Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 30, 2023


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An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read. But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

Reactions and constructive responses welcomed at Complaints..take up with management. ;)


Finding a New Position, Part 9:

Another full day in the middle of another full week. A few weeks in now...starting to settle into a bit of a routine. Even while ramping up some projects and having longer time with each team. Bill's mind was racing as he thought about the tight timeframe he put on the couple of imminent changes...thinking about how to get Margaret and Jamie more on track...each being new grandparents they've been happy, not driven. Chuckling to himself, Bill thought `even though it's her third, Margaret is so excited. And for Jamie it's his first...he's already talking about showing her how to play softball at one month old lol'

They all respond well, to be sure. But...they don't seem to jump to it like when Kevin talks to them. In good moods...don't respond from fear...but are extra motivated.'s not fear or to avoid bad mood, but rather to do my best. That's how I feel with him. Need to see more of how he does it...see if I can convey some of that to them too. And it's not age..Kevin's only 39 and those two are close to 60, the others are all over 40 too, so my 34 isn't the issue.

Heading into the gym, Bill didn't need to think about a hard workout. When busy, mentally straining a bit, and with pent up energy from sitting all day, Bill's m.o. was to sweat it out. After changing he headed to the basketball court to run and shoot. Not usually enough for a game...wouldn't matter, chasing after the ball is a good workout. And it beats just running haha

Which is what Bill did. An hour solid of running, shooting, jumping, chasing...sweat pouring out, breathing hard from moving the entire time, Bill got his money's worth from the gym membership. Feeling fit..and fatigued...Bill did his usual `should do some lifting, then stretching. ..... well..the machines look very usual. ...maybe just the stretching. I'll lift on Saturday.' Walking down the hall Bill realized he was hungry...'think I'll get cleaned up and stretch later after dinner.'..really relaxed from the tension being worked out of his body. The tension he always holds in and can't seem to release without a hard sweat.

After a nice hot shower, Bill dried off and went back to his locker, drying his hair as he walked around the corner to the extra area that he tended to use, which hardly anyone else seemed to, maybe because it was a dead end in the back and there were plenty of other lockers in the main area. Opening his locker and draping the towel over the door, Bill was startled to hear "Well now what kind of greeting is that?" from a wry smiling Kevin, who was standing further down toward the last lockers.

"Oh! Hey, didn't have my glasses on...didn't see you there. Wasn't expecting to see you over here."

Having seen Bill's complete self-absorption and deciding to have a little fun with him, Kevin said "you were on another planet, Bill...surprised you even saw the locker' as he chuckled.

Still a little bit always a bit embarrassed by his ability not to notice people around him sometimes, especially without his glasses, Bill laughed "well...yeah...sorry...was a little pre-occupied" as he started to turn back to his locker.

"'re not getting off that easy...Come here, Bill," said Kevin with a light tone. Bill had started to reach into his locker for his...glasses...underwear...towel...automatic rather than conscious thought, but froze when he heard "Bill, come here. Now." The slightly sharper tone when Kevin spoke now unfroze him and Bill walked toward Kevin. Continuing as he got closer and saw the big hand motioning him to stand right in front of the tall man. Finally stopping so close he could smell Kevin's after shave and could finally see clearly even without his glasses that Kevin hadn't buttoned up his top two buttons of his shirt.

`Forgot how he has such a hairy manly. Hrmph...figures. Haven't seen him leave the gym that casually before' thought Bill. Then realized he was looking straight slowly he raised his eyes up to look at the tall man. With a quick gasp Bill saw Kevin looking down at him, those intense blue eyes holding him...seeing in. After a couple beats, Bill gave another quick gasp as he realized...and then moved his hands to his sides.

Holding Bill just with his intense look, Kevin finally said "Need to get you practiced. When I have you in front of covering."

Eyes trying to look away but being held, ears reddening a bit, mouth open from the last quick gasp, Bill just stood, engaged in not covering. Until...finally...seeing Kevin's eyebrow raise ever so slightly, Bill gasped again..realizing he hadn't answered...aargh..he wants a verbal answer...... ""

"Yes....what?" pushed Kevin when Bill did not address him directly. He has a real reluctance to do it. Rather interesting way of rebelling.

" covering" stammered Bill.

" covering.........what?"

Ears now aflame Bill finally said "yes, Kevin," and then gave a small grunt as a small wave of pleasure with pressure swept him, his now hard dick trying to rise up...but being held down in place by Kevin's pants covered leg.

"Now...Bill...when I have you presenting in front of me (Bill grunted again hearing his dick struggling to rise up)...I want full and proper respect from you (grunting again as his dick strained mightily yet hopelessly against Kevin's strong thigh) ..... I want you bare...nothing hidden..focused on me...heads up. When I have you like this do you really think you should address me by my first name? Does that really show me your best?"

Looking down at Bill, seeing him starting to hunch a bit to try to relieve the pressure, Kevin said "Stand up straight."

"auhhhha" exhaled Bill as he stood up straight, almost feeling like his dick might snap as Kevin held him there. Hearing Bill panting, Kevin waited....then finally said "Now....answer again. With proper respect".

Snapped into response from the commanding tone coming down into his ears, Bill shakily said "No covering. Yes, Sir". At which point his eyes flew open and he gasped fuller as Kevin immediately pulled his leg back enough to release Bill's hard as steel rod. Which snapped up against his low abs with a `thwunk'

Immediately moving his leg forward again, Kevin looked down at Bill..then dropped his eyes to look down at his left leg that was a little forward...with Bill's rock hard dick presented on it....and said "There. That's how it should be. Good boy".

Embarrassed, overwhelmed, Bill stuttered, "uh...oh....sorry...sorry Sir. I didn't mean" And was abruptly cut off by Kevin, who dropped his heavy hands onto Bill's shoulders. "No! When I have you naked and presenting, you do not cover...turn away...hide. You bring it to me. I will handle it. Understood?"

Slowly answering from the part of his brain that could operate, the rest a complete jumble, Bill said "Yes, Sir."

"Nothing to t worry about, Bill. All boys salute me. You're doing good" praised Kevin as he turned Bill around and said "Now I have to get to a dinner engagement" while giving him a resounding swat with his left hand on his left butt cheek. Automatically Bill moved to his locker while Kevin picked up his gym bag in his left hand and started to go out. Looking down at the forming handprint, Kevin smiled to himself...'this was a very good molding...and now marking...hmmm...let me seal it in him' As he walked behind Bill to leave, Kevin imprinted the lesson on Bill's right butt cheek with his big right hand and said over his shoulder "see you tomorrow."

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 10

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