Finally Home

By bob smith

Published on Oct 14, 2003


So, I'm a complete Loser. I apologize for leaving Toby's tale unfinished (no pun intented). In my defence I have to say that in the last six months the love of my life (or actually not) walked out and left me homeless, and soon to be jobless, since I'm about to become one of those losers who moves back in with their mom at 26. But I am here to post this chapter, because I am still a hopeless romantic, and I still beleive in a world where we can find out soulmates and live happily ever after.

So I'm sorry I flaked out on everyone, I have been writing and the sequal to this story is almost complete, as well as a new story "Finding my Way" which should post in the high school section in the next couple of months.

Anyway, sorry sorry sorry, I hate myself, please don't kill my computer because I'm a spaz.


If you are not of age of consent in your area (18 or 21), please do not read on. I never got that rule, I mean who needs access to erotica more then lonely gay teenagers? Anyway, that's the rule. If you're offended by gay men having sex, or being in love, then what the heck are you doing here? Go away.

This is my story, I wrote it from my own mind. Any relations to events in real life is purely coincidental. Do not reprint this story without permission.

Please be nice. If you don't like it I don't care, unless you can tell me why you don't like it. Then I am very interested. Thank you.

Mason0201 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Finally Home

From Last Time:

Brian managed to grin and look mad at the same time when he realized what was going on. Nana just smiled knowingly. "God, Louise we've created a monster." Brian said in mock horror.

"I think we can forgive them for tricking us now that we've got them back, don't you?" I asked pulling Michael's arms tight around me.

"Yeah I think so. Maybe we even owe them a thank you." Michael said as he squeezed me for emphasis, nuzzling my neck. "I know I do." He whispered.

"Me too." I said softly.

Chapter 10

Michael and I nuzzled each other for a second, before I realized we still had an audience. I turned back and saw Brian with his arm around nana, smiling at us. "Nana, this had to be you're idea."

"Actually it was Brian's." Nana smiled triumphantly.

"Oh really?" Michael asked his brother. Brian looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Well, technically ... but I wasn't serious." He defended himself. "We had been sitting in my office talking forever and finally I just said it was too bad we couldn't lock you two in a room together. Louise is the one who actually thought it was a good idea."

"Nana, that sounds like you."

"Well, my dear, I've been around a long time, and I have only seen one other couple as perfect for each other as the two of you are, so I decided you needed some help."

"Who was the other couple nana?" I asked with a smile.

"Your grandfather and I. You know we met at a dance too, and the dance ended badly, a bit like your dance boys. Your grandfather and my brother got into a fight. My poor Herald got a bloody nose. I didn't speak to my brother for weeks afterward. But in the end everything worked out. You see, I locked Herald and my brother in the shed, and when I let them out they were the best of friends." My grandmother flashed us all a triumphant smile. "My brother even helped convince papa to let me marry Harold, that's how close they were. I just thought that you two could use a little of the same treatment."

"I told you it was nana's idea." I commented to Michael who was still hugging me, like he was afraid to let go.

"Brian, I thought you said Louise only called you?" Michael commented, remembering Brian's comment about sitting in his office.

"Well if I told you that she came to see me at the store Toby might have known something was up, so I decided to just say she called. My only part of the plan was to be sure I got you both here today, so I figured if I said she called to confirm and I had already promised then you couldn't get out of it."

Hearing that nana had actually visited Brian at his store made me realize how worried she had been about me. I pulled away from Michael and hugged nana tight. "Thank you." I whispered in her ear.

When I pulled away she had tears in her eyes. "I'm so glad you're happy Tobias. You deserve it."

"Thank you." I whispered again.

"So were you guys watching us the whole time?" Michael asked Brian, giving nana and I a chance to pull ourselves together.

"Well we ate first, Chen kept an eye on you two, he let us know that you were eating. We came in just in time to see Toby the lush mixing his morning drink. So we watched you guys sit here, and we played some poker, Louise kicked our butts, don't ever gamble against her, let me tell you. By the way, what happened over there, we couldn't see?" Brian motioned toward the gardening closet.

Michael blushed and cleared his throat, looking at me for help. "Nature called." I supplied. Brian laughed.

"How did that start you talking?" Nana asked.

"Well it broke the tension I think." Michael glanced at me and I nodded. "It all just kinda started to come out."

"You've got to give me more details then that girl." Brian did his best queen impression.

