Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Sep 8, 2023


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An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read.

But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

Reactions and constructive responses welcomed at Complaints..take up with management. ;)


Finding a New Position, Part 11:

A few intense weeks later... Bill and his team had developed and implemented the plans...with many modifications. Sleeves rolled up...elbows greased..then re-greased. Finally at level one completion..which he told Kevin in an email, since Kevin had been out of town at a conference for more than the past week.

"Excellent. Hard work leading to a real accomplishment! I will be back Saturday and want you to review all this with me immediately. My wife and daughters are visiting her parents, so I'll have time for you to brief me.'s the weekend....You will come to my house," wrote Kevin. "I'll text you when I'm will come over then."

Mentally fatigued...yet excited...Bill thought `that'll be great. Even though it's the weekend...had wanted his input a few least now he can point out anything big before we go further. Really think he's going to like it. Ok...already checking my phone for the notice to head over lol'

Pulling into the driveway thirty minutes after Kevin had texted, Bill was excited. What a nice house. Should I wait a bit...nah...he said come over now. Knock, knock.

Opening the door with a flourish, Kevin exclaimed: "Billy, it's good to see you! Come in" as he clamped a heavy, strong hand around Bill's neck and guided him into the house.

"You too Kevin," responded Bill enthusiastically, accepting the diminutive even though he never let anyone call him that after sixth grade.

"What a tedious conference...two days would have been sufficient...not ten! Haha Finally...get to hear your report," said Kevin as he walked through the living room, then down the stairs to the lower floor...bringing Bill along with his controlling hand. "We'll do it down here in my man space."

"Wow, this is really nice"

"My private domain. No women allowed. My masculine lair," said Kevin with a gleam. "What are you drinking?"

"oh...don't drink much. Do you have any wine?"

"Ah...a lightweight haha. Wine it is. And then I'll switch you to coke so you don't pass out on me," ribbed Kevin as he poured the glass of pinot grigio for Bill and rum and coke for himself. "Hop up on the stool and give me your report" as he came around and sat on the next stool facing Bill, reaching and turning Bill's stool so Bill was facing him rather than the bar.

"aahh" said Bill in surprise as his legs waved a bit, since they were dangling. Glancing down Bill unconsciously absorbed that Kevin's feet were on the ground.

"To a good report" said Kevin as he raised his glass forward. To which Bill responded by touching his glass to Kevin's. "Begin."

For the next half hour Bill covered the developments, redos, re-engineering of two parts..all the details with Kevin actively listening, sometimes pulling Bill out of all the details when he'd get lost in them. Playing barkeep, Kevin refilled Bill's wine glass twice while having another drink himself. Finally Bill finished with the timelines for implementation.

"This has been a real effort. You led the team well, clearly got the creative best out of hem and so have an excellent plan," said Kevin sincerely as he went to refill their drinks. The well-earned praise warming Bill from the inside. Coming around with both drinks, Kevin sat down and handed Bill his while saying "I've switched you to coke." Bill did a little intake..ready to say he could handle another glass of wine, but Kevin immediately said "A toast for the completion of the concept" as he raised his glass. Bill automatically raised his to touch Kevin's again. Then, somehow, when bringing it back toward his lips, he turned the glass in and spilled it all over himself.

"aaahhhh. What an idiot. Look at me. Can't even find my own mouth," exclaimed Bill as he tried to pat himself dry with his hands.

Chuckling, Kevin said "so you don't pass out...but you're a sloppy drunk. I should have switched you one drink earlier" before standing and turning Bill's stool outward so he could get off. "I've soaked myself!"

Laughing more Kevin then said "Yes you did. Come on, let's get you out of those clothes and put them in the washer. Otherwise that coke will stain them."

"Ok. Where's the bathroom?"

"I'm not having you drip all over the carpet. Strip off here."

Hearing the order, and uncomfortable already in the wet can so little liquid soak in so much...Bill took his clothes off, shirt first, then shoes and pants. "Everything. Can see your underwear is soaked too. Come on," hurried Kevin.

Looking down, even though he could feel the wet, Bill saw his briefs were wet so pulled them off and handed them to Kevin. "I'll go put these in," said Kevin as he left the room.

"Gawd..I'm such an idiot" said Bill out loud as he turned and looked back at the bar. Then picked up the offending glass before setting it down again. It wasn't the glass..I just turned my wrist like I was trying to pour it on myself. So stupid.' Which was right when Kevin walked back into the room. Look at that meaty butt. It's no wonder I can talk to him through it,' thought Kevin. Time to shape him some more.

"Alright, that's going. And now that we're through with business, let me show you a few things. Come here, Bill, come look at my collections. They aren't huge, but I like them," said Kevin.

" need something to wear" said Bill stating the obvious.

"Bill, come here," called Kevin as he motioned Bill over toward the far wall.

Responding automatically to the repeated call and insistent gesture, Bill walked toward Kevin while saying " you maybe have something I could wear?"

When Bill got close enough, Kevin wrapped his arm across Bill's shoulders, tucking him into his left side as he started talking about his collection of knives, first pointing up to the one hanging high on the wall, then the one below that, then the one lower down, giving details of style, when he got them, etc. Typical excited collector talk. Describing something..then asking Bill if he noticed this or that...which one he liked better and why...

