Finally Together

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 9, 2006


FINALLY TOGETHER by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on July 21, 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"FINALLY TOGETHER" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Back home from work, when they were at the table for supper, Luigi's mother said: "All four of us are invited to Rita's marriage in Turin at the end of this month. So, keep yourselves free for the occasion."

"Mum! I have my training!" Carlo, Luigi's younger brother, said, his voice surly.

"For the marriage of your cousin, you can skip it for once!" his father said dryly.

When their father assumed that tone, they well knew that further discussion was useless. He normally gave them fairly free rein, but on certain subjects he was inflexible. Carlo started eating sulkily.

"Who is she marrying?" Luigi, who had always liked Rita, asked.

"A boy from here. A young man of good family. He works at the Harbour-Office and it seems that he has a good career ahead of him. My sister seems very happy with this marriage. After the marriage they will come and live here in Genoa." his mother said.

Then his father and mother discussed the present for the marriage and other subjects. Luigi wrote the date of the wedding in his diary, then, at his father's request, went to make train and hotel reservations for all of them.

Following his cousin's family's advice, he booked the rooms at the same hotel where the wedding reception would be held, as there was a special rate for the occasion. Twin beds for his brother and himself a double for his parents.

So, Rita was getting married. Rita and he were born just a few days apart and possibly because of that, Luigi felt her to be the closest of all his cousins. He hadn't asked his mother the name of the groom or how old he was. Anyway he would meet him soon. He hoped, for his cousins' sake, that the guy was really OK. He was happy that Rita would be coming to live in Genoa.

They arrived in Turin Friday night, settled into the hotel, then phoned their relatives to tell them they had arrived. The ceremony would be held on the following morning. After the ceremony and the reception they would remain until Sunday evening to be with their relatives for a while, once the newlyweds had left for their honeymoon - a cruise to the Canary Islands.

Saturday morning Luigi woke up very early. He took his shower, put on his formal suit and went downstairs to eat breakfast before the others woke. He was quietly eating in the half deserted dining room when he saw a young man enter, also very elegantly dressed in a formal suit.

They at once recognized each other: "Luigi!"

"Marco! How come you are here?"

"I'm getting married this morning."

"You mean... that you are marrying Rita? My cousin Rita?"

"Yes, Rita. I didn't know she was your cousin. It really is a small world! So we will be relatives!"

"Right. I'm really pleased to see you again, really!"

"Me too. I often asked myself what became of you."

"The same for me. You are really beautiful in your wedding suit."

"You are also very elegant."

"Even if I'd prefer you without anything on." Luigi said in a very low voice, bending towards this old friend.

Marco smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Then Luigi asked him: "Completely converted to women, now?"

"Completely... I wouldn't say that. All as before, I still don't have preferences, you see..."

"Yes... even if you are now marrying."

"I like the idea of having a family. And I like Rita. But you, tell me about yourself!"

"I... I discovered I'm gay... thanks to you, you know that. You were my first man, weren't you?"

"Yeah... I liked you very much, Luigi."

"Me too. And I still like you a lot."

"You're looking good..."

"You woke up early - still four hours till the ceremony. Are you always such an early bird?"

"I couldn't sleep. So I thought I'd come and have my breakfast before all the others came downstairs."

"And so, what do you plan to do till the ceremony?"

"Well, I'll go back to my room."

"Can I come with you? I don't know what to do either, we can chat a little as in old days."

"Why not. Come on then."

In Marco's room they pulled off their jackets. Marco gave the only chair to Luigi and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Do you have a boyfriend Luigi?"

"No. I never found a guy like you again."

"Come on, don't exaggerate now. Who knows how many are a lot better than me! Besides, you are a handsome boy, and likeable. It can't be difficult for you to find someone."

"For an encounter, I've no problems. But something serious, never. I envy my cousin Rita, you know? I like you." Luigi said, looking into his eyes.

"I also like you. You've become even more beautiful." Marco said and lay down on his bed, pulling off his shoes partly turned toward Luigi. For a while they looked at each other in silence.

"Did you have a bachelor party?" Luigi asked. Standing up, and approaching the bed.

"Not really." Marco answered looking straight in his eyes. Luigi brushed Marco's chest through the silk white shirt. Marco caressed his hand and murmured: "But I can do it now, if you want. I would like saying my good-by with you..."

Luigi bent over his friend and brushed Marco's lips with his own. Marco pulled him to himself and French kissed him. Luigi put his hand between his friends' legs and felt him, fingering his palpitating hard-on. "Do you want me?" he asked in a whisper.

