Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 30, 2023


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An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read. But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

Reactions and constructive responses welcomed at Complaints..take up with management. ;)


Finding a New Position, Part 10:

Standing in front of his locker, Bill was a bundle of strands that were connected but didn't seem to touch. Fully aroused, his hard dick still pointing up with an occasional flex that brought a grunt of pleasure, Bill was nevertheless in his head with so much confusion. `I can't believe I got hard in front of him! I'm not an exhibitionist. And I've been in locker rooms all these years, changing, showering, in the sauna, talking with other naked guys...never gotten aroused. front of Kevin I have to throw a rod! Aarrgh.'

Then a different thread fired: `wait. He's a guy. He wasn't thrown by it. I mean, he's a normal, healthy man and knows it'll happen. And he knows I broke up with my girlfriend months ago..and haven't been seeing anyone. Been so intent on doing well at work...and have been enjoying the lack of drama from an estrogen relationship...haven't really been interested. But...might need to if my body's going to go boing if the a/c comes on and I'm naked,' chuckled Bill.

Then after a couple beats another thread: `it wasn't the a/c though. It was when I was trying to get out of addressing him directly (Bill was rather naïve, but he was also honest with himself)...but he wouldn't let me. He kept pushing me to do what I didn't want to... which he won't he kept pushing me to do it the way he wanted. Uncomfortable when I tried to evade. But then such a rush when I did it the way he wanted. Felt so right.'

With a long, deep inside flex, Bill grunted long and low. But then heard voices...and about panicked. Quickly pulling his shirt on, hoping it was long enough to cover. Then underwear...'no hope of this hard rod going in...using the waistband to stand it up...then the pants...sitting down just as a couple guys stopped at their lockers right around the corner. Hurriedly throwing everything into his bag, Bill got out of there quick. `Kevin said it was ok. But not around these guys.'

On the drive home Bill's mind reengaged. `Why does this happen sometimes? It's not all the time...not even most of the time. Am around him a, engage, interact, joke even. But's like he throws a switch and all his testosterone fills the air. And I have to pay complete attention to him. Usually kinda react against too much macho. Well...wait..this isn't macho. Not sure what it is. But it does feel good. Makes me want to please him. More than usual. Man..I'm confused. And hard as a rock again! Better stop before I rub one out while driving. That wouldn't look good on the accident report.'

Arriving at work the next morning Bill contemplated the day. Slept great last night..rubbed another one out this morning to take the edge off...gotta use some of that energy for work. Momentarily wondering how it'd be around Kevin today as a wave of embarrassment came over him again. That came over him again when Bettina told him Kevin wanted to see him.

Steeling himself for awkward, Bill knocked on the open door and said ` wanted to see me?"

Continuing with what he was writing on the side board, Kevin said "Good morning, Bill. Come in," as he motioned with his left hand and pointed to the spot right beside him, noting that once again Bill did not address him directly. Little things that reveal. "Just finishing up...there...that'll do for now. So how'd you sleep last night after that hard workout?"

Now standing right beside Kevin, Bill said " well. Best I've slept in a long time. Felt very relaxed." "Good"

"How was the dinner," asked Bill.

"The meeting went well. And the food was good. Although I didn't get dessert"

"oh..that's the best part..haha"

Turning his head and looking down at the shorter man, Kevin let his lip curl up in a smile in response and then said "Yeah, but I'll get it soon" as he winked at Bill.

"oh...uh....yeah...hope so"

"What's on your mind, Bill?"

Eyes flashing and mouth going agape...'how did he know?'.....Bill stammered...."um...I just was not sure how to act. Feel embarrassed. And don't want to do anything to mess things up with you," said Bill, part of his mind amazed that he had just blurted it out. Not like himself. But he knew deep down that Kevin wanted a real answer.

Turning to face Bill directly....which Bill mimicked, Kevin quietly spoke: "I told you it's all good. When I have you before me, no covering...even in your clothes. At work I act as I normally do. And you will too. embarrassment in front of me. I'm pleased with how you're responding. Going will trust me and do as I say. Understood?."

Ears bringing in the reassurance and the certainty, Bill finally said "Yes, Sir". At which Kevin pulled him in and wrapped him in a bear hug, moving his leg forward just a bit as he tightened his hold...hearing a grunt from Bill right into his chest. Then holding him there, letting Bill take several deep breaths, deeply inhaling Kevin's scent and security, letting him settle in his place.

Finally releasing Bill, Kevin said "Assemble the team leaders in the conference room. Time to present your plan. I'll set it'll do the detailed explanation. And more awkward around me here. I expect your best professional mindset" as he turned Bill by the shoulders. "Meeting starts in 15 minutes. Now go" directed Kevin as he gave Bill one of his patented coach's swats.

Fifteen minutes later Kevin entered the room with a booming "Good morning everyone".

"Good morning, Mr. Harper," came the chorus of replies. Including, Kevin noted, from Bill.

After checking on how each person was doing, Kevin laid out the large project..not a restructuring, but with enough new and different that it might almost be that. "This will have significant advantages, when fully developed and implemented. But..that's going to take real work and commitment. Which I know you are all up to. Bill, begin your descriptions."

"Yes, Sir. We have three main components to develop initially........" and off into the details he went while Kevin noted his response. Yes...he's leading them through it. And...he's coming along....

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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