Finding Freshmen Love

By Andrew Hermes

Published on Jul 29, 2009


Hi all! This is the second installment about Alex and Jake. This story is entirely fiction based on my own ideas/fantasies. This story is about two of age gay men consenting to gay sexual activities. If you are a minor or this type of material offends you, please leave now. Please don't reproduce this story without my permission. Now, relax and enjoy the story. Love it? Hate it? Comments welcome at


Finding Freshman Love Part 2

Something loud is screaming in my ear. I can't quite put it together. I hear it again and again. Finally, after coming to, I realize it's my phone. As I reach over to the nightstand to grab the son of a bitch, I came face to face with Jake, who was bare ass naked in my bed. I think to myself, "What the fuck happened last night?" I slither away from him and grab the phone before it goes to voicemail. Without looking at the caller ID, I know who it is. The caller, one of only four women I would say I love, my mother, is calling at the ungodly hour of 10AM. Gruffly, I answered the phone, "Hello!"

"Hi honey it's me. I wanted to know how things are going. You never called last night and I got really worried because you drove that damn truck of yours all by yourself."

Trying not to giggle because that might offend her, I replied, "I kinda got busy last night with the roommate. He's really nice and pretty cool to hang out with. But, he kicked my ass at NCAA Football, which just pisses me off."

Now my mother was laughing. "Alex, you take things way to seriously. It's only a blasted Nintendo game. "

My mother just committed a carnal sin: she blasphemed against the Holy Grail of video games. "Mom, it's not just a game. I haven't been beaten in years. I think I lost focus at some point." Just as the words slipped out of my mouth, I trained my eyes on the object of my lust, the reason for my lack of concentration. Jake, sleeping naked, had a bad case of either morning wood or a full bladder. Probably both. Just the sight of him began jarring some of the cobwebs loose. While my mother blabbed on about my lack of responsibility, I flashed back to the party. Beer pong and keg stands flashed through my throbbing head. Then, I cut back to our room where I was treated to the sight of my other head throbbing as Jake jacked me off. Then, I went down on him. The whole scene played back in my mind, but in fast forward. My cock, already half hard from my own morning wood, jumped to attention with all of the stimuli so early in the morning, despite the beginning of what felt like a dreadful hangover.

"Alexander James Hanson! Are you listening to me, or are you drifting away?" My mother's use of my full name snapped me back to reality.

"Sorry Mom, daydreaming. "

"Well, before you zoned out on me, I was telling you that your father and I are coming up for Parents' Weekend in a six weeks. We want to see you and meet this new roommate who obviously kept my little angel up way too late last night."

Once again, I suppressed a chuckle. "That sounds delightful Mother. Nothing I like better than my mommy and daddy coming to check up on me."

"Alex, you know it's not that way. We just want to meet you, take a campus tour, treat you to some real food. Believe me honey, after you eat that shit they charge you eight dollars a meal for, you will be begging for a nice thick steak."

Oh my God! My mother was killing me. I was literally doubled up on the floor laughing my ass off. I had to hold one hand over the phone so she would not hear me laughing. If she did, this would lead into another long interrogation followed by a long speech which was actually more like a lecture.

"Mom, I would love to keep talking, but I want to shower. I think that will wake me up better. I'll give you a call this week and let you know how my classes are going and what torture the Poli-Sci Department has in store for me."

"Ok honey." She was obviously annoyed with me cutting her off. "I love you."

"Love you too, Lady Predator! Bye!" Yes, I called my mother Lady Predator, mostly because she is the scariest woman in the world. When pissed off, she could cut your heart out with a spoon and feed it to you. Basically, she is one of those people that means business most of the time and can make someone feel an inch tall in less than ten words. Even so, I love her. She's pretty cool for a vagina.

Now, I had to deal with the problem at hand, my excruciatingly hard cock. Jake lied on my bed, legs splayed out, cock flying high. Just the sight of him teased my ever ready penis. As my eyes scrutinized Jake's amazing body, my cock began leaking, informing me that it was time to go make some shower babies. I grabbed my shower gear from the over head compartment in the closet. With only a towel concealing my raging hard on, I headed for the shower. As I walked out the door, I noticed my neighbor, Phil, I think, staring at me. Unabashedly, I continued strutting to the shower with my best "just been laid" look. I'm sure it was rather obvious as I was glowing brighter than my bed sheets under a black light! As I reached the shower, I realized I had been dripping the entire time I walked to the shower. Some of it even made as far as my knee. I'm sure glad my anal retentive mother made sure to buy the best towels available at JC Penny. Once I entered the shower room, I nearly sprinted to the first available shower to relieve myself. Thank God for opposable thumbs!

