Finance Officer and Me

By Greg Reese

Published on Nov 7, 2007


This is based on a fantasy and a true story; of course names have been changed. Same disclaimer applies, if you're underage, don't read. If you're a military investigator on a witch hunt, what are you doing here?

I enlisted in the Army in the early 80's for various reasons. Growing up in the 70's in the rural Midwest had it's advantages and disadvantages, growing up gay in the rural Midwest was not one of those advantages. I had not had a lot of gay experiences; they were limited to the typical teenage male to male fooling around. For me though, it was so much more than a just a quick hand job or blow job.

I completed all of my training and was sent to an Army supply post in the middle of nowhere, California. The barracks were full so I was given permission to live in the cheap townhomes just outside the gate. This was where the majority of the lower enlisted members and their families lived. The townhomes were OK and for it being my first home away from my parents I was in hog heaven, so to speak. My job was admin and I worked in the orderly room. Part of my duties were to hand carry travel orders for those members that were going on temporary duty orders. One of the stops I had to make was Finance. Our finance office was staffed with civilians and over the course of time, I got to know the finance officer (also a civilian) and became very good friends with him.

Before I go on, let me describe myself as well as Thom, the Finance Officer. I was all of 18 at the time, brown hair, green eyes, and was 5 foot 7 and weighed a whopping 130. Turn me sideways and I disappeared! Thom was in his mid-40's, stood 5 foot 9, weighed 180. Thom also had a barrel chest, tapered waist, small muscular ass, large biceps, salt and pepper black hair with moustache to match and the furriest chest I have ever seen. During the day he wore a shirt and tie, and with the exception of his dress slacks outlining his beautiful skater's ass, his slacks gave no hint of what his crotch looked like.

I was about six months into my assignment and horny as hell. I know I must have walked around base with a perpetucal hard on. This was also during the time when the Olive Green uniform could still be worn; the Battle Dress Uniform (BDU) was just starting to be issued. If you've ever seen old photos of men in their "olive drabs", you know that on the right man, they left nothing to the imagination and only served to accent all the right areas.

On this particular day I had a stack of orders that I had to process. Several of the soldiers were being sent to Rock Island Army Depot for an exercise and as was par for the course, their Platoon Sergeant had waited until the last minute to turn in the orders. Thom always took care of the orders for me when I arrived and on this day, it was no exception. As he was processing the orders, we started talking. He soon asked if I was doing anything tonight. Since I didn't own a car and was stuck in the middle of nowhere, I told him no. He asked if I minded if he stopped by for a little bit and asked me if I drank. The drinking age in the military was still 18 at that time and yes, I definitely drank. He said he'd stop by around 5:00 and he'd bring something to eat along with something to drink. It just happened to be Friday and we didn't work weekends so it was perfect. He finished my orders, said he'd see me tonight and off I went. I left the finance office floating on cloud nine. I'd had a crush on this man since the day I arrived and now I was going to get to spend some off duty time with him. Of course my mind was going a hundred miles a minute and of course I was hoping I would get laid. Then reality came crashing down around me, one I was only a 100 feet away from an active duty military installation, two, he was divorced with two kids and at this point in my life, divorced meant straight as an arrow and three, if I dared try anything, he was big enough he could take me out with one fist. But still, hope springs eternal, right?

The day just dragged from that point forward. Finally four o'clock rolled around and I practically ran over my First Sergeant trying to get home. Of course, my First Sergeant was from the "old Army" and dropped me immediately and had me knock out 50 push ups. I was in great shape then, so 50 push ups wasn't a problem. Once that was done, he dismissed me and off I went. I ran home, unlocked and flew open the back door to the townhouse and began stripping off my uniform as I bounded up the stairs to shower and put on shorts and a T-shirt.

