Finding a New Position

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 15, 2023


An original story, with all rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER and Description: This is a story, an imaginary one. If you are looking for quick sex action, don't read. If you are looking for a lot of action, don't read. But if you're curious about a tale of some men and have a few minutes, then keep going. Quality...that's for you to judge. Honestly don't know if it's any good or will prove worth the time to read. Tried to be true to the feel...hope it hits the mark.

Reactions and constructive responses welcomed at Complaints..take up with management. ;) .....

Finding a New Position, Part 1:

Having had a workout and then shower. Kevin Harper only had to finish putting on his shoes before being ready to head out for home. When he looked up from his seated position on the bench while slipping his foot into the professional dress shoes, he saw a guy come into the locker room he had chatted with before in the general light locker room way. Since they both did their workouts at the end of the day, they were there at the same time a lot.

Only...Bill didn't look like his usual relaxed self after a hard workout. Since his tshirt was soaked, Kevin knew he had worked out. Instead, he looked......tense......frustrated...maybe a bit angry....

Part of what made Kevin so good at running things was he read people. And he was forward and forceful when he wanted to know something or get something done. While he didn't know Bill but in the very casual way, he saw that Bill was consistent and generally easy going. Something was going on with him. And Kevin wanted to know what it was.

"Hey, Bill"

A bit startled because his mind was completely preoccupied, Bill stopped and located the sound. Then, automatically he replied "Oh, hey Kevin. Sorry, didn't notice you there."

A slight smile creased Kevin's lips, since that confirmed his impression. Because Kevin was hard not to notice. Even sitting down. At 6'5" with dark blond hair and piercing blue eyes, he was noticed. Especially since he was also fit and trim, well built with a big frame and hands. And even moreso because he had a commanding presence. The kind that put him in the executive suite of a large hospital at 39.

And Bill always noticed him before. And made sure to say hello in his easy, pleasing way.

"You alright?"

"Yeah" replied Bill as he started to walk again toward the back of the locker room.

A bit surprised with that very limited response...because Bill had a tendency to speak more when asked a question, Kevin decided to learn more.

"Bill....come here" called Kevin with a motion of his left hand, just after Bill had passed by him to head back to his locker.

A bit startled again, Bill looked back over his left shoulder at Kevin. Not wanting to interact with anyone at that moment, he was going to say he had to get home. But...seeing Kevin motioning to him, Bill turned around and went over to him. Getting closer as Kevin continued to wave him closer with his hand. Until finally he was right next to the seated big man.

"What's going on? You seemed really out of sorts."

"hrmmmph. Well, yeah. I just got laid off."

"What? That's terrible. What happened?"

Standing there, right beside a big man who, even though seated, he only looked down a bit to make eye contact with....who was looking at him with sincere interest....who wanted to know....and who in that moment was a bit like a bartender...someone you said hi to...saw a lot...but didn't know....and yet....was interested....and had asked a direct question....

......Like a dam bursting, Bill started pouring out the pent up details. Of how he just got laid off from a job he really liked and was good at. By the owner and new chief executive who had not bothered to find out what he had been doing for the company. Even though they were his direct supervisors and should have known. He knew the daily activities, responsibilities, struggles, difficulties, and achievements of the 12 people under his direct supervision, as well as the activities at the four clinics he helped to manage. But his supervisors laid him off without even knowing how he spent his days.

"Easy" said the seated man quietly as he could see Bill getting more emotional as he unloaded.


But Bill kept talking with more tension coming out.

"Easy now" said Kevin again as he put his hand on Bill's haunch.

Which immediately stopped the pouring out. Which got Bill to settle a bit.

Hmmm, Kevin thought to himself, interesting.

Keeping his hand on Bill's right hip with his long fingers stretching to envelope the upper curve of Bill's muscular butt, Kevin said "Take a deep breath". Which Bill did. "Hold it". Which Bill did. "Now...slowly exhale". Which Bill did.

"I want to hear about this.'re making yourself more agitated than you should be. Now...keep going...talking about it will be good for you. But tell me about it. You're not talking to yourself. And keep breathing deeply. If you get off track again, I'll make you stop."

Hearing those quietly spoken words that were nevertheless loud in his head, Bill continued his deeper breathing. And started again to tell how he had just been fired from a job he had worked at for seven years and had done well at. Even when they said his last day was three days, they said it wasn't his performance. They even gave him a two month severance. And were letting him come in to work two more days, Thursday and Friday, to close out, which was unheard of for the company. They said it was just that the company was moving into the future...he didn't have a place there going forward.

