Finding Freshmen Love

By Andrew Hermes

Published on Jul 26, 2009


Hi all! This is my first attempt at gay fiction. This story is entirely fiction based on my own ideas/fantasies. This story is about two of age gay men consenting to gay sexual activities. If you are a minor or this type of material offends you, please leave now. Please don't reproduce this story without my permission because it's my work and I own all the rights to it. Now, sit down, shut up, hold on and get ready. Oh, and enjoy! Comments welcome at


Finding Freshman Love

"My name is Jake, and I have a belly button and a small penis." Those were the very first words the only person I have ever loved outside of my family ever spoke to me. Oh, how some 10 years ago, I had no idea what lied ahead for me and Jake. But before I get too far in the story, I should let you know some more about me.

I grew up in a small town outside of Chicago, Illinois. The town was built on old money, made from thousands of acres of farm and ranch land. I grew up near the city limits and enjoyed an awesome view from my window. My family moved to the town during the 1980s following the economic downturn in the state's capital. I grew up with three sisters and two extremely hard working parents. Growing up around so many women made me a more sensitive boy, despite my attempt to maintain a rough exterior. Thus, I picked up the best qualities of every woman...PMS and fashion sense. I'm only kidding, but I certainly lived in the estrogen ocean.

The small town environment did nothing for me when coming to terms with my own sexual identity. I have known that I was gay since I was 11 years old. But, in typical small town fashion, the environment of cattle country stifled my ability to come to terms with myself. I still encounter bigotry every time I return there. Even my closest friends from high school, the ones that wear their religion on their sleeves, shun me because God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to leave.

Following graduation, I packed my 2003 GMC truck with all of my worldly possessions and moved to Iowa where I attended college, earned two degrees, and graduated Summa Cum Lade. But most importantly, I met the love of my life and we have enjoyed a decade of decadence ever since. While moving in to my overpriced, "cozy" dorm room, I met Jake, my new roommate. 6'3" tall, 180 trimmed and tight pounds, highlighted hair. But most striking were his eyes. His beautiful crystal blues eyes immediately got my attention, not just for the color, but the way they literally danced with life. Truly, I was smitten with him from day one. Then, in what I would come to learn as typical Jake fashion, he introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Jay. I have a belly button and a small penis." What did I do? Looked at him dumbfounded, and said, "Good for you. I'm Alex."

He gave me a quick once over. I'm 5'11" tall, 225 lbs, built like a brick shit house. I have curly hair that goes down to my shoulders and dark blue eyes that I have been told are so intense that sometimes it looks as if I'm able to read someone's mind when they are talking to me. I also have a bubble butt thanks to Eight Minute Buns and my love for taking it up the ass. Anyway, I digress. We made some small chat once I retrieved my tongue from the floor and I learned he was from Knoxville, TN where is father was a Captain in the Army. Like me, he was also close to his family, especially his younger brother Jack. He was looking forward to getting away from moving every few years and working on a Political Science Degree.

I told him about living in the Chicago suburbs and the small town, homey environment, about growing up in the plain old Illinois. He even helped me unpack my pickup and move all of my stuff in. Seven times we trekked down six flights of stairs to retrieve all of my shit I brought with me upon my mother's insistence. By the time we were finished, we were both soaked in sweat. The sweat poured down my face, rolled down my ass, and drenched all of my clothes. Jake looked extremely similar, but uber hot with his sweat drenched body. Immediately, I went to my shower kit packed neatly away in my suitcase. Jake, who had moved in the week before, grabbed his from the overhead storage shelf in the closet. He and I made our way to the shower. Quickly, he stripped off his clothes in the common shower room that looked more like a high school locker room. Not every one to be shy, it seemed to me he was showing off. And let me tell you, Jake had the goods to show off. His tight abs formed the sexy v that enticed me to keep following the apex of the triangle. Below his solid abs, was the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. Sitting atop an enormous set of balls, Jake's cock appeared to be about 5 inches flaccid and thick. He almost caught me looking at him and I quickly diverted my eyes to my own cock, which was chubbing out. When fully erect, I'm about a seven. But, I have a cock two inches around. Even with such a gift, I love to bottom. God's idea of a practical joke I suppose.

