Finance Officer and Me

By Greg Reese

Published on Jan 6, 2008


This story is a mixture of fact and fantasy. The characters in my stories do not use condoms, in their world there is no disease. Our world is much different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

I was re-reading the note that Moose had left and reliving last night in my mind again when there was a knock on my front door. I placed the note and the half bottle of Irish Whiskey in one of the cabinets so prying eyes would not be able to see it. I answered the front door and standing there, in his physical fitness uniform, was my commander, Captain Miller. "Good morning sir," I said. There was a brief awkward silence between the two of us. "Jonesy, can I come in?" the Captain asked. "Sure!" I replied stepping aside to let me commander in. He walked through the and proceeded to head to the living and sat on the couch. I followed, curious as to what he wanted, given the awkwardness of yesterday morning.

"Jonesy, I need to tell you why I did what I did yesterday morning and why it went so horribly wrong." the Captain started. I sat on the couch next to him to hear his explanation. The Captain explained that he had always been curious but didn't know how to satisfy that curiosity. He had sensed something about me that made him think I would open to helping him satisfy his curiosity but didn't know how to approach me about it. It had taken him several weeks and many nights of masturbating and fantasizing about how he would start things off. What transpired yesterday though a complete disaster. I continued to listen to him fumble and stumble over his words, blushing here and there as he continued to reveal what he had been struggling with for a very long time. "The problem Jonesy is that I'm a devout Catholic and have been ridden with guilt ever since yesterday. I just came by to tell you that this can and will never happen again, and to offer my apologies for taking advantage of you like that." Captain Miller said, he had quit talking and was just looking at me. His facial expressions revealed a man who was having a very hard time coming to terms with who he was. "I don't know what to say sir," I started, "You don't need to be embarrassed or feel bad about what happened. And if you're worried that I'm going to say something, then let me assure you that I won't." I said. Again, a brief and awkward silence enveloped us. "Well, I need to get going." Captain Miller said as he stood, facing me. The bulge in his running shorts indicated that he was hard as a rock. His dick betrayed what his mind and words had just said. I let me gaze linger longer than I should have on his crotch and then stood and face the Captain. "Sir, it's OK, you have my word that I will say nothing of this." I said, offering my hand so we could shake on the deal. The Captain reached out, grabbed my hand and shook it in the gentleman's agreement. With that said, Captain Miller turned, headed towards the door and let himself out. Nothing more ever happened between the two us and a few months later, Captain Miller was transferred to an overseas assignment.

Thom and I saw less and less of each other as time went by. He would ocassionally stop by for a quick suck or a quick fuck but as far as spending any serious time with each other, those days were over. Thom was my first, and as the saying goes, the first true love of my life. Moose and Tank never came back to visit either after our first encounter. Moose was transferred to Alaska a few months after our night together and Tank had decided to let his enlistment run out and moved back to Puerto Rico. I threw myself into my work so I could one, not think of Thom and how much I missed him and two, so I could keep my mind off my cock. My first year seemed to fly by and before I knew it, I was at the 2 year mark on my enlistment. My wisdom teeth were trying to come in and I had some pain off and on. My dental checkups were revealing that they may never come in but the dentist wanted to wait and see what they were going to do before he opted to take them out.

