Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 18, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 3:

Bzzzzz. "Yes"

"Bill Klein is here to see you."

"Very good, send him back to my door" said Kevin, as he looked at the clock, nodding that it was 2:00 on the dot. Wonder how long he sat in his car before coming the parking lot early to be on time. Then he rose and went to the writing board on the side wall to make some more notes.

Kevin knew his assistant would say "Mr. Harper will see you now" and signal down the hall to the door. Yet without saying that the door would be closed. Leaving it to Bill to figure out if he was to wait for the door to open.

After a few more seconds, Kevin heard the "Knock, knock" of Bill overcoming his uncertainty and making the decision, because he didn't want to be late and keep Kevin waiting.

"Come in" declared the firm voice through the door.

Almost feeling the vibration from the booming voice, Bill quickly opened the door and stepped in tentatively, leaning forward a little as he opened the door further, until finally opening it wide looking for Kevin. Who was standing with his back to the door writing on the board.

"um...hello, it's Bill. Bill Klein. For the 2:00 appointment."

A slow smile spread across the lips of the tall man as he heard the tentativeness. The uncertainty of wondering if he did have an appointment. The surprise of not being met at the door but having to come in as invited, not yet seemingly welcomed. As he finished his last few notes, Kevin thought to himself: `He doesn't realize I'm seeing him as my employee already. He's not yet...but there are different ways to interview. Seeing how he responds to expectations and more casual interactions shows me a lot. Now....time to do some formal talking.'

After what seemed like a minute, but was only a few seconds, Bill finally saw the tall man turn.

"Right on time, Bill. I like that." Noting Bill's ears going a little red, Kevin smiled to himself...he was in the parking lot 15 minutes ago. But wouldn't come in early. Wouldn't impose. He has some very good traits, Kevin thought as he motioned with his left hand for Bill to come in....and come to him.

Obviously uncertain, Bill nevertheless went toward Kevin in response to the motion. When close enough, Kevin lifted his hand to shake. Only he kept his hand straight out from his elbow and his elbow by his side, making Bill take the final few steps closer to be able to reach. Which meant that Bill had to raise his hand to reach Kevin's...without thinking actively Bill absorbed how big Kevin was. Making him feel short, even though he was average height. Then, seeing his hand be enveloped by the large hand of the tall man, Bill almost felt like a kid again.

"" Bill stuttered as he realized Kevin had been talking to him.

Patiently letting Bill feel their differences, looking down on the shorter man, still holding his hand, Kevin repeated: "You timed it well to keep me from waiting."

"um...thanks..yes, don't want to keep you waiting. Your time is valuable" responded Bill as his face reddened a bit. The extra words more what Kevin was used to when he spoke directly to Bill. A bit of nervousness...and eagerness to please.

Finally releasing Bill's hand, Kevin smiled down at him and said "You clean up nice."

With a nervous laugh release Bill said "oh...yeah...I guess so" as he realized he had seen Kevin dressed up, since he changed back into his clothes at the gym. While Bill usually just changed into some shorts and t-shirt after showering.

"And now that you've made a good impression, take the jacket off so I can talk to you," Kevin directed as he motioned toward the hook on the door to hang his jacket lower down than the high one Kevin had his on. The hook was about as high as the door handle...whereas Kevin's was so high up Bill would have had to raise his arms to use it.

"Come here and sit" called Kevin, moving Bill along as he motioned to the chair in front of his desk. As he walked to the side of the desk to move something, Kevin began talking: "I'm creating a new position here to oversee the a/p, a/r, payroll, and office admin departments. I already have supervisors of each, but they need someone running it all. Which would then free me up to focus on developing the hospital's business. There's always need for medical care. But medical facilities are still businesses, and must compete and deliver to survive and be successful. The demands are limited time must be on the most important tasks that only I can do. So I want someone in the position I can trust to run the departments. And to know when to involve me. And when to use his judgment, experience, insight, and follow-through to take care of things the right way, the productive and efficient way. Because, as we know, administrative tasks are necessary, but they don't bring in the money directly."

As he was talking Kevin came back around to the front of the desk, then sat down on the desk, lifting his right leg a bit so that much of his thigh was along the desk. Looking up at Kevin as he explained what he wanted and why, Bill sat with his mouth open, brain trying to take in the size of the man filling his vision...his ears hearing the description...and his inner sense stilled by the power and authority of this man.

Active brain processing what he could do running those departments, which he had been doing albeit on a smaller scale, Bill's non-speaking part of his brain rearranging as he wanted to be part of this work. To be part of what this man was doing.

Then, finally blinking a few times as Kevin looked down at him expectantly, Bill realized Kevin had asked him a question and was waiting for an answer. Kicking himself for again appearing not to be paying attention, Bill cleared his throat and started talking about his experience. And then suddenly remembering, Bill said "Oh, here is my resume" as he held it out.

Looking down at Bill, seeing him overwhelmed by all the information, by the interview not being about him but about what Kevin wanted, and by his presence, Kevin waited. How will he respond? Is he going to be too overwhelmed? I can't have that. I need a man in the who can handle pressure, expectation, and demand. One who folds now can't be my direct subordinate. For I not only will demand. But I will mold him to be be what I want him to be. He has to be all but stunned in my presence at I can shape him as I want. But he has to be moldable...not some who crumbles into an emotional mess when I turn up the heat.

"I said you didn't need to bring a resume, Bill"

Starting to lower it, Bill felt the reprimand for not listening....but then Kevin said "But I like the initiative to give me what I should have. Even though it took a lot of time last night to prepare, I'm sure." Feeling almost light headed at the appreciation and praise, Bill smiled a relieved smile.

Looking at the resume while Bill continued to talk about his experience, Kevin made the decision. I will put him in this position. Already can tell he's good at working with people...he shows real respect to others. He will be able to supervise the direct supervisors. And I will shape him into the subordinate I want him to be. Strong, committed, capable, and responsive to me thought Kevin as he all but rubbed his hands together at the material he had to work with. A man already developed, capable, competent...who was going to be his to shape.

Finally, at a natural break, Kevin stood while saying "This has been a good interview. I'm pleased with what you've brought me today." Motioning Bill up, which he responded to immediately, Kevin put his hand across the back of Bill's neck, long fingers and thumb spreading across his traps, as he turned him toward the door while saying "I will finish developing the position. Then I will call you in to make it official. I want you for the position, Bill. I want you to be my subordinate. To be directly under me."

Feeling that big, strong hand guiding him, looking up at those penetrating eyes seeing into him, Bill's mouth was open again, brain not completely processing. But then being moved forward by that hand, Bill gave a small grunt as his dick flexed involuntarily. Conflicting feelings overwhelming him, Bill didn't know what to do.

Pleased that Bill couldn't even respond, having noticed the grunt from Bill when he said he wanted him directly under him, Kevin gave a firm squeeze and said: "Go now. Get your jacket and head out. I will call you when I'm ready. Don't take another job until I tell you," commanded Kevin as he finally released his grip on Bill's neck. And with the same hand, reached down and gave Bill's meaty butt a forceful swat.

Seeing Bill no longer frozen and stunned, but doing what he said in response to the hand, Kevin thought to himself `this man is going to run things as I want. And do them well. private...this real man will be my boy. Haven't had a real boy in a long time' thought Kevin as the drive was further awakened.

To Be Continued.....

Next: Chapter 4

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