As I was lathering up the body wash, I kept stealing glances at the Adonis some three feet from me. As I looked to my left, Jake was washing his hair, but it appeared his cock was hardening. I once again looked the other way. When I returned my gaze, he was absent-mindedly stroking the massive hog between his legs, not paying any attention to anything but his cock and the ceiling of the shower room. Just as quickly as he started, he stopped, moving his soapy hands to his ass. I swear I saw him spending entirely too much time on his ass. It even looked like he had stuck his finger in his own honey pot.

The scene was absolutely hot. My ridged cocked raged and my balls ached for relief. Despite being gay and spending plenty of time around cocks begging to be sucked, I maintained shower decorum. But, I thought naughtily, I'm definitely gonna need to beat off later. I decided to chill out, literally, and turned the water to freezing until my cock and balls sought refuge in my asshole. I quickly dried off because I was so cold. Jake followed and we returned to our room.

We sat around for a while, putting our shower kits away. The Jake asked me if I wanted to play some Xbox. Of course, I complied and we decided on NCAA College Football. I always play with the Sooners, my favorite college football team. Being from Tennessee, Jake chose the Volunteers. I actually laughed at him, telling him, "I gonna put my foot up your ass this game."

Jake replied, "I doubt it." We began playing, but I could not concentrate on running the Spread. My team went three and out after Jake sent an all out blitz. As I shook my head in disgust, his amazing eyes met mine. I lost all focus and my thoughts quickly went to the shower. Before I knew it, he racked up six first downs. Then, he scored on a stupid reverse of all things. Laughing he said, "Your ass is the only one in danger today." As he said this, he actually winked at me. That nearly put me over the edge, as my cock hardened faster than a virgin blows his load on prom night. He kicked off and I ran the ball down to his 40 yard line, which really pissed him off. Then, I dissected his balls to the wall defense with quick passes and hurry up offense. Seven plays later, I scored and to be a dick went for two and got it.

"Ok. So you know how to play. But, you won't win." We were neck in neck until the last minute of the game. He scored and had me down by six with two minutes left. As I ran my offense down the field, he was focused on nothing but the game. My cock had not gone down in the last half an hour and watching the look of concentration on his face just about set me off. My balls were yelling at me for relief at this point as my dick throbbed with anticipation of jacking off to images of Jake running through my head. Lost in thought, I didn't see him move into a blitz package. He made me fumble and his D End ran the ball back for a touch down.

With the extra point, he beat me by 13 points, and I hadn't been beaten at NCAA Football in years, especially with the Sooners. And he took pride in my defeat. "I told you I would own your ass before this was over."

After the nail biting game and moving all of my shit in to the room, I was starving for some nourishment, as well as some tender loving care. But, food comes before sex, mostly because the average male masturbates three times a week, and I knew I would need all of the energy to satisfy my carnal desires. With that in mind, I asked Jake if he wanted to grab some food. Of course, he hadn't eaten either and was more than delighted with the suggestion. We found a nice little place around the corner from the campus that was fairly busy due to all of the students moving in. After a ten minute wait, I used my fake ID and bought us a round of well deserved beers. We talked while guzzling the first beers and by the time the food got there, we decided to order a pitcher. Jake paid this time and with his illegal purchase, I learned he too had a fake ID. This of course, made me wonder what lied ahead for the two of us who both enjoyed our cheap beer, card games, and NCAA Football.