A few days after my dental exam, I woke up around midnight in a great deal of pain from my wisdom teeth. Padding my way to the bathroom I noticed that both cheeks were swollen. I took a couple of aspirin and went back to bed, hoping I could go back to sleep. No such luck as the pain continued to get worse. 0600 finally arrived and I showered, dressed and headed for the Oderly Room. The First Sergeant was already in the office when I got there. I told him I'd be going on sick call this morning and explained why. He nodded his agreement and I left to head over to the dentist. I didn't need to tell the front desk why I was there, they could see the swollen cheeks and knowing that I had just been there a couple days before, presumed that my wisdom teeth were the cause for my visit today. I was greeted by the dental tech, a slender man who appeared to be in his early thirties, a Staff Sergeant, who introduced himself to me as Tony. Staff Sergeant Tony Waters as a matter of fact. I was taken back for X-rays and then moved into one of the two dental chairs. Tony proceeded to prep me for the exam, placing the drool cloth around my neck and fastening so it wouldn't fall off. There were a couple of times while he was getting me ready that I could swear he had rubbed his crotch into my back of my hand. It was very subtle so I couldn't be sure. The dentist soon arrived and having already read my X-rays explained to me that all four teeth were severely impacted and had to come out today. Fortunately there wasn't any infection so he could remove them. He continued to tell me that the bottom two wisdom teeth were the worst, with the roots having wrapped around the jaw bone. He would need to sedate me in order to get them out, Novacaine alone wouldn't do the trick. He had Staff Sergeant Waters call my First Sergeant to tell him that I'd be on quarters for two days and why. Once that was done, Tony returned and moved me to the room where they performed their oral surgery. While he was busy getting things ready, he once again managed to rub his crotch against the back of my hand. I knew this time I was not mistaken as his actions were much more noticable. The dentist soon arrived, shot Novacain into my gums and then proceeded to inject the anathesia into my left arm.

I woke up several hours later. Once the dentist had removed the impacted wisdom teeth they had me transferred to the ER to finish sleeping off the anathesia. The Dental Clinic was located in the same building as the Medical Clinic. There was a small ER, capable of taking care of minor injuries and simple fractures. Anything above that had to transferred out to Reno. "Oh good, you're waking up. How do you feel?" a female voice asked me. I tried to open my mouth to answer her but was still pretty groggy, not to mention the fact that my mouth was full of gauze from where the teeth had been pulled. "Open wide please so we can change out that guaze." the nurse said. I did as I was told, still groggy and out of it. While she was changing out the gauze, Tony came in and asked how I was doing. The nurse filled him in, they chatted for a few minutes and then Tony came over to where I lay and proceeded to tell me that he would be my nurse maid overnight. He and nurse managed to get me off the gurney and into a wheel chair. I had the vague sensation that I was moving, but again, still being groggy I couldn't have even told you what day of the week it was. The next thing I knew, someone was removing my uniform and I had somehow gotten home, upstairs and was laying flat out on my bed. Realizing my clothes were being removed I attempted a feeble defense. "Relax, I told you I'm your nurse maid for the night." and I recgonized the voice as Tony's. I opened my eyes, saw his blurry face and smiled, well I think I smiled anyway. Tony soon had me down to my underwear. I could've sworn I heard a few appreciative sighs and felt a hand grope my cock a few times, but being in the state I was, I had no idea if I was dreaming it or if it had really happened. I closed my eyes and it was lights out again.

I slept through the night and true to his word, Tony took care of me. Checking in on me every few hours, changing out the guaze, etc. I woke up the next morning around 0800 in agony. My head hurt from the anathesia and my jaws hurt from the surgery. Tony appeared out of nowhere. "Good morning," he said as he walked over to. Tony looked down at me smiled and asked how I felt. I managed to get out (talking with a mouth full of guaze is not an easy task) that my head hurt and my jaws felt like I'd been in a fist fight and had been beaten to bloody pulp. Tony explained that because the bottom teeth were so impacted, it took longer than the dentist thought it would to get the teeth and most of the root cut out. They had to prop my jaw open and that was why the jaws hurt, the rest of the pain was from the anathesia and the surgery. Tony handed me a pain killer and a glass of water. I took the pill, washed it down with water and laid my head back down on my pillow. Within a couple of days I was back to semi normal again.

I had a followup appointment with the dentist the following week. I arrived on time and Tony once again led me to the examination room. He explained that he was going to have to prop my mouth open for the doctor but it wouldn't be as long as it was during the surgery. While he was getting me prepped, again I swore I felt his crotch rub against the back of my hand. The dentist arrived and was just about to start his exam when he was notified that an emergency case had come in. A little boy had fallen on the playground at the day care center and had chipped his front teeth. Since they were permanent teeth, the physician felt it necessary to have the dentist take a look. The dentist left in a rush, leaving me alone again with Tony. I began to drool down my chin which Tony noticed right away. As he leaned across me to get the suction, he again placed his crotch at the back of my hand. Quickly I flipped my over so I was now cupping his crotch. I began to rub his crotch through the fabric of his uniform, causing Tony to let out a slight moan. "Gotcha!" I thought to myself, my imagination had not been wrong at all. Tony continued to rub his crotch in my hand and I began to lightly massage him. I could the lump in his pants and knew I was right on target. Tony backed away, looked at me with my mouth stuck open, leaned forward and proceeded to lick the roof of my mouth. Now it was my turn to moan. We heard the dentist approaching and quickly stopped our play. The dentist was satisfied with the healing but decided a long weeken would work wonders. He called my First Sergeant, said that I was doing great but since it was Friday he felt that a long weekend wouldn't hurt the healing process. My First Sergeant agreed and home I went.

