Finance Officer and Me

By Greg Reese

Published on Jan 5, 2008


This story is a mixture of fact and fantasy. My characters live in a world where there is no disease so my stories do not involve the use of condoms. The real world isn't so, practice safe sex, use condoms.

The knock on the front door jolted me awake. I wasn't sure if I'd heard someone knock or it was still a continuation of my dream so I laid on the couch a few more seconds. I quickly realized that I was covered in sweat, had a very hard erection and a painfully full bladder. The knock on the door sounded again, this time much louder. I got up to answer the front door, hoping that my bathrobe would cover my hardon. I opened the door and standing there was my First Sergeant. "Oh shit," I thought, "My freaking dream within a dream was really a premonition." "Jonesy you look like shit, how are you feeling?" the First Sergeant said. "I'm better, I think my fever finally broke so am thinking I'll come in tomorrow and see what the office looks like." I responded. "No you won't, you're on quarters for the week. It's Thursday, everything is under control and there isn't anything that can't wait until next week." the First Sergeant said. "Here, missus First Sergeant made you her special chicken noodle soup. It's a secret recipe that's been in her family for years. She swears by it and that it's the cure all for everything." The First Sergeant said as he handed me the container of soup. "Thanks First Sergeant, and please send my thanks to missus First Sergeant." I replied. We continued to make small chat for a few more minutes before the First Sergeant excused himself, got into his car, and headed towards the Orderly Room. I closed the front door, put the soup in the refrigerator and headed to the bathroom. I stopped as I entered the living as it was this moment in my dreams that there was another knock on my front door. I waited for a few more seconds, the knock never came, so I continued on to the bathroom. My cock was still bone hard, the head an angry purple color with pre-cum streaming down the underside of my dick and onto my balls. My underwear was soaked with a mixture of pre-cum and sweat. Standing at the toilet, I did everything I could to will my hardon away, but my dick was not taking no for an answer.

I also realized that it must have been several days since I'd had a shower as I stunk to high heaven. I decided to take a long hot shower, I turned the water on to let the hot water run through the pipes. There was no tub, just a very large shower, capable of holding at least three people. I had just finished taking my soaked clothes off when there was another knock on the front door. Sighing, I turned the hot water off and put my robe back on, my dick still hard as a rock and my bladder still painfully full. I got to the bottom of the stairs when the knock sounded again. "Just a minute, I'm on my way!" I shouted. I reached the door, opened and was surprised to see my Commander standing at the door, dressed in his physical fitness uniform. "Captain Miller, what a surprise!" I said, "Come on in!" I continued as I stepped aside to let him in. Captain Miller was an ROTC graduate. He was a very nice guy, but he always seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with himself. He was a tall, skinny, lanky man. He had good looks, but wore the standard Army issue glasses that make anyone look like a first class grade A geek. "Jones, I um, well, I was running and, we're pretty worried about you, so um, Oh shit." He stammered. Without saying another word he grabbed me, pulled me to him, leaned down and forced his tongue in my mouth. After a quick and very awkward kiss, he shoved me to my knees and yanked down the front of his shorts and jock strap. His dick was rock hard and pointed right at my face. Before I could even touch it, he started shooting his load, covering my lips and chin with his load. Embarrassed, he pulled his shorts up and ran out of the house before I could even absorb what had just happened. I got up, closed and locked the front door and made my way back upstairs, forgetting that I still had a face full of fresh cum. I started the shower one more time and while I was waiting for the water to get hot, looked in the mirror. I looked at the cum that was now dripping off my chin and onto the front of my bathrobe. I wiped it up with my finger and began to lick his load off my finger as well as my lips. His cum was thick and had a very acrid, bitter taste to it. "Hmmm," I thought. "I wonder what that was all about and I wonder what the hell he eats to make his cum taste like this." I still had a raging hardon and knew that trying to piss would be impossible. I also knew that trying to cum with a full bladder would also be impossible.

