Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 25, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 7:

"Good morning, everyone," boomed Kevin as he led the way into the conference room.

"Good morning, Mr. Harper," responded several voices.

"Today is a good day. First, because you all are here. And second, because I get to introduce you to our new Director of Administration, Bill Klein," Kevin said as he swept his hand back a little to show Bill where to come in.

"Good morning" said Bill to the group, as he then went to each one to shake hands and get their names. As with any beginning, basic information was exchanged as Kevin reviewed the teams, the main, regular responsibilities and accomplishments and achievements. As he was listening to Kevin's efficient, detailed review, Bill got more comfortable. `This is a well functioning operation. And he gives real credit. What a different world from my last job.'

"No operation is perfect. Which we know. order to improve, we have to identify honestly what is not working or what is missing. So I want each of you to review the biggest problem area or areas for your team. Bill is going to work with you to improve those. Margaret, you'll go first. Then Jamie, Sam, and Carter.

"Yes, Sir" started Margaret as she began. After her 10 minute review, which still seemed short, Kevin redirected "We're not starting the work yet on how to address it. This is just for you to review with him. He needs to hear from each team before deciding on priorities. I know you've been eager for him to arrive, but a little more patience, Margaret." With a chuckle, she replied "Yes, Of course, Mr. Harper. I know everyone's ready. So...I'll practice patience." as her smile widened.

"Jamie" prompted Kevin. "Thanks Mr. Harper. Well...the first need is......."

And it went. Each seeming quite capable. And looking for improvement. Focused on their sections, but already coming across to Bill like a team.

After another hour Kevin stood up and said "Since you all are on task, I can attend to another matter. Carry on." "Yes, Mr. Harper" replied the team leaders.

A bit surprised that Kevin was still there..he had already gotten into the work...and then that he left, Bill didn't manage to say anything. `I'll give him a summary later' and then rolled up his sleeves to dig in.

The day flew by for Bill. When Bettina said good night he realized time had gotten away from him. So he immediately went to Kevin's office, knocking at the open door, and entering when Kevin motioned while on the phone, then sitting as he pointed. After hanging up, Kevin asked: "How'd it go, Bill?"

Bill proceeded to talk for many minutes, until finally laughing a bit and saying "guess you can tell I'm a little excited."

Chuckling in response, Kevin said "I might not be observant about everything, but I did see that. I'm pleased to see it." Then asked Bill for more about a couple topics. Finally saying "I'm always about improvements, Bill. That's why I want you focused on getting improvements in each section as your top priority. Including the people. Guiding them in how to do things the best way. Even though they're good, there are areas to be better."

"Yes, that's always been my commitment. Not always shared" said Bill with a wry smile, "not even by management".

With a hearty laugh Kevin said "You here now. And I'm the boss. And I want you to remember to verbally respond when I give a direct instruction."

Momentarily blank, Bill remembered not responding at the meeting because he had been too absorbed in the topic. `he did notice' kicking himself a little bit. Then...realizing he again wasn't doing it, Bill finally responded "um..yes Sir."

Keeping a neutral, expectant expression, Kevin watched Bill process, then said "tell me if you don't know what I'm referring to."

"No, I remember"

"I didn't say to tell me you remember. I said to tell me if you don't know."

Eyes going wide Bill thought `wow. That's such a nothing distinction. Well...except one is answering the question he asked, the other is diverging. I know the difference. It's so frustrating when others do it to me. Yet here I am doing it with him. aargh' With that understanding Bill opened his mouth to explain that he got it. But suddenly realized Kevin hadn't asked for an explanation. Snapping his mouth shut again, Bill reddened a bit.

Continuing to watch Bill go through the paces of understanding, getting a heightened awareness that he was to listen and respond on point, Kevin thought `understanding..check. next will be speed of responding. That will be another day's lesson.'

"How should you have responded earlier?" pushed Kevin.

"I should have verbally affirmed" replied Bill.

"Right. Give me the information I need without requiring an additional question."

"Understood. should I address you?" asked Bill tentatively. "I mean, they call you Mr. Harper. But you haven't said that I should do that."

With an easy attitude, Kevin smiled "I didn't tell them to either, Bill. They do it because it feels right. The difference being that in a meeting or with others around, it's formal. One-on-one it can be more informal."

"Since we have a relationship from outside work first, and since you're right under me, then it will depend on the situation and what seems right. When I work individually with you, you may call me Kevin. In a group setting such as earlier, it would be jarring for them to reply yes, Mr. Harper' while you're replying yes, Kevin". You are already over them. That would not be the place to flaunt it. And you will gain their respect more by showing me proper respect in their presence."

"Yes, Sir"

"That is always a good option also."

Ears burning a bit, Bill thought never in the military...not from the South....never say Sir' Yet it just comes out with him. Too weird. Ok, Kevin it is, then.'

"Alright, time to head out," Kevin said while standing. "You going to the gym tonight?" Kevin asked while laying a comradely arm across the top of Bill's back as he walked toward the door.

"Yes, heading over now. You going?"

"No, I have a dinner engagement, so think of me as you get a good sweat going," laughed Kevin "I'll have to see you over there another time. Go enjoy a hard workout after a good day," said Kevin as he reached down and gave Bill's muscular butt a couple athletic swats.

"Haha, thanks. Will do," replied Bill as he started down the hall. "See you tomorrow."

Chuckling to himself, Kevin thought `no tension from work. But tension in those pants now. Yes...he's coming along nicely.'

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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