Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 17, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 2:

Walking with purpose to hit the shower, Bill was a bit on automatic. Settled in the task. Settled in spirit in a way he couldn't put into words. Of course, he knew talking about it had helped. And having someone listen like Kevin had, without interrupting...or "explaining" to him what he already knew or what should "make him feel better"...who didn't diminish the harshness of having the rug pulled out from under him. Kevin listened like Bill did when someone was talking. Which was not something Bill had experienced before.

Always strong, capable, a problem solver without forcing his solutions on others (in fact, he was good at helping others solve their problems themselves), Bill was relieved to have someone lift some of the burden off his shoulders. Who effortlessly helped him as he was weighed down. With a real man's strength.

As he reached to turn on the shower, Bill grunted in surprise when the water hit him right on the lower part of his stomach. His grunt was one of pleasure...cuz his dick was full and up. Stunned as to what caused that...then wide-eyed to think he had walked the steps into the shower fully exposed..and fully hard....his 5-1/2" dick leading the way. Then quickly relieved when he processed that no one had seen him cuz the locker room was empty.

But that wouldn't last. So Bill turned the water to colder....then colder as the blood still didn't leave...then stood with the water running off his chest and not directly hitting his dick, until finally the stubborn rod deflated. Must have continued to stimulate with the water massage even as it got colder, thought Bill, forgetting to figure out what had caused it in the first place.

Once finished Bill got a towel from the rack, dried off, and went and got dressed. Reliving the conversation with Kevin....a bit abashed at how much he had shared, since he was naturally reticent about himself. Even more at how emotional he had gotten (at least by his standards). Appreciating from a deep place within how Kevin gave him all the room to be emotional. How he didn't flinch. Or make it about himself, since most of the time Bill's expressiveness seemed to be too much for those he opened up to. Who forced him to shut down while they talked about how scary or uncertain it was to hear him express. Forcing him to take care of their emotional reaction when he was the one with the problem.

But Kevin not only handled it, but handled him. Part of Bill's brain felt the strong hand on his haunch...and how settled that man's powerful grip made him feel. But that part was not conscious...not expressed in words/thoughts. Just felt.

Which allowed his active brain to realize Kevin told him to come tomorrow to discuss a job offer. Unreal.

Bill then shook his head and, with a lightness of step he could never have imagined, headed directly home to eat (his appetite was back) and work on his resume. Kevin had said he didn't need to bring one since it was such short notice...but Bill wanted to make a good impression. He wanted real deep down to show his best to Kevin.

Then, in the morning, Bill polished the resume and did a little bit of research on the hospital and Kevin's position. Wide-eyed that Kevin was top management. And that he told him to come for an interview. But...Kevin was over the departments Bill handled. And...his words ringing in Bill's ears that he wanted Bill to convince him, Bill determined to be clear about what he did and contributed. Since he often downplayed his own role, Bill knew he had to take the credit that was actually his.

His logical, clear thinking brain took that on. Since Bill was honest almost to a fault, he could also be honest in what he had contributed. Without it being boastful. At least to those who were also clear-thinking, insightful, and analytical. Those who were not looking to take the credit for themselves. Those who were not overly emotional. Bill took a few deep breaths as he worked to trust that Kevin would continue to shoulder the burden so Bill could speak clearly and freely.

Ok, thought Bill, what am I going to wear? A jacket with a tie. Not a suit. Not overdone. Well, maybe a suit. No....a jacket and a tie to show professionalism...but also show I roll up my sleeves and get into the work. Quality pants and shoes.

Then, pulling on the pants, Bill paused, the clear words of the man who told him to come for an interview popped in to his head: "this Is how I want you". Which he said when Bill was standing in front of him bare butt naked. Then, like the scrolling circle that shows the computer processing, Bill went around and around.... That was just an expression. Obviously I can't be naked and presenting anywhere but the locker room. Buuuttt.....hmmmmmm....what if he....he wants me that can I be that way in his office in clothes....?

Mind a bit frazzled trying to figure it out..even questioning whether there was anything to figure out..finally running out of time..wanting to show Kevin he listened and would deliver..just in case it was more than telling him to be open and transparent...Bill decided to put on a jockstrap. Having dismissed the idea of going without underwear..knowing that he might not be able to keep his dick from being on just thinking about that.

Bill finally thought: a jockstrap....that'd keep my dick in a pouch. Yet have nothing except the pants covering my butt. Athletic...I know him from the gym. Butt covered only by the gym shorts...or, in his office, by the pants.

Maybe he didn't mean anything by that. But...if he did....then I will have tried to do what he wanted given the limitations. Or without further clarification from him.

Aaargh....probably spending too much time on something he didn't mean. But..if not, it won't matter. So, shaking his head Bill thought: Jockstrap it is. Not quite believing his very button downed self was not going to be in underwear. Here goes. Pants pulled up over. Time to go see the man I hope will offer me a job. As he said this to himself, his dick involuntarily flexed.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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