While we were drinking, we talked about the things that interested us most. Both of us loved to golf and bowl, which meant I could showcase my mad skills on the golf course and at the bowling alley. While we drank, some guys invited us to a party they were having a couple of blocks up the street. We were supposed to meet them at nine and bring our drinking hats with us. Of course, Jake and I were no strangers to the party. We even went as far as ordering another pitcher while we devoured a meat lover's pizza, Chicago style. We chatted some more before heading back to the dorms, our bellies full and our breath smelling of the sweet aroma known as Bud Light. Jake and I decided to shower again and change into some party clothes. We both headed to the shower room and for the second time in less than eight hours, I saw the Adonis strip down to his birthday suit and put his body on display. Ever see the cartoon with the wolf that imagines the turkey dinner on the table? Well, that was me, salivating at the mouth over Jake's hot body. He even had a semi and I was fully erect. As I turned around, I caught Jake looking at my naked body, particularly my rigid cock. He had no clue that I had seen him checking out my junkyard, which to my horror, actually made my cock pulsate and leak a pool of precum on the shower floor. As I finished up, I caught his gaze out of the corner of my eye. This time, he winked! And once again, the flood gates opened and my cock began pouring precum. He left the shower and I was tempted to jerk off right then and there, but controlled my urge to do so, turning the water to cold. By the time I put the monster back in his cage, Jake was already back in the room. As I walked in, he was putting on a silk shirt that accentuated his muscles and displayed all of his best features. For myself, I chose a Sooner polo, black khakis, and some new sandals I had purchased the week before. Along with this, I styled my wild, curly hair so I looked like a hot college student. To finish my ensemble, I added some nice smelling cologne and my gold hoop earrings.

At 8:45, we began walking to the party. For the first time, the conservation between the two of us went semi-sexual. Jake almost blurted out, "Man, I hope to meet someone with limited inhibitions at this party so I can break in my new loft." Repressing a giggle, I replied, "Good luck. You luck like a man whore and the woman can smell a guy like you a mile away." Quickly, he quipped, "I don't think that will be too much of a problem." We walked in silence for the next minute or two, but it seemed like an eternity as I pondered his last statement. Was Jake trying to tell me something?

We arrived at the party promptly at 9:02. Immediately, I found the keg and mingled with the people I would be seeing around campus for the next year. Jake wondered off somewhere. I took the liberty of signing the two of us up for beer pong, my favorite game in the world. For those of you unfamiliar with the game, beer pong is played between teams of two. Each team has ten cups, lined up like a bowling set up on each side of the table. Each glass is supposed to have between 2-5 ounces of beer. But, our new friends really knew how to party and played with full 16 ounce cups. Once a player landed a ping pong ball in the cup of his opponents, the opponents were required to drink the beer. The team that eliminated their opponents' cups first won the game. Like many college students, I believe beer pong is truly the only game ever invented without any losers!

Before bitch slapping several teams at the Beer Pong table, I made my way to the keg, where much to my delight, my newly acquired piece of man candy was doing a keg stand. After he finished, I did a keg stand and stood 15 seconds longer than Jake. He did not take so kindly to this and decided to do another where he beat me by a whole 30 seconds. While this was impressive, I could not merely stand by and allow him to make an ass of me. So, I also did another and beat him by five seconds. Before we got a chance to go again, our names were called to the Beer Pong table. Both of us were trashed off our asses, but we still managed to seven games in a row before finally being beaten by a couple of chicks that drank wine coolers all night. During the course of those games, we must have put another 12 pack away. After hit the keg again for another round of dueling keg stands, we were both looking like ten miles of bad highway, trashed off our asses, and using each other for balance.

At this point in the night, Jake decided to get a little more physical. He even grabbed my ass while bracing himself. He even realized he did so, but did not quickly move his hand away. Instead, he let it linger for about 10 seconds, before giving my shapely ass a real good squeeze. With that, I decided Jake was clearly interested in men, or at least, inebriated Jake was interested in grabbing my ass!

After another half an hour at the party, we decided to call it a night. Jake and I continued to use each other for support to make it back to our door rooms. After causing entirely too much noise for 2AM, we finally made it to the 7th floor. After what seemed like forever, I finally got the key in the lock and opened the door. Jake immediately began taking his clothes off, telling me, "It's hotter than virgin pussy in here." In all actuality, our room was about 70 degrees and extremely comfortable, but who am I to complain about eye candy pretending to be a Chip and Dale Dance in the middle of my door room. Plus, Jake had changed his underwear after our shower. His party panties, a nice black see through pair, clearly showed off all the goodies he had below his taught abdomen. I instantly got hard just looking at him. For the fourth or fifth time today, my cock decided to turn into a samurai sword, just looking for some attention from my right hand.

