Finding a Man in the Minor Leagues

By Alex Century

Published on Apr 25, 2022



"Go! Blue 80, blue 80, set hut!" I heard and I took off on my route.

It was an out route, about five yards forward and then a break toward the sideline. The ball came my way and I threw my hands out for it. Just as I secured the ball and started to tuck it into my stomach I felt the linebacker wrap me up and take me down. But I'd made the catch.

"Nice catch Caldwell," shouted Coach Thompson as I got up and tossed the ball to one of the assistants.

It was the second week of practice and we were still getting used to being in pads and being hit at full speed. I was getting plenty of reps and I was really proud of how I was doing. The better you do in practice the more time you're going to get in the game. The more you play in the games the more you're going to get noticed. As I jogged back to the huddle I glanced across the field at Grant as he was kicking field goals on the other end of the practice field. I smiled as Coach Riggs, our offensive coordinator, called the next play.

"Eagle right 60 Seattle," he said and we broke and headed to the line. Matt Thomas, our quarterback, put his hands under center and barked out the snap count.

"Go!" he shouted as he stepped his left foot backwards. That was my cue to step back and shift in motion towards the quarterback.

I shifted a couple steps back behind the guard like I was supposed to and Jake Thomas, our quarterback, started the cadence again.

"Blue 80! Blue 80! Set hut!"

As Thomas dropped back five steps and read the defense I stayed behind to block the blitzing cornerback. The safety was supposed to come over and pick up the receiver, Chad Sims, and Thomas threw the ball to him at a point where the safety wouldn't have a chance of breaking up the pass. Chad caught it and got a block from the other receiver on the left side of the field. That's when he cut back to his right and the cornerback from the receiver on the right side of the field had to high tail it over there to make the tackle.

"Good job! Good job! Good job!" Riggs and Thompson both yelled while clapping.

"Tight squad on hit, ready hit!" Thompson yelled and we all rejoiced.

That meant practice was over, he brought us all in for our final chat of the day before sending us to the locker room. It had been a long day of sprints and drills and endless plays.

"Gentlemen that was a great day of practice. Things are really coming together and we're liking what we're seeing. You're a good team in the making and you're only going to get better if you keep working hard. We've only got a few weeks left until the opener so stay focused,"

After I'd showered and changed I found Grant outside the gym as we waited for the bus. I stopped for a minute to talk to him.

"Hey dude," I said to him with a smile.

"Hey," he replied.

"You have a good day today?" I asked. I didn't really see much of him as he was usually off doing his own thing throughout most of practice.

"Yeah but I really want to be a running back again," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Well then tell Coach Riggs," I answered. "He can't read your mind."

"You think he'll actually take me seriously?" he asked.

"You'll never know unless you try," I replied.

We got on the bus and headed back to the hotel. We were only going to be there a few more days before we'd be getting sent to our apartments. Grant and I were really looking forward to that. The coaches had announced that because they couldn't find a single building for all of us to live in, they were going to just find us apartments somewhere in the city and we'd all be responsible for getting to practice on time.

When we got back to the hotel Grant and I sat down on the couch in our room to relax. Things had been interesting since the night we had sex. Grant was kind of distant after that and I wondered why. Nothing had really happened between us since that night and I decided it was time to communicate. I took his hand and he looked at me kind of surprised.

"So I know we were both excited about what happened a few weeks ago but we haven't talked about it since. I just kind of wanted to make sure we were on the same page," I said.

"Do you want the answer? he asked quietly.

"Yeah," I said surprised. Why would he ask if I wanted to know since I'd just asked him.

"I totally want to do it again, I'm just scared of someone finding out."

"Dude it's okay. I haven't heard anything at all and nobody would care, we're all adults," I said trying to make him feel better.

"Can we talk about it?" he asked.

"Sure. Why wouldn't we?"

He looked down at the ground and looked up at me and said something I was only half-expecting.

"I honestly have some feelings for you," he said with a hint of pain in his voice. He sounded sad, like he thought that I'd reject him completely or something.