I threw my towel on the shower bench, turned the water to scalding, grabbed my soap and shampoo, and stepped under the steaming stream. Immediately, my hand went to my cock. I gave my self three or four slow but firm strokes. Pre cum flowed freely from my cock because of the deliberate movements. I stopped jacking off and began washing myself off. I continued to think about my wonderful night with Jake. Over and over, I replayed the image of him on top of me, filling my throat with his enormous dick. As I replayed the scene in my head, I remember how vigorously Jake and I had fingered one another. I even put three of my massive fingers inside Jake's virgin hole. He had done the same. Unlike Jake, I had some experience with man on man action and absolutely loved bottoming. Even so, I had never had anything as large as Jake's monster in my ass. As my mind wondered, my dick throbbed with anticipation. I imagined him entering me for the first time, thinking about the pleasure that I would have as he filled my love canal with his penis. The pre cum was really flowing as I pictured myself, face down, ass up, (cause that's the way I love to fuck) with him slamming his third leg into my ass, fucking me raw and making me cum without ever touching my own dick.

Whoever the fuck said good things come to those who wait lied! I grabbed my dick like a fat chick grabs a twinkie (you should see my sister, fast as lightening) and feverishly jerked my dick. With my imagination running wild and my cock hard as steel, this was definitely not going to take long. I soaped up two fingers and put both of them in my ass. I pushed hard and hit that magic spot! My dick felt like it was going to explode in my hand as I cranked it hard, rubbing from the bottom of the shaft all the way to the tip of the head. My balls tightened, my dick pulsated, and my asshole clamped down on my fingers. The first volley surged out of my penis and made my legs buckle. The next five were as powerful as the first. By the time I'm finished, there was a huge glob of cum slowly rolling down the shower wall. I grabbed the soap to wash off my freshly emptied balls and retreating cock, and began washing them off. When I got the head, it was so sensitive, I didn't think I would be able to clean it properly. I carefully washed it off, but the stimulation caused by my cleaning sent my once retreating cock back to attention! As I shut off the water, I found myself with yet another hard on. I dried myself off and headed back to my room. My neighbor was standing in front of the door to my room. I wondered what the hell he wanted.

"Hi, Alex, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Hi. Something I can help you with?

"Um, kinda. I'm Phil, your next door neighbor. I just wanted to talk to you for a second."

"Sure. What can I do for you?"

"Well, last night, um, you made a lot of noise in the hallway trying to get the door unlocked. Dude, it was like 2AM. I know we aren't in class yet and you guys were definitely drunk, but I was asleep. I work at five every morning at a local bakery. After you guys made all that noise, I couldn't get back to sleep."

Now I felt like a dick. "Man, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. I know what it's like working a full time job. I worked all three years in High School. Again, I apologize."

"Thanks Alex. But there is one more thing."

"Okay. What?" My mind raced, not knowing what this would be about.

"Well, you weren't only loud in the hallway. Whatever happened in your room last night was also part of the reason I couldn't sleep."

Oh shit! Now it was my turn to stutter. "Um, yeah, um, kinda a wild night."

"More like a wet and wild night!"

I burst out laughing. This guy was pretty funny. "Were we really that loud Phil? I mean, you could actually hear us through those cinderblock walls?"

"I think the entire city heard your sexy party! You do realize Ridgemont has close to 75,000 people?

"Well, than I guess everyone got to hear the toe curling orgasms!"

Shuffling from foot to foot, Phil said, "I'll take your word for it. Next time, just keep it down. Put a pillow over your head. Buy a gag. Whatever."

"Noted. See you later man. And again, sorry for the unintentional wake up call."


