Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Nov 24, 2023


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An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 14:

"Excellent," said Kevin as he held Bill by the shoulders, naked and presenting, both heads of the shorter man up saluting him. "When you get uncertain....or confused...come to me like you are now, even in your clothes. Bring it to me."

"Yes, Sir."

"You have done well, Billy. I am pleased with both your work and your progress," said Kevin sincerely, which filled Bill from the inside. "Now...we're going to rebalance you a bit. You've been working so hard, over the last few weeks you've been neglecting the physical relief and care of your workouts."

" I guess."

"No guessing. It's been weeks since you were here doing a workout. Even though a hard workout is good for the body and then the mind. So I've arranged for a personal training session for you."

"wait...what?...I...I don't need a personal trainer. I work out very hard and well. I just haven't been over here in a while. But the project's done now...I'll be back on a regular schedule," resisted Bill.

"You do work out hard. You are all about breaking a good sweat, which is good and essential. But you don't do the strength work you want and need regularly. Many times you've described your intention...but then after you've done the hard workout with a good sweat, you're relaxed and excuse your way out of lifting," commented Kevin. To which Bill tried shaking his head...but couldn't do much of that, since he knew that was true.

"Sometimes you need something new...something outside yourself to push you to a better level. Right?"

Breathing in and out hard a few times, Bill finally admitted it: "yeah, well, that's true. But..but I can do it. I don't need sessions with a trainer."

"You can. But you don't," stated Kevin with clear, concise force. Not condemning...just unvarnished truth. "You've tried many's always your intention...but you don't push through on that. So I will push you to be the better to best version of yourself. And you will do it," declared Kevin with finality.

"hhrrgh" came from Bill hearing Kevin's decisiveness, knowing he had good intentions...but also didn't push himself to them in this.

"But it is one session, not sessions. For now at least. It's a training session to set you up for your workouts."

" session? Well...ok," joined Bill as he got Kevin's plan, liking it more than what he had envisioned.

"He'll be here in a minute so I can show you to him. It'll be up to him, but he does owe me one. And I think he'll appreciate what he'll have to work with," continued Kevin.

"Wait...who is it your old college roommate...who coaches at State...?" questioned Bill.

"Yes. I've told you about him. And him about you. He's a pro...just what I want for you. And he.."

"Hey Kev! You in here?" came the booming voice from around the corner at the front of the locker room.

"Yes Rog. Back here," responded Kevin...voice also booming...vibrating Bill through his big hands on his shoulders, holding him in place even when Bill started to turn. Held, looking back up, Bill saw the smile spread on Kevin's face as he heard the deep voice behind him getting closer.

"Ah, there you are," exclaimed Roger as he took the few more strides toward Kevin, raising his right hand and giving Kevin's left hand a high five, which Bill saw looking up out of the corner of his eye. "hhuuuaaaa" from Bill with a sharp intake as he saw the strong jaw of the very tall least as tall as Kevin.

"You timed this just right. But I thought you had a dinner commitment tonight," commented Kevin.

"Yeah, the traffic wasn't bad. Didn't hit many lights. And the plans fell apart when both other people had car problems. Just got mine back from the shop. Works fine....but gas still costs too much. Haha. Did you any luck finding a new one?" asked Roger.

"Still looking. Don't actually need one yet. Just like to really know what I'll get next when the time comes. It's got to be roomie enough for the legs," responded Kevin as he kept Bill still with his right hand still clamped on Bill's left shoulder, Bill acutely aware that he was naked and held, only able to shift his eyes to each of the tall men as they spoke.

"Ha. Yep. Takes actually sitting in it. And getting in and out a few times. Being flexible is good. But don't want to feel like an astronaut climbing into the rocket...only room enough to expand the chest to breathe. Haha Hey, before I forget, getting my cabin refurbished and restocked finally. Probably doing a weekend retreat in a month or two. Already told Ev," continued Roger.

"Great. I know that's been a bit of work. Although I know you like doing a lot of that yourself. Give me the date and I'll clear the weekend."

"Yeah, hands on is good for me. Better than therapy. Like shaping and molding to make it just right. Now....what have you got for me here?" asked Roger as he lowered his gaze down to Bill for the first time, this dark brown eyes locking in on the shorter man.

"This is Bill Klein. He is immediately under me at work. And this is Coach Vance," introduced Kevin as he slightly turned Bill's shoulders a few degrees.

"Nice to meet you, Billy," declared Coach Vance as he aimed his hand down toward Bill. Automatically Bill raised his right hand up to shake, only to feel captured by the faster moving hand of the big man. Whose hand matched him....big. Leaning down a bit, Coach Vance gave Bill's right glute a few coach's pats while saying "I know Kevin's been looking for a long time to find the right subordinate who can do things well, the way he wants. He said you've been doing a good job. I like to hear that."

Ears burning from embarrassment at being completely naked while being introduced...and also warming from the sincere compliment and praise from Coach so naturally dominant he assumed that position immediately...Bill didn't realize he had used his left hand to cover his hard dick. Until he felt Kevin's left hand push his hand out of the way "No covering. In front of me or Coach Vance."

"Ha...that's right, Billy," chuckled Coach as he released Bill's hand. "I don't let any boys cover in front of me. These little dicks have to salute" as he reached down a gave a light swat to Bill's straining dick, pushing it down before it sprung back up with a thwunk. "Ahhhaaaaa" exclaimed Bill as the sensations coursed through him.

Looking at Kevin, Roger said "I'm confused though, Kev. I expected someone desk pudgy...out of shape. He's fit and full, with a good frame of muscle. I mean, this butt alone is from good squat work."

Honest to a fault and the sensations having lowered his hesitancy a bit, Bill spoke up "um...Coach...I don't really do squats. No regular weights."

Looking back down at Bill, Coach said "what?....this is not from squats..." as he moved his left hand over, enveloping Bill's left glute while his right hand grabbed Bill's right glute...squeezing...feeling..fingers cupping the outside...thumbs pressing into the mounds of muscle... "this is natural...just from regular sports and workouts?"

"He is a good athlete and works out hard. But slacks when it comes to strength work. I want him to be his best in that area too. So now you see why I want you to do a session with him," explained Kevin as Coach kept assessing Bill's glutes.

"This is untrained...squeeze....squeeze. Yet starts with so much potential. Kinda like Timmy when I gave him to you to work on. Been many years...never thought I'd be able to repay that," Looking up at Kevin, Roger said "You give him to me to train...and you'll be pleased with the results."

"You are the best at it. And it's only one session, unless you think there should be more. I put him in your hands."

Squeeze...squeeze..."Yes, cuz what I have in my hands intrigues me. Best prospect I've ever had who's a grown man. I'll work out when and let him know," finished Coach Vance as he gave Bill's molded glutes a resounding swat with each hand. "uhhhhhh"

"See you later, Kev," said Roger as he turned and left.

"Thanks Rog."

Still holding Bill with his left hand, Kevin let Bill settle a bit...his breathing finally slowing toward slower and deeper. Then said "He'll be in touch. Might be a little while, since he's very busy. Now, you've had a good day. I want you to go home, eat well, and get a good night's sleep," turning Bill by the shoulder and taking the few steps to his locker. Releasing Bill, Kevin reached down and gave his usual swat of approval and command. "See you in the morning," as he walked out of the locker room.

To Be Continued:

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