Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 19, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 4:

Stepping out into the hall, then turning a bit to pull the door closed behind him, Bill gave another quick grunt as the fabric pulled at his dick. His engorged dick. What? did that happen? Oh an interview and get a boner?! Hope he didn't notice thought Bill as his face reddened. Had a few times when I lost concentration and now this? What's wrong with me?

Shaking his head to get himself moving...he told me to go...not linger here. Quickly putting his jacket back on so he wouldn't appear too casual as he passed by the assistant. And to cover his front, since he wouldn't have time to rearrange (gawd, can't get caught with my hand down my pants!), let alone to deflate.

Wishing her a good day as he passed by, Bill went to the elevators to go out. Mind completely focused within during his descent and exit, Bill thought `I can't rearrange anyway. Cuz I wore this jockstrap. Man, what was I thinking. He had only been talking about openness and honesty yesterday when he said he wanted me naked in front of him. Sheesh...for someone who doesn't have much imagination, you sure can think some crazy thoughts, Bill said to himself.

Finally outside Bill could relax a bit that no one had seen his wood. And If Kevin hadn't noticed it, then the interview went pretty well. Except for my brain fog a couple times, I talked well. Had answers or descriptions to what he asked about. And based on what he said, I'd be good at this job. Hoping I conveyed the right amount of interest (not hard), intention (heading up departments means continuing good things while finding ways to standard practice), and eagerness.

He actually said he wants me for the job. That is really nice to hear. And he's going to work on it.'s not an offer. Hmmm, I do have my resume done sooner than expected, maybe I should start looking for other possibilities. Cuz there are no guarantees. He said it was a new position. Maybe he won't even get the position approved. No one is that powerful. Especially since he's only 5 years older than me. So I'll continue to hope, but start looking elsewhere too.

Oh...wait...he told me not to take another job until he tells me. Should have asked how long it might take until he knows.'s not the question to ask him. He said he'd work on it. And he'd be in touch. He'll elaborate when he has more to say.

Alright.....I'll wait. Still have 2 more days at the old job I'll concentrate on that and wait for Kevin's offer (hopefully). He was clear about me waiting, Bill processed inside his head as the sting from the big hand swatting his butt still vibrated. Like Coach Riley used to give. Always conveyed his message. Hmmm...wearing the strap meant only the thin dress pants separated me from his force. wonder I'm still getting the message.

Driving home Bill's mind went to getting hard so quickly and unexpectedly. What's it been now...six months since Mary ended it. Maybe eight. With no real action from her the last year before that. Obvious now she was withholding to force me to propose. Of course, I'm always super smart in hindsight. Didn't make that connection then, since I thought things were going along well and had thoughts of proposing at the end of summer. Hadn't been really quick to inflate since then. But...maybe the shock and stress caused it. Especially since it's not like I was making the moves on a girl. Or even watching an old Baywatch or anything.

So back to underwear. At least that will hold it down and in better. Maybe the smaller size. Why is it I can wear both 32 and 34? 34 isn't big on me, but it's more relaxed. 32 is fitting and tight. So 32 for control. Or until something different comes along. Won't be actively looking though...too much change now, which always keeps me on edge. Wish I knew how to settle in easier. To be as settled inside as I appear to be on the outside. Always help others settle down/settle in. Don't get that in return. Oh well, the lot of being a man, I guess.

And...I can't say I miss the constant chasing...primarily because of the never pleased attitude. "Ok...well yes, this is nice..this is good. Within a bit....well, what's next..." It was never enough. And nothing seemed to satisfy her in the end. Including trying to satisfy me. The man chases, of course. almost seems like it would take a man to accept the effort...the results...and not focus on just pleasing himself. Caring about seeing the partner in the relationship be pleased, be satisfied, be appreciated for what he does for you and to you. Alas, not looking for a relationship with a woman any time soon, so won't have to ponder that more.

The next two days are going to be tough. Two days to clean things out. And have to act like everything's ok. My severance is at stake, I'm sure. Well, official hours are 8:30-5:00, ½ for lunch. That'll be my schedule. Don't want to be there early or late for them to have any suspicions or have any chance to set me up and blame me for something. Polite, formal face and attitude. Get through it.

Stress again. Think I'll head to the gym now and get a hard workout in. Today's different anyway. We'll see if I can handle another change from my routine. Yes, everyone knows I am a creature of my comfortable routine. That which is a strength cuz I get things done regularly. And....which is a weakness when it comes to flexibility. And spontaneity. Especially on my own.

I do have the jockstrap on already...time for the gym haha. Then I'll come home and do some more research about the hospital. In case he offers the job. And see if I can learn anything about him. Since I'd be directly under him. Another involuntary flex in his groin....hmmm..guess having a plan, a routine for today, does make me feel good. I'm so predictable.

To Be Continued:

Next: Chapter 5

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