Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 26, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 8:

Knock knock "You wanted to see me?" asked Bill at the open door.

"Yes, Bill," replied Kevin as he put his pen down and motioned Bill in. "This report needs some attention" said Kevin as he rose from his chair. "Come here and address the parts I highlighted."

Going to the side of the desk Bill waited for Kevin to step out. Then tentatively continued at the `come on' motion as he tried to figure out if he had to turn to the side and scoot past the big man.

Impatient at Bill's slowness, Kevin reached his left hand across his body and enveloped Bill's left arm while reaching his right hand around the back of Bill's neck to move him along, angling him a bit so he could scoot by facing the desk, turning more of his back to Kevin.

Then after Bill had moved a couple small side steps in toward the chair, almost beside/in front of the tall man, Kevin stopped him and held him still. Holding him a beat, looking down on the shorter man, Kevin slowly said "I'm waiting."

Looking up over his shoulder...feeling the demand...'waiting?....I was moving to sit down but you stopped waiting for what....' Eyes flashing open with realization....'I didn't respond...He wants verbal response!...uh...too late to say `yes Kevin'...'what do I say...' Finally Bill squeaked out "Coming. Sorry I didn't"

"Eyes up" demanded Kevin as Bill had started to lower his eyes and look straight ahead when he said sorry. Eyes boring into a startled Bill, Kevin said "An apology means to own it. Not to get out of it. Look at me when you own up to it."

Brain finally working after a few seconds, Bill shakily said "Sorry I didn't reply when you told me to come." After a few seconds, seeing Bill continue to look up at him, Kevin said "You will do better next time."

Hearing the directive, Bill absorbed the finality. Then with a quick inhale realized he had not responded again! "Yes, yes. I will do better."

After which Kevin then guided Bill past him and put him down in the chair. Noting that Bill had not used his name or used any form of direct address at all over the past few days. Wonder what's going on with that. Hmmm...have to nip that.

Sitting up high, Bill almost needed to place his feet on the chair legs. But when he did he couldn't get closer to the desk. He has such long legs..and the desk is higher, too.' Putting his feet down almost pulled him out of the chair, so he put his feet up again for balance. At which point Kevin pushed him in to reach the keyboard. gawd..he had to push my chair in. He's not so much taller than me...what is this..why am I feeling like this'. But when Bill looked up over his right shoulder, somehow Kevin once again seemed much taller. And bigger, filling Bill's vision.

But Kevin's descriptions of the problems to address forced him to focus on the task. `He sure doesn't linger. Even to let me absorb. But he doesn't dwell on the mess up. Addresses it and moves on. Not like dwelling is part of my punishment. Wish I could be more like him in that. But man, I gotta do better about responding.' Then, explaining what he had been thinking...why he thought of these details and this approach...Bill gave Kevin a clear understanding of what he was trying to develop.

"Alright, I get the picture. There's a lot you added that is good. Get up so I can get at it," said Kevin as he motioned for Bill to stand up to the left. Once he did Kevin immediately sat down and began working, opening a few different documents and charts. Next to him, Bill stood and waited since he couldn't go anywhere. Wall behind him, wall on his left, desk in front, and Kevin seated in the chair on his right, Bill was trapped.

Normally he wouldn't hesitate to say `hey...let me out so I can get back to what I was doing'. Yet...even after a few minutes...and then a few more...with Kevin deep in concentration, Bill didn't want to interrupt him. So he waited. After a while though he started to shift a little bit...weight more on one foot..then the other...not even realizing his impatience was showing.

Finally, just when he was going to interrupt, Kevin picked up the phone and made a call.'re making a call now?' thought Bill. I'm going to have to get moving....'

Continuing to work, including on the phone call related to Bill's proposal, Kevin thought to himself `Not addressing me directly is costing you, Bill. You won't speak to ask to be let out because you're unwilling to address me directly. And that's the only way I'll pay attention to you. So...time to rearrange you a bit,' as he spread his fingers and reached and touched his fingertips on Bill's haunch.

And just as before, Bill immediately stilled. Kevin carried on his conversation for another two minutes...without Bill moving or fidgeting. Finally finishing the call, Kevin then spread his hand down and enveloped Bill's hip and curved muscle of his upper butt. Squeezing once...then again....then again...Kevin said "How did I say you can address me?"


Holding Bill perfectly still...gaze intensifying...then raising an eyebrow, Kevin waited. Even without words conveying clearly that he will be answered.

" said Kevin for informal...Mr. Harper in the group, in a meeting..when it's more formal."

"How have you addressed me since I told you that?"

Eyes flashing...'he noticed'...Bill churned a bit. But then...seeing that demanding gaze...he finally said `I guess I just wasn't comfort-"

"Answer my question," quietly commanded Kevin.

`shit...I didn't answer his question again!' "um....gulp...uh....I haven't."

"Yes. I understand you have a you were starting to explain. When I want you to explain why, I'll tell you. When I ask a question, you will answer my question," declared Kevin.


"Address me now in your response."

"oh..uh...yes, Kevin. Sorry I haven't been," stammered Bill.

Holding Bill another few beats, Kevin then squeezed a few times. "Apology accepted. Now, I have another meeting and you need to get back to work," said Kevin as he stood up, guiding Bill out with his hand, then saying "Your proposal looks good. And the alternate approach is quite clever. I sent you the changes for you to finalize it. Send it back completed by 3:00" as he reached down and gave a resounding swat to Bill's butt, sending him out.

Ears burning...brain jumbled by his continued little forgetfulness..and how with Kevin he notices everything! demanding he is in the little things of interaction...he addresses it completely..but then moves right on..and moves me on..never dwelling on it. Making me feel it...and feel that it's over. He likes my real complements..yet he's demanding in dealing with it his way...the right way. Sheesh... dwelling even after he said it's over...ok...gotta tighten up. Shaking his head, Bill continued to his office, feeling the sting...full front leading the way...

To Be Continued.....

Next: Chapter 9

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