Five O'clock rolled around and as promised, there was a knock on my front door. I did a "range walk" (an very fast and funny looking walk that military folks do when going to retrieve their target from the firing range) to the front door, double checked myself, and opened the door and casually as I could. Thom was there, right on time, a bag of hamburgers and fries in one hand, in the other a sack with Vodka, Vermouth and Olives. I invited him in, grabbed the bag of burgers from him and led him to the kitchen. I didn't even pay attention to what he was wearing, I couldn't I was too excited that he was there, that and I was trying very hard to hide the full blown hardon that was raging in my shorts.

"Do you have any glasses?" Thom asked. "Yeah, cabinet to the left of the sink, second shelf." I said. "Have you ever had a martini?" Thom asked. "No" I replied, "mostly Jack and Coke and a Margarita here and there." Thom began to mix the Martini's while I placed the burgers and fries on my very best Tupperware china that I had bought from my neighbors (they were moving oversees and had had a garage sale the weekend before). Drinks in hand, we went into the living room and sat down on my second hand sofa. I looked over at Thom to say something and it was then that I noticed what he was wearing. Thom had on a white polo shirt, unbuttoned revealing tufts of chest hair (I love hairy chests!) and button up 501 blue jeans that displayed a very prominent and promising bulge. He had kicked off his tennis shoes, and I noticed he was not wearing any socks. The black fur that covered his chest also covered the top of his feet. Again, I was having to readjust myself to hide the hardon, hoping and praying that I wasn't leaking through my underwear and shorts.

"Do you like the martini's" Thom asked. "Yeah, a little strong, takes some getting used to, but yeah, they're good." I replied. We finished eating in silence and I got up taking our plates and putting them in the sink. "How about a refill?" I heard Thom ask from the living room. "Sure," I replied, already buzzed from the first one, "but I don't know how to make them." "Here, let me show you." Thom said, as he entered the kitchen. "They're pretty easy to make, just pour some vodka in the glass, add a little splash of Vermouth, an olive, and you have a Martini." Thom said. "Aren't they supposed to shaken, or stirred, or something like that?" I asked. "Well yes, but you don't exactly have a bar set up here, so we do what we can with what we have." Thom said, reaching across me to hand me the martini I had just made. Thom handed me the martini and when I grabbed the glass, our fingers connected, Thom lifting his and then placing them back on top of mine. They lingered there, longer than needed to make sure I had a solid grip on the glass. I was staring in his eyes, I know I had to blushing as it was as hot as hell in the kitchen at that moment. I also noticed for the first time that he had the longest eyelashes I'd ever seen on a man, the prettiest deep ocean blue eyes, and that they were also twinkling.

I pulled away with my glass, sloshing some on his hand as I did. I went to reach for a paper towel to wipe his hand off and he looked right at me, raised his hand to his mouth and began to slowly lick the spilled drink off the back of his hand. I stared at him, again blushing, my mouth watering, heart pounding in my ears. It was like watching him in slow motion, yet it couldn't have been because the action was so quick that I wasn't too sure he'd even licked his hand. We then returned to the living room and began to chat. Thom had started telling me about his life, how he'd gotten a girl pregnant when he was in college, they got married because that was the right thing to do, stayed married for 10 years, then divorced. They both were miserable as they'd known the marriage was a mistake. I would also soon learn the other reason the marriage was a mistake. I sat and listened, imagining what it must have been like and how lucky his wife was to sleep with him each night and to also feel him inside her. As I said, I had not had a lot of experiences, one of my longings was to feel what it would be like to have a cock inside me. To feel it moving in and out, touching me in places I'd never been touched.

Half way through this conversation he realized that his martini was empty and I had been nursing mine. He stopped long enough to ask me if I liked the martini or if I was just saying that to make him feel good. "No" I replied, "I really do like them, but it's pure Vodka and I have to tell you, I've never drank straight alcohol before and I'm really feeling no pain." I continued. "Good, then another one is in order!" Thom said. He then reached over, grabbed my glass, and downed the rest of the martini. "I'll go make us one more, it'll be the last one for the night, I promise." Thom said as he crossed his heart. "Well, just so you know, you're not driving home tonight. You can crash here." I offered. Thom then looked at me, pondered that thought for a moment and said, "Deal."

