Finding a Dom for His Half Brother

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 22, 2021


Walter smiled when he clicked on the profile he had created for Darren. Then he began to laugh. There were, at a minimum , 80 guys who had responded. "Ok. Got to work through this, and then take it down," he thought. Eighty options should give him what he needed.

Walter got to work. He read what each profile had to say. Then he looked at the photos. He knew Darren's type: for a while, he thought Darren had a crush on him: Darren went for dark, Latino type guys. Walter had some idea of what role Darren played in bed, but he drew most of his conclusions by the way Darren acted when he dated. He seemed REALLY attracted to take charge guys. Walter had never seen his half brother in any kind of situation where a kidnap fantasy was being played out, but Walter thought that Darren tied up, gagged, helpless, would make a mighty fine sight. It would serve his ass good. And as he thought about it, he realized: there was a certain frisson of sexual energy that went through HIM when he thought about Darren tied up.

Walter continued to smirk as he picked the guys. He wrote back to six of them. The message was essentially the same, except for a change in the time. "Hey. Saw your ad. Looks like we might hit it off. I hang out at Russ' coffee shop in the afternoons, usually from 2-4 or so. Stop on by. We can chat. And....????" Darren knew nothing about this. He had his nose buried in a book when the handsome guy with short, curly , salt and pepper hair and the neat moustache came by his table. "Hi. I hope I'm not interrupting. I'm Frank." "Not interrupting at all. I'm Darren." Frank smiled. "Yes, I know. Can I sit?" Darren looked him up and down. Handsome. Well dressed. Big smile. Was he being hit on? If he was, well, he'd been hit on by worse. "Sure." He put down the book. "This one is boring the hell out of me. ." He paused. "Can I ask you something, Frank. You said you knew my name was Darren. How'd you know?" Now Frank looked puzzled. "Well, it's the name you gave on your dating profile." "MY DATING PROFILE?" Darren's mouth dropped open. "I never posted a dating profile." "Oh, I'm sure. You look just like the picture. Here... let me find it." Of course, since Walter had taken it down, he couldn't. "WHAT THE.... DAMN, Darren, I hope you're not being catfished in some kind of way." He got up. "I'm really sorry to have bothered you. It looks like... well, you have to do some investigating." "No, no. Please don't go. Talk with me. It's been a long time since I had a chat with someone like you." As the afternoon went on, and he continued to talk with Frank, Darren figured it out: a prank from Walter. Two of the guys chickened out, but three other guys came by to see "Darren: you're the guy in the profile, right?" A couple of them were cute, but none of them were as, well, compelling as Frank was. As he chatted with Frank, Darren couldn't help thinking : "what's he like in bed? Is he a top? What does he like? " He screwed up his courage. "Frank, I hope you don't mind this question. Since I didn't write the profile, can you tell me what it said? " Frank cleared his throat, and as he spoke, the combination of his almost syrupy baritone, and the things Darren was supposed to have written, were fully engaging him. He laughed when Frank finished. "Well, I think I know who wrote the profile because not a lot of people know that much about me. It's pretty much all true. Haven't done any bondage, to be honest, and kidnap fantasies? Never thought about it." Frank smiled. "I think you may not be ready, but if you are.." He pulled out a card. "Gimme a call. Even if we just have a drink, I think I'd like to see you again Darren." His smile got broader. "I like tying guys up. I think you'd be hot in ropes. But again, that's up to you." He held out his hand. Darren got up, and kissed his cheek.

As Frank walked out, Darren wasn't sure if he was angry at his brother, or grateful. He got up to go home, passing the last guy who Walter had scheduled to meet him.

Back at home, Darren changed to tennis whites to go out and hit some balls. The machine was not the newest model, but it functioned. He had to get some pent up energy out: he WAS angry at Walter - probably for knowing him as well as he did - and he was angry at himself for being as "intrigued" as he was with Frank. He hit for about 45 minutes. He was going to shower, but he heard the door of the house open up. Walter was back home. Best to confront him right on.

