Finding a Daddy

By Joe Blow

Published on Nov 23, 2015



Finding a Daddy

Based a bit on truth and a bit not so as to avoid having a certain guy hang this over my head. First story so hope someone enjoys it.

My name's Adam. I'm a 27 year old white guy that's known he's gay for years. I've not acted on it much though since whenever I'd go out to a bar I'd mostly meet guys that just didn't seem right for me. With many I felt like I was looking at some mirror image of myself, or at least something horribly similar. I'm about six feet tall, 170 pounds, and brown messy hair, not really muscular, but don't really feel thin or fat, just fairly average. Which is what I'd find in the bars, just a lot of average guys, not really in terms of looks necessarily, but in attitude.

Last date I went on I caught a movie with a guy that really seemed built like a twig. Don't get me wrong though, he was really nice, but it just didn't do much for me. Still ended up back at his place afterward and quick as could be I got my face down on his bed with my ass up so I could get his dick in me as soon as possible. He fucked me a few minutes, which was enough to at least rub the semi-right places so I wouldn't feel as desperate to get laid for a few more weeks. Afterward he mentioned he had to meet up with some family later and he'd catch me later, so I took off for home and didn't look back. Never heard from him again which was typical of the guys I'd been with up to now. Same old story every time, get together, get fucked real quickly (sometimes decent but usually not), then right back off for home. Not the most satisfactory existence, but it's been enough for me up to now.

After this last time though I felt like I really to get a more serious relationship so I gave up on just sleeping with guys on a first date or getting with people at bars. Wasn't sure I'd ever get with anyone again trying this yet seemed the right move in my heart.

After a few weeks I felt like I was gonna go insane. Began playing with a butt plug in the shower about every other night, and even with it being 8 inches around at its widest point I got to where with just a bit of lube I was slipping it right in and out with ease. Salivating as I'd sink it in me with a plop as I'd imagine a nice juicy dick entering my hole and scratching that itch that only a real man could ever satisfy. When I'd finish playing with buttplug I'd still find myself fingering my hole, just lightly playing with it as it loosened up. The hair was feeling kinda long on my butt and as I got in this routine of fingering myself for hours about every night the hair was just more and more irritating, so I finally just took my electric razor and began buzzing it off. I couldn't find a good point to stop trimming hair at though, with it just seeming kinda goofy if I just had a hairline stop right around my chubby butt, so I kept buzzing hair off lower and lower and finally had my entire legs feeling smooth. Was feeling fairly hot out so it actually felt pretty awesome in my pajamas having these smooth legs able to feel the soft material all over.

I was feeling like an idiot now. I'm pretending I'm wanting to get with a guy yet not doing a damn thing to get out there and even try for a date. All I'm doing is sitting around at home acting like I'm satisfied just stuffing my hole with some stupid toy. I have to start doing something more. But I can hardly think of anywhere I can really go to in order to meet a guy, so maybe just trying a dating site? Fuck it I'm going to the internet.

I started up a profile on okcupid, listed my stats mentioned I'm probably a bit immature, fuck around playing video games fairly often, and tried to describe how I felt like I really needed a man in my life that I could belong with. Oddly (to me), it didn't take long to get a bunch of guys messaging me. Was still most of the same guys I'd see at the bars, but there was this one profile that stood out. The guy's profile was empty except for his picture which looked fairly hot, was a white guy who had this bald head (maybe shaved?), this slight stubble, slightly rounded cheeks, but with this firm jawline and below his face was this furry chest that covered these nasty looking pecs. Started thinking right then and there that I had to hook up with this guy somehow so I could feel that chest of his. The idea of this big bush around his crotch also just made my hole quiver as I imagined him spooning me and rubbing my ass with dick as this furry beast tried to stuff his dick in me.

An hour after fantasizing and fretting like a cowardly shit I finally looked at this hunk's message: "Hey young man what are you doing on a site like this so late? Bit lonely in your bed huh?"

I replied back real fast (after actually reading his message), "Yeah I'm just browsing a bit before bed. Probably not the best idea given how worked up I'm getting after seeing pics of hotties like you :P"

"I get ya boy. Your profile mentions you're needing a `real man'? Serious about wanting to feel like you belong to someone?"

