Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 19, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read. But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 5:

As the next few days went along, Kevin continued to develop the new position. Finishing the details of the responsibilities...a task he undertook himself since the position was new, and because he knew best his concept of structuring the whole admin department. He also knew the strengths and weaknesses of each of the departments. Including those from structural issues...and those from personnel issues. In his mind already using Bill to problem solve, with his detail oriented thoroughness...and his ability to work with people....finally developing a full, needed position.

He then had to work through the process of getting the new position established. Meeting with the necessary individuals...explaining his vision...addressing their concerns...and then, when it came time for a willingness to support, using his charm, clarity, and charisma to get unanimous approval.

Haven't seen Bill at the gym. He only had those two days left to work last week. This week he's been off. He was always so consistent about getting a workout in. He must have changed his workout time since he's now off all day. And...I was right in thinking he wouldn't come over when I'm usually there. Wouldn't know how to talk to me. Knowing he'd need to. Almost sorry he didn't come so I could see how he handled waiting to hear from me...while seeing me and saying hello as usual. Seeing him be unsettled..ultimately gives me more insight into how to train him.

But....also know it's a good choice for break out of his habitual, since he was just laid off and is having to wait to hear from me. That is also unsettling for him. So even though I didn't see it in the moment, I'm making him adapt.

But now it's finalized and it's time. Just instructed my assistant to call him and say `Mr. Harper will see you tomorrow morning at 10:00.' As if the only thing needed was the date and time. Not the reason or offer. He'll come....but won't know for certain of the offer.

At precisely 10:00 am his assistant buzzed in and said Bill Klein to see you. "Send him back" said Kevin as he rose and put a file in the cabinet. This time Kevin had the door open, so Bill walked up. Seeing Kevin's back to him, Bill still knocked as he said hello.

Turning to him, Kevin said "Yes, Bill, right on time. Come in" as he walked toward the door and extended his hand from high, angled down toward Bill's chest. Even though Kevin was only 7 " taller at 6'5" to Bill's 5'10", it felt to Bill like when he was a kid.

"Sit down" directed Kevin as he motioned to the chair in front of his desk while he then closed the door. "Haven't seen you at the gym recently...was wondering if everything was alright"

"Oh...umm...yes, it's fine.'t didn't need to wait until the end of the day to go over."

"I figured that. Trying to break out of the routine a bit, since the routine had been taken from you."

Bill's eyes widened when hearing that..."yeah, that's exactly it"

"That can be good to do. I did wonder, though, if you did it so as not to run in to me," commented Kevin in a casual yet needing to be answered way.

Eyes flashing open, Bill started and stopped a couple times before being able to respond. `how did he know that's why I did it?' " you were working on the position....and that you had said you'd be in touch...and to wait....well...I didn't want to seem like I was pressuring you" finally stammered Bill.

Finishing the final steps to be right beside and half in front of the seated Bill, Kevin laid a large, heavy hand on Bill's neck to shoulder...looked down at him...holding his gaze...and said "I appreciate the thought, Bill. But you don't pressure me. I take the time that's needed. And act when I decide. Doing the work of developing your resume after I said you didn't have to, which was information I did need...that was good initiative and effort. That was you doing something for me. But...deciding to avoid No avoiding me to misguidely `help' me. No covering in front of me. You bring your concern...your questions...your uncertainties to me. I will take care of them and you."

Mouth hanging open, held in place by the strong hand, eyes captured by the powerful man standing over him, Bill could only process....and process...and process. And, finally, with a gulp respond "Yes, Sir".

Hearing the acknowledgement from Bill, Kevin sat down on the edge of the desk, as before raising his right leg to go across the desk some while looking down at the seated man. Who was now a foot closer than yesterday because Kevin had moved the chair closer to the desk. Watching Bill have his vision filled by the large, well-built, powerful man.

After a long pause to let Bill feel Kevin's power and his place, Kevin said "I have finalized the details and am offering you the position. To start a week from Monday."

Eyes going wide...and staying wide as Kevin laid out the details...Bill immediately responded when Kevin asked "do you accept?" "Yes. Yes, Sir, I accept!"

Hearing that Kevin reached his hand down toward Bill and then swallowed up Bill's much smaller hand, securely holding it and pumping some as he said "I know this will be a good arrangement. I have confidence in you to do what you're good at, to get others to do better than they've been doing, to relieve me of many daily responsibilities, and take care of things I need from you."

Looking up at the huge man filling his vision and his space, not seeing his hand anymore...eyes following the long arm up....seeing a powerful man....and right in his line of sight were Kevin's very full pants. Eyes flashing a moment, Bill thought `that must be the way he's sitting. That has to be the way he's sitting. And his pants are pulled tight. Man...that sure matches the rest of him.... How didn't I notice that before? ....cuz you don't look. Well, yeah. But now I noticed. Sheesh.'

Face going red, Bill tried to tear his eyes away from the mound of masculinity, finally raising his head at an angle to look up at Kevin's face...mouth falling open as the penetrating gaze caught him, somehow said he was caught, and held him there, under all that overpowering masculinity. Without a conscious thought Bill knew he had never been before such a dominating man before.

Holding Bill for almost a minute, allowing him to be stunned..., Kevin finally said "Excellent. I know you will not disappoint me. Make your daily goal to please me, and this will go great," as he reached down with his other hand, putting it under Bill's arm/underarm to lift him to standing. Then, talking as he walked Bill to the door, Kevin put his hand around the back of Bill's neck and squeezed a few times. Physically molding Bill to continue to mentally mold him.

Finally, at the door, Kevin released the handshake and opened the door, telling Bill to go to HR and do the necessary processing as he reached down and took Bill's muscular butt in his hand...squeezing a few times while Bill the security of his strong presence and grip. At the end of his instructions, Kevin said "Go now" and gave Bill a couple light yet still penetrating swats.

Smiling to himself, Kevin thought "can I mold better than Rodin. With this as material....maybe I can". And then he chuckled before closing the door.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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