Finding a Man in the Minor Leagues

By Alex Century

Published on Apr 15, 2022



It was a scary feeling as I walked into the gym for my first day of workouts. I had signed with the Cleveland Spiders of the United Football League a few weeks earlier and today was the day I had to report. I was going to have to fight for my spot on the roster and it was going to be hard.

Even harder was the salary I was going to have to live on. I was a running back at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago but I was signed by the Spiders to be their punter and kicker. I tried finding a job but the economy was terrible in 2009 and when I heard about the chance to try out for a new pro football league I jumped at the chance. The glamor of playing professional football ended at the end of that sentence. I was paid $3,000 a game, $36,000 for the year and I'd get more if we made the playoffs. It was a spring/summer league so there was always the chance of making an NFL squad later in the year but it was never a guarantee.

I walked into the foyer of the training center not knowing what to expect. I sat down at a table with a few teammates who were mulling about. None of us knew each other and we were just waiting for the coaches to come get us. One by one the rest of them trickled in until all 65 were there. Sitting at a different table was a really cute boy who struck my eye.

He had flowing locks of dark red hair and blue-green eyes. He had hair that made him look like a surfer. It wasn't super long but it was wavy and went down to about the bottom of his neck. His jaw was squared off and his resting facial expression was that sexy look that models give. I couldn't take his eyes off of him until he shifted his glance to me and I looked away. That's when the coaches came out to greet us.

"Morning gentlemen, you are all professional football players now so we expect you to act like professional football players both on and off the field," said Coach Thompson, our head coach.

"It's going to be a great season. Our games are going to be on TV, there will be scouts watching, this is a good place to be right now. There's going to be a lot of work between now and then but it's going to be a great year," he said. Then our general manager stepped forward.

"What's going to happen today is we're going to lift weights, then we're going to issue equipment, and then we're going to get you to your hotel for the night. That's where you'll be for a little while until they find you all apartments. In the meantime get to know your teammates and try to find someone you're okay with rooming with. Let's get things off to a good start," he concluded and walked away to his office.

We filed into the weight room and our strength and conditioning coach stood up on one of the weight benches.

"Morning guys, it's time to get started. We're all going to go through that door and warm up and then we're going to get a good workout in today. Hope you're ready to sweat!" he instructed. We went into the fieldhouse and formed up in the end zone. We made five rows with the first row standing on the goal line. I made sure to get next to the cutie who struck me. I flashed him a glance and he looked back.

"High knees on hit, ready hit!" coach Rapp shouted.

"Hey," I looked over to him and said as our row got closer to the front.

"What's up?" he asked.

"This is all brand new to me," I replied.

"You've never played football before?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"No," I said laughing. "I just got out of college, I've never played pro."

"Hit!" shouted coach Rapp and we did our high knees for 10 yards and got back into our places in line.

"Me either. I'm a rookie too."

"All right, high knees going back, ready hit!" Coach yelled and we took off again. I looked back at him when we got back.

"I'm Grant," I said flashing him a smile.

"Andrew," he replied. The more I looked at him the more mesmerized I became. His body was just captivating and he had a smile of gold.

"Butt kickers! Butt kickers! Ready," Coach shouted before he pulled his whistle out of his pocket and blew it and we took off.

"Where are you from?" Andrew asked me with an interested smile. While I knew that I liked him physically I was glad that I was at least making a friend. We were a team of complete strangers and that's a scary feeling.

"Redding, California," I replied. "I went to school in Chicago the last four years."

"That's cool. I'm from Fort Collins. I played for Western Colorado," he whispered as Coach started looking in our direction.

"Illinois Institute of Technology," I answered.

"Hey you two, we're here to work out out not to talk. Get in line! Butt kickers going back, ready!" and then another hard whistle blast. We looked at each other and giggled as we went through this round of reps.

We finished our warm ups and we all gathered around and took a knee.

"Gentlemen my name is Eric Rapp and I'm your strength and conditioning coach. I'm going to make you the best conditioned team in the league. You may have had coaches in your past talk about being a fourth quarter team. Well forget that, we want to be an overtime team. If you want to win, if you want to be elite, you're gonna have to work. So today we're going to run gassers," he said with authority and some of us groaned.

If you've ever played football you already know just how much gassers suck.

"All right up on the line!" I got next to Andrew and he looked back at me and smiled. The first day is usually one of the worst and I could tell he was just as glad as I was to have made a new friend. Coach blew his whistle and we took off. I could tell I had some rust to shed. I finished the last leg a few steps ahead of Andrew. We did three more gassers and I was almost ready to puke.