"Hey bro. Sweating like a blond pig," Walter joked. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO, ASSHOLE? PUT UP A DATING PROFILE? FOR ME????" Walter smiled. "Relax, Darren. Did you have a good time?" "THAT'S NOT THE POINT. I DIDN'T GIVE YOU PERMISSION." Walter just kept on smiling. "Meet anyone interesting?" "THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!" "Ha ha. You must have. I swear, filtering through the 80 or so who responded was quite a task, but.." "EIGHTY!!!!! EIGHTY!!!!!?????" "Yeah. Putting up a blonde who says he's a bottom, likes bondage, and ..." "YOU FUCK. YOU FUCKING FUCK." Darren charged Walter, and that was a mistake. They scuffled, and it didn't take long before Walter was sitting on Darren's chest, Darren's wrists pinned to the floor. "LET ME UP. LET ME UP YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!" Walter just smiled as Darren squirmed. "You know, Darren, it's a shame we're related by blood because... GOD, I would have my dick in you faster than you could yell 'double fault." Darren squirmed harder. He could feel his cock moving, because he had a more than mild crush on his half brother too. There were many nights when he fell asleep thinking of what it would be like if he were in Walter's bed. "LET ME GO. LET ME UP YOU FUCK." "Nah. I think we gotta see how this all goes. Time to flip the blond." Walter had done some wrestling in school, and he had Darren on his belly with ease. He took the necktie he was wearing off, yanked Darren's arms behind him, and tied them as Darren screamed. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS YOU FUCKING BASTARD... MMMMMMPH." Walter had pulled out his handkerchief and tied it around Darren's mouth. "I just wonder... Hmmmm. I'm gonna check your cell phone. Let's see if anyone really DID catch your attention. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Darren lay on the floor, trying to get to his feet, as Walter picked up the phone lying on the table. "You use the most obvious passwords Darren. Got in right away." He laughed. "Sort of something your boyfriends say, isn't it?' "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "Who's this? Frank? Let me see if I have his picture from the message he left." Walter looked something up on his phone. "OH. Is THIS the guy?" He put the picture in front of Darren's face. Darren tried to turn away. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION BROTHER. ANSWER ME." Walter's foot was resting on Walter's crotch. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." then Darren meekly shook his head yes. "Well, well, well. I wonder if Frank wants to have some fun tonight.

