, I never did anything to stop her."

"Jake, you could not have stopped your sister. She is the only one to blame for her actions. You had no control over the situation. You only have control over what you do and where you go from here."

"But she made me gay!"

"Jake, if he exists, God made you gay. There is nothing about what your sister did that made you gay."

"But, after, I never liked girls again."

"You never liked girls to begin with. Being gay is not some sort of condition, or punishment, or whatever. It's natural."

"Then why do I feel so dirty? Why do I feel like I'm abnormal? Why do I feel like, like..."

"Because of the way society perceives gay people. Because being gay scares you because you have been taught that it is unnatural. Because your innocence was stolen from you and other than the experiences we have shared in the past two days, your sexual encounters are limited to abuse."

Again, Jake burst out crying. I joined him. This time, he let me hold him, embrace him, and love him. We cried and cried and cried. I held Jake tightly, knowing he needed all the support he could get at this point. I tenderly rubbed his back and shoulders, trying to get him to calm down. I continued to hold on to Jake. At some point, both of us drifted off to sleep, but I never let go of him. I wanted him to feel the love, compassion, and friendship I had for him. Several hours later, I woke up, Jake still wrapped in my powerful arms. I had to pee, but there was no way I was letting Jake go. He must have been riding a roller coaster of emotions and I wanted to be there for him. Jake finally stirred about half an hour later. He turned toward me, as we had been spooning. He locked those wonderfully intense eyes on mine and stared. After several minutes, he finally spoke.

"Alex, thank you so much for being here for me. I don't know what I would do..."

I interrupted, "Jake, I'm here. For now, that's all that matters."

"Alex, let me finish. I think I love you."

His words shocked me. But, they sounded so wonderful, so right. I leaned toward him and softly kissed his lips. He opened his mouth, welcoming my tongue. We made out for several hot minutes, our tongues dueling for supremacy, bouncing back and forth from my mouth to his. No more words were spoken. No more words were necessary. We lost ourselves in the passion of our embrace, the intensity of our emotions, and the pleasure of our physicality. I had much more experience than Jake when it came to dating. But I knew, deep down, this was special.

When we pulled apart, mostly for air, I told him, "Jake, I think it's great that you think you love me. Fuck, I think it's spectacular. But, I know that I love you."

This time, Jake grabbed me, pulled me in tight to his body, and hugged me. His intimate embrace brought me more pleasure than I had ever experienced in my entire life. That one moment, a dot on the long line of time, stands out to this day for me. Mostly, I think, because I knew, he knew, we knew, this was something to cherish, to nurture, and to treasure.

Reluctantly, I pulled away from Jake and looked at the clock. It was now seven. We had been asleep for almost five hours, less the time we spent making out. I was ready for some more food. Jake must have been thinking the same thing.

"Not that I'm really enjoying this or anything, but I could definitely go for some food."

"Yeah, yeah. Thinking with your stomach again."

"Well, how else am I supposed to get energy so that I can keep up with your nympho ass?"

"Okay, you have a point. I have an insatiable appetite for your cock. But even I need some nourishment that comes off of a plate."

Jake howled with laughter as he hopped over me to retrieve the phone book from his desk. He found Luigi's Pizza Palace in the phone book and ordered a meat lovers, some bread sticks, and a two litter of Diet Mountain Dew, my personal favorite. We also decided to watch a movie. Jake chose Heat, one of my all time favorites with both Deniro and Pacino in it. About half an hour later, the pizza came. Due to my upcoming fight, I limited myself to three pieces, but I knew I would easily make weight on Friday. I just wanted to be extra careful not to load up on empty calories and garbage before my big fight, especially since Green and I were billed as the main event of the evening. Jake devoured his share of the pizza and we continued watching the movie. After it was over, I was tired enough to go to bed, but Jake had other ideas.

"Alex, I'm supposed to be open to experimenting with the unknown."


"Well, part of me says it could be fun!"

"Okay. What exactly did you have in mind?"

"I'm open to just about anything."

"Okay. I have an idea for a naughty adventure."

I jumped off my bed and scurried to my closet where I retrieved a black bag, basically a carry on bag. However, I would never carry this bag on an airplane considering its contents. I brought the bag over to the bed Jake had moved to and dumped it, putting all of my toys for boys on display for him. Jake carefully examined my ass plugs, dildos, nipple clams, a whip, paddle, gag, lube, and various other toys I had secretly purchased off the internet. Jake seemed fascinated by a particular dildo of mine. It was about a foot long and had two heads on it. I of course knew what it was for, but he seemed slightly confused.

"Jake, that is for ass to ass action."


"Well, it's pretty simple. One head for you, one head for me."


"I'm not sure you are quite ready for that one. But, I have lots for you to choose from. Think of me as the Willy Wanka of sex toys!"

"Okay. So, which one is the everlasting goobstopper?"

Laughing out loud, I replied, "This one." I grabbed a vibrator from the bed. "Eight inches long, two inches thick, and seven adjustable speeds. Intense!"

