Finding a Boy

By Jonathan H.

Published on Jan 7, 2004


About an hour later, I was awoken by James rolling over onto his side. The light was still on, and despite having James next too me, I was a little cold without any blankets. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, so I took the risk of moving about. I found the extra condoms on the bed, as well as the lube, and put them on the bed stand. I turned out the light, and pulled the blankets up over us. I spooned up next to James. Like the teenager he was, he slept through it all, and his only movement was to press up against me, his ass right against my cock as I wrapped an arm around him again.

Later in the night, I woke again, feeling him move. I reached down, and felt his cock, it was the crisp erection of a man dreaming. My own shaft was fully engorged, pressing into his crack, wanting back into him for another round. Still sort of dream-fogged, not totally awake, I pulled him in a little closer and kissed him on the back of his head, the nape of his neck. I was a little surprised when he rolled over and began to kiss me back. As we kissed, I could feel our hard dicks press up against each other, looking for more stimulation.

I grabbed his body, and pulled him up on me, not stopping the making out we were doing. In the dark, it was hard to tell how awake he was; I wasn't even sure what I was doing. He adjusted like a pro, straddling me, letting my cock find it's home in his crack. I reached down and played with his ass cheeks. There was still a little bit of lube there from earlier, and I was able to slip a finger into him with minimal resistance. This probe elicted a deep moan from him, and I could feel his hole clench around my finger, holding it in.

With my free hand, I reached over to the bedtable, and grabbed the bottle of lube that was there. I opened it, and poured a small stream of it down his crack. I could feel his body shudder slightly at the cold liquid hitting his warm skin, but it quickly warmed up as I ran my fingers through it, pushing it into him. I already had one finger in him, and I was able to quickly work in another. After a few more minutes of playing with him, hearing him moan through our kissing, feeling his ass clench and relax, I worked in a third.

I reached over again to grab a condom from the bedtable, but James grabbed my hand, "Stop. Wait a second," he said.

"What? You don't want it?"

"No. I do. But..." He paused for a second.

"What?" I asked. I wanted to get into him, I wanted to feel him on my cock once more.

"Well, for fifty dollars, I'll let you do it bareback."

Ahh. That was it. It was tempting, but I didn't want to go there. I knew the risks, especially for him, and I wasn't ready for it. I grabbed the condom and quickly put it on.

"Are you sure?" he asked; he could feel my jacketed cock sliding against his hole, getting ready to force it's way in.

"Yeah. Just relax and let me in." I could feel him arch his back, positioning my cockhead right against his slippery ass. He pushed back, I pressed in, and in a small pop, I was inside of him once again. I heard a small groan from him, and even in the dim light I thought I saw his eyes roll back in pleasure. Bacause of the position we were in, he took a much more active role this time, fucking himself on my cock. Sometimes, he allowed me a deep plunge into him, other times, quick strokes on the head.

The entire time he spent bent over me, our lips locked together. I don't think either of us were completely awake; this was just what we wanted to do, what our dicks demanded of us. It wasn't hard to tell how much James needed a cock in him, that he felt empty without it. And, at least for me, his ass felt nearly perfect around my shaft. Of course, I hadn't cum in nearly a week before this, so I think I would have been happy with almost anyone, but still, James felt like the right hole at the right time.

With James working over my shaft, I knew I was getting close to shooting. I broke off our kiss long enough to whisper in his ear, "I'm getting close. I want to shoot in you."

"Wait," he said, "I want to cum too." He shifted his position, sitting up on my cock, leaning back a bit. As he started to slowly fuck himself again, I gasped in pleasure at the new sensations, enjoying the different parts of my cock now being stimulated. I dribbled a bit of lube onto his cock, and he started to stroke his cock in rhythm with his thrusts onto my cock.

"Play with my balls," James gasped, between strokes. I reached for his balls, and started to gently tug and jostle them. "Harder, please Daddy," he said. I played with them more roughly, grabbing them, pulling on them. It was clearly what he wanted, since he started stroking himself harder and faster. "Harder daddy, more." I gave them a sharp tug, and a twist. He let out a gasp of pain, but immediately followed it by saying, "Thank-you, more."