I looked and Michael and he nodded and reached over and took my hand, "Ok, well Michael told me he lied, and I asked about what, and he said he had lied when he said he didn't know how he felt about me. That's about when I knelt down, I think, and I asked him why, and he said he was scared, so I decided to be brave, people have been telling me all week that he was worth the risk, so I told him that I love him. And that's about when we started kissing. Happy Brian?"

"Yes I am." Brian grinned.

"Who else told you I was worth the risk?" Michael wanted to know.

"James, from my support group. They knew something was wrong, so we talked about unrequited love, and they figured it out I was unhappily in love, but I didn't tell them who you were. James came up afterward and was like 'I think you should go for it, Michael's worth the risk'."

"How'd he know?" Brian was the first to ask.

"I have no idea, intuitive I guess, James is like that, always watching what's going on."

"Sounds like a good boy." Nana commented, then turned to Brian suddenly. "Brian what time is it?"

He glanced at his watch. "Almost 1."

"I must go get ready, out Matinee starts in 45 minutes." Nana pulled me into another hug.

"Matinee?" I asked.

"Yes, Brian and I are spending the day together." Nana said as she hugged Michael. "You'll take good care of my boy, won't you?" I heard her ask Michael quietly.

"Yes ma'am I will." Michael said seriously.

Nana smiled at him and turned and bustled out of the room. "Brian can you show the boys out?" She called without waiting for an answer.

We turned with Brian and headed toward the front of the house, "Spending the day together?" I asked.

"Yeah, that way you two can have some privacy." Brian blushed slightly.

"You know you don't have to do that Brian."

"I know Toby, but I want to. Besides hanging out with Louise will be a hell of a lot more fun then watching you two lovebirds." Brian grinned. He gave us both a hug and pushed us out the door.

Irving was waiting out front with the limo, he smiled when he saw us holding hands, but he didn't comment. We climbed in and sat side-by-side holding hands until the car began to move. Wanting more contact I turned in the seat and threw my legs over Michael's knee, scooting close I leaned into his side and wrapped my arm around his midsection. He wrapped his arms around me rubbing up and down my spine and rested his cheek against my forehead. I sighed happily.

"Comfy Baby?" Michael asked softly.

"Umm Hmm." I squeezed him tighter. "I may never let go."


We were quiet for a few minutes, not needing to speak. Finally Michael asked. "Toby, did you mean that, about never letting go?" I nodded into his chest, scared to look at him. He hooked his fingers under my chin and raised my face to meet his eyes. "That's how I want it to be Toby. I want this to last."

"I've never felt this way about anyone Michael. I mean I thought I was in love before, but it's never felt this strong. I want this to last too."

We kissed again. It was a hard deep kiss that left me panting. We cuddled until we were almost home before Michael spoke again.


"Yeah." I spoke into his neck, I could see it turning red so I raised my head to look at his blushing face.

"I don't have any condoms at home."

"Well, do we need them?" I asked carefully.

"Well, no, not on my part anyway. It's been a while." Michael answered, understanding my meaning.

"How long?" I asked, wanting to be sure.

"Toby, I haven't been with anyone in two years."

"Two years?" I didn't even try to hide my shock.

Michael blushed again. "I dated these two guys right in a row and they both broke up with me because they were falling for Brian. So after that I decided to take a break from dating for a while. And eventually it just got easier not to go looking." He shrugged.

I squeezed him again. "Poor baby." He hugged me back. "I don't understand that, I mean, Brian's great and all, but he doesn't really strike me as someone looking to fall in love and live happily ever after. Why guys would go for him over you is beyond me." I blushed. "Of course I am a little biased." Michael studied me.

"You really mean that don't you?"

"Yeah, I love Brian and all, but I felt a connection to you as soon as we met."

"Me too." Michael kissed the tip of my nose.

"Anyway, back to the subject, I haven't been with anyone since Richard and that was over a year ago, I tested clean last month, so I don't think we need condoms." I grinned.

Michael looked at me excitedly. "Good, I don't want anything between us."

I shivered at the thought. Michael's hand found it's way inside the neck of my shirt and he began rubbing the muscles there.

"Another thing..." He started.

"Hmmm?" I was concentrating on the feeling of his hand on my skin. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I think we should use your room from now on."

"Ok," I said, not really caring either way. "Why?"