"Absolutely, hard feeling so lonely in bed night after night without some big strong man to be close to. Been ages since I've gotten fucked and really just want/need to get fucked silly like right now though"

"Well you're certainly eager huh? Good thing to learn you're seriously a bottom like I like my boy. If you are serious you could come by my place sometime and we can hang out and see what happens"

Seemed he was busy with work stuff for a couple days so we ended up setting up a `date' to hook up that coming weekend. He asked me to wear a white tank top with some pink boxer briefs, which was a slightly new thing for me to hear a guy request, but he was hot so I wasn't sure I'd care if he asked me to wear a tutu over.

Come that Saturday afternoon I headed over to his place with my white tank top on under my hoodie and these silly pink undies on under my shorts. Was about an hour from me, a fair distance away from town, and was a nice sized two story house. He seemed to be living pretty well, I pulled into the driveway and headed to his door. He answered and was a bit more than I expected. He was about the same height as me, but his picture didn't do him justice. He had these huge arms and chest that showed off just how strong me was that were bulging under this long sleeved t-shirt he wore, along with those fucking huge thighs that seemed squeezed into his jeans.

"Hey there?" he was all smiles "how was the drive?"

"Was nice, can I come in?"

"Sure sure" he opened the door wide and had me come in "bedroom is down here past the living room"

I wandered a little curiously while ahead of him and got to his bedroom. As soon as I did I was kicking off my shoes as I sat on his bed.

Guy said "Wasn't thinking we'd play immediately, like to relax a bit with you first, maybe just relax in bed a bit"

"Oh alright man no problem" as I said this he got a little grumpy look on his face which brightened a little as he saw me take my hoodie off (along with my belt). He got in bed alongside me and switched on the tv which was kinda annoying, but while he put on some tv show he was still sitting up in the bed with me so didn't bother me much. We got to chatting a bit, he seemed fairly interested in me, I talked about work a bit which was kinda boring (driving with Uber) and how I was still making enough money to make a living so was still enjoying myself. As I chatted he put his arm around my shoulder and started playing with my hair.

"You really are a cute boy you know. But you could look a bit nicer if you did something with this"



"Was looking at this hair of yours and seems a shame how dark it is against this nice soft white skin of yours. Ever think of changing it up"

"I guess so, I've tried different colors over the years actually, black, white, blonde, orange, pretty much whole rainbow haha"

"Can certainly imagine a lot of rainbows around you. You know...I actually have some hair bleach in my bathroom, wanna try it out? I have a hard time resisting a guy with a blond head of hair"

Was feeling a bit nervous and had been fidgeting a bit as he'd been talking. Looking in his eyes as he spoke with this soft, but deep voice I just kept feeling this itch going crazy in my hole that made me ready to do anything to get it scratched.

"OK yeah sure, bit of a funky first date activity but I suppose a first time for everything"

We headed into the bathroom and he fished out the bleach kit that had some woman with the typical clownishly red lips. I mentioned chuckling "wanting me to look a bit like a fancy bitch like this huh?"

He was pretty quiet and relaxed as he got the mix all setup. I took my shorts off and just sat on the toilet waiting for him to hand the bottle to me to put on. Instead he came over and with a light smile started applying the mix on my hair for me.

"More like a fancy slut, but bitch works too. Imagine you've had plenty more dicks creaming on and in you than she ever has"

That was a slightly stronger comment than I expected. Found myself just wetting my lips as I nervously sat there looking at this, now scarily, muscular was gently mixing this crap in my hair. In this somewhat sterile bathroom the only things I could smell were the bleach, but also this manly musk that wafted in the air from his pits. Felt like the blood was rushing to my face and didn't get hard, but holy fuck did I want to get taken by this guy.

"Are you a swimmer? Notice your legs are really smooth"

"Nah I just kinda got itchy from the hair and shaved it off"

"Itchy?" he smiled broadly "pretty weird for a guy to do, but then not really surprising I guess"

"What do you mean"

"Well you are pretty gay aren't you? Not that weird for a young gay guy to do themselves up all goofy"

"Ah I supposies"

Seemed like it was about time to clean this stuff out of my hair so the guy brought me by the tub and used the shower hose to rinse my hair out. I got a chuckle out of myself in the mirror seeing myself with this fried blonde hair with this tight tank top on and these effeminate looking pink boxer briefs hugging my ass. As I was checking myself out the guy was beside me and put a hand around my waist and the other down my briefs feeling my hole.