Let's get this started." Walter got a struggling Darren to his feet, and then moved him to a chair, bound and gagged. "Spread your legs for Sir Frank, Darren, or I'll have to tie them very uncomfortably." Darren's face was nearly beet red. When they were kids, Walter used to tie him up all the time. He knew he could be vindictive so, slowly, he spread his legs. Then, he saw a smiling Walter take a picture. "What should we text to Frank.. Something suggestive? I know: 'hey stud. Loved meeting you today. Have a package for you if you want it. " Walter sent it from Darren's phone, and laughed. He pulled up a chair and sat opposite Darren. "Let's see if he answers..." While they waited, Walter again rested his foot on Darren's crotch. "You know, I don't know what you're like in bed, brother, but I bet you're a shitload of fun. Maybe I'll have to join sometime." There was a buzz on Darren's phone. "OH, BIG SURPRISE. Frank wants to come over. Let me give him the address. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Darren vigorously shook his head NO. "He'll be here in half an hour. Let's see: 'Sounds good. I'll leave the front door opened since, as you can see, I'm in no position to answer it." Walter began to laugh. "I hope he hurries. I can't wait to hear the noises.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Darren might have dozed off while he was sitting tied up, but he was certainly awake and alert when the door opened, and Frank came in. This Frank wasn't the same Frank at the coffee shop. He had on chaps. And a leather cap. And a leather vest over a bare chest. He smiled. "HOLA Darren. You were right. What a pretty package. I'd change one thing: I like gags, but I like MY gags." He stepped behind Darren and took off the cloth gag. "Wait, this is.. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Frank's gag was his hand. "See, this lets me move your head at my discretion. And I think that neck of yours... needs some attention, handsome." Frank's hand was strong, and when he yanked Darren's neck to the side, Darren had no choice. He felt Frank's tongue, his mouth, his moustache. He heard his slurping sounds. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Salty. You WERE playing tennis Darren. DAMN. I coulda been here seeing you bend over to get the ball. That's ok though. I'm gonna see plenty of that ass." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Frank's second hand was under Darren's white polo shirt, and he was feeling him up, all over. "You shave handsome. That's too bad. Means I won't be able to. For a while ha ha ha." Frank knew what he was doing. His nibbling and scruffing on Darren's neck moved from rough to soft, and his hands were finding all of Darren's hot spots. It would be wrong to say that Darren had "dead nipples" but they weren't nearly as sensitive as his ears and neck. He had told somone once that he "became a boy puddle" if his ears got worked. Frank was working his ears, and his screams became short little moans of pleasure. "I can take my hand off your mouth, can't I sweetheart? You're not gonna get too loud or nasty for Sir Frank, are you?" "mmmmmmmmmmmph." A very soft, pleading sound came out of Darren. He moved his head to look up at Frank, who was smiling. "Please Frank. Please.... This... this is all a set up." "And it sure is a GOOD one Darren. I have to admit, I was skeptical. I didn't think you were gonna call me. " Frank had pulled up a chair and was sitting opposite Darren, and he began to stroke the inside of his thighs. "OH.. OH GEEZ. OH..." Darren just started breathing heavy as Frank rested his hand on his cock. "It's a nice piece here, darren. I'm not interested in that though. I'm interested... he smiled. "in your culo." After a pause, he smiled and said "where's your bedroom?" darren whispered the answer. 'Upstairs. Sir. At the left side." "Well, let's go. " He picked darren up from the chair. "Oh Wait. Yes. Your fantasies." He bent over and took darren over his shoulder. "HE'S A STRONG SONOFABITCH" darren thought, as he felt Frank's hand on his ass, carrying him up the stairs.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "No restraints on your bed. Too bad. I got them on mine, but... we'll make do with what we have. " "yes sir. Sorry Sir," darren was lying on his side, as Frank began undressing. "OHMYGOD" darren thought when he saw Frank's thick, long cock. Uncut, 9 inches, thick. "Can I handle that?" "Heh heh. I just saw your face. Bottoms always look like that the first time. Don't worry. Master Frank knows what he's doing." He pulled down darren's shorts, and got them off his legs, over his sneakers. Then he spread him, nice and wide. "Still sweaty from tennis. Good. That'll make this easy. " darren couldn't see, but he felt one, then two, of Franks fingers go in him. He moaned at each thrust. "FUCK SIR. FUCK. More please. MORE." "Ha ha. I'm not a fist fucker pretty boy, but my fingers do a damn good job I'm told." He was right. darren was trying to push his ass up to get more. He heard the sound when Frank pulled them out. "I'd make you a pig boy and force you to lick these, but not on a first date, ha ha. Keep that ass in the air." "Yes sir. Yes sir." darren tried to crouch, and then he felt Frank's tongue licking over the exterior of his hole. "OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Frank's tongue pushed in, digging deeper and deeper. He was engaged in this beautiful ass. He was so engaged he didn't see Walter standing behind at the entrace of the bedroom, jerking off into a handkerchief. "I don't take my peach boys unless they beg for it." "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME PLEASE. FUCK MY BLOND ASS. FUCK ME FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME." He felt Frank ease himself in. It was easier than he thought it was going to be. Clearly, Frank had taken more than a few asses: he plowed darren and was paying attention to when the sound of darren's moans changed. Then he worked those spots more thoroughly. "I'm not just getting fucked. I'm getting REAMED" darren thought, pushing back for more. "Heh heh. I think we should flip you boy. That way, we can both see the other's face when... you know.." "yes sir. Yes. " "Shall I untie your wrists?" "Only if you want to Sir." Frank left them tied. He pulled darren's legs up in the air and continued the reaming. "DAMN. I imagined you'd have a fine ass. How fine... I had no... fucking. IDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" darren felt the cum spilling into his ass. He wished that Frank would shoot some of it on him, but Frank was thinking "he's a priss. Don't want to spoil things by spoiling his clothes." "OH SHIT, that was so great Sir. Thank you. Thank you." Frank smiled and kissed darren. "It doesn't have to end. I've got clothes in my car, but...." He smiled some more. "I've got more toys at my place. And I make good breakfast food." "Can we go to your place Sir? I share this house with my brother and..." "Say no more. Let's see what to take so you can get dressed tomorrow. " He went to darren's closet. "It's very easy Sir. The first white shirt - the one furthest to the left." Frank saw the 15 white shirts lined up. All identical. "And the slacks all the way to the right." Frank was smiling, and giggling, with his back turned to darren: there were, he counted, ten pair of identical blue trousers. "Don't tell me your underwear is marked by day, muffin?" darren blushed. "No Sir. But Monday is blue. " Frank began to laugh. "YOU REALLY ARE A PRISS. GOOD THING YOU'RE SUCH A HOT FUCK." He continued to gather clothes for darren, and got them in an overnight back. darren winced when he saw that Frank wasn't going to use his garment bag. "You look so good tied up that..." He pulled up darren's shorts. Then he tossed him back over his shoulder, and carried the bag with his other hand. "I don't know when I'm taking you back tomorrow, darren. IF I'm taking you back." darren said nothing. The thought of not coming back scared him, but it also gave him more of a charge in his hard cock.

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