"So we won't disturb Brian. I can usually hear him with his dates, so he'd probably hear us."

"Sounds good to me." Then I thought of something. "You're going to have to wait a bit though."


"Well, my room is a mess, and I want everything to be perfect."

"Well since we're going for perfect I should take a shower." I sniffed him deeply and wrinkled my nose. "Smart ass." He mumbled, I laughed.

The limo pulled up and we hopped out before Irving could get the door, we waved at him and hurried into the building. In the elevator Michael backed me into the corner of the car and pressed himself against me, grinding his quickly hardening cock against mine. I moaned and leaned in to nibble on his neck, making him moan with me. All to soon the doors opened on our floor. Michael held my hand as we walked to the apartment. We finally separated in our hallway between our rooms. Michael pulled me close and gave me a kiss that left me trying to catch my breath before he whispered, "Hurry." And turned and went into his room.

I went into my room and threw open the window first of all, allowing the room to air out while I changed my sheets and picked up the clutter that had accumulated over the past week. Mostly wine bottles and dirty clothes. I closed the window and the heavy curtains, wanting the room to be dark and romantic. I ruffled around in my closet and found my box of candles, setting them up on my dresser and bedside table. I looked around the room and decided that it was perfect.

I then went to the bathroom and dug out the enema kit I kept around out of habit. I quickly cleaned myself inside and out. Thinking of Michael in his bathroom doing the same thing had me hard with anticipation. I turned the water cold to calm myself down. After drying off I pulled my warm robe on, not bothering with boxers. I looked over my room again and lit the candles before I went looking for Michael. The door to his room was open but he wasn't inside, seeing his bathroom door closed I assumed that's where he was. I suddenly thought of my extra wine still waiting for me in the refrigerator. I smiled to myself and headed for the kitchen. I pulled out all three bottles and uncorked the first. I began slowly pouring it down the sink.

After a moment heard a voice behind me. "No more wine?" I heard Michael approaching me as he spoke.

I shook my head. "Nope, I don't need to be numb anymore."

He wrapped his strong arms around me as the bottle emptied. He nuzzled my neck and kissed me gently. "I'm sorry."

I turned in his arms to look at him. "For what?"

"For lying to you, watching you in pain this last week about killed me. I'm sorry I was afraid." Michael's eyes were bright with tears.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close, holding him silently for a moment before I pulled away and looked at him seriously. "You're forgiven. It's okay Michael, I was afraid too."

He smiled gently at me and then pulled away. He moved over to the other bottles and uncorked the second and handed it to me. I poured it into the sink as he uncorked the third. That too went down the drain.

I looked over at Michael then and was amazed for the hundredth time at how beautiful he was. He was wearing only his jockey's, his dark chest perfectly defined and smooth, his nipples were dark and stood out against the air of the kitchen. His hair was still extra wavy and damp from his shower. Without a word I took his hand and led him to my room. I closed and locked the door behind us. I felt Michael's body close behind me and turned to face him. He pressed me against the door and kissed me hard, invading my mouth with his tongue. I melted against him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, trying to pull him closer, feeling his cock hardening through his jockey's. His hands were rubbing up and down my sides, suddenly, he pulled back and looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"No boxers?"

I shook my head, blushing. Michael stepped back, taking my hand he pulled me across the room never taking his eyes off me. He stopped next to the bed, pulling me so I was standing right in front of him. He reached over and pulled at the tie of my robe, pulling it loose and pushing it open. I shivered from the look in his eyes as he looked me up and down.

"God, you're gorgeous Toby." I blushed and looked down. He cupped my chin pulling my face up to meet his look. He didn't say anything he just kissed me. He pulled me to him again. The feeling of our tongues gliding against each other was electric. I was quickly becoming addicted to his taste. He pulled back and moved to lay down on the bed, pulling me with him.