"Love the look of a flaming faggot as he's all prettied up for me"


"Excuse me? I know I like getting fucked a bit but I am still a fairly average guy."

Guy laughed "average guys don't generally dress up like flamers for strange men whose name they don't even know".

Oh hell I really hadn't bothered to ask. My face was turning red with embarrassment as I was looking at this guy in the eyes through the mirror. I wanted to just go home, but was turned on as felt this guy starting to use two fingers inside me and could only softly groan. I started arching my back a bit when suddenly I heard this phone ring.

"What's that?"

"My phone, what else does it sound like faggot hahaha? Excuse me a sec it's probably work"

And like that I was stuck standing around in his bathroom alone all worked up. I heard him talking on the phone in the next room going "yeah...sure...yeah" amongst other things, but I wasn't paying much attention as I was just thinking how pathetic I am. I can't believe myself fucking around all day like this. He popped back in the bathroom.

"Sorry but work thing came up. Coworker fucked up and I need to meet with a client in his place. If you want you could come with me? It's a business dinner so it'd be a bit more like a proper date for a proper lady huh?"

"Huhh yeah ok" ...this is just super..."no need to rush to fooling around I supposies"

"Here's your shorts, not sure where your hoodie is, but should be fine going out like this, it's just a hotel restaurant so doubt they'd care about dress code"

I slipped my shorts back on and found my shoes. He got to talking about his work in sales as he brought me to his car. After we buckled up he mentioned my lips were looking a bit dry and fished out this strawberry lip gloss from the arm rest, supposedly from his niece. I put some on and we went by this hotel of his client.

"My client would probably find it kinda weird if I brought a guy on a date with me, so mind playing pretend a bit?"

"Pretend? Like what?"

"Well I've got a few decades on you so how about you play as my son a bit? Make it easier to explain how you look"

As he said that I took him in. I'd barely paid attention to what he'd been wearing and he had put on some slacks and a dress shirt while I'm looking like some punk kid. He seemed so strong though so I hadn't thought about how old he was, he did have a few wrinkles, but it just made him seem manlier rather than a geezer.

"Okey doke dad, so long as you buy me a drink or two, unless you think I'm too `young' for such things?"

"Oh fuck off" he chuckled "we'll have plenty to drink, I just need to chat with this guy to get a bit closer to him for sale I'm working on, so don't really need to be all that sober"

We got into a booth towards the back of the restaurant/bar he got a beer while I had a long island ice tea as we sat next to each other. As I was feeling a bit trapped (though with a hot daddy), I started feeling his thigh.

"So daddy thanks for taking me out"

"No problem, anything for my little sweetness"

As he said that I felt the bulge in pass get a bit larger as his hard on began extending down his pant leg, thing looked like a monster. Found myself salivating feeling and looking daddy's erection through the thin fabric. I licked my lips and tasted the strawberry from the lip gloss and started imagining getting this behemoth between my lips so I could enjoy that salty goodness a good dick grants.

`Daddy' then stated "you look pretty mesmerized there son, try to relax a bit with your drink. My client Tom should be coming around any minute and wouldn't really look good to have my son fondling me"

With that I snapped back to reality. "Sorry about that dude" my `daddy' looked a bit irritated as I apologized and I saw up straight and just sipped my drink. As I did so, a tall man that looked about 50 started coming by our table, he had this brown hair with a relatively thin frame that didn't show much strength.

"Hey John thanks for meeting with me while I'm in town for my meeting! Just got checked in and saw you guys over here."

John (my daddy) replied "Thanks Tom, this is my son Adam he's home from college so rather than have him sit at home I thought I'd have him come out with me"

I happily nodded, shook Tom's hand and went to my drink wondering when they'd finish. After a bit John got up to use the restroom leaving me with Tom alone with fuck all to talk about.