"All right we're going to stop there for right now because it's your first day. We're going to head to the locker room and the rest of the coaches are going to be waiting for you. Bring it in," he instructed and we all came together.

"Spiders on three, one two three," said Coach Rapp


We jogged off the practice field and back into the locker room. That's where Coach Thompson and all the rest of the staff, all the coordinators and position coaches were waiting, standing in a line behind our head coach. After they all introduced themselves and went over the team rules they laiud out what was going to happen.

"We're going to get a meal in you, then we're going to get you to your hotel rooms. Try to find someone you're okay with rooming with because you're going to be staying there for a couple weeks before we get you guys into your apartments. Be back here at 8:00 AM tomorrow and be ready to work," he said before we were dismissed.

After we broke down we went into the training center's cafeteria. I grabbed a plate and got myself a chicken sandwich and some salad. I sat down at one of the tables and started eating and not long after, there was Andrew.

"Hey, Grant right?" he asked as he sat down.

"Yeah," I said with a smile.

"You seem like a cool dude. You're from California?"

"Yeah but not the cool part."


"Redding. It's up north off of I-5."

"I think I had a teammate in college from there," he replied.

"Oh wow. I have my degree in engineering. I was raised by a single mother so football was the only way I could go to college. We really didn't have much," I explained.

"That's cool. My parents got me into modeling when I was a kid and that's what I do on the side. I just wasn't ready to quit playing after college,"

"Really! You look like a model," I said instantly regretting it because I didn't want him to think I was into him. The sports world is a very scary place to be LGBT.

"Yeah I've been in the Macy's and J.C. Penney catalogs before," he said smiling.

"That's so cool!" I replied.

"So what position do you play?"

"They signed me as a punter and kicker but I was a running back in college and I hope I get some reps in. I've always been a running back."

"I like getting to block and catch the ball. That's why I play tight end."

It took all the courage I had. I knew at that moment I had to get to know this guy better. But for all I knew he could have been completely straight.

"You want to room together tonight?"

"Yeah I wanted to ask you that myself," he replied.

That answer kind of punched me in the face. This could be me hitting the jackpot or it could be a major disappointment. I was kind of afraid of finding out though but I knew I'd regret it if I didn't.

"All right gentlemen, the bus is here and we're all going to head over to the hotel," announced one of our coaches and we all filed over to the doorway.

I kind of gave him the side eye as we were waiting and my heart jumped while I was looking at him. On the inside I was trying not to get too excited. He was a model and a football player, what could possibly be more heterosexual than that? Plus he didn't really know anything about me. He just seemed like a pleasant person to be around but my heart wanted to go from 0 to 100 when things were still at 20. It's a problem I've always had.

After a long wait it was finally our turn to load our gym bags into the bay of the bus and head up the stairs. He sat down next to me in the aisle seat and flashed a smile as the rest of the team boarded. Andrew and I watched out the window as we quickly merged onto the freeway and headed out of downtown and past some rough neighborhoods. After about ten minutes we were on another route and in the ritzy suburbs. We got off on an exit that said were in a place called Orange and right around the corner was our hotel.

We were all tired and worn out when we all lined up to get our room keys. The front desk attendant didn't seem too enthused to be checking this many people in at once.

"Can I see your ID sir?" he asked. I handed over my driver's license. "Grant Palmer," he read under his breath as he typed my name.

"And you?" he asked looking at Andrew.

"Andrew Caldwell," he replied.

Andrew and I followed the rest of the crowd up to our room. We were among the last to get up to our room and that's when we had our first little moment together. I put my key card into the slot and even though the light turned green the door still didn't unlock. I tried again and still no luck.

"Here let me try," he said as he tried his key. He tried four times and the door still wouldn't unlock.

"All right, you try the card and I'll do the handle and let's see if we can get it to work," he suggested.

He braced against the door with his shoulder and I prepared the key card. This time the light turned green and Andrew pushed forward and finally the door swung open.

"Jesus," he said as we both laughed.

We brought our suitcases into the room and got unpacked and then we sat down on our beds.

"I'm glad I've got a friend now," I said looking into his eyes real quick. "I was really scared when I walked in there this morning. I don't know anyone here."

"Me too," he replied.

"So what was it like back in California?" he asked. That question brought back some hard memories.

"I was raised by a single mom who had some really shitty boyfriends," I replied.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I saw her get beat. Sometimes they'd hit me too."

"Damn dude I don't know what to say," he replied.

"It's okay," I said.

"I'm glad you got out," he replied.