It was about six in the evening, I'd eaten a bowl of soup for dinner and was laying on the couch watching some TV. I heard a knock on my front door and got up to see who it was. I opened the door to find Tony standing there with a six pack of beer in his hand. "Hey Tony!" I practically squealed. "Come in." I said. Tony walked in and set the beer on the counter. I had just closed and locked the front door when Tony grabbed me, spun me around and started kissing me. I grabbed the back of his head and began kissing him back just as fiercly. We stood in the entryway, locked in our embrace, handing roaming over each other's bodies, feeling each other's hard cocks through our jeans. Tony finally backed off my mouth and I immediately sank to my knees, unbuttoned his 501s, and yanked them down to his ankles. Tony was wearing white boxer shorts with the fly sown shut. He obviously spent a great deal of time in the sun as his legs were very tanned. His hard cock was tenting his boxers. I grabbed his dick and started massaging it through his underwear. Tony groaned and I was rewarded with a drop of pre-cum soaking through his boxers. I kept hold of his dick, wrapping the fabric around it and proceeded to lick and nibble the head of his cock. Tony's legs buckled for a moment and he moaned again. "Oh fuck yeah, eat my cock!" Tony panted. I continued to eat Tony's cock through the fabric of his boxers until I had the front soaked with my saliva. Once wet the fabric turned almost sheer, I could clearly see the head of Tony's cock and when I pressed the fabric even tighter could make out his shaft. "I'm going to fucking cum if you keep doing that." Tony panted. I pulled off his dick, grabbed his boxers by the waist band, yanked them down and dove back on his naked cock. Tony groaned, stiffened and starting shooting his cum down my throat. I continued to nurse Tony's cock, sucking all of the cum out of softening dick. Satisfied I'd gotten every drop, I pulled off his dick, stood and shoved my tongue in his mouth. Tony picked me up and carried me upstairs. After laying me down on the bed, he proceeded to remove the rest of his clothes while I quickly stripped out of my. Tony was hard as a rock again, he climbed on the bed and we proceeded to get into a sixty-nine position with Tony on top. This gave me a great view of his ass. I spit Tony's cock out, shoved pulled his ass cheeks apart with my hands and got into position to start eating his ass out. His ass smelled clean and fresh, I dove in, shoving my tongue up his ass as far as I could. Tony went wild, humping and bucking his ass on my invading tongue. He spit my cock out, reared back and just started grinding his ass in my face. "Oh fucking eat my ass man, fucking shove that tongue up my hole. God YES! I can't wait to take your fucking cock up my tight ass. Yeah, eat my ass!" Tony screamed. Tony leaned back down again and proceeded eat my ass with the same fervor as I was eating his. We were both moaning and humping our asses on each other's tongue. Tony's balls had pulled up tight in their sack. "I'm going to fucking cum again!" Tony managed to scream out. His cock began to spit out his stored up ball juice, his asshole clamping down on my tongue each time he shot. I could feel his cum spraying my chest and start to run down my sides. Tony dove back down on my cock and within a few seconds I was pumping my load down his throat.

