Finally Together

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 17, 2006


FINALLY TOGETHER by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on July 21, 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"FINALLY TOGETHER" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Marco was not refusing Lorenzo or Sirio advances, at work, even though now he didn't desire them as before - now he had Luigi who totally satisfied him. He was more and more aware that Luigi was really giving him very much. And not only on a physical level. He liked, in Luigi, the long preliminaries and the similarly long love making afterwards, besides the passionate unions. But he also loved talking with him in a sweet and intimate complicity. Luigi was the most complete personality he'd ever met. At first unconsciously, but then more and more consciously, he started to compare him first with Vera, then also with his ex-wife, and became gradually aware that Luigi always came out as the winning figure.

And yet, Marco still didn't feel to be in love with Luigi. He was fond of him, certainly. But he wasn't ready to renounce everything for him, not Vera, for instance. But, to be sincere, he would not even renounce Luigi for Vera. Was he not possibly able to love? And yet, he loved Rita. For her, possibly, he would have tried to renounce any other, if she asked him. Because Rita was the mother of his daughter. Who knows how, Giulia was now? Certainly the child wouldn't even remember him.

Vera didn't want children, therefore she always took her pill and asked him to wear a prophylactic. He agreed. Sexually, Vera was more free and easy than Rita, she also agreed to suck him, but was not nearly as skilled as Luigi. She did it only because she knew he liked it, but without putting the passion of Luigi into it.

Marco and Luigi spent three weeks together, and they were all splendid days. It was so good falling asleep together and then waking up together. Usually Luigi was the first to wake up. He slipped away from the bed and prepared breakfast, then went back to bed, awakened him and they ate together. And at times, afterwards, they made love again, before Luigi had to go to work.

They were sleeping together, naked, their limbs intertwined. It was five in the morning. They didn't hear the key turning in the door. It was the two sisters who were back five days earlier than planned, as they had finished their money faster that they thought. They entered without making any noise, so as not to wake Marco up. Vera's bedroom door was open. Tina was the first to notice the two enlaced bodies on the bed. She didn't understand at once they were two males bodies. She emitted a short exclamation of surprise.

"What's up?" Vera asked in a whisper, putting her luggage on the floor.

"There is... Marco..."

"He's not in bed?" Vera asked quietly.

"No, he's in bed, but... not alone..." Tina whispered.

"What? Not alone?"

"No... look..."

Vera went to the door and was dumbfounded. Then she entered the room and saw that the one with Marco was a male. Tina, who entered after her, saw who the other was and recognized her colleague at once.

"Luigi!?" she exclaimed.

The boy woke up right at that moment and looked with wide eyes at the two girls.

"What are you doing in my bed with Marco?" Vera asked, her voice strangely calm.

"What is he doing? Stark naked? Sex, it's evident." Tina said, mockingly.

Luigi was speechless, he didn't know what to do, what to say. His head was aflame, unable to put his thoughts together. He shook Marco's shoulder to try and awaken him. Marco uttered a low moan and with a drowsy voice asked, "It's already time to wake up?"

"I would say it really is!" Vera answered, curtly.

The sound of her voice awakened Marco completely, who sat up on the bed, trying to cover himself with the sheet as soon as he saw the two girls.

"Oh God... you're already here..." he murmured.

"Right. You didn't expect us so soon, I see."

"I... I'm sorry..."

"I am sorry too. Marco, your sexual tastes are your own business. But here, on my bed! Get dressed, now. Later we will talk. Come, Tina, let's wait for them in the other room." Vera said curtly and the two girls left, closing the door.

The two boys, bewildered, dressed in a hurry, in silence. Then went to the other room.

Vera spoke at once, "Marco, I'm fine with you. The problem is yours, not mine. Now Tina and I will go downstairs to have breakfast at the bar. You decide - him or me. But if you choose me, I don't want you to have any other person, be it a male or a female, is that clear. If you decide to choose me, make him leave before I get back. If you choose him, you can take all your belongings at once and go with him. Without any performance. But you have to make your choice, that's final. And you have to choose once and for all, seriously. I don't like sharing you with anybody."