Thom soon returned with two fresh martini's and continued with his life story right where he left off. A few minutes later, he turned and said, "Well, that's my boring life, so tell me something about yours." "Well," I started, "There isn't much to tell. I grew up in the rural Midwest, watched corn and soybeans grown for entertainment, hated high school, graduated, joined the Army and here I am." "Yes, here you are." Thom replied. For just a moment, a very brief moment, it looked as though he was leaning towards me, as though he wanted to kiss me. "But he couldn't be", I thought to myself, "Look at him, men like him are not gay." I continued to think. The evening continued with more conversation and before I knew it, it was midnight. "Well, I think it's time we head for bed." I said. "Um, this couch isn't not at all comfortable to sleep on anyway. I have a king sized bed, so if you want, you can sleep with me." I offered. "OK, you don't snore do you?" Thom asked, followed by a wink and a giggle. "No asshole, I don't snore!" I quipped. We grabbed our glasses, polished off what was left of our martini's, took the glasses to the kitchen and made our way upstairs. "I gotta piss, I'll be right back." Thom said as he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I went to the bedroom and pulled the sheets and comforter (a going away gift from my parents) back. I too had to piss but had to wait for the bathroom to free up. I heard the toilet flush and Thom opened the door. "My turn!" I said, running past him to get to the bathroom. I did my business, flushed, washed my hands and left to head back to the bedroom.

Thom was already in bed, sheets pulled up to chest, his arms across his beautiful chest. I turned the light off, stripped down to my underwear and crawled into bed. The moon was full and bright that night. I had temporarily placed a sheet over the window until I could buy some curtains. The room was cast in the silvery night light of the moon. It was a king size bed, so I didn't have to worry about accidentally bumping into him especially since I didn't know if I'd be able to behave myself or not. Ultimate horny coupled with booze and well, you can just imagine how little restraint I had. The room was silent, save for our breathing. I said goodnight to Thom, rolled over on my side and tried to will my hard on away. I laid there for what seemed like an eternity, my cock so hard that it was beginning to hurt. I was precumming quite a bit as I could feel the wetness in the front of my underwear. I was trying so hard to keep from rolling back over, ripping the sheet back and sucking his cock right there.

A few minutes after I had that thought, I felt Thom snuggle up to my back, his arm draping over my waist. I could also feel his hard cock pressing into the crack of my ass. "Oh God, please don't let me do something stupid tonight." I thought. Thom's hand slowly moved down to the front of my shorts, his hand wrapping around my hard cock through the sheet and my underwear. "I think we need to take care of this, don't you?" Thom said in my ear. I rolled over, "Thom," I started, "I'd like nothing more than to do this with you. But are you sure? I mean, you're straight, aren't you?" I asked. "If I were, would I be laying next to you, with my dick hard as a rock, wanting to suck you off? Thom replied. I didn't say anything else. I looked into his eyes and reached up to kiss him.

We began kissing each other, our tongues fighting with one another, trying to get down each other's throats. I'd never been kissed like that and it was electric, I began to shake from the passion and electricity that was flowing between the two of us. I moved my hand under the covers and reached down to massage his cock through his underwear. I was quite surprised to find that he wasn't wearing any. I groaned into his mouth as I grabbed his throbbing dick. His head was wet with his precum. Thom rolled over on top of me, continuing to kiss me, grinding his dick into my dick. I grabbed both cheeks of his ass and began massaging and sqeezing them. Thom groaned and I felt his cock twitch and more pre-cum dribbled out and onto my cock. Between his and mine, we were wet enough that our cocks just slid over one another. I pulled off his mouth, "Oh fuck" I panted. "Thom, I'm going to cum soon if we don't stop." I said. "Good, that's just what I want you to do." Thom replied, placing his mouth back over mine, his hips grinding into me even faster. We pulled our mouths away from each other, I had already hit the point of no return. I was humping back into Thom, trying to get my dick to release it's load. Thom began to groan and his body began to shake, "Oh fuck, I'm going to shoot." he yelled and in a few minutes jet after jet of his pent up load splattered across my cock and stomach. I let out a yell as my cock began to convulse and release my pent up load, soaking his cock and stomach with my own cum.