As I went to open the door to my room, it dawned on me that I was still hard and wearing nothing but a towel. Obviously, Phil got an eye full of the source of his early morning alarm clock. Well, half of it anyway. I opened the door to the room and got another full blown view of Jake and his gorgeous body. In the half an hour I was away, it didn't look like he moved an inch. Now, he had a full blown erection. All nine inches of Jake's massive dick were on display for me. Jake's body mesmerized me. Every crease, every fold, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes held my attention. Despite having all the perfect features, from sculpted pecks, to toned thighs, and of course, a massive dick, Jake's eyes struck me the most. His eyes danced with life. His gaze also impressed me. It was as if those eyes allowed him to see into my soul. I again flashed back to the wee hours of the morning where our earth shattering orgasms woke the neighbors. The look on his face when he saw me in my boxers, the way he locked his eyes onto mine, by far, was the hottest thing I had experienced.

Oh, my ever ready cock, the real energizer bunny was letting me know that it was now driving the crazy train. I had a naughty thought. I always wanted to wake my ex-boyfriend up with a blow job but he woke up so violently in the morning, I always chickened out because I didn't want to hurt him or have him hurt me by accident. Jake had been sleeping peacefully for about six hours and I was really horny now. So, I silently moved between his legs and took the head of his cock into my mouth. I slowly worked my way down his massive shaft, making it all the way down to the balls on the first trip down. Oh, God how he tasted so sweet. I went back up, taking his head in moving my mouth back and forth rapidly. Then I went down all the way again. Jake stirred in the bed, but his eyes remained closed. I continued my movements, increasing the pressure around the head of his member. I cupped his balls in one hand and tweaked a nipple in the other. The flood gates opened and he began leaking pre cum. Encouraged by the response, I increased my speed, giving both his balls and left nipple a tight squeeze. In less than a minute, Jake's breath became haggard with lust as his orgasm inevitably approached. When I felt his balls drawing tight to his body, I decided to deep throat his cock. As I went down on Jake, all five of my senses caught fire. I tasted his wonderful body, heard his ragged breathing between his whimpering, saw his body respond to my touch, smelled his wonderful scent, and felt his ecstasy. Finally, all of my hard work paid off as he exploded inside my mouth. Volley after volley of his sweet nectar filled my throat and a primal roar escaped his mouth as he blew his load. The orgasm jolted Jake from his slumber. As he saw me cleaning up the jizz from his cock, he said, "Morning sunshine. I guess I must not have been dreaming."

"Morning. How's your head? You know, the lump three feet above your ass!"

"Throbbing, kinda like my little friend."

"Well, its not throbbing as much as it was 20 minutes ago. I couldn't stand the sight of you in bed all alone, naked, and HAWT! I felt the need to help you out. Like the wise man said, a nine inch cock is a horrible thing to waste."

Jake cracked up. "You can wake me up anytime. But, now, I have to piss. Move or you are going to get a golden shower."

"Kinky, but I'll pass this time."

Jake found some shorts, pulling them on with no underwear on underneath. God he was hot. Even in loose fitting gym shorts, I could see the outline of his dick. I decided I better put some clothes on. As I passed the mirror, I noticed what a mess my hair was. I was styling it when Jake came back to the room.

"You really love your hair don't you."

Winking at him, I said, "Only the one on top of this head. As for the private property, I like to keep that trimmed fairly tight. No one likes pubic hair in their teeth."

Putting his hands down his pants and feeling his bush, he replied, "I'll keep that in mind."

"You don't shave regularly?"

"Until you, I never really had any reason to shave my balls or crotch. I never really thought about it when I was with my high school girlfriend because she never went down on me. Ever!"

"Yeah, funny thing about the twat squad. They either love the dick and get enough of it or they stay as far away from the one eyed monster as possible. Plus, they suck, no pun intended at giving head. And, they get all squeamish about how it smells, looks, and tastes. Fucking twats anyway! But, you don't need to worry about me. I have an insatiable appetite for the cock!"

"I noticed you seem to like mine."

"No, I don't like yours. I FUCKING LOVE IT. You know, I did win the Banana Hammock Olympics when I was in high school. Twice."

As he laughed his ass off, Jake said, "And what exactly is the Banana Hammock Olympics?"

Straight faced, I replied, "Oh you know, where you give head to every member of the varsity football team Homecoming Week."

At this point, I wish I had a camera because he looked like he had just walked in on his parents swinging from the chandelier. "You went down on every member of the football team?"

"Yeah, needed the practice."

"Shut the fuck up. You didn't go down on all of them."

"You're right, I lied. I only went down on like 5 of them. But then they would freak out after they blew their loads down my throat. `I'm not a fag man. You tell anyone and I'll beat your ass.'"

