Finally Home

By bob smith

Published on May 5, 2003


If you are not of age of consent in your area (18 or 21), please do not read on. I never got that's the rule, I mean who needs access to erotica more then lonely gay teenagers? Anyway, that's the rule. If you're offended by gay men having sex, or being in love, then what the heck are you doing here? Go away.

This is my story, I wrote it from my own mind. Any relations to events in real life is purely coincidental. Do not reprint this story without permission.

Please be nice. If you don't like it I don't care, unless you can tell me why you don't like it. Then I am very interested. Thank you.

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**Back to Toby's POV.

Finally Home

Chapter 9

Sunday dawned gray and rainy. I love the rain, it has a peaceful lull to it that always calms me. I stretched and decided that I couldn't avoid the day any longer, so I headed for the bathroom. Ever since the fateful dance a week ago I'd had no sexual desires at all, so my morning shower was quick, and I was ready and waiting in the living room when Brian wandered out. His tie had Wile E. Coyote on it. Michael didn't emerge until after Irving had rung the bell. I noticed that Irving actually smiled at Brian when he answered the door, which is odd, I knew Irving for three years before he smiled at me. Michael looked a bit like a prisoner on his way to the gallows as we followed Irving and Brian out to the stretch limo. I felt about the same. I was worried that Nana was going to pull something, or that she would be rude to Michael. I was also worried about how we were going to fill the morning since Michael and I weren't really talking to each other.

The ride over was tense, Brian rode in the seat behind Irving's and the two of them were chatting away as if they had known each other for years. Nana had sent the usual coffee and hot chocolate, I opted for a glass of wine from the mini bar instead. Michael was sullen and looked out the window for the entire ride.

Nana greeted us with a wide smile and hugs all around. She was acting as if nothing was wrong and I breathed a sigh of relief, at least she wasn't going to yell at anyone. "I thought we would eat in the observatory today Toby, I know how you love to sit in there when it rains."

Nana ushered me and Michael ahead of her and took Brian's arm. I looked back at her suspiciously. Nana always took my arm. She also always led her company, she considered it good manners or something, and used to make Micah and I practice leading the servants around with 'dignity and grace' when we would visit her, it was one of her very few high society rules.

"Well, lead the way Toby." She ordered in her teacherly tone. I frowned, confused as to why I was having a manners lesson at this point in my life. But I led the way anyway. Michael followed me, still acting the part of the condemned prisoner, with Nana and Brian behind, whispering to one another. I had entered the observatory as had Michael when I finally decided something funny was going on. Brian was suddenly thick as thieves with Irving and Nana. They were up to something. I turned to call them out on whatever they were planning only to see the door slammed shut, leaving Michael and I alone in the room. I heard the lock click into place.

"God damn it." I muttered as I tried the door.

"What the hell is going on?" Michael asked me, looking confused.

"I'm not sure, they've pulled something." I said as I tried to force the doorknob to turn. One thing that Chen prided himself on was that the house is so secure. I knew right away that we were stuck. "We're locked in."

"Maybe this can explain it." Michael had wandered over to the table, which was set for four, on one plate was a piece of paper. Michael read it aloud.

Dear Boys,

Brian and I have decided that you two gentlemen needed some help working this situation out. So you are stuck together in this room. Brian and I will be having our brunch in the dining room in order to give you two some privacy. We will decide when you may come out. Don't try to break out either, Toby, you know how safe this house is. I do have some suggestions that may help you speed this process.

  1. Michael, get over your inferiority complex, you deserve to be happy. [Michael blushed as he read this and glanced at me before returning his eyes to the letter] 2) Toby, tell him the truth, he's worth the risk. [Again he looked up at me, this time with a question on his face, I turned away]

Good luck boys, Brian and Nana

"What does she mean, you know how safe the house it?"

"All this glass is shatter proof and bullet proof," I waved my hand toward the two walls of windows, then I pointed to the door leading to the garden. "That's a double bead bolt, only the best, Chen sees to that." I turned back to the door that we had come through. "And this has a sheet of some medal running through it and a monster lock, we couldn't even break through it if the house was on fire." Michael moved to it and tried in vein to force the door.

"What would happen if there was a fire? Are the doors on some system?" Michael looked a bit frightened.

"No there's a sprinkler system in here. We're trapped."