Thom pulled off of me and moved down to lick his cum off my stomach. Even though I'd just shot a heavy load, I was still hard as a rock. Thom cleaned the cum off of me then moved up to my nipples, taking turns he would lick around my nipple then gently suck the nipple into his mouth and nip at them with his teeth. I reach down between us and found that his cock was also hard as a rock and I began to gently stroke him. Thom moaned, "Oh yeah, that feels good. Stroke my cock." I reached further between us and found his balls and began to gently caress each one. I loved the feel of Thom's cock in my hand; I could just get my fingers around it. He was about seven inches long but was very thick with a giant mushroom head on top of his dick. I would later tell him that his dick reminded me of a bratwurst topped with a plum.

Thom finished with my nipples and began kissing my stomach, making his way down to my cock. He licked around my cock, cleaning the cum off of it, taking the tip of his tongue and dipping into my piss slit and lapping up the cum that continued to ooze out. "Oh my God Thom! Oh yeah, take my cock, suck on it, oh fuck this feels so good." I moaned, bucking my hips up, trying to get my aching cock into his mouth. Thom then moved down to my balls and began licking them and nipping the skin. At the same time, he'd rolled his index finger in my cum that was on his chest and was now working his finger into my ass. "Ayyyyeeee" I screamed, my asshole clamping around his finger. "You OK?" Thom asked. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh I've never felt that before." I said back, panting. "You've never been fucked?" Thom asked, stopping everything he was doing. "No, I haven't, but God I want you in me so bad. It's all I've been thinking about." I said. "What's the biggest thing you have had in your ass?" Thom asked, slowly resuming his finger fucking. "You're doing it now." I said, bucking my hips, riding his finger as though I was a pro at it. "OK, then we need to take this good and slow. You got any lube?" Thom asked. "Mmmm..ohhh..nnnnnn..", I said as his finger began to go deeper in my ass, "No, just hand lotion and some sun tan oil." I said, "Oh God Thom, You have to fuck me, I need you in my ass NOW!" I cried. "Shhh..OK, I will, but I've got to get you opened up good. Where's the hand lotion?" Thom asked. I reached for the lotion I kept on the night stand for those times when I wanted more than just a quick jerk and handed him the lotion. "OK baby, listen to me, I'm going to open you slowly but before I do, I need to get you good and wet. I want you to relax and trust me." Thom said, removing his finger from my ass.

Thom then grabbed his pillow and placed it under my ass. He then pushed my legs back and started licking around my hole. Slowly at first, then speeding up until he was soon running his tongue up and down the lenght of my ass crack. I laid there, moaning, wrapped up in the sheer pleasure he was giving me. Thom then began licking my hole, each time pushing his tongue further and further into my ass. Before too long I was grinding and bucking my hips, fucking myself on his delicious tongue. I could feel the pre-cum being to pool on my stomach, my cock was so hard I thought it was going to break in two. While he was still tongue fucking my hole, he slowly began pushing a finger in. I bucked even harder and was now grinding my ass on his tongue and finger. After a few minutes of that, he removed his tongue replaced it with another finger. I felt slight pain but still kept bucking and grinding, eventually impaling my ass on both fingers. Soon I felt a third finger begin it's way up my ass. The pain was suddenly worse as he was trying to stretch my hole. I winced and stopped moving. "You OK?" Thom asked. "That hurts!" I said. "Just relax, I won't move, you start rotating your ass on my fingers when you're ready. I've got to get you open some, otherwise you won't be able to ride my cock." Thom reassured. I slowly started rotating my ass around his fingers, the pain began to subside, replaced with that wonderful sense of pleasure I'd been feeling before. It wasn't too long after that that I began fucking myself on his fingers again, groaning and moaning and begging to be fucked. "OK, I think you're ready. But we're going to do this a little differently. I'm going to lay on my back, I want you to straddle me and slowly sit down on my cock." Thom said. "But first, you need to get your ass greased up and I need to get my cock greased up. The more lube the better it will feel." Thom continued. He grabbed the lotion bottle and sqeezed a good amount on my ass and began working it in me. Once he was satisfied with that, he rolled over onto his back and slicked up his dick with the lotion.