"Yeah... I like you Luigi. I always liked you a lot. Undress me"... the young man soon to be married whispered excitedly.

Luigi unfastened Marco's belt, opened his fly and pulled off his trousers, neatly folding them and putting them on the back of the chair, untied his bow tie, opened his shirt. Marco was excited at least as much as he was. Little by little Luigi undressed him, then bent over the beautiful body to caress, lick and suckle it.

"Undress too, Luigi; come on the bed with me." Marco murmured with a hoarse voice, more and more excited.

"We have little time..."

"Enough to do it nicely. Come on, undress."

Luigi rapidly undressed and, fully aroused, lay on the bed welcomed by Marco's arms. His friend held him tight and kissed him deeply, with real pleasure, then asked him: "Do you remember, on the ship?"

"And how! You were my first man... and the best!" Luigi answered, deeply stirred.

Marco caressed and kissed him then, lying on top of him, started to suckle his nipples, then licked his belly and his sides, lowered to lick and suck his member and Luigi felt enraptured. Marco licked and sucked his balls, then under them the member's root, gradually making his way to his friend's hole. Luigi spread his thighs and brought his legs up against his chest, enjoying those licks, at times by the tip, at times by the edge, at times by the flat of his sword like tongue on the hot, palpitating hole. Marco reversed his path, until he could French kiss him again, then again down, down to Luigi's hole, back and forth many times. Until quivering and filled with passion, he asked in a whisper: "May I take you, Luigi?"

"You must. I want you all inside me, all of it!" the boy almost begged, panting and shuddering.

Then Marco prepared himself - he placed his friends legs on his shoulders, so that his ass was at the right height then, guiding his member with his hand, put its tip to the well moistened hole that eagerly palpitated and started to push, applying at first a light but gradually increasing pressure. The hole opened, welcoming that strong stake that started to slip inside slowly but relentlessly.

"Do you feel me? I'm entering you." Marco panted, slightly sweating from the effort to control himself.

"Yeah, and I love it..." Luigi murmured, relaxed and happy.

"You are the man I like best among all I've had, do you know?" Marco panted.

"Why?" Luigi asked, smiling gratefully at these words.

"I don't know... but you always aroused me... just to look at you... And I love how... you welcome me... how you make me feel... that you like me... And then... how much you remain a male... even while I take you." he said while he sank completely inside him. With one hand he brushed his nipple, with the other he fondled and caressed Luigi's swollen genitals: "Yeah... I like you so much, Luigi... I'm happy... I met you again". He said starting to slip in and out his friend's hot channel, full of passion and lust.

Luigi was enraptured - nothing like with Roberto and the others. He could feel that Marco was really making love with him and not just fucking him. He could feel that Marco was enjoying him, sure, but that he also wanted to give him at least as much enjoyment as he was getting. He was taking him with vigour, but at the same time with gentleness and attention.

"Do you like it, Luigi?"

"Yeah... and you?"

"Don't you feel how much?"

"I feel it. And I'm happy."

"Me too. I didn't hope to meet you again."

"In a while, we will become cousins."

"We are already more than cousins, aren't we?"

"When you come to live in Genoa, can we meet again?"

"Sure thing! I can't abstain from you any more. I like you too much."

"More than... more than Rita?" Luigi asked in a whisper, afraid he asked too much.

"It's different. With you I can't do what I do with her, neither with her as I do with you. And I need you as much as I need her. She will give me a family, but you give me sheer pleasure!"

"Doesn't she give you pleasure?"

"She does, but not as much as you do."

"I like you so much, Marco."

"The same for you, Luigi... Oh god... I'm near... cumming..."


"No, not yet - I want to cum with you." Marco murmured, holding back and starting to jack off his friend vigorously.

"Ooooh, I'm... I'm near... cuuuum... cummiiing..." Luigi moaned and then Marco resumed pumping inside him with force, continuing to masturbate him and to brush one nipple then the other, until, moaning from the intensity of the pleasure that wrapped and shook them, both came, together. Then Marco lay on his friend's body, without slipping out from him, and kissed him, holding him tightly in his arms. Panting, they gradually relaxed, satisfied, sated.

"God, how beautiful it was, Marco".

"Yes, indeed. The most beautiful bachelor party I could have had, or dreamt of. You are awesome, Luigi. You made me lose my head completely. You are terribly sensual."

They had to take a shower and to dress quickly - time had passed too fast.

They went down to the hotel lobby just in time for the arrival of the others. Marco introduced him to his friends and family as his former comrade and the bride's cousin. Luigi also presented him to his family and other relatives. Then, all together, they went to the church.