"Vera, let me explain..." Marco started to say, embarrassed.

"No. If you choose me, we can talk about it, later. Right now I'm not interested in explanations. I only want you to make an honest choice, honest for yourself and honest for me."

"I..." Luigi said.

"As for you, it will be me to settle with you, later." Tina said with an aggressive tone, and the two sisters left, leaving them alone.

Luigi was trembling and, inadvertently, said, "Oh shit! This time I've got nothing to do with this, it's not my fault, this time."

"Eh? What? What do you mean?" Marco asked, stupefied by the statement.

"I... nothing... I..." Luigi stammered, becoming aware of what he just said.

"Eh no! Don't say 'nothing'. What were you saying? What did you mean that this time you've got nothing to do with this? That it's not your fault, this time?"

"I... oh, shit, Marco, I.."

"The anonymous letter... you meant that! You sent that anonymous letter?" Marco asked, upset, becoming aggressive.

"Marco... I repented a thousand times..."

"So it was you... it has been you..." Marco yelled, more and more upset, his face red with rage, shuddering with anger.

"Marco..." Luigi implored.

"You wretch! You swine! You piece of turd! You... you!" Marco yelled hurling himself on Luigi and starting to hit him with his fists, striking and kicking him. Luigi didn't defend himself, he just tried his best to avoid the fury and cried.

"Why? Why did you do it? You wanted to destroy me?"

"No, I didn't want... if I did it... I love you..."

"You love? You love me? And that was love?" Marco screamed continuing to wildly thrash him.

"I wanted you all for me... I was wrong, I didn't think it would end that bad... I hoped Rita would accept... Really... And I didn't want you to suffer so much..." Luigi said all in one breath, falling on the floor under the tempest of kicks and blows of Marco.

"You disgusting, loathsome bastard, I'll kill you!" Marco yelled and, taking a chair, he swung it at Luigi with all his might. He hit him and grazed his temple and the boy dropped, with an anguished yell.

Marco became still at once, the chair high again ready to take a second swing. He looked at Luigi's lifeless body and turned pale. He let go the chair and knelt near him.

"Luigi... oh my god, Luigi... oh my god, I really killed you! Luigi, answer me... Luigi... it's not possible..."

The rage, the fury had vanished. He was looking at the lifeless body of his friend, his waxen face; the rivulet of blood from his hair was running down his forehead.

"Luigi... Oh my god, Luigi! What did I do? Luigi..." he yelled squatting near him and taking him in his arms. "Tell me you're alive... Luigi... Oh god... what can I do, now?" Marco said in a whimper, crying and gently caressing the waxen face of the boy. He wiped away the rivulet of blood with his handkerchief. He leant over and kissed him and felt he was cold. He burst in tears. Then he stood up, went to the telephone and dialed 112.

"Hallo... I quarreled with a friend... I'm afraid I killed him. Please come quickly..." and gave them the address.

Then he sat on the floor near Luigi, sobbing.

"I didn't want, Luigi... Luigi... God, I didn't want... I... I love you, Luigi. Yes, I do love you. Come back to me... you aren't dead, are you? God, how can one understand?" Marco wailed. He tried to feel his pulse, but felt nothing. He tried to feel his breath, but was not able to detect it, not even a light breath.

"God, what have I done? Luigi... Oh god... I've killed you!"

He heard the sirens. After a while they rang at the door. He went to open the door. Carabineers entered, followed by men with a stretcher. The paramedics leaned over Luigi and said, "He's still alive." and put him on the stretcher to take him to hospital.

Then a non-commissioned officer asked Marco to tell him what had happened. Meanwhile the two girls, alerted by the sirens of the carabineers car and of the ambulance, were back in the apartment.

"I argued with him, I hit him with that chair... I didn't want.... I lost my head..."

"Did he attack you?" the non-commissioned officer asked him.

"No, it was me... I attacked him..."

"The reason?"

"I was upset with him for something he did..."