Michael looked back at the letter. "You want to tell me what this means, what she said to you?"

"Only if you tell me what her comment to you means." I said evenly, he blushed and looked away. "That's what I thought."

I decided to make myself comfortable. I started by taking off my tie and unbuttoning the top buttons of my shirt before moving to the table, which was full of food, I sat down and started loading my plate.

"What are you doing?"

"What else do you want me to do?" I said without looking up. He just stood there silently, finally I looked up at him. "Michael, we're trapped, and we're probably not getting out for a while, you might as well eat, someone worked very hard to make this food."

"What are we going to do after we eat?"

"They'll figure out that their cute little plan isn't going to work eventually. They'll have to let us out."

"You sure?"

I looked at him and furrowed my brow. "Michael, Brian loves us, and so does my grandmother, they think there helping. When they see that it's not helping they'll let us out. They're not going to let us die in here."

Michael thought about it and finally nodded. "Yeah, your right. I just can't believe Brian would pull this." He joined me at the table, taking his tie off as well.

"It was probably nana's idea, this reeks of her planning."

Silence descended upon us then, like a blanket, and I found myself eating more in that meal then I had all week. I ate mostly to avoid having to talk. I finished first, and before I left the table I pulled one of those hotel size bottles of vodka out of my pocket, I had grabbed it from the limo. I had been planning to sneak it into my juice sometime during brunch, but since nana wasn't around to catch me I figured I didn't have to sneak. I poured it into my glass and then added some more Orange Juice. Michael looked at me with a disapproving look on his face. I glared at him and took my glass over to the whicker couch and stretched out. I was planning to get myself happily numb and take a nap until nana and Brian finally gave up.

About an hour passed, Michael had moved over to the love seat and was looking out over the gardens, once in a while glancing at me. I had a very light buzz and was wishing that I had more vodka when Michael broke the silence.

"Toby?" I jumped slightly, having been lulled by the quiet of the raindrops on the skylights.


" have to pee." Michael blushed.

My eyes widened. "Oh shit."


I thought for a minute then I remembered the gardening closet. I went over and tried the door; it opened. "Here." I called.

Michael came up behind me and looked into the small room. It had a wall of gardening tools, and other junk, but most importantly it had a utility sink. Michael looked around and focused on the sink. He blushed.

"You want me to use that?"

I found myself trying not to laugh. "Do you have any better ideas?"

"No, I guess not." His blush got deeper as he stepped past me and faced the sink. After a second he turned and looked at me. "Are you going to watch?"

I blushed and turned away. "Sorry." I walked across the room. He didn't bother to close the door and soon I heard his stream echoing in the sink. I'm not really into golden showers, but that sound clicked into some thing sensual in my mind. I closed my eyes and pictured Bertha again, trying not to imagine what he looked like holding his cock in his hands. Then I heard the water in the sink run, and I sighed in relief. I turned back and watched him come out shaking his head, he was still blushing, but there was a small smile on his face. Some of the tension had left both of us.

"I suppose I could have closed the door huh?" He asked laughing at himself.

"That's alright." I turned back to the window I was gazing out of. I heard the whicker creak as Michael sat down. I stood and watched the rainfall on my grandmother's elm tree for a few minutes.


"Hmmm?" I said without turning around.

"I lied." He said softly.

I turned and looked at him, not sure if I heard him right. "You lied?" He nodded. "About what?"

Michael looked at me for a moment before looking down at his hands, there were tears in his eyes. "I lied when I said that I didn't know."

He was almost whispering. I moved closer to him. Suddenly what he was saying clicked in my mind. "You mean when you said you didn't know how you felt about me, that was a lie?"

He nodded mutely. He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees and clutching his head in his hands. I was more then a little shocked. Suddenly, for the first time in a week, I felt hope again. It made me brave. I moved closer and knelt in front of him I rested my hands on his knees. He didn't look at me.

"Why did you lie?" I asked gently.

He took a deep shaky breath. "I was scared, I am scared."

"Why?" I asked softly.

"You deserve better." I saw a tear moving down his cheek.

Suddenly I heard James's and nana's voices in my head, 'he's worth the risk.' My hand was shaking as I reached up and wiped away the tear on Michael's cheek. He looked up at me and I saw fear in his eyes, but there was something else in his eyes too.