The ceremony took place solemnly but merrily like all marriages, with emotion and ritual. Then they posed for pictures and Marco wanted Luigi alone near him and the bride.

Then they went back to the hotel for the marriage lunch.

The more Luigi looked at Marco, the more he found him beautiful, desirable, sensual. He liked his sober elegance, his slender, yet athletic physique, his wide and luminous smile, his intense eyes. And envied Rita who would have such a man at her side, or better, such a male, day after day, night after night. Yes, sure, a few hours before Marco told him that they would make love again, and this was better than nothing, but...

Their eyes met often, even if for just a flicker, and Luigi had the impression that the groom's eyes shone for him like a conspiratorial smile and this provoked quivers of desire in him.

Then he remembered that during their navy service Marco had introduced him to the pleasure between males, making Luigi discover his own sexuality, Luigi had not then been able to fully appreciate Marco. He needed all the experiences he had afterwards, the disappointments, and then this new, unexpected encounter to understand how Marco was exceptional both for his personality and for his way of making love, more than for the mere physical aspects. And Luigi felt, with a pang of pleasure and pain that he was falling in love with Marco.

The groom and the bride started to circulate among the tables, distributing the bonbonnieres. When they were near Luigi, Rita gave him his bonbonniere.

"Luigi, I'm so happy that you and Marco were already friends! When we come to live in Genoa, we will surely have many occasions to meet, won't we? You'll come to see us often, right?"

"Yes, Rita, of course, and with great pleasure." Luigi said looking Marco in the eyes.

The groom then gave one of his smiles, filled with sweet allusions that made Luigi quiver, then added: "Yes, we lost sight of each other, but now we will meet often, right Luigi? Do you promise me?"

"Yes, sure. Thank you." Luigi answered feeling an intense desire to embrace and kiss Marco right there in front of everybody.

The newlyweds continued their tour of the guests, followed by Luigi's eyes, and he had a strong erection and was again burning with desire. When, their tour among the guests ended, the couple went back to their table, Marco passed near Luigi and whispered: "In a while I have to go to change. Wait for me upstairs." and went away. Luigi felt a strong shiver. Following him with his eyes, Luigi saw Marco sit at his table, then say something to Rita who nodded, then standing up again, Marco threw him a quick glance. So Luigi stood up and, without saying a word, quickly went into the lobby and excitedly took the elevator up to the groom's room. After a few seconds he heard the bell of the elevator door and Marco came out.

"Come, Luigi," he said with a smile filled with promises.

"We have so little time."

"I told Rita that I'd change and take a shower. Later she will also come upstairs to change. Come and shower with me, we will make love while washing. I really want, need you."

Luigi didn't need to be asked twice. They quickly undressed and went into the bathroom. They were both very excited. Marco fixed the water temperature. They soaped each other, brushing their bodies with sensual caresses, arousing each other and enjoying the other's arousal, they rinsed while kissing deeply, until Marco murmured in a hoarse voice: "This time, I want you to take me." and turned in the arms of his friend, offering himself to Luigi.

"Oh, Marco! I didn't know you liked it too." Luigi said deeply moved, brushing his stiff rod on the furrow between the small, firm buttocks of his friend.

"Sometimes, and not with everybody, but with you yes. You are a gorgeous man. I did nothing but think about this, all through lunch. Go on, fuck me, we have little time. Fuck me, Luigi."

The young man, holding his friend by his hips, pushed while Marco slightly bent forward and pushed his ass back to meet his companion's pressure. At first Luigi felt a slight resistance, but then a sudden yield and sank inside half his length. Marco moaned: "Ooooh, that's great! Go on, Luigi, go on!"

Luigi seized Marco's member and while he started to jack him off, gathered all his strength and gave a hearty push, and entered him completely. "Oooh, yeah... that way! Fuck me Luigi; make me feel all of it! Oooh... ooohh!"

Luigi began a fast action. Their bodies, caressed by the falling water, quivered and vibrated in unison, bound in a sensual dance full of youthful vigor. Luigi made his companion turn his head and their mouths met, their tongues played while the synchronized dance of their pelvises and of Luigi's hands on his friend's genitals continued joyously.

"Oooh, Luigi... go on... go on..." Marco urged him, prey to a growing pleasure. But Luigi didn't need to be urged - he had never loved taking a man so much as now with Marco, and was asking himself if he liked being taken by his friend, or taking him more. Both without any doubt. Or rather, Luigi confusedly thought, it would have been wonderful if, as two can suck each other at the same time, they could also penetrate each other at the same time.

