Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 23, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read. But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 6:

After asking the assistant, Bettina, how to get to HR, and then having her smile a welcoming smile of congratulations, Bill already put her on the list of people he'd like. She seemed genuine. And did a nice turn of contacting HR that he was coming, so he didn't walk in cold.

As always the necessaries took time, but, finally he was on his way out of the building, reflecting that he liked the people he met in HR also. First impressions only...but...they matter.

And as he was driving home, he shook his head, not believing how fortunate he was to have run into Kevin at the gym and, even though he didn't want to, Kevin made him tell what had happened...was it just last week?, what a whole world of difference! I'm such a creature of routine, but now I have a new routine in a place that seems to fit. With good staff already. is incredible. Not only extremely thorough, but doesn't seem to get bogged down in it like I sometimes can. And so clear in his what he will be so nice to finally work with someone who has command of the big picture, has the clarity of thinking to determine priorities, not just in this moment let's react to this fire, ..... and yet...understands that details matter, things do take time...that constantly or erratically changing the tasks or goals is so wasteful and demoralizing.

My responsibilities will include keeping him informed. Which, Bill thought to himself with immeasurable relief, will be easy and straightforward, since Kevin will not walk away from his responsibilities only to storm in weeks later to rage and blame. And then taking over without care for doing it well. Hrmphh, Bill guffawed to himself, can't imagine Kevin upturning the apple cart and then being more concerned with blaming others. No...he'd take the disruptor and give em a couple firm spanks to get em to stop with the drama. Or he'd simply walk them out. Chuckle...don't know if that's how it'd go...but can't see him letting drama queens ruin operations.

Finally working for a real man rather than an emotional woman or overly emotional man. There's a place for that...but running an operation requires a firm, steady hand. Which Kevin has in spades thought Bill as his butt still tingled a bit from Kevin's enveloping hand. God....I want to do right by him, thought Bill. To have him be pleased with me.

Finally arriving home, Bill went in to change out of the meeting clothes. Having taken off and carefully hung the shirt, then the dress pants, Bill lowered his tight briefs and glanced down, where to his surprise, he saw his wet underpants. Whaaat? looks almost like I wet myself. Well, no, that's an exaggeration. But there's a big wet spot. Wait....did I leak? When.....why....? The women in HR were nice, but none particularly eyecatching. And all married anyway. As was Bettina.

So how can this I this excited about getting the new job? A bigger, better company...a bigger, better job...better pay....and a gift horse that fell into my lap.....or...well, took me in his big hand and made me feel secure and also appreciated...? Um.....yeah....I am this excited! This job is great. And Kevin is the man I want to work for. As he said...the man I want to be under, Bill thought as his dick gave an involuntary flex...and a couple more drops oozed out onto his lowered underwear.

With a grunt Bill felt the pleasure. But suddenly stopped himself. Wait...what am I doing? I can be excited for all that without going just dick pull. I mean...I have to work there. Rub one out looking at some sexy bodies. But keep work out of it. And I can't be casual with that...what would Kevin think of me? Can't have him losing respect for me cuz I let my horniness into my work presence.

Always disciplined, Bill went in to take another shower. Another cold shower. Once again needing a long cold shower to finally get it to deflate. Ok...I'll shoot off later. Maybe a couple times today and tomorrow to drain. But now I've got to prepare to start work.

Which Bill proceeded to do. So that by Monday when he started his new position, he already knew a lot...names of the entire sections being a big priority. And lots more details. So that when he walked in he was prepared. And therefore confident. And therefore able to relax a bit.

Since he had already been to HR, Bill was able to go directly to Kevin's office upon arrival. Finding the door open Bill knocked and said hello. But quickly saw that Kevin wasn't there. Hmm, not sure if I should go in..he said come to his office when I got here. Seems a little forward to be in it without him first saying to come in. Maybe I should go back and see if Bettina is back at her desk.

Just then he heard someone coming down the hall. And indeed it was Kevin. Who looked at Bill standing there tentatively, which brought a small smile to his lips. Which then expanded to a natural welcoming smile as he got closer "Good morning, Bill. Finally get you here" boomed Kevin as he extended his big hand to envelope Bill's smaller one. His left hand finding its now usual place around the back of Bill's neck as he guided him into the office...."Glad you waited" commented Kevin, as Bill's eyes flashed `he didn't want me to go in without glad I didn't go in..'

"Come in now and let's get the future started" exclaimed Kevin with some excitement. The words and tone giving Bill a warm feeling of acceptance. And being settled in a way he never was early in new circumstances.

"Busy days ahead...getting you set up in office, system, training on the software, and, of course, meeting the team leaders who will report directly to you" explained Kevin as he moved toward the desk...bringing Bill along with him...finally releasing his handshake while lightly pressing down with his left to get Bill to sit. Moving around in front of Bill, Kevin took his now usual spot on the edge of the desk, this time with both legs down as he continued to talk about the day..the rest of the week...timelines for getting Bill introduced and familiar...meetings... Sometimes looking down at Bill...sometimes turning his head a bit as he gathered his slightly pause to bring in a new part of the plans.

Seeing Bill keep an attentive upturn of his head, which he'd lower a bit when Kevin looked away or turned his head a bit, unconsciously mimicking the big man. Trying to absorb, listen, already getting into the details (so glad I prepared so much) Bill's eyes fell a bit as Kevin shifted ever so slightly, eyes falling to his his his big presence in his pants. Eyes flashing, mouth going agape, Bill froze...without conscious thought trying to process how big Kevin was, as all men do. Although most men glance in the locker room. Not seated at eye level and just a couple feet away.....

Continuing to talk after having flattened both feet on the floor, which pushed his pelvis forward ever so slightly, Kevin let Bill do his computer screen scroll....and just when it looked like Bill was regaining his active thoughts, Kevin made a statement and dropped a big hand on his thigh. Framing the object of Bill's gaze. Hearing Bill's involuntary gasp, Kevin smiled to himself. It's not the size of the cock, although mine is quite large. It's the mind behind it. Whose manhood is more powerful. To make even strong masculine men salute.

Breathing in a deep, satisfied breath, Kevin decided it was time to introduce Bill to the staff. But..first...a little bit more of molding: abruptly standing up...his crotch now only a foot in front of Bill's face and open mouth, Kevin continued talking by saying "Let's get you to your office, then meet the team".

Looking down from his tall vantage, Kevin saw the wondering eyes, still processing, the mouth agape, and thought `he's perfect'. But, being a true dominant man, Kevin kept on his purpose. "Stand up, Bill" he commanded down to the sitting man. Not Bill no additional room to get up. Making Bill stand up right in front of him. Feeling his overwhelming presence even while at his full height.

Holding Bill's gaze, after a beat Kevin said "we'll work on getting you to do what I say even when you're still thinking. I don't like to be kept waiting. Understood?"

Blinking several times quickly, Bill gulped and said " Yes, Sir".

"Good boy" pronounced Kevin as he guided Bill from across his neck, ready to get Bill up and running. And leaving time for Bill's inner brain to absorb. When they reached the hall, Kevin gave Bill's neck a firm, strong squeeze, then stepped ahead of him to lead.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 7

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