I leaned against the wall, closed my eyes and just let the hot water of the shower run over me. Within a few minutes, I had relaxed enough that I started pissing, even though I still had a raging hard on. The stream flowing out of my dick grew strong and stronger and before long the stream was actually hitting my chin. Oddly, I found this to be an incredible turn on and I began to dip my fingers in my piss stream and started to gently twist and tug on my nipples. "This is incredible," I thought to myself. "Oh man, this feels so fucking good, emptying my bladder, my piss running down my chest, God, my nipples are so hard and oh man, I could cum like this." I continued thinking to myself, twisting and tugging harder on my nipples. My balls had completely pulled up into me and I honestly thought that if I just touched the head of my dick I'd start shooting while still pissing. Because I was hard as a rock and my bladder had been so full, it seemed like I would never stop pissing. I continued to lean against the wall of the shower, enjoying the feeling of this new found experience. I finally emptied my bladder and began stroking and caressing my hard cock. Cock juice was just flowing out of the head of my cock and I slowly jacked myself off. I took the middle finger of my left hand, dipped it in my cock juice and began to play with my ass. The lips of my hole opened immediately and started sucking my finger in. I was in heaven as I began to fuck myself with my finger. It had been close to a week since I last came. For a horny 18 year old, that was a lifetime. My orgasm hit me without warning. Cum started shooting out of my cock, splashing my chest, tits, chin in cum. My legs were shaking so bad I thought I was going to slip and fall so I squatted down, finger still in my ass, cum still shooting out of my cock. The rest of my load simply poured out and over my cock and ran down and over my hand, coating my pubes and my ball skin. I finally quit cumming and started to recover from my orgasm. "Oh man that was fierce. Never had a cum feel THAT good by myself." I thought, panting, trying to regain my breath. I calmed down long enough to get the cum washed off of me. Getting out of the shower, I realized that I truly did feel a lot better. I put on a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt; I decided at the last minute to ditch the underwear, and made my way back downstairs. I'd also stripped the sheets off my bed as I had soaked those with sweat several times over the past couple of days and they were reaking as well, threw them in the wash and proceeded to heat up some of the soup.

My phone rang while I was waiting for the soup to heat. "Hello," I answered, "Thom! How are you? How'd the audit go?" I asked. Thom filled me in on the audit, said it went great and that he'd gotten to know the auditor pretty well. The Finance Office staff had done so well that the base commander had granted the staff four days of administrative leave as a reward. He and the auditor were going to head to Reno for the weekend and celebrate. "OK, have a great time." I said, a little disappointed that I wouldn't be seeing Thom anytime soon. I hung up the phone and stared into thin air, I couldn't help but feel a little angry with Thom. "Was this the green eyed monster of jealousy rearing it's ugly head?" I thought. Suddenly I was no longer hungry and as I was pouring the soup back into the container, realized that tears were beginning to stream down my cheeks. "Stop it, you big baby." I argued to myself. "You're a fuck buddy to him and that's all. He's made no committment to you and is free to screw whomever he wants." I continued. This, of course, was assuming that the auditor was gay himself and that they would indeed be spending the weekend gambling, fucking and gambling. I went to the phone and dialed the First Sergeant's number at the orderly room. The First Sergeant answered after the second ring; I again thanked him for the soup, lied and said was very good and I would have the rest for dinner and then proceeded to ask if it would be OK to go to the Post Exchange. I explained that I was feeling a lot better and really felt I needed to get out of the house for a little bit and that I was thinking about buying a TV. In the Army, when a doctor places you on quarters, it is a lawful order and it means just that, stay home and get better. If you violate those orders, then you are subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, this was why I was asking for permission. The First Sergeant agreed but said I had one hour and that was that, and that he'd be calling me to make sure I was back home within that hour. I agreed and hung up the phone. I didn't even bother to change clothes, just threw on some socks, grabbed my ratty old sneakers and a jacket and practically ran out the door.