"Sounds like fun." With that, Jake moved toward me and grabbed my head. He pulled me in for a wonderful kiss. The making out, however , didn't last long. I heard him fiddling with his zipper and unleashing the monster he kept in his pants. Taking his undressing as an invitation, I dropped to my knees and devoured his cock. As I put it in my mouth, my own cock immediately went rigid. I used my free hand to undress myself. Jake made himself more comfortable by lying down on the bed. I worked his shaft and moved down to his balls. I took them into my mouth, paying close attention to his cleanly shaven scrotum. I moved to his taint next, using my tongue to like him from his balls to his hole. When my tongue met Jake's virgin pucker, he moaned contently. After several passes, I finally stopped as his ass. He pulled his legs up to give me better access to his mangina. I licked both of his cheeks, rubbed his ass, and did everything possible to tease him. Finally, I pushed my tongue inside his welcoming hole. Jake shivered with delight and grabbed both of his cheeks in order to give me better access. I rimmed Jake over and again. Slowly, and methodically, I drenched Jakes ass with my saliva. Each lick caused Jake to moan and his cock was now visibly leaking precum.

I stopped licking Jake's ass and moved my finger to where my tongue had been. I admired my rimming abilities as my finger easily slipped in Jake's hole on the first try. I rubbed his prostate with my finger. His audible moans turned to a constant roar, as I worked my finger in and out of his ass. I slipped a second and eventually a third finger into Jake's ass. The pressure of the fingers in his ass certainly worked their magic as Jake roared and roared with delight. Like me, he was definitely a screamer. His response to my movements was absolutely hot. My own dick leaked substantially, creating an enormous wet spot on my bed. I removed my fingers from Jake's ass and grabbed the vibrator and lube. I put a lot of lube on both his asshole and the vibrator, knowing fully well that this was his first time and it was going to be uncomfortable to say the least.

I placed the head of the vibrator at Jake's hole and asked, "Ready?"

"As I will ever be," he moaned.

Slowly, I began working one of my favorite toys into Jake's ass. Even with a great deal of lube and a trained, professional operator, his hole resisted, demonstrating how tight he really was. Finally, his ass gave in and the head of the vibrator slid into his hole. Jake almost jumped off the bed.

"Jesus fucking Christ. That hurts so bad. Pull it out. Now, now, right fucking now!!!"

"Relax buddy. Relax. It always hurts at first. You need to get use to the vibrator in your ass."

Jake listened to me, grabbing the sheets, biting down on his lip, and closing eyes as the pain rattled his body. He finally opened his eyes and nodded to me. I pushed in a little farther. This time, he pushed out and the vibrator slid in much easier. I steadily pushed the vibrator into Jake's ass until I felt it hit his prostate. Jake screamed again, but this time, the scream was of pleasure, not pain.

"Oh my God, that's fucking incredible."

"Yeah. But, the best is yet to come."

I turned the vibrator on the lowest speed and let Jake buck with delight as I worked it in and out of his ass. Two or three minutes later, I turned up the dial on the handle. Jake responded by letting out a moan from his toes. The sounds he made were so hot, I thought I might blow my load right then and there, even though my cock had received no attention whatsoever. I skipped the middle speeds and sent the vibrator into overdrive. Jake responded by grabbing his cock with one hand, his nipple with the other, and letting out the loudest scream I had ever heard inside a bedroom.

"FUCK! Keep going, harder, harder, harder. Fuck me, oh yes, fuck me. Come on Alex, fuck the shit right out of me!"

Jake didn't need to say anymore. I rapidly moved the vibrator in and out of Jake's ass as fast and hard as possible. While I did this, he continued to scream with delight, jacking off the entire time. After only a few minutes of express fucking, Jake announced, "I'm gonna cum!"

Three seconds later, he shot his wad all over the place. Like Old Faithful of Yellowstone Park, Jake's cock erupted. I rammed the vibrator in his ass, and let it sit there during his orgasm. Shot after shot of cum landed on me, his face, chest, stomach, the bed, and of course, his cock and balls. His orgasm was the last straw for me. I grabbed my dick and jerked off my aching cock. I knew it wouldn't be long. I grabbed my balls and squeezed while vigorously stroking my raging cock. In probably two minutes, I blew a massive load, equal to Jake's. I deliberately shot my load all over Jake's body, adding to the mess he had already made. After we caught our breath, I grabbed a Shamwow from toy box and wiped the two of us off. As I wiped us off, I told Jake, "Shamwow, you'll say wow every time."

He smiled, and replied, "Wow, and thanks."

"It was my pleasure as well as yours," I told him as I leaned in and passionately kissed him.

Jake broke our kiss after only thirty seconds. "Alex Hanson, I love you!"

"Jake Moore, I love you too!"

We picked up our toys, shut off the light, and climbed into bed together, content to sleep in each other's arms. In five minutes, we were both sleeping soundly. One word crossed my mind before I drifted off to sleep in Jake's arms. INCREDIBLE!

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