"So you know John through work, that's cool I guess"

"Yeah your dad's been really nice, it's kinda rare finding a workaholic like him"

"John does seem to put work first a lot"

Tom seemed to get a surly look on his face and just sat there for a bit. I started wishing my `daddy' John would come back already to break up this excruciating moment.

"You know Adam, it's not really all that respectful towards your dad to be using his first name like that. I don't know how relaxed he is with you, but given you're running around looking like a flaming faggot I'm guessing he's not very strict with you."

Ah fuck this is awkward, maybe I should just come clean about what's going on? But that'd just make things even weirder. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Adam, I'm not going to disrespectful your father by telling him what I think about your style of dress, but at the very fucking least I'm gonna tell him what I think about you using his first name and I hope you know it off"

"Y-y-yeah ok, I didn't really mean anything disrespectful, I just figured we're out all together as men just having a good time"

"You're hardly a man with the way you look and with how you behave you deserve to have your ass beat if anything.

With that, my dad was coming back with an embarrassed look on his face having overheard that last comment from Tom.

I exclaimed "Hey dad" hoping he'd save me from this fucked up situation.

"Hey son, Tom what's the matter?"

"Well your kid just seems to be acting really disrespectful to me. I've never known a decent kid that wouldn't refer to their dad as `dad'"

"Yes, I know it's a little embarrassing. We have had a few drinks while waiting for you though so I hope you don't really hold it against him, I mean he is just a stupid kid."

"I suppose, this shit just has me pissed all the same, I'm gonna take off and see what's going on at some of the bars downtown. If you seriously have had a few drinks then you really aren't in any shape to drive so I hope you use my room to sleep it off. Maybe you can talk some sense into your kid while you're at it."

As he said that Tom left a copy of his room key with my dad and left without another word spoken amongst the three of us.

I sat there with my dad just taking in everything. This was not how I expected my Saturday to go.

"Well son you visited me to get fucked and you fucked me over instead how do you like that?"

He's pissed.

"I'm sorry man I really didn't think it'd go like that"

He's even more pissed.

"Let's just go the room and I'll sleep it off, maybe when Tom gets back I can work something out still to keep him happy"

"I'm sorry John I really mean it. I mean hey you seem like a really nice guy and all. I suppose I'm just not a great son ha...ha..."

"That's an understatement"

My heart sank. I just wanted to have a good time and this guy was trying to treat me by taking me out since I had to do crap for work. And here I am screwing with his job.

We headed up to the hotel room, and while my dad went right to the room I went over to the vending machines for a soda. I needed some caffeine to help sober up so I could think what the hell to say.

When I went to the room and knocked, there was nothing.

"Hey man can you let me in?"

Still nothing

"Ah come on you're not gonna have me sleep out here or something?"

I hear some footsteps and then "I'm not sure I feel quite right having some faggot of a son who can't even call me daddy coming in here right now"

"Hey come on it was just playacting shit, can't be that big of a deal"

The door opened with this daddy standing in the doorway in just his boxers and his hairy chest all on display. I was quivering as I looked at him, he was absolutely bug eyed as he stared at me and said:

"Look you came by my home looking like an absolute faggot who Is more than half my age, prancing about and practically swooning from the mere sight of me, and when I ask you to behave as my son you can't bother showing the slightest bit of respect for a real man"

"Ah c-come on daddy? I really didn't mean to disrespect you. Can't I make it up for you somehow" I turned a little to the side with my body and stuck my butt out a bit, thinking how we could let off some steam, it certainly caught my daddy's eye.

"You know what, sure, come on in and lay down on the bed ass up"

Now this is what I'm talking about. I slipped my shoes off and kicked off my shorts and had my pink boxer briefed butt on proper display for this manly man to take advantage of. Feel so horny I don't even care about being talked down to.

My daddy came on over crawled ontop of me facing my butt, and grabbed my cheeks. Goofy position but I'll hardly complain.


"I'm giving my bratty faggot of a son a spanking is what. You need some discipline apparently if you're ever going to behave and enough of a man to give you what you need"

"Oh hell John relax"

Wrong move, SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK he was seriously wanting to tan my hide.

"What are you supposed to call me faggot?"

"Daddy. I'm sorry daddy"


"That's right you stupid faggot, and as your daddy is a real man what are you supposed to do?