The two young men reached their orgasms almost at once, holding each other tight, moaning their strong, intense pleasure aloud. Marco turned and they embraced tightly, trembling, kissing each other, while their bodies, aquiver with the sensations, found calmed again: "God, Luigi, how much I loved you in me!" Marco sighed with bliss.

"I loved it too. But unhappily, we now have to dress again."

"You are beautiful, Luigi."

"And you are too, Marco. I love you to die for. I would like to be able to come with you on the honeymoon, instead of Rita. I envy her."

Marco smiled, while they were mutually drying their bodies. Then dried their hair with the hairdryer and got dressed. Before leaving the room, Luigi embraced and kissed Marco again: "I don't want to let you go, you know? I envy Rita," he said, with passion.

"But I married her. Anyway, we will meet soon."

"Three weeks - they will be terribly long, now that I found you again. Will you think of me?"

"I really think so. I will miss you too."

Luigi went downstairs first. Nobody seemed to have noticed his absence. To be on the safe side, he asked where the groom was. Rita answered him. "He went to change and to take a shower. He should be back soon, so I can also go upstairs to change."

"Will you leave for your honeymoon at once?"

"Yes, we have a flight for Barcelona around 8 p.m. then from there we will board the ship for the Canaries."

"When will you move to Genoa? Is the apartment ready?"

"My parents-in-law are almost finished fixing it up. It will be ready before we get back. Will you come to see us, Luigi?"

"Sure. Call me when you get back."

Marco returned and Rita in turn went upstairs to change.

"Will you call me as soon as you are back in Genoa?" Luigi asked him.

"Sure. Promise."

"I'll wait..." Luigi said with a hint of sadness but with a smile.

He didn't dare to tell him that he was in love with him, even if several times he was near saying it. But Luigi was more and more certain - that unforeseen encounter, and the two times they made love in these few hours, awakened a new and strong sentiment in him in which he didn't hesitate to recognize as truly falling in love. But to Marco, what was he? Marco, he knew very well, also liked women, moreover he just got married to his cousin. It was evident Marco liked making love with him, but for Marco he was possibly nothing more than a supplement to make up for what he could not have with a woman. If he told him he was in love with him, he would possibly not understand, accept. Perhaps Marco just wanted to have fun with him, even if he did so in a more than pleasurable way.

Back to Genoa, Luigi did nothing but think of Marco. And the more he thought of him, the more in love with him he felt. Marco was really the most extraordinary, complete, agreeable man he'd ever met. He had been his first man, the one to whom he gave his virginity, the one who pulled off his groom's suit twice to make love with him. Luigi didn't feel guilty about his cousin. It was not his fault if Marco liked doing it with him. Anyway, if not with him, he would have done it with other men for sure. No, Luigi was just feeling great envy of Rita. He would even have shared him with her, he was not a selfish guy, but on equal terms. On the contrary, she was privileged, she had him day and night. He had to steal a few hours from time to time and content himself with that. But of course, where? Not in the newlyweds apartment for sure. With Rita always at home, as she'd decided to be a house wife and stop working, and even less in his own home, with his mother always around. They had to find a place to meet secretly, hiding from everyone.

How not to envy his cousin? Marco wanted a family, children - she could give him them, not Luigi. But, besides that, he too was able to give him something that his cousin was not able to give him, and that was not only the sheer sexual aspect of it - not just a member to touch, to lick, to feel inside him. No, it was the complete relationship between two men, that relationship of force and donation at once, that a woman never could have with a man and that Marco needed as Luigi did. Why couldn't they have such a relationship amongst the three of them? Both him and Rita could give Marco the part he needed, and together they could really made of him a happy and complete man. But would his cousin be ready to share her husband with him? He really doubted that.

Luigi was waiting for the couple to come back from their honeymoon.

And finally Rita's call came: "Luigi, ciao, we are back!"

"How was it?"

"A dream. Marco is really exceptional. I'm so happy I found a man like him. Listen, I'll pass him to you now, he also wants to say hello. Talk with him, I want you at our place soon. We brought you a little present from the Canaries."

"You shouldn't have gone to such trouble..."

"No, we were pleased to. Ciao, I'll pass you over to Marco, now. See you soon."

"Hello? Luigi?"

"Oh, Marco."

"How are you?"

"Fine, thanks, and you?"

"Very fine. So then, are you coming to have supper with us?"

"Whenever you like, thank you."

"Are you free tomorrow evening? Our place is a little upside down as yet, but a simple meal, just to get together..."

"Sure, it'll be a pleasure. What time?"