I took a deep breath and thought, 'what the hell' before I spoke. "Michael I love you." It was actually very easy to say, I didn't have to force it out of my mouth or anything. It just slippedo ut, simply and freely. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I watched as Michael's eyes got wide in surprise.

"You do?"

"Yes I do." I whispered firmly, suddenly afraid of what would happen next.

Suddenly he flashed a very Brian-like grin at me before taking my hands in his and saying, "I love you too."

My eye's started to fill up with tears. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Michael was still grinning like crazy.

"Why were you scared? I don't understand." I was suddenly curious.

"I just didn't think I was good enough for you. You are so talented, you write such incredible stories. I just didn't think you could ever love me."

I looked at him incredulously. "Michael, how can you be so smart and so clueless at the same time?"

"That's what Brian asked me." Michael grinned sheepishly.

"Michael, you are so talented. I'm just a storyteller; I could never do what you do. You manage to keep rich private school brats interested in English grammar for God's sake. You're incredible. How could you ever think you're not good enough."

Michael let go of one of my hands and reached up to caress my cheek, I felt like electricity was running from his hand into my face. He slid his hand around to the back of my neck and pulled me forward. Slowly he lowered his lips to mine and kissed me gently. His lips were soft, he didn't push it deeper, but it made me shiver with passion anyway.

He pulled away and smiled at me. Then he stood up and pulled me to my feet. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him. His strong chest felt even better then I remember. I felt my cock respond right away. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he lowered his mouth to mine. We kissed gently at first, and then the pressure grew stronger. I felt him hardening through his pants, pressing against me. I felt his tongue flick over my top lip and I opened my mouth for him. His tongue felt electric as he pushed it against mine, exploring my mouth in a slow sensual glide. I moaned into his mouth and melted against him. It was when I felt Michael's hands move lower and clutch my ass that I remembered something. I pushed against his chest and he pulled his mouth away.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to slow down." I panted trying to catch my breath.

He groaned. "Please don't tell me I have to wait for your two month rule to kick in, Toby. God's going to strike me blind if I jack off thinking about you anymore." He whined.

I laughed. "No, sweetie, you don't have to wait" Michael lowered his head to my ear and nibbled gently, I almost lost my train of thought. "But we can't do it here."

"Why not? The door's locked." He asked as he moved and began gently kissing down my neck.

I moaned again but managed to pant out, "There's a camera."

That caused him to stop and look at me, "A camera?"

"Yes," I pointed to the corner where it hung over the door. "Security camera, they keep an eye on this room because people think it's easy to break into it."

Michael grinned evilly at me. "Not an exhibitionist?"

I laughed, but said as firmly as possible, "No."

"But I don't have to wait two more months? I mean we've known each other longer then two months and that counts right?"

"Not willing to wait for me?" I teased.

"Toby I would wait forever for you, but like I said, I'm going to go blind here."

I laughed and hugged him close. "You only have to wait until we get home baby." For added emphasis I ran my tongue up his neck, he whimpered.

"How long do we have to make out before they let us out of here?" He asked impatiently.

I laughed as I heard the big lock at the door turn just then. I grinned evilly at Michael and whispered, "Follow my lead." I turned and saw Brian and Nana enter the room, both grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

"About time." I said angrily. "They fell for it Michael, now we can go home and put this whole thing behind us." I glared at Brian.

Brian's smile fell, and nana's look turned suspicious. I turned and saw Michael regarding his brother angrily "Brian I can't believe you would pull this kind of trick."

"You mean you guys aren't..." Brian trailed off, looking like a child who had just been told his favorite pet died. I couldn't help but laugh.

Michael took pity on the disappointed duo as well and stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms tightly around me and kissing me gently on the side of my neck, he regarded the now confused pair and commented, "They sure are gullible aren't they?"

"They are." I agreed mildly.

Brian managed to grin and look mad at the same time when he realized what was going on. Nana just smiled knowingly. "God, Louise we've created a monster." Brian said in mock horror.

"I think we can forgive them for tricking us now that we've gotten them back, don't you?" I asked pulling Michael's arms tight around me.

"Yeah I think so. Maybe we even owe them a thank you." Michael said as he squeezed me for emphasis, nuzzling my neck. "I know I do." He whispered.

"Me too." I said softly.

Next: Chapter 10

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