I climbed on top of him, straddling his thighs I rubbed our groins together as I hovered over him, I leaned in slowly and kissed him again. His hands found their way inside my robe and starting at my knees he ran his hands slowly up the sides of my legs, over my hips and sides until they reached my shoulder. He pushed my robe off my shoulders as our tongues dueled. I pulled my arms out of the robe and he tossed it off the end of the bed. I settled my weight fully on top of him and lowered my head to nibble his ear as I enjoyed the feeling of his skin against mine. I kissed and nibbled my way down his neck, making him moan loudly in my ear. His hands were all over my back, rubbing and squeezing, clutching my ass and grinding me against his hard cock. I worked my way around to his Adam's apple and sucked on it lightly before moving further down sucking and licking his skin. I moved to one nipple and began to lick and suck it as if my life depended on it, Michael moaned even louder and clutched the back of my head, urging me on. I left his nipple to attack the other with just as much vigor, loving the feel of his strength and wondering how he could get his skin so smooth. I began to move lower, wanting to taste his whole chest. My hands moving up and down his sides as I went. Michael moaned and thrust his hard cock against me as I outlined his muscles with my tongue. I reached his waist and dove onto his cock, sucking him through the already soaked material of his jockey's. I could taste his precum, salty, it reminded me of the taste of his sweat. I sucked hard through the cotton and was rewarded with another moan as he thrust his cock into my face.

Finally Michael couldn't take it anymore and he pulled on my shoulders, I moved back up him, pausing to bathe his nipples again before he pulled me up forcefully and pressed my mouth to his urgently, I went weak against him as his dominant side came out in full force. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over, pinning me as he continued to take my mouth with his tongue. I spread my knees pulling them up, allowing him full access as he humped me. He pulled his mouth away from mine and moved to suck on my earlobe, gently pulling on it with his teeth. Moving down my neck he latched on and began to suck. Latched on like a leech he grasped my wrists and pinned them to the bed to prevent me from stopping him as he gave me a hickey. I moaned, loving the feeling his strength overpowering me.

Pulling back to examine his work he smiled and moved farther down. He traced his tongue gently over my chest, sucking hard on my nipples before he moved down the middle of my chest, pausing at my navel to push his tongue in and swirl it around as he held my hips to the bed. Moving lower he stopped to survey my hard cock and balls. I've always been proud of my size, at about 6 inches and not hugely thick, I have never felt inadequate, even though I've seen many larger then me. I'm not a top so I don't care much about my size, so watching Michael examine me so closely only turned me on more. Michael lowered his head and took one of my mostly hairless balls into his mouth swirling his capable tongue around it, before moving to the other and repeating the treatment. He kept his hands on my hips the entire time, holding me steady even as I involuntarily tried to thrust myself closer to him. He pulled my ball out of his mouth and I felt his tongue start at the base of my cock as he slowly licked up the underside of it stopping at the head to swirl his tongue around it. Having not gotten off all week I was so hot already I knew I wouldn't last this treatment must longer.

"Michael." I practically squeaked trying to tell him. He seemed to sense what I was trying to tell him and quickly moved up resting his weight on me and holding me steady, waiting until I calmed down.

"Not yet baby." He whispered softly in my ear. Waiting until I was sure I was back from the edge before he asked. "Do you have lube baby?"

I nodded, thinking for a moment, I'd forgotten to get it from the bathroom, "I think it's in the medicine cabinet."

He kissed me gently before he pulled himself up and headed for my bathroom, his erection obvious in his jockey's. I watched his profile through the door as he pulled the lube out of the cabinet and headed back to me. Stopping at the edge of the bed he tossed the tube down next to me and reached to his waist and began to remove his jockey's. I watched slowly as his hard tool came into view. It was at least 8 inches and about twice as thick as mine, if I were guessing. Looking at him completely naked my breath caught in my throat, he was truly perfect, an Adonis. His skin was dark all over, as if he tanned nude. His cock stood proud, the head purple with excitement. He gazed down at me as I was looking at him, making me blush as I realized it. He crawled back over me then. Stretching his strong body over mine he pulled me into his arms and rolled us over onto our sides facing each other. I wrapped my arms around him and we held each other close. I shivered at the sensation of our cocks rubbing against each other, skin on skin, for the first time. His eyes seemed to glow and sparkle as he looked into mine, I felt tears fill my eyes at the joy that was filling my stomach. His hand gently caressed my cheek and he leaned forward and kissed me very gently on the lips. There was electricity between us, and I was again lost in the sensations that he evoked in my body. His hands started moving up and down my back and ass, everywhere he touched me he seemed to leave a tingly trail of heat. I whimpered into his mouth as his finger grazed my rosebud. My hips automatically thrust back, wanting more contact. He pulled his mouth from mine and offered me a finger, I sucked on it, moving my tongue over it and getting it as wet as possible. Knowing without speaking that I was lubing it for the initial entry. He pulled his wet finger out and claimed my lips again with his as I felt his wet finger push gently at my entry. I clung to him and moaned at the first penetration as I felt his finger slid past the ring of muscle and plant itself deep within me. He pulled back and slowly began to fuck me with one finger until he felt my muscles relax around him. He pulled his hand out and stopped to lube up two fingers. Hiking my top leg up high on his side he reached down between my legs and pushed two fingers into me. This time there was almost no pain, only the sensation of being stretched. He held me close and I nestled into the nape of his neck, totally relaxing, submitting to his will. He moved his two fingers expertly inside me, careful not to stimulate my prostate too much, but still keeping me painfully hard. Just as carefully he added a third finger assuring that I was ready for him. By this time I was one giant nerve ending. Every touch left me aching for more, I felt like my skin was on fire.