I straddeled Thom, placing the head of his cock at the entrance to my ass. Slowly I began to sink down on his dick. The more his cockhead entered, the more I was stretched. I hit one point where I had to stop, the pain was unbearable. Thom kept reassuring me, telling me that it's OK, we have all night and to take my time. I leaned forward and began kissing him while I continued to take more of him into me. Suddenly his cockhead was past my ring and my ass just started sucking his cock in until I had all of him inside me and could feel his pubic hair brushing up against the cheeks of my ass. His cockhead slid over my prostate; causing the most intense pleasure I've ever felt before that. I moaned while still kissing him. I broke our kiss, sat back up and slowly started riding his cock. "Oh God baby, your ass is so tight. I don't know how long I'm going to last!" Thom said as he reached out to grab my throbbing cock. I quickened my pace, each time his cockhead passed over my prostate, a stream of pre-cum would gurgle out of the tip of my dick. Thom had sat up and was now licking the tip of my cock while he jacked me. I didn't know how long I was going to last either, I was so close to cumming as it was, but I knew I didn't want this to stop, not yet. With the exception of the initial pain, this felt better than I had ever dreamt it would. I was, by now, slamming my hips down on top of cock. Screaming for him to fuck my virgin ass, to plow my hot tight hole. Thom was moaning and groaning, his hips shaking, I reached back to play with his balls and they were tight against his skin. I reached further back, finding his hole. He groaned and bucked into me as soon as my finger touched his hole. I rubbed my finger in my own pre-cum, getting it good and wet and placed it back on his hole and began rubbing around the lips of his ass. He jerked and groaned again and I could feel the head of his cock swell. "Oh fuck, get ready, I'm going to fill your ass with my cum!" Thom shouted. My cock flexed once, then twice and I began firing my own load, painting his chest with my cum. Some splattering on his lips. My cumming caused my hole to flex around his cock, triggering his own orgasm. Thom slammed his hips up into me, groaned and starting firing his cum deep in my ass. At the same time, his own hole sucked my finger into him so while he was bucking and cumming in my ass, I was finger fucking his ass, intensifying his own release.

We collapsed on top of one another, my cum binding our chests together. We laid there, panting as his dick softened and soon fell out of my ass. We started kissing again; he reaching down, grabbing his spent cock and rubbing it around my hole, occasionally sticking the soft head in. I soon rolled off of his chest, satiated, spent and reveling in the fact that I'd just lost my virginity. Thom scooped me up into his arms, leaned over and kissed me again. "C'mon my spent soldier, let's get some sleep." Thom whispered into my ear. We rolled over together, his back to me, my arm draped over his furry chest, my fingers tracing circles around his nipple. Thom reached back behind us, grabbed my spent dick and placed it at the opening of his ass. I got hard immediately as he backed his ass onto my cock, me entering him. Thom shuddered as my dick slid into his ass. He soon had me deep inside of him, his ass muscles clenching around my cock, milking me for more cum. He'd had another orgasm as soon as I hit his prostate and that was what I was feeling. I reached down for his cock as it was spurting it's third load. I soon emptied my load into him. I was still inside him when we dozed off.

That night I had no dreams; only the pure feeling of being satiated.

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did, especially reliving it.

Next: Chapter 2

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