Constantly engaged, caught up in Kevin's enthusiasm, Bill only had part of his brain that was acutely aware he was naked. Reminded when Kevin shifted and he felt his clothes on his bare skin. When Kevin took a couple steps to move down the wall a bit...pushing Bill along as he moved. Finally, Bill was able to croak out "um...can I have a towel at least?"

Looking down at him Kevin said "You're fine the way you are. You don't need a towel. Unless you're trying to hide something from me. Are you trying to hide something, Billy?"

" no Sir...I'm not trying to hide anything" stammered Bill as he looked up into Kevin's clear, demanding gaze.

"When I have you bare, that's how I want you. No covering before me," said Kevin easily as leaned down a little, right hand reaching down to pat Bill's stomach several times.

Tucking down a bit, Bill's felt the contact and looked down and gasped as he thought `his hand is so big. Just about covers my whole stomach!' Then gasped again as Kevin pressed his spread fingers into Bill's stomach and held his hand there...'ohmygawd...there's my dick..I can see the head sticking out and up!!'

Holding Bill still..captured...holding him in his computer scrolling...Kevin let him process, but not long enough to solve before he turned Bill and said "Go get our drinks" as he gave Bill a full swat on the butt, hand covering both cheeks.

"uuugh" grunted Bill as he went to the bar to get the drinks, hearing a deep rumble from Kevin as he saw his handprint immediately visible on Bill's creamy skin. Walking back, the strong hand having pushed his brain past thinking, Bill handed Kevin his drink. Who lifted it in another toast "Here's to your continued journey of discovery, Billy," which brought a smile from the shorter man, "And to my future dessert," said Kevin with a wink. Smile now with uncertainty. But not a time for questions. So Bill said "yes" and they drank.

Turning to his other collection of old pistols, Kevin talked, explained, and shared his enthusiasm for each of his five ancient pistols. Hand on Bill's shoulder to turn him toward this one...hand squeezing his neck when Bill made a funny comment, tousling his hair as he laughed...putting his big right hand on Bill's stomach to push him back a couple steps as he was getting one of them to have Bill hold it.

"Elbow bent...hand straight out from your elbow. Now, this one is from 1868. Feel it," said Kevin as he lowered the pistol down into Bill's hand. Which immediately angled down as the weight surprised Bill. "Ahhhhh, that weighs more than I expected!" Laughing, Kevin said "yep, no lightweight aluminum then. Now...hold it out straight like I said."

"That's it, Billy," praised Kevin. "Show me you can hold it up." Smiling to himself as he looked down at Bill's arm and hand with pistol straight out from his body...and below that...his dick pointing out also. `He's getting there....time for a challenge.'

Taking the pistol from Bill, Kevin set it down then turned to Bill and put his big hands on his shoulders. "What is it you want to ask me, Billy?"

Eyes flashing...'how does he always know!!'...Bill hesitated...then saw Kevin's gaze intensifying and he knew he had to answer. "'t know why I get so hard in front of you. I'm not an exhibitionist...been in locker rooms naked all the time...but..gawd...when you have me naked I just throw a rod," puzzled Bill, ears reddening.

With a deep down laugh that filled the room and vibrated Bill through Kevin's heavy hands, Kevin said "You are in front of me. Bare. As I want you to be. And at that that I said...boys salute me."

"So...this...this...I'm saluting you?"

"Heads up," commanded Kevin. Bill snapped his eyes and head back up to look at Kevin...his small head straining up also. "When you are in front of me your body knows what to do. Even if your brain doesn't. This is how you should be."

So thrown...yet reassured... uncertain...yet clear...Bill looked up at Kevin as he panted, processing...'he expects this...this salute...this is a show of respect. And..gulp...he is so commanding... all need to salute him,' as he involuntarily flexed, a small groan escaping his lips.

"Good boy" quietly said Kevin directly into Bill, causing Bill's eyes to open wider and another groan escape from deep within him.

Hearing the buzz, Kevin squeezed Bill's shoulders while saying "Your clothes are dry. And I have to get unpacked", then went to retrieve them, leaving Bill lost in the fog. Coming back in, seeing Bill standing in the middle of the room, waiting for direction, Kevin growled deep within. Then said "Alright, clothes saved. Get dressed."

After Bill finished dressing, Kevin clamped his strong hand in its familiar spot and walked upstairs, bringing Bill with him. "Now that you've done the creative planning, the hard work begins," chuckled Kevin, which brought a laugh out of Bill too. "Yeah...that's always the way."

"So time to double down on effort. Three weeks to implement. Be the hardest worker on this. Lead by example. And they will respond," directed Kevin. "Yes, that works best. Will do."

Opening the door, Kevin turned Bill's head a little to make him look up and said "You have pleased me today, Billy, more than I expected. I know you will work hard over the next few weeks to please me like you did today."

Holding him still, Kevin waited until finally Bill said "yes. Yes, Sir." At which he released Bill and gave him his usual cementing swat as he sent him on his way. `Mmm..mmm...mmm. Very hard to not go further. But he must reach it on his salute me with his active mind, not just his body' as Kevin closed the door and pressed his rock hard cock through his pants.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 12

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