I'm tearing up by this point "I'm supposed to show respect to my daddy"

"Because you are a...?"

"Because I'm a faggot daddy"

"That's right" he took some lube out of his pocket, pulled my briefs down and dabbed a bit of lube on my ass "speaking a bit more respectfully to your daddy now aren't you?"

"Yes daddy"

Daddy climbed off me, and as my legs were feeling weak he tugged by undies off from my legs and then stripped himself, I looked over and saw this monster of a cock for a moment before he climbed back on bed between my legs.

"Alright son since you seem happy to be submissive to your daddy I'm willing to give you a treat"

"Ah yes daddy, please fuck me daddy"

With that I felt a rod against my hole, and slowly pressing against it. It took barely any trouble at all to enter me completely.

"Well son your pussy certainly seemed ready for anything to come in here huh?"

"Thanks daddy, certainly like to be prepared"

He began pumping lightly "fucking hell didn't mean that as a compliment, would've expected you to be at least a little bit like a man rather than a full on pussy boy."

Oh hell I'm ridiculous. I bury my face into my pillow just want to feel like I'm doing something right.

"Oh hell don't get all mopey" he jerked his dick in and out ever few seconds "huh huh, come oooon, you're loving this aren't you sweetness?"

I felt like crying from how embarrassed I was from how he was talking to me, but with each thrust I just felt myself more and more wanting to just give in fully to this daddy of mine. Helped that he seemed so big, the last time I had a dick this big in me I was a black guy for the first time and I couldn't even fit that thing in my mouth more than inch.

"Yes daddy it feels so god damn good"

With that he picked up the pace, and I began seriously giving these high pitched little moans as I could hardly stand how good it felt. Getting stretched wide open and feeling these light stings as his body slapped against my reddened ass.

"Yes daddy fuck me daddy, you fuck so good daddy"

He plopped down onto my back, now just `lightly' fucking me with that monstrous daddy dick. He began nibbling my ear and then said in a breathy voice "enjoy daddy's dick deep inside you? Happy to do anything for it yeah?"

"Hell yes daddy, I'd happily be the most obedient son ever if you'd be willing to fuck me every day"

"You know sweetness, that doesn't sound too bad. This pussy certainly feels a lot better than I'd ever expect my son's to feel."

I couldn't help but laugh with satisfaction as he praised me. I perked my ass up a bit more and focused more on enjoying my daddy's presence inside me. It occurred to me I hardly even cared about touching my own dick with how awesome this felt. My daddy picked up the pace and began really banging me. I was tearing up from the pain and pleasure as my ass was slapping against him, still stinging from what his hand had done, and feeling so good from what that dick was doing. I felt like daddy's proper little bitch and loved it.

As my daddy began to climax he gave his final thrusts and I squeezed my hole down on him to help squeeze out every drop off cum.

"That was great daddy"

Daddy then laid his back down on the bed and I crawled on over to his chest, he pulled my over fully on top of him with my legs between his and face below his. "Sweetness if you stay a good little faggot son for me I'll make sure your hole gets its fill every night"

I couldn't help but smile as I nuzzled my face into his chest.

This just felt right.

Then the door opened.

I didn't want to look.

"So you guys got comfortable?"

Daddy replied, "yeah Tom, seemed the best way to get a son in check was to just dick him right"

I couldn't open my eyes. I heard Tom just walking about.

"Well can't say I quite expected to return to this, but your son seems pretty content curled up there"

Oh hell

"I think my sweetness just has been needing his old man to show him what he's really meant for. But then by the looks of it you agree huh Tom hahaha"

Suddenly I felt something inside me. "Ah he's certainly sloppy now ain't he?"

I had to finally talk "eh daddy?" I started struggling a bit to get away from Tom, but my daddy was pulling me into his chest.

"Shhh, sweetness relax" he kissed my head "you did piss Tom off too so seems only right he gets to have a go as well right? Just obey your daddy and let yourself enjoy yourself the way a faggot should"

As I relaxed Tom began holding my hips and fucking away, though not nearly as well as Daddy, but with how nice it still felt I could only think...

I certainly could have some fun with this daddy of mine.

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