I was about halfway to the Post Exchange when my bladder filled, yet again. Once inside the Post Exchange I glanced at the clock, I had excatly 45 mintues to get in and get back home. I made my way towards the mens room. There were two urinals and two stalls and standing at the second urinal was one of the Military Police guys I worked with. Privacy in the Army back then was unheard of. You were lucky to find a restroom that had doors on the stalls, the urinals never had a dividing wall between them. Any genuine cock lover could get an eyeful of dick at any given time just by heading to the urinals. Corporal Fernando Rodriguez was the MP standing next to me. Rodriguez, or Tank as the other MPs called him, was five foot seven and was 200 pounds of solid muscle. Bodybuilding was a hobby for him and his body was absolutely beautiful to look at. Tank was from Puerto Rico. His father was Puerto Rican and his mother was Swedish, and Tank had gotten the best of both parents. His skin was a natural light tan with the dark brown eyes that seemed to stare into your soul, promising you of a wild fuck if you were lucky enough. He had the jet black hair of his father but lacked the machismo arrogance, instead he had the best traits of the Swedish personality, fun loving, outgoing, congenal. His thighs and arms were massive, with a barrel chest that tapered into a size 30 inch waist. His ass was perfectly sculpted, two beautiful mounds of flesh that his Olive Greens just molded around. As I stepped up to the urinal, we both nodded to one another, acknowledging each other's presence. Silence was golden at the Army urinals, it was an unwritten rule that Army men did not converse at the urinal. I unzipped and proceeded to do my business, face forward, staring at the wall. I caught movement out of the corner of my and turned my head just enough to see what Tank was doing. He had stepped back far enough from the urinal to give me a perfect view of his prized possessions. Tank had completely zipped open the front of his pants and had tucked the waist band of his boxers up under his balls. My mouth watered as I took in the sight of his uncut cock. Soft, he had to be at least seven inches long and thick, very thick. He had shucked back his skin just enough so I could see part of the head of his cock. I noticed that he trimmed his pubes and his balls were shaven. I also noticed that he had quit pissing and was just standing there, holding his cock. I glanced over to see him staring right at me, a slight smirk on his face, his eyes begging for me to reach over and grab a hold of his dick. He motioned for me to step back, which I did. I had immediately sprung another boner, he gazed at my cock. Whomever was in the stall had finished their business as we heard the toilet flush. We both zipped up and headed out of the rest room before our mystery guest could find us.

I quickly looked at the clock, I had exactly 30 minutes left before I had to head home. I zoomed over to the electronics section and began to browse the TVs. "So whatcha looking for?" I heard a voice say. "Duh! A TV" I replied without even looking to see who was talking to me. I felt someone walk up behind me, lean in and softly say, "Geez, you flash your dick at a guy and this is the thanks you get." I recognized the voice of Tank immediately and turned, bright red from embarassment. "Tank, geez man, I'm so sorry!" I said. Laughing he said it was OK, and asked if he could help me out. "Actually, yes you can. I'm on quarters, the First Sergeant let me out of my cage for an hour and I have exactly 25 minutes now to get a TV and get home before he calls to check in on me. Unfortunately, I don't know jack shit about electronics." I said. "I'll help you out," Tank said. "This is the one you want, here, let's get it, we can put it in my truck and I'll drive you back home. We'll be back in plenty of time." Tank said as he reached for a box. I had paid for the TV, we brought it home, set it up on my coffee table steamer trunk and had it going when the First Sergeant called. Satisfied that I'd been a good boy, he hung up. I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Tank. "You feel like having some beer?" Tank asked. "Sure!" I said, but the fridge is empty, haven't been out doncha know." "No problem, I'll go get some and be right back." Tank said, standing to leave. "Oh Tank, just one rule I have in my house. No one drinks and drives, so if we're going to have some beer, bring along a change of clothes." I said. Tank turned, his face lit up, and agreed. He then left to get beer and clothes and before he left said he'd be back in about 45 minutes. He also asked if I'd mind if he brought along a buddy, again, giving me that mischevious smile, he said I'd like him too. I smiled back and off he went. I had just enough time to make sure that I was clean as a whistle. I needed cock right now and I figured if Thom could play so could I so I set about getting myself ready for what hoped to be a sex filled night.