"I started playing football so that I wouldn't have to go home for a few hours after school. Then it became a way of getting into college so I could get out," I said.

"My parents got me into modeling when I was little. That was how I chipped in to pay the bills," he said sarcastically but with some anger to it too.

The next day we went back to the training center and we all got our asses kicked. We ran 20 hundreds. Full sprint from goal line to goal line, twenty times. We did that every day the first three weeks. They worked us like dogs and by the end of the second week of workouts I was almost at my breaking point. Andrew had begun to notice how much I was struggling and didn't say anything at first but he supported me when I needed him.

"Dude I don't think I can do this anymore," I said to him after we got back to the hotel after another brutal day of workouts. "I honestly want to quit."

"Hey take a deep breath," he replied. "You're going to get through it. I think we're going to have a good season too."

I looked down at my feet and he realized I wasn't kidding.

"Why don't you take a shower. Just take a shower to relax. You've got the weekend to recover and I'll hang out with you during that time. I don't want you to screw this up," he said trying to console me.

I did as he said and headed into the bathroom and stripped down. I stood under the hot water for as long as I could trying to gather myself and it wasn't long before I decided I was done. I got out and dried off and wrapped the towel around myself. When I opened the bathroom door and stepped out Andrew was standing there changing into his pajamas. I saw his cock, about 3 and a half inches flaccid surrounded by his small patch of pubic hair. It was just as red as their hair on his head.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," he muttered as he pulled his Family Guy pajama pants on as fast as he could.

"Don't be," I said. "I liked what I saw," I answered honestly. I figured if this was going to happen I should just say it and make it clear.

"Oh," he said surprised.

"Fuck I just fucked everything up" I thought to myself.

"I'm really sorry," I said trying to smooth things over.

"No you don't have to be," he replied.

"Ummm," was all I managed.

"I'm bi."

"Okay," I said nodding as a smile appeared.

"I've, uh..." he began. I had no idea where he was going with this and I was scared shitless. This was the person I was going to have to live with for at least a couple more weeks.

"I've never actually been with a guy before. I've fucked so many women that I've lost count. They're everywhere when you're a model and they throw themselves at you. But I've never been with a man and I've always wanted to."

I blinked at him as I stood there in disbelief. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

"I think this could be good," was all I could manage.

He walked across the room and kissed me. We stood there and kissed a few times before I started to pull his shirt up. He flashed an excited smile and he was shaking with excitement. As soon as I noticed that I realized I was shaking too.

"We have to be quiet," I whispered. "We don't want anyone else hearing this," I said looking him straight in the eye. He knew how important that was too.

We undressed ourselves and got onto my bed. He seemed to be taking it slow, taking his time exploring my body because this was new to him.

"Oh my god dude," he whispered as he took my raging hard cock in his hand. He took me in his mouth and pleased the tip with his tongue for a minute before he let go and looked up at me.

"Jesus you are so sexy," he said as he moved to my midsection.

I was just letting him have me. I couldn't believe my luck. I got off the bed and motioned for him to sit on the edge of the bed. I started sucking him, and he put his head back and sighed with pleasure. We continued for a little while before he stopped me.

"Do you want to fuck?" he asked me.

"Of course. Do you want to top or bottom?"

"Dude I've waited my whole life for this moment. I need you to fuck me."

"Come close," I said as I got on my side. We got into the spooning position and I rubbed some spit on his hole.

"Mmmmmmmmm," he moaned as I pushed myself inside him as gently as I could.

I stopped for a second while he caught his breath. I could tell this was intense for him and I wasn't even moving yet. I pushed in gently and he gasped.

"Did that hurt?" I asked.

"No. It's uncomfortable but it feels good," he whispered after he looked back at me. We kissed some more before I started pushing further inside him.

"Ohhhhhh, ahhh, mmmmmm," he let out as I started going faster.

"Oh my god," I whispered as I neared the point of no return.

"Fuck dude I'm about to cum," I whispered just before it happened. My mind was instantly blown as I blasted a massive load inside him.

"Ohhhhhh," I let out as my dick exploded like a stick of TNT.

"Holy fuck that was amazing," he said as he rolled over.

"Yeah it was," I said still trying to catch my breath.

"You still think you're going to quit the team?" he asked me jokingly.

"Not now," I answered and we both laughed.

"This is going to be the best season of my entire life," he replied and my heart jumped. This was scary but I knew it would be a hell of a ride.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! Feel free to send me feedback. Let me know what you think or if you just want to chat, drop me a line at I always write back. Onto chapter 2!

Next: Chapter 2

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