Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Nov 5, 2023


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DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

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Finding a New Position, Part 13:

Arriving home having driven on auto-pilot, clear and in a fog at the same time, Bill put his stuff down, went to the kitchen, and poured a glass of wine. Downing it like it was water. Then poured another. `what happened....what did I do...what came over me...why did it feel...necessary...? Oh maaannnn...did I ruin a great thing at work...with the best boss I've ever had...?....I want him to respect me...not see me as a wimp....and I've never done anything with a guy before..never wanted to....and this wasn't even really like that....aarrgghh'

Taking another long drink, and a couple deep breaths, Bill spun more `wait...he expects to be shown respect...he demands the best out of me...but so is he so commanding? much that I want to do what he wants, the best possible...'

"aarrgh...I just keep going round and round. I need to reestablish independence. By getting my mind occupied. I still have the project to finish. I'll work on that," declared Bill as he started toward his computer. "hmmm... he did say no more's already late enough...don't want to get started or I won't be able to fall asleep tonight...yeah..better with a fresh start tomorrow...ok....will go to bed and see if things make sense in the morning," continued Bill to himself as he changed direction and went off to bed.

Arriving early at work, sluggish from the wine I'm such a lightweight...3 glasses and I feel it', yet clear thinking about the project, Bill rapidly made changes...improvements. Then emailed his plan to Kevin, asking for his input. After an hour, Kevin emailed back "Better. Come to my office now to discuss." Part of his brain freezing, Bill took a couple quick breaths and went to Kevin. Totally professional mode. Stay on task!'

Knock, knock. "Yes, come in, Bill," said Kevin as he motioned to the chair. Seated at his desk, looking at the screen, Kevin began reviewing Bill's him input...direction...pointing out a couple pieces still undeveloped. Engaging Bill immediately and deeply in the work. Having decided he would show Bill how to continue to be professional at work...not missing a beat or having any breakdown in communication or expectation. And then...later...would have Bill stand before him again. Developing a man into what I want...getting his best at work...making him the best outside of work.

After an hour of discussion and development, noting that Bill had once again reverted to not addressing him by name and was not able to look him in the eye for longer than a second, Kevin said "This is now to where you can finish it this afternoon. Have it to me by 5:00."

"Yes, by 5:00," declared Bill with certainty.

"Then you'll go to the gym and do a workout. You've been working so hard on this you've been neglecting that part."

"Oh, I was just going to go home after. Have some things to take care of this evening," responded Bill, treating Kevin's statement as a question, deflecting because he didn't want to chance running in to Kevin there.

"To the task first. Then to the body. Which leads to the mind," said Kevin, framing his expectation in the large sense, no acknowledgement of Bill's resistance. "Go now."

Having worked furiously the rest of the day, Bill finished at 4:30, then used the next half hour checking in with team leaders before leaving. `was going to go home...but doing a workout really does a body good...helps work off this stress....and I haven't been getting over there...maybe that's why things were a little strange...ok...I'll go,' decided Bill as he headed to the gym.

Fatigued both mentally from the project and the events, and physically from not getting to work out over the past couple weeks, Bill started slowly. But then as he broke a sweat, was able to enter the zone...mind on rest...blood flowing...tension easing away. Until finally he finished his cool down, headed to the locker room, and starting thinking about what to have for dinner.

Grabbing a quick shower...that went longer once he felt the extra relief of the hot water...taking the water therapy for about ten minutes...mind at rest, Bill dried off and went to his locker, taking the towel off since he was very warm from the shower. So relaxed he forgot the combination to his locker, using one from an old lock. Chuckling to himself, Bill closed his eyes to picture the combination to this lock, thinking in a couple weeks I've already forgotten the combination? ... I have been out of sorts...the body first, then the mind..let's see' ...chuckling to himself ... ahh...this is it' as he spun the dial and finally was able to open the lock.

Walking around the corner, Kevin paused, seeing Bill at his usual locker, skin a bit pink from the hot shower, before moving quietly past Bill to the end. `Time to shape him to a positive mind' decided Kevin.

"Now that looks like a good workout" said Kevin with a smile, pleased that Bill had done what he said.

"hhha" exclaimed a surprised Bill as he turned and saw Kevin, part of his brain wondering how he got there.

`Come here, Bill"

Eyes flashing with the clash in his brain...part still trying to figure out how Kevin got past him without him noticing...he's such a big man, how could I not have heard him?. Part aware, as always, that he was naked, without even a towel covering. Part ready to go to Kevin. As a result, Bill stood indecisively.

"Bill, come here," commanded Kevin quietly, motioning with his hand a bit impatiently.

Which decided it for Bill. And he stepped toward Kevin....fingers calling him closer...closer....until he was right before the tall man. Who then dropped heavy hands on Bill's shoulders. There would be no leaving until Kevin decided.

"Heads up" at which Bill's heads went up. Eyes captured by the penetrating gaze of the powerful man. Held. Naked and exposed.

"I expect you've been feeling uncertain around me. And confused," started Kevin, noting that Bill's mouth opened a little with an intake...'how does he know these things about me...usually so private...' thought Bill

"That's normal. But it's not normal to leave it there. You did excellent work on the project, both overall and today. Showing me not only your dedication, your talent, but your determination to do the best." Hearing the sincere recognition and praise for his efforts...and for him...Bill took a deeper breath. Settling into the space...noting that Kevin did not make it conditional...did not put in a criticism...then thinking how Kevin was so commanding...that he didn't need to tear others down. He pushed and directed for better, but always on the same side.

"And you did excellent work on figuring out how to show me respect," at which Bill blushed.

"No...none of that. You knew you had to show me respect. I provide the place, the structure, the expectations, the support, the demands...and you work to fulfill them. Which you do. Doesn't it feel right to not only do what I've the best way well as to show me your submission to me? To show me you are mine?" at which point Bill grunted as his hard as nails dick flexed.

After a moment, Kevin raised an eyebrow...and Bill finally blinked, swallowed, and squeaked "yes. Yes Sir"

Besides, when I say something, I mean it. And when I was hiring you I told you you'd be directly under me, didn't I?" asked Kevin with a wink.

Tension relieving laugh came out of Bill, his face conveying that he had never imagined that...yet now he understood that Kevin had. And that Kevin not only didn't think less of him. But actually was pleased with him. "I asked a question, Billy"

"Oh, um...yes, you did say that. I didn't get it. And I was worried that I had blown it with you. That you'd think of me as a a tool...that it'd ruin the work relationship."

"As I said, understandable thoughts. Time to dispel them. I have you where I want you. Doing what I want. Working as I want. And I have more for you. You're mine. And I will mold you even more into the best you can be. To get there you must accept my authority. Not only in actions, but also in attitude. The journey is going well...but we are not at the end yet," continued Kevin as he squeezed Bill shoulders a few times while talking.

" must decide if you're going to listen to me. At work you will be normal and settled. No more uncomfortable around me. I have told you to bring it to me. Naked and you are now. Tell me."

Smaller head wet...leaking...dick harder than it had ever been...Bill swelled up. And said "Yes, Sir."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 14

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