The two girls were dismayed. But Tina said, "Marco, you are not bound to answer. You have to engage a lawyer."

"Who are you two? What are you doing here?" the officer asked, frowning.

"We are the landlords. Marco is our guest and Luigi one of our friends."

"Were you present during the altercation?"

"No, we went downstairs, to the bar, for the breakfast. When we left them they weren't quarrelling at all." Vera said.

"Well, give your name and address to the corporal. You, mister, have to come with us to headquarters. If your friend has nothing serious and if he doesn't charge you, we can possibly release you, but for the moment you are under arrest. But if, on the contrary... Yes, it will be better you call a lawyer, anyway."

Marco followed the carabineers. While he was going with them, he recalled the words he had just said to Luigi's lifeless body: I love you... Only now, in this tragic situation, Marco became aware he just admitted the truth. He had always been in love with Luigi, from the very first time he saw him. But, even though he had accepted his bisexuality without any problem, he had never been able to accept the thought he could be in love with a man. That's why, after all, he always looked for a woman - in order that he could feel he had "normal" feelings. In fact, surely, he could make love with a woman, feel right with her, but there was always something missing. On the contrary, he had to be aware that, with Luigi he never wanted for anything.

Why didn't he realise that simple truth earlier? It had been only him, Marco, after all, who made everything difficult because of his fear of accepting he could be gay. If he had accepted Luigi's love at once, there on the ship, and had been able to give him his love, now they could have been together, happy, for five years. But on the contrary, they were taking him to prison and Luigi to hospital. He was still alive, the nurses said, but how was he? Was his life still in danger?

What had he done, out of his fear to acknowledge he was in love with a man? Had he, then, got it wrong all his life? Evidently yes. He would have liked to be near Luigi, now, to ask his forgiveness, to tell him he loved him, to repeat that until Luigi recovered consciousness.

If it was not too late.

For the first time in his life, Marco prayed.

Luigi recovered consciousness in the hospital bed. He was aching all over. And he had a severe headache. The nurse, when she saw him open his eyes, smiled at him.

"Where..." Luigi started to say, in a faint voice.

"You are in the hospital. Doctors say you have nothing serious, just superficial lesions. I have to call the policeman on duty, to take your statement to charge..."

"Charge? I don't want to lay any charge." Luigi said with a tired voice.

"But why? Your so-called friend beat you so, and you..."

"I deserved it. No, no charge. No."

"You deserved it? Nobody deserves a beating like that. He could have killed you, aren't you aware? If he just struck a centimeter higher, you would be dead now. And he would serve a good bunch of years in jail, as a murderer. Beating you so! You have bruises all over your body! Personal uncalled for injuries... it's not fair he comes out of it without consequence!"

"I deserved it, really. Where is he now?"

"How should I know? The police must most certainly have arrested him. I have to call the policeman on duty anyway. You can sort it out with him." The woman said, tetchy, possibly because Luigi had no intention to lay charges - her sense of justice felt offended.

She left and was soon back with a policeman. Luigi was adamant - he didn't intend to make any complaint.

He was asking himself what Marco must be feeling at this moment - possibly still anger towards him. He could never see him again, now that he confessed it was he who sent that absurd, cursed, anonymous letter.

The doctors came and confirmed he had no permanent injuries, nothing serious, but they would keep him under observation a couple more days, then he could be discharged from the hospital. He got authorisation to call his work to notify them of his condition. He asked for Tina. She told him that at work they already knew he was in hospital "because of an accident". She had decided it was better to say simply that. Luigi thanked her. Tina asked him if he could receive visitors. Luigi answered yes, even though he felt somewhat ashamed to see her. He asked where Marco and it was confirmed that he had been arrested.

When Tina went to see him, Luigi said, "What must you think of me, now."

"I didn't guess you are gay. And even less that Marco is also. I must confess I was taken aback."

"Marco isn't gay, he is bisexual..."

"But... I cannot understand why he beat you so. I really cannot understand. It's not you who forced him to come to bed with you, right? What's the matter with him?"