In the dark, I could hear his frantic masturbation, and felt him almost bouncing off my shaft. I gathered his balls in my hand, and pulled them hard, stretching out his ballsac. I could feel the two nuts in my palm, the source of his manhood literally in my grasp. I wrapped my fingers around them and squeezed. There was a sharp intake of breath as his brain felt what I was doing, and I could feel him stroke even faster. All of a sudden, I felt a warm splotch on my goatee, then some thick liquid dripping into my mouth. Then, I felt his ass clenching around my cock. He was cumming.

I bucked my hips, driving my cock deep into him, and stopped trying to hold back. My first shot came quickly after that, right as I felt another spurt from him land on my chest. Licking my lips, I tasted his testosterone-charged boy cum, priming myself for my next spurt. As we shot our loads, him on my chest, then into his hand, me into him, into the rubber, I continued to squeeze on his balls. I noticed with each spurt of my cock, I tightened my grip around his nuts a little more. After what felt like minutes, but was probably only a few seconds, we were both spent. He was gasping for air, exhuasted from the fuck, and finally realizing the grip I had on his balls.

I grabbed his sperm-covered hand and pulled it to my lips, eagerly licking off his cum. I still held onto his balls, and I could feel him shift uncomfortably, trying to relieve the pressure. "P-P-Please sir," he said, his voice quivering. I took my time, slowly licking up his cum before I let his balls go. When I released them, there was a huge sigh of relief from him, and I could feel him relax on top of me.

"What do you say boy?" I asked.

"T-T-Thank-you sir." I ran my hand over his body. He was covered in sweat, but whether that was from the fuck or from the ball play, I didn't know. I held his cock in my hand, feeling the last drips of cum dribble out onto it. I licked the last of his cum out of my goatee, still reveling in it's power. Then, with my free hand, I gave his balls a sharp flick with my fingers. I could feel the wave of pain run through his body, his ass clench around my cock once more, and a yelp from his mouth.

He was silent for a second, catching his breath. Then he managed to choke out "Thank you sir."

I smiled; his hole was still holding onto my cock hard, and I was enjoying it. "Want me to do that again, boy?"

I think he knew he was going to get it, no matter what he said. He thought for a second, and then said, "Yes, please sir." I could hear the resignation in his voice.

"Good boy," I said. I was still holding his cock in one hand, keeping his balls free and ready. I ran my other hand over his body, feeling his slightly furry chest, rubbing his nipples a bit, making him feel more comfortable. Then I gave his balls a nice hard flick.

It was just like the first time; I could feel his ass clench down, his gasp of pain, and then the slow choking out of "Thank you sir." I let his cock drop, and pulled him down to me. I gave him a deep long kiss.

"You're a good boy," I said. "Why don't you lick the last of your cum off of daddy's chest." He moved down and slowly licked up the semen from my chest. As he moved down, my cock finally popped out of his hole. I reached down and pulled off the condom, and threw it into a corner. His tongue worked its way across my chest, licking up the pool of his semen that landed there.

He came back up and kissed me; I stuck my tongue all over his mouth trying to taste the last drops of his cum. I ran my hands over his back, pressing his taut body against mine. One hand found its way to his ass cheeks, and almost without thinking, I worked a finger into his crack, feeling the slippery remanants of our fuck there. He didn't object, so I pushed a little further, and worked a finger into his hole. Even after the workout it recieved, it was still pretty tight, but it quickly yielded and let me slide in.

There was a quiet moan of pleasure as my finger worked its way into him, but he quickly resumed making out with me. I wiggled my finger around, feeling his ass clench and release around it. "Why don't you try to get another one in," he whispered into my ear, then began to nibble and lick on it. I didn't need much more encouragement, and quickly stuck another finger into him. "That feels good," he said. "You up for another round?" he asked me.

"Give me a second. Not quite as young as you are." I shifted around a bit, and let him rest his head on my shoulder. I was able to keep my fingers in his ass, keeping it open, and also wrap my other hand around him, holding him close. Oddly, it was he that first fell asleep, his breathing becoming a little shallower and steady. Once he was contentedly snoring on me, I let myself fall asleep as well, holding him tightly in my embrace.

-- Author's note: This is a little shorter, I'm sorry. But your feedback made me want to get a new installment out earlier. Please let me know if you like it (or not.)

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