"They're worth exploring," I said. I understood why he was scared because the sports world is a really hard place to be LGBT but I didn't understand why he was this scared. "Why do you feel scared? The last time was wonderful and I want to get to know you," I explained.

"Can I tell you why?" he asked sounding even more afraid.

"If I didn't want to know I wouldn't be asking," I replied confused.

Grant lowered his head, his hazel eyes staring down at the carpet and his shaggy brown hair falling down into his eyes. The scene was beginning to break my heart. He wasn't being immature, he was hurting over something and I had no idea how to make him feel better. But I was going to try. I leaned forward and took his hand.

"Whatever it is it's okay. I won't judge you, I promise," I whispered.

"When I was a kid if I had feelings or talked about them I got hit. I was supposed to just be a doormat so my mom could fuck her boyfriends all the time and not have to worry about me. I'm just scared because that's how I've always felt whenever I had feelings at all. So I feel nothing," he said in a low, disgusted voice. He never took his eyes off the ground.

"Grant that's so sad," I said trying not to cry. I put my arm around him because I didn't know what else to do.

"Football has been how I've blocked that pain out for all this time. It kept me at school for a few extra hours so I didn't have to go home when I was younger and now it's all I know how to do."

"Do you want to know what my past is like?" I asked.

"Sure," he said as he turned his head to look at me. The sadness in his eyes broke my heart even more. I sighed before I started recalling what was still really painful and raw.

"When I was really little that's when my parents got me started in modeling. I was just a work monkey to them. The more I worked, the more they made and they spent every dime I made on vacations and cars and cruises. I never got any of that money. I only got to play football because that's what helped keep me in shape to keep modeling. Once I turned 18 I was on my own. I had to support myself through school and making enough to live off of is the only reason I still model. I hate it. But it's really all I can do as a side job and still make enough money."

He blinked at me a couple times before the tears started coming. I have a lot of anger at my parents and I had to really push hard to keep that from coming up in this situation and I knew I needed to take care of him first. I put my arms around him to comfort him.

"Grant I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'll never hit you, I promise."

"It's not your fault," he said wiping the tears away. "I like you a lot."

"Dang. Okay," was all I could manage at first. "I like you too. Are we a thing now?"

He smiled and came in for a kiss. I kissed back and that's when he started putting his hands on me. We both stood up and moved over to the bed. He went for my shirt and I went for his pants. Once I had his jeans around his ankles I took his hard cock in my mouth. I heard the air leave his lungs as he felt the pleasure come over him and I was shaking with excitement.

We stood there for a minute just admiring each other's naked bodies. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I put my hands on the sides of his face and kissed him again. When my fingertips touched his chest I felt pure bliss. It was like I knew somehow deep down that he was a special person.

I reached into my suitcase and pulled out the box of condoms I'd bought and hidden for this exact occasion and the lube bottle I'd picked up from the CVS down the street from the hotel. He was on the bed with his legs open and I got on top of him and positioned myself. I quickly rolled the condom down my cock and put a ton of lube on him and in him.

Grant raised his legs up in the air and I pushed myself inside him. He moaned and sighed with each small movement I made. This was my first time topping and I was shaking with excitement just like the first time. I looked down into his eyes as I tried to steady my breathing. He flashed a big smile and I leaned down to kiss him real quick.

I started moving in and out of him and he was let moaning with each thrust.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, mmmm, mmmmmmmmm, uhhh, ohhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

It was amazing, every second of it. And just when the moment was right, it happened. It was the most powerful, explosive orgasm I'd ever had and it just blew my mind. I was gasping for air and it took me a second to catch my breath before I rolled over next to him.

"Holy fuck," I whispered. "Oh my god that was awesome," I said to him.

"Dude that was incredible," he replied.

"I've had sex with so many women but goddamn it's so much better with a man," I whispered in his ear and he laughed.

"I'm glad to hear you say that," he replied in typical Grant fashion.

I laughed but I wasn't surprised that he said that. I was expecting him to say something like that. That's when I realized that I had feelings for him that were more than just lust.

The next day we sat across the aisle from each other on the bus to practice. That's when I figured I'd give him a nudge in the right direction.