Then Bill explained how he had been working for the last year and some months to get new build the practice in each of the cities..there were four separate locations...and how the decisions about the contracts were finally being made and announced next week. How he had worked with the clinic staff at each of the locations to help them make the best presentations. How he had joined business groups in each city to develop contacts and support for the company in its bids. How he had given his time to help a few of the other businesses...hoping that would engender support for the company's bids. How he had worked essentially 11-12 hour days for over a year driving to each city at least once a week...while still managing the central administrative office and its staff of 12.

Listening quietly, Kevin let Bill tell the story, making mental notes about details he wanted to hear more about. And...a couple of times as Bill started to get a little more worked up....he squeezed the haunch he still had in his hand....and noted again how Bill settled right back down.

Finally Bill finished this round of explanation. Even in his upset state, he had presented an easy to follow narrative that didn't inflate his role or success, nor disparage the owner and new chief executive who dismissed him just before the fruition of more than a year's dedicated work. The managerial judgment was clear...they threw him and his effort away. But he didn't go further in his criticism than the actual issue, Kevin noted.

After a pause, Kevin then squeezed Bill's haunch again. This time doing it a few times while saying "There's a lot to say about all this.'s also not needed. It sounds to me, Bill, like they have made a real mistake. And not just because you didn't deserve that.......(at that Bill took a quick inhale...and his eyes filled a little...).............but also because it hurt the practice."

"All that work...thrown away" said Bill.

Letting that linger a bit...with a firm hand on Bill's haunch, Kevin didn't rush it. But finally said: "They made a mistake, Bill. That is obvious."

Bill's eyes filled a little more. But his breathing slowed as he heard from someone, finally, what he had known.

Deciding for Bill, Kevin said "Alright, talking more at this point won't do you any good. We'll talk about this more later. Right now I want you to get out of those wet clothes and get a shower. You'll feel better," Kevin said.

Noting that Bill did not move at his words, Kevin gave his haunch one more squeeze, then used his hand to turn him, then said "Go" as he gave him a penetrating swat on the butt. Bill immediately moved down the room and around the corner to his locker.

Quickly reviewing, Kevin thought: medical practice background...manager directly of a department and also helping to manage different clinics...developing those under his supervision without micro-managing...carrying on without support..even knowing that the owner/supervisor didn't recognize his work....still caring even after being fired...more disappointed about all that work being wasted than about being removed........................................this is someone I want working for me. And I have a position. My immediate subordinate who would run the administrative department of accounts payable, payroll, and accounts receivable.

Kevin then stood and went down the short way in the locker room to the L turn, where there were more lockers. Taking 2 steps down that way, seeing that Bill had stripped off and was just putting his clothes and shoes in his locker, Kevin said: "Bill, come here".

And waved come to me with his hand.

Bill, completely naked and without a towel which were in the shower area, was hesitant. But seeing the insistent motioning of Kevin's fingers, went toward the big man. And further. And closer. As Kevin's fingers continued to call him closer.

Finally he was right in front of the big man, who towered over his 5'10" frame. So close he had to look up out of the tops of his eyes.

"No covering" came the deep, commanding voice from above.

Automatically Bill moved his hands to his sides as he blushed a bit. Not having realized he had covered.

"That's how I want you. No covering before me."

Gulp..all Bill could do as his previously covered dick swelled a little.

"That's better," intoned the big man as he dropped his large, heavy hands on Bill's shoulders.

"Tomorrow I want you in my office at 2:00 to discuss the position I need to fill. I want you in that position, Bill.'ll still have to convince me. Are you up for it?" Kevin said as he gave Bill's firm shoulders a couple of squeezes.

"um.....yes. Yes, Sir" finally responded Bill, who's brain didn't even register that he never called anyone "sir".

"Good. Now, get to the shower. See you tomorrow," declared Kevin as he used his solid grip to move Bill to the side and forward a bit. Then guided him forward with his left hand before reaching down and giving Bill's firm, muscular butt a resounding swat.

Then, after Bill had rounded the corner, Kevin did see Bill's creamy right buttocks red with a huge handprint.

I might have finally found what I'm looking for, thought the big man as he looked at the strong, fit, muscular ass and legs of the competent, capable, dedicated man who led...but also needed a strong, firm hand to guide him. Without even thinking it, Kevin knew he was the one to give Bill the space to do his best, to prosper for himself and the company....and to submit to careful, caring, overpowering authority.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 2

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