Sure then that I was stretched he rolled us back to the position that I loved, pinning me to the bed he kissed me with passion, claiming my mouth with his silky tongue, dominating it once again. I felt as if he were claiming me as his with one kiss and I moan and shuddered at the thought. He pulled back and kneeling between my spread knees he lubed himself carefully before positioning himself at my entry. He lifted my legs, resting them on my shoulders, looking deeply into my eyes he pressed forward and I felt his cock head slide into me. I moaned and arched my back at the full feeling I had not felt in so long. Sensing my pleasure Michael pressed further, slowly entering me completely, until I felt his bush against my ass. He stayed there, not moving for a moment as I reveled at the complete and full feeling. Never had I felt so complete before, both physically and emotionally. I knew that I had found where I belonged. Michael moved my legs then, wrapping them around his waist he leaned forward, pressing my cock between us.

"Do you feel it baby?" He asked, his eye's wide with wonder and love telling me that he was feeling the same fulfillment that I was.

"Yes." I breathed, not trusting my voice.

"It's never felt like this before." His eyes were shining.

"Me either." I let my happy tears fall, knowing he would understand. He buried his face in the nape of my neck and I could feel his breath hot on my skin as he began rocking his hips, pulling back to watch me as he slowly building to a steady rhythm. I moved with him. He grasped both of my hands, intertwining our fingers he pinned them to the bed as his thrusts grew more powerful. I pulled my knees up further, allowing him freer access to piston in and out of me. His eyes looked at me intensely and I looked back at him feeling as if I was seeing into his very soul.

He changed his thrusts then, shifting his hips he found my prostate and rubbed back and forth over it in short thrusts. I knew I wouldn't last long as I felt like fireworks were going off all over my body. I felt my orgasm start in my toes and slowly make its way up to my cock and I heard Michael panting.

"Cum for me Toby." He said huskily. And cum I did, my whole body tensed and I cried out as the intensity of it took over. My cock shot and shot and the earth seemed to be moving, and all I saw was Michael's eyes staring at me, watching me as I gave myself to him.

My chest was covered with my cum when I became aware of myself again. My body was still weak from my climax as Michael began to move again, he shifted around and drew my legs up over his arms, bending me in half, he starting with his gentle rocking and building to forceful thrusts that seemed to be moving the entire bed. I was totally limp as he pistoned in and out of me, loving the feeling of his muscled stomach against me as he moved. He began pistoning even faster and I knew he was getting close; I concentrated on tightening my ass around his hot cock, massaging him as he thrust, he moaned loudly as I did this, and he threw his head back and lost himself in his wild erratic thrusts. Harder and harder he thrust into me, his balls slapping my ass as I tightened myself around his cock, until he gave one final powerful thrust burying himself deep inside me I felt his cock expand and then I felt the warm rush and I knew he was planting his seed deep inside me. I reveled in the feeling knowing that now I truly was his.

He collapsed on top of me, burying his face in my neck as he panted and whispered over and over, "I love you, I love you, I love you."

After what seemed like an hour he caught his breath he pulled out of me, leaving me feeling terribly empty. Michael grabbed the towel I had put beside the bed and gently wiped my cum off our chests. Throwing the towel aside he pulled me with him, rolling us over and pulling the covers over us. I nestled into his chest, wrapping my arm and leg around him and he held me close. We drifted off to sleep together, and I knew that I was finally home.


But what about Brian? Will he spend his life alone? Forever the third wheel? Hell no ... this is Mason Land remember? So who is the lucky fella? There's a hint in this chapter.... Who do you think it will be?

Next: Chapter 11: Growing Up 1

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