Satiated we lay in bed, panting like crazy, sweat pouring off our bodies. Tony leaned over and started licking his cum off my chest. Each time he'd get a tongue full of cum, he'd lean up and kiss me, the two of us tasting his load. "I gotta piss and then lets rinse off." I told Tony. Tony got up and headed for the shower. He turned the water on, avoiding the cold spray, and waited for me to piss in the toilet. He was quite surprised to see that I had followed him into the shower. "I thought you had to piss." Tony said. "I do, but who says you can't piss in the shower?" I said, winking at Tony and giving him an evil grin. I moved up behind Tony, stuck my cock in between his legs and let go with my piss. I was essentially pissing on his balls and in his ass crack. Tony wasn't sure about what I was doing at first but as soon as he realized how good it felt having my piss hit his ball sack he got into it real quick. Tony's cock came back to life and I reached around and started to gently stroke his dick while I emptied my bladder. "That feels good, your hand wrapped around my cock, stroking me, feeling your warm piss hitting my balls." Tony groaned. My cock had hardened back up as well while I was pissing. Once I was done, I continued to hold Tony from behind, kissing the back of his neck, nibbling on his ear lobes. I slowly started humping Tony, my cock rubbing up along the area between his hole and balls. Tony's moaned his appreciation and his cock flexed, releasing a drop of pre-cum. I pulled back further each time, my goal was to eventually end up with my cock buried in his sweet ass. It wasn't long before the head of my hard cock was knocking on Tony's back door. Slowly I started to push the head of my cock into Tony's ass. Tony stiffened and instintively clenched his ass cheeks. "I don't get fucked." Tony said and started to pull away from me. I gripped him tighter and pulled him back to me. "Just relax Tony, I'm not going to hurt you. I think you'll like it once I get in." I said. I continued to keep pressure on Tony's hole with the head of my cock. "Relax, I won't push in, you can take me at your speed but you've got to relax and push out like you are trying to take a dump." I said, my hands rubbing over his chest, flicking his nipples. I felt Tony relax a little more as the head of my cock began to slowly get sucked into his tight hole. Slowly Tony took more and more of my cock and when my cock head and finally pushed pass his anal ring, Tony let out a long, contented sigh, his dick flexing causing it to slap his stomach. "Oh GOD! I never thought anything could feel so good. Oh GOD you have to fuck me, hard!" Tony purred. I finished pushing the rest of my dick in and leaned forward to give Tony a kiss. Slowly he started to move his hips, both of us groaning, him feeling a dick in his ass for the first time, me for feeling the tightness of a virgin ass, remembering when I had taken Thom's cherry. Before long Tony was riding my dick like a bucking bronco. A string of "Fuck Me's" and "Harder, fuck me harder." being yelled out. Tony stiffened, slammed down on my cock once more and started shooting his load. Feeling his ass lips contract around my cock triggered my own orgasm and I started shooting my load up Tony's ass. Once Tony felt the first shot of my cum and realized I was drenching his insides, he started shooting again.

We both finished cumming and stood in the shower, kissing and caressing one another. I grabbed the soap, washed Tony's body from top to bottom and he did the same for me. We rinsed off, made our way downstairs and Tony proceeded to make scrambled eggs for dinner. We ate in silence and when we were done, quickly cleaned the dishes and then headed for the couch. Neither of us bothered to put any clothes on after our tryst upstairs. We made our way to the couch and layed down, with Tony behind me, and started to watch some TV. It wasn't long until I felt the head of Tony's cock knocking on my own back door. I scooted my ass back and took Tony in one swift motion to the base of his cock. That single action sent Tony over the edge and I could his cock flexing in my ass. This being his third load of the day, I knew he wouldn't be shooting much. My own cock had responded and Tony was furiously jacking me off, his dick still buried in my ass. I came close several times, but it just wasn't going to happen this time around and Tony's hand and arm was getting tired. He stopped stroking me and we both drifted off to sleep.

Tony and I continued to see one another until he was transferred. My term of service was soon up and I had decided not to reenlist. I enjoyed where I was at but wanted to see more of the world. I called the Reassignments Branch to tell them I wanted to voluteer for a tour in Europe. They called back a few days later saying all they had available was Korea. I passed, Korea didn't interest. I left active duty and with the money I had saved, decided to make my own way to Europe. With passport in hand and the exchange rate in my favor, I began a journey of a lifetime and along the way, made a few friends. Thom and I briefly kept in touch after I left service, but like our relationship, his letters eventually quit arriving. I would learn a year later that Thom had been killed in an automobile accident. I cried for days over losing him. He was, after all, my first.....

The End

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