"It's all my fault. He felt fine with Vera. I... as soon as I heard you were going on a trip, did everything in my power to..."

"All right, I see, but he accepted, didn't he? He's not a kid anymore! Was it the first time, for him?"

"I don't like talking about his affairs. I... I'm in love with him. I've known him for five years. I always have been in love with him..."

"Five years? You were just a boy, then."

"Yes, I was doing my army service. We were on the same ship."

"Oh. So, it's true that sailors do it amongst themselves!"

"Very few of them. Sailors are boys like any other. Marco already had a girlfriend, at that time."

"And you were in love with him..."

"Yes. And I still am. Even though I think I've lost him forever."

"So, then he had chosen Vera?"

"I don't know. We didn't have time to talk about that. But I think... probably he did."

"Vera doesn't feel so sure she still wants him. She was really shaken - first she found him in her bed with you, then, a few minutes later, he thrashed you like an old rug. No, Vera is not so certain anymore..."

"I deserved it. I'm sure I would have done the same thing, had I been in his position. He is a good boy, the best boy that could exist."

"Totally in love, eh?"

"Yes... he is a really extraordinary man."

"From how you talk about him, you don't intend to report his aggression, right?"

"Absolutely not. So, at least, they will free him soon."

"I think there is the ex officio charge, or how do they call it, assault. Anyway, if you don't press charges, they will possibly give him a fine with a suspended sentence. It all depends on the judge."

"But they will not put him in jail, right?"

"Possibly not.

Anyhow, how long do you have to stay here?"

"I will probably be discharged in a couple of days. Then I'll need a few days convalescence. I presume. What did you tell them, at work?"

"You fell down the stairs..."

"You did right. Thank you. Will you do me one more favour, Tina?"

"If I can..."

"Can you get news about Marco? Let me know something?"

"I'll try."

When Luigi could leave the hospital, he tried to see Marco, but as he was not a relative, he was denied the permission. He could only see him again when at the first hearing where he had attend as the injured party.

Marco had his head lowered. When Luigi was called the witness box, he confirmed he didn't want to press any charges and, at the request of judge, he explained he had two reasons for his decision. The first being that he very seriously provoked Marco's anger, and the second being that Marco was absolutely not a violent person, and even less a bad person.

The counsel for the defence, appointed by the Court, as Marco didn't want to choose a barrister for his defence, made a good case and as Marco luckily had a clean record, he got the minimum fine and the suspended sentence. Therefore he was freed at once.

When he left the courthouse, he saw Luigi was waiting for him.


"Hi, Luigi..."

"I... I wanted to ask you... to forgive me."

"You ask me? How, I almost killed you and you ask me to forgive you?"

"Sure... it was all my fault - if I didn't send that letter... I hurt you so much, even though unwillingly..."

"Luigi... I reflected a lot during these days in the cell. It has been good for me to be there. Because I understood that it's me who has to ask for forgiveness, not you."

"You ask me? But why?"

"Well... for a lot of things... Also for how I thrashed you, of course - I had absolutely no right doing that. But above all... for not having been honest with you. But I couldn't be honest with you, because I wasn't even honest with myself..."

"Honest with me? I don't understand... what are you talking about?"

"About five years ago..."

"Five years ago? On the ship?"

"Yes, then. When I persuaded you to come to my cabin, that first time..."

"I still cannot understand..."

"After that first time... I didn't want to acknowledge something important to myself, and so I've ruined your life, first of all, then also that of Rita, of Giulia, and also my own life... And now... here I am..."

"Sorry, Marco, but I still cannot understand..."

"Poor Luigi, you are blind with love, love for me, a love I don't deserve. You cannot understand. The reason why I have to ask your forgiveness is that I didn't want to admit that I am gay. I have hidden behind the bisex mask, to feel... 'normal'. Thus, not wanting to admit that what was attracting me towards you so strongly, was nothing different than... than the fact I was in love with you.