True to his word, Tank returned, two cases of beer in hand and another Military Police member who we simply called Moose. (No, nicknames in the military aren't very imaginative). Moose was a body building buddy of Tanks. Moose was 100% pure blooded Irish. Flaming red hair, pale fair skin, gorgeous deep green eyes and like Tank, a body to die for. Standing side by side, Moose and Tank were body twins. Tank had also stopped at the local pizzaria and had brought a couple of pizza's with him. "Can't drink on an empty stomach!" Tank said. Tank and Moose had managed to find a football game on the TV. I hated watching sports but watching these two hunk of men slap each other's ass, twist each other's nipples or some other display of primordial male behavior each time a score was played turned me on to the point of no return. Both men seemed to down one beer after another while I managed to nurse on mine. It didn't take long before the first case of beer was empty and they were halfway through the second. I also noticed that they were beginning to show the first stages of being buzzed and was glad that I had insisted the stay over. If nothing else happened this night, at least I knew they were safe. I also noticed that as much beer as they drank, neither one was going to the bathroom. I had managed to polish off three and it seemed like I was having to piss every two minutes. The game finally ended and the second case of beer was gone. "Now what happens?" I silently wondered. "Be right back, gotta get more beer" Moose slurred. "No, you're not driving to get more beer Moose, you're already buzzed. Besides, I hid both of your keys." I replied in my best Mother Hen stern voice I could muster. "No worries, got another case in the truck along with good Irish Whiskey." Moose replied. He turned to Tank and they both shared an knowing glance, as though silently they had managed to pass along what the next move was going to be. Somehow I managed to pick up some sort of vibe from those two and once again, my cock sprang to life. Moose went to the truck, brought back the beer and the whiskey and asked where my glasses were. I told him and he soon returned with a beer for each of us and two shots of Irish Whiskey. Moose held up the whiskey, offered an Irish toast that had something to do with the road always meeting your feet. We downed our shots of whiskey. The flavor was incredible and so smooth, there was no fire at the back of your throat that caused you to immediately go into a fit of coughing and gasping. Two more shots were poured followed by another Irish toast. I didn't know how the Tank and Moose felt but I was completely buzzed and ready for anything they could possibly give me.

I was taking a gulp of my beer when the games began. Tank and Moose began flexing and posing for me. Each time they changed positions an article of clothing was removed. I loved seeing the contrast of skin color with the two men. Being bodybuilders they also shaved their arm pits, looking at their flexed biceps and triceps with hairless arm pits turned me on to the point where my cock, once again, started producing a river of precum. It wasn't long before both men had stripped to their posing straps. The straps they wore resembled a G-string, only without the line of fabric running up their ass. They both approached me, turned around and bent over in front of me. As muscular as their ass cheeks were, they naturally parted, giving me a perfect view of their shaved, smooth ass holes. I leaned forward, inhaling the masculine sent and began licking Moose's hole. While I going to town on Moose's ass, I dipped my finger into my river of pre-cum and began fingering Tanks hole. Both men moaned and leaned towards each other and started kissing one another, their tongues in a fiery dual with each other. Both men stood, picked me up and proceeded to carry me upstairs. They laid me down on my bed, told me to stay put and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later they came back in remarking on how large my shower was for such an old house. They walked back over and began to remove my clothes, I felt dwarfed by the massiveness of each man and a little insecure about my own body. I was definitely in shape, but nothing compared to these two. Tank picked me up and as I wrapped my legs around his waist, he proceeded to shove his tongue down my throat and carry me to the shower. Moose quickly followed behind and all three of us were soon standing on the cold tile of the shower. Tank and I continued to kiss and Tank slowly lowered me so that the tip of his uncut cock was poking at the entrance to my ass. I could feel his own river of cock juice as he slid his dick back and along my hole, lubing me for entry. My ass lips flexed, trying to grab the head of his cock so I could start sucking his dick into my hole. God how I ached to feel either of them in my ass. Tank let me down gently and proceeded to lay down in the shower on his back. Moose reached for and guided me to his arm pit where I proceeded to lick his pit. He tasted so clean and fresh and there was not any hint of razor stubble scraping my tongue. I felt a tongue dipping in my piss slit and knew it was Tank licking at the cum honey I was producing for him. Moose guided me to his other arm pit where I proceeded to do the same. After getting his pit good and soaked, he leaned down and began kissing me with the same fierceness that Tank had done previously.