Not won to ruin the party, I took off my shirt and shorts. Jake intently starred at me the entire time I undressed. When I looked up after removing my clothes, he definitely looked his lips. As I looked into his eyes, I saw a look that told me he wanted to say or do something. I walked toward him in my boxer briefs, and he never stepped away. At that point, I asked him, "Do you like what you see? I know I do!" Jake appeared to search for an answer, while sizing up my hard dick through the fabric of my underwear. As he stared at my crotch, I felt my dick pulsating with desire, wanting to be unleashed. As quickly as this little episode began, Jake slid his hand down the front of my underwear, pulling me in close with my own cock. We looked at one another, knowingly, and began kissing. I love to make out and I found out Jake shares my passion for it. Electricity emanated from our mouths as our lips touched and our tongues dueled. He kissed me with such force, I was afraid I would bust a nut in my pants right then and there. Clearly, our little make out session was having an effect on Jake, as the head of his enormous cock popped out of the top of his sexy wear. I reached for his cock to give him a hand with his ever growing monster. Jake watched my subtle movements and moaned with pleasure as I stroked his cock. To get better access, I pulled his underwear off and got a full view of his basket. Up close, his cock and balls were absolutely beautiful as well as enormous. Jake's cock was at least nine inches hard and his balls looked to be the size of large walnuts.

With the eye on my prize, I dropped to my knees after some more stroking and making out. I took the head of Jake's cock into my mouth. He let out a loud, passionate roar as I locked my lips around his dick. The loud response was all I needed. I took half of his monster in the next time and deep throated him on my third attempt. Of course, his monster cock gagged me, but I was not deterred. Instead, I opened my throat and relaxed my jaw and continued going down on him. About three minutes in, he began leaking precum like an 80 year old facet. After another five minutes, he grabbed my hair to get my attention. "Stop! I'm gonna cum if you keep going down on me like that. I want this to last. It's my first time with a man!"

I reluctantly released Jake's cock from my mouth. He took my boxers off, freeing my engorged phallus. As I had done, Jake carefully put the head of my cock in his mouth. I grabbed the back of his head and gave him a forceful, but encouraging push. He complied, greedily sucking my dick down his virgin throat. He gagged quiet a few times, but continued sucking my dick like a real trooper. My dick responded to all of the attention, flooding Jake's mouth with precum. On his next trip down my shaft, he must have got me just right. My legs buckled and I went weak at the knees as he groped my balls while he went down on me.

After that, we moved over to the bed. Quickly, I pulled him on top of me in a 69, once again worshiping his massive dick with my tongue, mouth, and hands. I cupped his balls in my left hand and gave them a firm squeeze as I deep throated his enormous penis. Jake mimicked my movements and we got into a great rhythm. As I pulled up for air, I decided to give him a once over from hole to hole. Jake moaned when my tongue found his honey pot and returned to the head of his cock. So with one hand, I jacked his cock while I ate his ass. He followed suit. Pushing the action, Jake decided to insert a finger into my ever-ready hole. His finger, long and thick, felt fantastic inside my cock starved hole. He continued fingering me and even added a second finger. He pumped in and out while systematically sucking my dick. I decided to break in his virgin hole with my own finger after I had spent several minutes eating his ass out. He responded by pushing his dick father into my throat and telling me, "I'm close."

I took this as my cue to crank up the heat between the two of us and pushed another finger into his hole. Before he could get to use to that, I had a third finger inside his ass. As I pumped the majority of my hand inside his ass, I found his g-spot and rubbed his prostate with my fingers. Jake panted in lust and with anticipation as his cock began to pulsate. He was definitely close to cumming. As for me, I was leaking so much, he was swallowing my cum as fast as my cock was producing it. Back between his legs, I amped up the pressure and began banging him hard with all three fingers while sucking his huge dick. After two minutes, he let loose the largest orgasm I have ever seen. 10 shots of hot fluid hit the back of my throat. Rope after rope of hot man juice warmed my mouth. He tasted so good, I had to take part of his cock out of my mouth so I could swallow it all. His orgasm pushed me to the brink, and I reciprocated by shooting my load into his mouth. My orgasm, six shots, quickly filled Jake's mouth. He swallowed three times, but managed to get all of my cum down without missing a drop. After such an earth shattering, toe curling set of orgasms, we laid there, holding each other. After we rested, we made out for a little while. But mostly, we held each other, in the afterglow of the best sex I had ever had. What I didn't know, however, is the best sex was yet to come.

Next: Chapter 2

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