I didn't understand it, because I wouldn't admit it to myself, because I would not accept being gay. That was my first error. That's why, when your army service ended, I let you go. An error that I made even worse when I decided to marry your cousin... and to have a child - just to feel... normal, in spite of the fact that I continued making love with you. Then, when I agreed to stay with Vera... she wasn't enough for me, so I was making love with other men, but they weren't enough for me either, because it was you, in reality, whom I needed... And I knew I needed you... And I nearly killed you... Can you ever forgive me?"

"Marco... are you saying that... that you love me?"

"I always loved you, even though I've only understood and accepted it now... Too late, I'm afraid."

"Marco, but I... I love you. I really love you so much!" Luigi exclaimed, careless of the glances of the people entering and coming out of the courthouse, who heard this, almost shouted.

"Even though I don't deserve it?"

"One can deserve a salary, an advancement, a prize, but not love. Nobody deserves love, as it is a gift, not a payment. And I simply love you. And you?"

"I love you too, but..."

"There is no 'but'." Luigi said in a murmur, with a sweet smile, moved, taking Marco's hand and squeezing it tenderly between his.

"So then... you forgive me? You still love me?"

"I never stopped loving you. Never ever. And if you love me too... what could be better? We can at last be happy, can't we?"

"Five years lost..."

"We will make up for those lost years."

"God, how come that it's taken me so long to realise I am in love with you? I should have realised at once, on the contrary... Did I need to almost kill you to accept it? How can you be in love with someone so stupid as I? Oh, Luigi, but I'm really in love with you, believe me."

"And, being close to me, always has same effect on you the?" the boy asked slyly, looking at him with a provocative smile.

Marco smiled shyly and in a low voice said, "Do you want to check?"

"I think I will. But it would possibly be better to hurry along somewhere, where we can be safe. You have the same effect on me, you know it, don't you?"

"I don't even have a place anymore. My belongings... I don't know where they are, possibly still at Vera's home."

"No, I told Tina to send everything at Lorenzo's home. He is waiting for you. He says that your job is always there, waiting for you, if you want. And until you decide differently, you can continue sleeping at his place."

"Now... I no longer feel like doing it with Lorenzo, or with anyone else. Now I want to be yours alone."

"Lorenzo seems to be a good man. If you tell him truthfully, I'm sure he will understand and will never ask you to do anything with him again. Would he?"

"But now I'd really like to find some place with you. Our place, only ours, at last."

"Yes, I also do, Marco. But where can we go now? We cannot possibly stay here..."

"Well, I know a sauna where..." Marco started to say, with a cunning expression, looking at him with evident desire.

Luigi laughed, "Do you need to wash? Let's go, then." he said with shining eyes.

"Yes, also to wash myself, but after." Marco said while they were going.


"Don't you remember that first time in my cabin?"

"Yes, I do..."

"Let's start from there, let's start again from zero. But this time in the right way."

"Sure, Marco, I like the idea, I like it very much."

They went to the sauna and had a long shower, washing each other. Marco saw the bruises all over Luigi's body and caressed them, filled with remorse.

"They are hurting, aren't they?"

"No, hardly at all, now."

"Will you forgive me?"

"That depends. Take me to a cubicle, and later I'll tell you if you succeeded in obtaining my forgiveness." Luigi answered with a smile.

They girded their loins with the towels and looked for an empty cubicle. They shut the door and Marco pulled the towel off his companion's body, spread it with his own on the small rest bed.

Then he said, "Lie down there, go on."

"You want... to fuck my ass?" Luigi asked, like five years before.

"I want you to feel pleasure. I want to make love with you. I want to make you really mine and to be really yours. Because I love you, Luigi, from the first moment I saw you. Because you are the only one who counts, for me".

Luigi lay on the small bed and Marco leaned over him and started to caress, kiss, lick all over his body with skilled art and passion. Luigi was all aquiver. He pulled Marco to himself, forcing him to lie on top of him, and kissed him deeply.

"Oh, my wonderful, aroused man. Let me feel how much you want me."

"I love you, Luigi, I love you to die for - do you want to be mine?"

"Sure, Marco. Take me, make me yours."