Every nerve ending of my body was on fire; each touch, kiss, lick, nibble took me to a higher level of ectasy. My cock was rock hard and flat against my stomach. Moose guided my head down to his nipple where I started licking and sucking on his dime sized nipples. Moose pulled me off his nipples and I realized that at some point one of the two had placed a can of shaving cream and a razor in the shower. I shuddered in pure delight at the prospect of what both men had in mind. Tank reached for the can of shaving cream and began lathering up my balls and, bending me over, the crack of my ass. Once I was lathered, Moose proceeded to gently and carefully shave my balls clean and was working on my ass. I was moaning and sighing like crazy. Moose put the razor down and stepped away while Tank got the shower going. Warm water began cascading down and over my cleanly shaved balls and in the crack of my ass. While the shaving cream was being rinsed away, Moose took a pair of scissors and cut my pubes. I was completely groomed by now and couldn't believe how much larger my cock and balls appeared. Tank grabbed me, lifted me up and together we gently lowered ourselves to the shower floor. I could feel the tip of his uncut cock poking at the entrance of my hole and as we made our way down to the floor, I managed to get half of his cock inside me. It felt so good having a dick up my ass again and I shuddered at the pure delight. Once we were situated on the floor, I finished taking the rest of Tank's cock up my ass and I just sat there. Enjoying his hardness inside while at the same time allowing my ass muscles to fully relax. Moose came over and stood in front of me, his hard cock right at mouth level. He gently grabbed my head and titled it up so that I was looking right in his eyes. "Are you ready for the next step?" he asked. I simply nodded. Moose then looked down at Tank and asked him the same question, to which Tank replied with his agreement. "Open your mouth, but do not place it on my cock." Moose said. I did as I was told. Moose aimed his hard dick towards my mouth and let his bladder muscles relax. I was immediately rewarded with a stream of piss right in my mouth. I started swallowing as fast as I could, the beer and whiskey had given his piss a sweet flavor. I immediately locked my lips around his head, I didn't want to waste a single drop. While Moose was feeding me his piss, Tank had let go of his own stream and was flooding my ass with his piss. I could feel the warm stream filling me up and instictively I began to ride his cock. I realized that my own bladder was full and so I too let loose with my own stream of piss. Tank grabbed my cock and guided so that I stream of flowing right into his own mouth. I glanced down to see him letting my piss wash over his face, over his chest, on his tits. I could also feel his piss start leaking out of my own ass and given the way were positioned, it must have been flowing out and over his balls. Moose's bladder was soon empty as was Tanks and my own. I swallowed what was left of Moose's piss and let the remainder of Tanks flow out of my ass. "God that was hot guys!" I panted. "Oh, we aren't done yet." Tank replied. Moose reached over, turned the water off and proceeded to pick me up off of Tank. Tank's cock plopped out of my ass and what little piss was left inside poured back down over his cock. His cock flexed and I could see a couple beads of cum shoot out of the head. We dried off and moved the action to the bedroom. Moose ran downstairs, buck ass naked, and came back up with three more shots of Whiskey. One glass had an extra shot it in and that was passed to me. We downed the whiskey and both men climbed on the bed. Facing each other, they intertwined their legs and laid back. The sight was incredible, there they lay, cock against cock, balls against balls.

Tank instructed me to come over and straddle his face, he wanted to get my hole good and open for the next round. I quickly climbed on my bed and proceeded to sit on his face. While Tank was going to town on my hole, I leaned forward, grabbed both their dicks and began trying to fit them both in my mouth. The best I could manage was to get the tips of their heads in my mouth. I immediately began licking their piss slits and was quickly rewarded with a mixture of their pre-cum. Just as the beer and whiskey had sweetened their piss, so it had also sweetened their pre-cum. The two men were grinding their crotches against one another while I licked and sipped on the tips of their cocks. "Get ready!" Moose shouted and I was immediately rewarded with another round of their piss of which I instantly swallowed. Tank moved his mouth off my hole and instructed me to straddle Moose. Moose feasted on my hole for a few more minutes then proceeded to start inserting fingers into my ass. Moose's fingers were long and thin where as Tanks were short and thick. It wasn't long before Moose had four fingers in my hole and I was bucking and grinding my ass on his hand. My cock was rock hard and I was coating Moose's stomach with a layer of my own pre-cum. Tank somehow, from where I do not know, produced a bottle of poppers for me to inhale. The poppers and Moose's fingers sent me to another level of ectasy that I didn't know existed. Satisfied that Moose had me opened enough, he withdrew his fingers from my ass. What I didn't know was that I had actually taken half his hand in my ass, as Moose would later tell me. Moose produced a bottle of lube, again from where I don't know, and proceeded to lube both he and Tank up. While Moose was getting the to cocks ready, Tank was having me inhale more poppers.