"Hey let's ask coach about getting some reps at running back today," I suggested to him.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah let's do it," I said with encouragement.

A little while later we arrived at the community college field where we practiced. Before we headed into the locker room to put the pads on we headed into coach Thompson's office. I could tell he was really nervous.

"Morning gentlemen," he said sounding surpised to see us.

"Hey coach," I replied.

"I wanted to ask you something," Grant said with some hesitancy in his voice.

"And what's that?" he replied.

"I used to play running back in high school and college. I was wondering if I could start to get some reps in practice."

"What do you think about that?" he turned to me and asked.

"Well I mean I told him that if he thought he could contribute that way that he should at least ask," I said choosing my words carefully. I knew how coaches like questions answered.

"We don't really need a lot more help at that position but I tell you what. We'll mix you in on the scout team and if you catch Coach Rodriguez's eye then we'll see where we go from there," he said with a small smile.

"What did I tell you?" I asked Grant as we walked into the locker room to put the pads on.

Later that afternoon as our first string defense took the field against our scout team there was Grant. They were giving him the first snap. The scout offense lined up in an I formation and our backup quarterback took the snap. It was an off tackle play to the right. Grant followed his blockers and hit the hole for a gain of six yards.

While the coaches chewed out one of the linebackers for being out of alignment I was so happy for Grant. I hoped that would at least get him a look.

"Run it again!" Coach Rodriguez barked and they lined up again. They ran the same play, Grant ran right and high stepped out of a tackle. He shrugged off another one and sprinted down the sideline for about another 15 yards before the safety had to come up and push him out of bounds. I wanted to jump up and down I was so happy for him.

Grant came out for the next play and they threw a pass that was broken up by the safety. Then the coaches instructed Grant to come back into the huddle and they lined up with him again. This time they ran a toss sweep and just like before he should have been tackled for a two yard gain but he gave a nice stiff arm and went for 30 yards before the safety could catch up to him.

Our entire sideline was going nuts as the coaches chewed out our defense. This was the kicker for god's sake! Coach Thompson came to hug Grant and give him a high five before he came over to me.

"Did you have anything to do with him coming to my office earlier?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah at first he wasn't sure if he should. I got him to come see you," I replied honestly.

"Good thing you did," Coach replied before he called another play. This time it was a drop back passing play and Grant's job was to block the blitzing linebacker. I wanted to cringe as one of the most feared players on our defense came at him with a full head of steam and Grant crushed him. There wasn't a single guy on that team that day that wasn't surprised by what they saw.

At the end of practice Coach Thompson said the exact words that I hoped I'd hear.

"Looks like we've got some competition at running back all of a sudden. I can't wait to see where this goes. We're really looking like a good team so far. You've got three weeks before the season opener and if you keep getting better every day we're going to have a great season," he said.

As soon as we stepped inside the hotel room door I grabbed Grant in a big bear hug and it startled him. I was so fucking proud of him that I couldn't let go.

"Dude I told you," I started. "I'm so fucking proud of you dude."

He flashed a half-embarassed smile like he didn't really feel how big a moment that was.

"Thanks Andrew," he replied.

I came in for a kiss and before we knew it one thing was leading to another. He sat down on the bed and pulled his jeans down and I went for his cock. It sprung upright as soon as I took it in my hand and then I flashed him the "Want to get it on?" look.

I took him in my mouth and teased the tip with my tongue for a bit before I took him as far down my throat as I could. As I went back and forth I led his head along the roof of my mouth for a bit before he exploded. I listened to him moaning as it went shooting down my throat and when I let his dick go he laid down on his back to catch his breath.

"Holy shit, holy shit," he panted.

"You deserved it," I replied. I sat down next to him to embrace him and I kissed him intently.

"Ew, your breath tastes like penis," he said with a smile.

"Gee what did you expect, minty fresh?" I said and we both laughed. It was then that I realized that I had never felt this way about anyone before.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! If you like this story or you don't drop me a line at I welcome all feedback and if you just want to chat I always write back. I hope you'll stay tuned for Chapter 3!

Next: Chapter 3

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