"You know you are very beautiful?"

"I know somebody a lot more beautiful than me."

"Impossible! Who could he be?"

"You, Marco. Take me, go on." he murmured, filled with desire, offering himself to Marco," let me feel how much you want me."

Marco took Luigi's legs and raised them, putting his ankles on his shoulders, then he assumed the right position and pushed his beautiful rigid rod in the fold between Luigi's cheeks, rummaging with it until he found the greedy, palpitating hole.

Luigi shivered and smiled happily, "Go on, take me, let me feel all of it, make me yours, Marco. Push, go on, put it all inside!"

"Here I am, my love, do you feel me?" Marco whispered, starting to push and sink inside him with tender vigor.

"Yes, oh yes... so, how good. My male, you are my man. God, what a hard rod you have."

"Luigi, I adore you."

"You like taking me?"

"You drive me crazy. But later, you will also take me. I also want to feel your beautiful stake inside me. Do you know that now you are even more handsome than when you were nineteen? You were a handsome boy, now you are a beautiful man. And you are my man."

"You like me?"

"Yes, you are so virile and so sweet at once. And so beautiful." Marco said, pushing his tool into him to the hilt.

Then he gathered his strength and started moving back and forth with moves filled with tender vigor, while caressing all his body. Luigi abandoned himself to the firm penetration, and brushed Marco's tits, caressed his sides and belly, passed his fingertips over Marco's tense back. Marco brushed his tongue on Luigi's lips, continuing to slip in and out of him with long pelvic movements. Luigi opened his lips and their tongues tenderly played, their mouths united, their kiss became deep, intimate, and passionate.

Luigi felt that this time Marco was not only giving him physical pleasure, but also all his love. He could feel his tool inside himself, massaging him in a rhythm, giving him incredibly good sensations. He looked at Marco's bright eyes, at the expression of his face, suffused with pleasure, and the consciousness that he was the source of all that pleasure, rewarded him enormously.

Marco, who for the first time was experiencing sex and love inseparably united, was felt in seventh heaven. Being united to the man he was in love with, was a splendid experience. He could feel him shudder under himself, and he felt at once desired, welcomed, and he read happiness in Luigi eyes and he knew he was the cause of that happiness. He asked himself how come that he wasn't aware, before, about how much he was in love with that young man, so strong, beautiful, sensual, who was able to accept him so totally. This young man who for five years had accepted anything from him, even pain.

Marco felt the pleasure becoming more and more strong, intense, and became aware he had never felt so strong and beautiful emotions. Never, with anybody. Luigi was transforming him into a real man, at last, and Marco felt grateful.

He perceived the orgasm approaching, the pleasure increasing, and when finally he started to unload into his mate, he murmured with emotion, "I love you... I love you... I love you... Luigi... my gooood... how mu... how much... I... Loooo... ve... youuuuu!"

Luigi pulled him to his chest and kissed him, embracing him tightly while Marco was trembling from the last, intense spasms of his orgasm.

"That's so beautiful, too beautiful, Luigi. But now, you have to make me yours. Get on top of me, take me." he whispered, moved.

They exchanged positions. Luigi penetrated him with a few, good strokes and felt Marco opening under him, welcoming him and quivering. And he felt that his lovers member was regaining it's hardness and was pushing against his belly. He entered all the way, filled with passion.

Marco was shuddering, full of happiness, and murmured, "Oh, my beautiful male! How much I like you - you, so strong and beautiful. Oh, Luigi, my love!"

They made love for a long time, filled with reciprocal desire that seemed to calm down only when they reached another orgasm, but that woke up again, strongly, while they were relaxing, half-embraced, enjoying in silence the beauty of their closeness.

They went to wash themselves, but only to go back to a cubicle to again start making love, this time united in a long, passionate sixty-nine, unmindful of everybody and everything, dedicating themselves only to give each other the utmost pleasure.

When they left the sauna, it was already dark. They went to eat at a small restaurant, then went to Lorenzo's bar, tenderly holding hands.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 7

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