Satisfied they were good and lubed, the both guided me to where I was squatting over both their cocks. I knew what was next and wasn't sure I would be able to do this. Slowly I began to squat down until I felt the heads of both cocks at the entrance to my hole. I grabbed the lube and placed a generous amount of lube on and in my ass. It was clear the men wanted me to sit on both of their cocks together, but I wasn't so sure I could accomodate that. Taking another hit of poppers I continued to lower my ass onto both cocks. I felt their heads push and stretch my hole wider than I thought was possible. Maybe it was the combination of beer, whiskey and poppers, but there was very little pain as both of heads of the cocks slid past my anal ring and into my ass. I stopped moving once I got past the two cock heads. I was as full as I'd ever been and I loved it. No pain, no discomfort, just pure bliss. I looked down, just to make sure I really was riding two cocks at once. A river of pre-cum poured out of my piss slit, running down the underside of my cock, coating my balls and their balls with my sweet nectar. Because of the way I was straddling them, I could only see Tank's face, my back was to Moose. I gazed at Tank's face, his eyes were closed and he was mumbling things in Spanish that I had no idea what he was saying. I could hear Moose's voice behind me telling me how good my ass felt around his cock and how hot it was feeling Tank's dick against his while my ass sucked both men in. I closed my eyes and began riding both cocks. It wasn't long before I had taken them both down to the base of their cocks. The pressure of both heads on my prostrate was causing cum to run from my cock without even having an orgasm. I can't tell how good their cocks felt inside me nor can I tell you how long I rode them. I was completely lost within my own sense of erotica. I could hear both men groaning, shouting, begging me to ride their cocks harder, they needed to cum so bad. Cum continued pouring from my cock because of the pressure on my prostate. I was not only coating my own cock and balls in cum but it was also coating both of their balls in cum, adding to their pleasure as well as mine. Their shouts of ectasy and swearing reached a crescendo as both men hit their orgasm. I could both cocks shooting in my ass, firing cum so far in me that I swear I could taste it in the back of my throat. I rode them harder, my own orgasm rapidly approaching. As they were calming down, I hit my peak. I screamed, my eyes rolled in the back of my head and I shot cum everywhere. My cock was so hard against my own stomach that I was literally hitting myself in the face and hair with my own load. I bucked, shuddered, screamed, I was so loud that Tank had to cover my mouth for fear the neighbors would hear me. My orgasm seemed to last forever, finally I started coming down off my erotic high. Both Tank's and Moose's cocks had softened and had plopped out of my ass. I fell over onto Tanks chest, panting, moaning, still shuddering. I felt empty not having their cocks in me but yet so full.

The three of us had drifted off into a post cum sleep. When I woke up, both men had left. Morning had arrived and as I slowly wakened, my mind began to replay the events of the day before. I reached down to feel my ass, I wasn't sore but my lips were still open and parted, cum still leaking out. I ran my hands over my chest, face and hair, feeling my own dried load. I laid there, content, still replaying the pornographic movie in my head. I couldn't believe what had happened and how far I'd been willing to go. The thought of Thom was still there and for a brief moment, a sense of guilt. Had I cheated on someone who I didn't know where I stood? Was it cheating when you were only fuck buddies to begin with? I had no answers to those questions, nor did I want any answers. I was satiated for the moment. I got up, went to the shower, turned on the water and proceeded to get cleaned up. I dressed again in sweat pants and a T-shirt, made my way down stairs to make some coffee. As I entered the kitched, there on the counter was a half full bottle of Irish Whiskey with a note that read, "Words cannot describe last night. Tank and I have fantasized about this for as long as we've known each other but have never found anyone willing or able to fulfill our fantasy. Thanks for a wild ride! Let me know if you're up for more, we have another buddy who just might like to join in. Talk with you soon. Moose."

Let me know what you think and keep sending the good thoughts! I appreciate the feed back!

Next: Chapter 5

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