"I'll come by to pick you up when I leave work. I don't know the exact time yet, but around seven, if that's OK with you."

"OK, I'll be waiting for you."

"I'll call you when I leave my office, so you can be ready."

"Should I bring something? Some wine?"

"No, don't worry. See you tomorrow, then."

"I'm longing for..."

"Me too. Ciao."

Luigi was excited - he would finally see Marco again in less than twenty-four hours. In the car they could talk a while alone, before reaching home, and agree, organize for their secret love meetings. But where? Luigi thought that they could possibly go to the gay sauna - there were relax-cubicles which it was possible to lock to make love without worry. But would Marco accept the idea of going to a gay sauna? Anyway, he didn't know where else to go. Unless Marco had some better idea - he also must have thought, realised the problem.

The next day, at five PM. Marco called from his office: "I'll be out in five minutes, it will take more or less half an hour to come by your place. Be ready and wait for me down on the street."

"All right, sure."

"I called Rita and told her I'll be out at seven thirty, so we can have two and half hours to be alone, is that all right?"

"Sure. Where do you think we can go?"

"I don't know, I hoped you had an idea."

"Well, we will talk about that later. The important thing is we can be alone a while. I missed you so much."

"Me too."

Luigi waited on the street. Marco came and picked him up.

"Ciao. Have you been waiting long?"

"Three full weeks!" Luigi joked, feeling a strong desire to embrace and kiss him on the spot.

"So, then, where can we go?"

"Well, I was thinking... there is a gay sauna where we can lock ourselves in... a cubicle if it's all right with you..."

"Better than nothing. Tell me how to get there".

When they were in the locker-room and were undressing, Luigi asked: "Do you want to do the sauna first, or after?"

"After. Now I want you too much to wait. Where are the cubicles?"

"Come." Luigi answered already aroused, tying the long towel supplied around his loins and putting another over his shoulders. Marco followed him. They locked themselves in a cubicle where the only piece of furniture was a low queen size bed, a stool with an ashtray on it, and a wide mirror on the wall at the side of the bed. The light was diffused, enough to see each other but not strong. They pulled off their towels and spread them on the plastic of the bed. They embraced and French kissed, brushing their erections one against the other.

"Oh, Marco, at last!"

"Yes, at last. God how much I missed you, Luigi. Did you miss me?"

"So very much!"

"Didn't you have any adventures, in those three weeks?"

"No, I was waiting for you. And you?"

"A seventeen year old boy, a hotel porter, gave me head three or four times, but he didn't allow me to take him."

"You cheated on me, then!" Luigi said in a tone of joking reproach.

"Well, he started, I was horny. Rita doesn't give me head." Marco excused himself, slightly embarrassed.

Luigi knelt in front of him, cupped his genitals with his hands, and started to lick and suck them with passion. When he felt they were quivering and vibrating, and heard Marco sigh, he stopped for a moment and, looking up, he asked: "Was he more skilled than me?"

"Oh no, I'd rather it was you. But you were so far away..."

"But now I'm here. Did you also sixty-nine, with that boy?"

"No. He just gave me head and drank it all, nothing else."

"And now, with me, what do you want to do?"

"Anything you like - I like everything with you."

"Then... we can start with a nice sixty-nine, but then you'll also take me - you can cum twice, can't you?"

"I really think so - I want you madly. I really missed you, you know? The boy was nothing, to me."

"Why, what am I to you?" Luigi then asked.

"You? You are special. I feel so good with you. You are my best friend, rather, more than a friend." Marco said, but Luigi noticed that he didn't say 'lover', as he'd hoped.

They lay down on the bed and reciprocally took their members into their eager mouths, sucking, licking, making it slip with passion between their lips and taking it in their throat, in competition to give each other the utmost enjoyment. Luigi liked this particularly - the pleasure that Marco got giving him pleasure. While he made Marco's turgid member slip between his lips, titillating its glans with his tongue, Luigi was thinking: "I love you, Marco, I love you. I would like to have you all for myself, you would be mine alone - I'm all yours, don't you feel it? I love your beautiful, firm cock that in a while will quench my thirst for you. I love your hot lips on my dick, I love your scent, your taste, all of you - I'm yours, all yours, you can do with me whatever you like, don't you know? How can you not be aware of that?"

But he said nothing. He was consumed with love, in silence, giving the best of himself to his beloved, and gratefully enjoying what the other was doing for him, for his pleasure.

Finally they came, and greedily savoured each other to the last drop, most grateful to the other and intoxicated by the reciprocal male taste that they were exchanging.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 3

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