"Weren't you ever scared of being outed? I was terrified when I began having thoughts about guys. I thought it was just a phase. Other than jacking off with some buddies to their dad's porno magazines, I never did anything with any guy."

"I was afraid at first. I lived in a rough neck area where gays are probably the least desired people in the world. Its God's country and there are as many churches in our town as there are in Chicago. Serious homophobes. But, I have been training in Mixed Martial Arts for the past three years. Plus, I was a wrestler and a power lifter in high school."

"You fight in the cage? Bad ass bro!"

"I have fought eleven times. I lost my first two fights because I was weak on the standup game. But, I began training Maui Tai and knocked my third opponent out. Then, I won by submission the next three fights. The next two fights ended in decision for me and I have knocked out my last three opponents. I'm actually supposed to fight next week. So, long story short, people never fucked with me. Plus, only my closest friends, Mary and Keith know that I am gay. I haven't even told my parents."

"Yeah. I have tried to repress my feelings for years. But we hit it off last night and the booze helped me lower my guard. I grew up on military bases, so I have never really allowed myself to think about men."

"I fooled around some in high school with different guys. I only had one serious boyfriend, but things got bad between us."


"He started using a lot of party drugs like Cocaine, Crystal Meth, and Ecstasy. One night, he overdid the drugs and nearly died. His pulse was like 200 and I had to rush him to the Emergency Room. He almost died that night and coded twice. After he got out of the hospital, he went right back to using. I broke up with him after he got arrested for possession of meth. He went to prison for five years because Illinois passed stringent laws to battle the meth epidemic. Even though it was his first time, he could have gotten fifteen years. He plead guilty, so they reduced the sentence."

"Wow. I'm so sorry."

"Thanks, Jake. That was two years ago. I have gotten over it to some degree."

"Did you love him?"

Taken aback, I paused to think about the words this man I had known for less than forty eight hours just spoke. "I did love him. He was my first boyfriend. I did everything in my power to help him with his problems. He never hurt me worse than when he rejected the help I offered him. My mom and dad even pulled some strings at the hospital they work for to get him into inpatient rehab. Like I said, they don't know I'm gay, but they did know how much I cared for him. They assumed we were just best friends because we were always together. He refused their offer and went back to using."

"I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"There is really not much to do about it now."

I didn't realize that tears were trickling down my cheeks. I had not really opened up to anyone like this since I dated Matt. Jake saw the tears and grabbed me hard, pulling me into a bear hug. He squeezed me tight and told me, "I'm here for you now man. And I won't ever reject you or any help you offer me." With that, I let the tears flow freely. I cried for the better part of ten minutes and Jake just held me tight to his chest, rubbing my back and telling me, "It will be alright."

After I regained my composure, I gently pulled away from Jake. I looked up into his eyes trying to read his thoughts, the same way his piercing eyes seemed to read my soul every time I looked into them. Inside that beautiful gaze, I found kindness, compassion, and the beginning of love. I leaned in and tenderly pressed my lips to his. I kissed him softly, letting my lips linger on his, loving the feeling of his sensual lips on mine. Jake and I began kissing more passionately, opening our mouths and letting our tongues battle for supremacy in a classic game of tonsil hockey. We kissed, and kissed, and kissed. Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes passed as the two of us remained in the middle of our door room, lost in our excitement and hot make out session. The two of us resembled poetry in motion, a whisper of the wind. It was really one of those moments a person waits a lifetime for, begs for, and hunts his whole life for. Finally, after half an hour, we pulled away from one another. Once again, Jake grabbed me in a hard embrace, squeezing me tight. Now, it was his turn to cry.

"What's wrong?"

Between sobs, he said, "I feel incredible. For the first time in my life, I feel full of life. For the first time in my life, I don't feel dirty. For the first time in my life, I have a reason all my own to live."

Those words choked me up. We cried, holding each other tightly, never wanting to end such a wonderful moment. After five minutes, we were both back under control. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess, my body was covered in sweat, and my cheeks were streaked with tears. Not having a shower yet, Jake smelled a little musky, had major bed head, and also had tear stains on his cheeks. Looking at him, I quipped, "Boy, we are a hawt mess! Wanna fix that?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking about another shower." With that, the two of us grabbed our shower gear and headed to the bathroom to wash our dirty, sex riddled bodies. And of course, we fool around some more.

Next: Chapter 3

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