
Published on Nov 27, 1998



Aww, don't worry about it, you'll just end up with a bloody butt! The entire group lauged as Mitch got into the car. He laughed too, but nervously, Some of what the group were saying was bullshit, he knew. But there was a truth to their kidding too. "Did you wear the jock?" The driver, Carolos asked. "Yes SIR" Mitch answered correctly. Carolos was a senior member and had to be addressed that way. "Well we hope you shaved as we told you" another voice was heard. "Yes SIR I did SIR" Mitch replied. He had spent hours shaving every part of his body..leaving only his thick head of reddish blonde hair. His body itched from the little stubble that had grown, so he took another hour to shave again..... "If you're not smooth, you'll be made to walk back home to shave" the voice belonging to another senior, Kenny said. "And in your jock" Carolos added "do you want to go back and check yourself out first?" "No SIR, I'm smooth SIR" Mitch replied. "Let's see" Kenny said "No. We take our new brother at his word. If he isn't right, then he pays the price, understand boot?" "SIR yes SIR" Mitches cock was rock hard. For some strange reason he was aroused by the treatment he was getting. It was strange to him, but exciting, He had masturbated several times seeing his normally furry body totally smooth thinking of being naked in front of the group. Most were his friends..but none of them knew about his sexual attraction to men. The others were new acquaintences....and all were his tormentors as he pledged the club. They called it a fraternity, but since they weren't in college yet, it wasn't a real one. But a group of seniors, junior college guys and others had formed their own fraternity. It wasn't a "gang" because they kept to themselves. He knew little more except they got together weekly and often had parties that were whispered about in the halls of his high school. Each year a small number of initiates were invited to join. And those invitations came in strange ways. Somehow, his had gotten into his locker. A white envelope with a black boot icon on it. His initiate name was BOOT. Nobody addressed him as anything else if they were in the club. The note read, "If you're ready, be by the phone at midnight" He jacked off thinking of what was about to happen. And the phone rang giving him instructions. Waking at four am, he snuck out of the house to that first meeting where he knelt and listened to the instructions. "BOOT, if you accept this invitation, you become our property from this point on, and must respond to whenver we contact you. If you do not, you'll be dropped" Middle of the night phone calls, notes in his locker or text books, whispers in the hallway from people he knew and even postcards in the mail had him report to different places, do chores, wear odd things and in general test his desire to obey their orders. In the process he discovered some of his closest friends were members and that surprised him as they never talked about the club. He wore speedos sweeping sidewalks at midnight, he helped elderly people go to church, he attended the needs of a guy who had broken both arms, he ran around the school track until sunset, he carried books for other members, helped move one of them...all things that were ok, never harmful or too embarassing. And all he had to do was obey. He stood in a line of other initiates wearing only his underwear and a black bag over his head. They yelled at them, screemed, made them do pushups and yell responses until they sounded like a bunch of Marines in boot camp. And then the paddle was used. He took is swats..yelling out the phrase that had become a slogan "Please SIR may I have a nother" again and again until he couldn't take anymore. "I got to take a piss" Kenny said and Carolos pulled over the car. "BOOT get out and strip" Mitch hesitated then got out. The entire car full of members stood in a circle as he nervously took off his clothes until he was standing there totally naked. "KNEEL" "Sir yes SIR" Mitch knelt. "This is the first step of your initiation tonight. Each member must mark you before the night is over" The yellow stream hit his smooth chest. It made him shiver then feel warm. The odor was the darkness he was being pissed on by one, then another member until all standing around him were showering him. His cock hardened and that made him nervous. Perhaps the darkness would hide it. Would they want him if they knew he was queer?

Mitch knew he was gay..he had known for years. When he and another boy jacked each other off in summer camps years ago, the other kid said it was normal for boys to experiment like that. But Mitch knew it was more then just sexual play. The feeling of a man's dick in his hand and a hand on his cock was the most fantastic sensation he had ever had. When the Camp Counselor was inspecting him for ticks and saw Mitch's dick get hard, he led him to another room. And there the Counselor taught Mitch about blowjobs. It was quite a summer and one that got Mitch so happy about sex he experimented whenever he could after that.

The club member whose arms were broken seemed to know about Mitch. He kept hinting that with broken arms he couldn't even jack off. Mitch liked the guy and gladly helped him not only the day he was told to but after that quite a few times too. He did chores, even helped the man take a leak normally and massaged him. The taste of the guys cock in his mouth was wonderful and Mitch drained the guys prostate several times. Then begged the guy not to tell anyone..not even the club members. "That's pretty hard. We are required to tell everything to each's part of our creed. Hell, I could get kicked out....but don't worry about it" Mitch never knew if the guy would tell others he was queer or not. The cold water they threw on him, got his attention. Mitch even yelped. Then pulled on his clothing and got back into the car. "BOOT, report" "SIR yes SIR" "BOOT, tell us how many times you masturbate and what you think about. Remember be honest" The car continued and Mitch knew the initiation was too. "SIR, I masturbate about four times every day SIR" There was silence. "BOOT you are not finished" "SIR" Mitch knew he could get kicked out of the car anytime he said something they didn't like "I have fantasized about women and men" he had told the truth. The car drove on until they slowed down among a bunch of old warehouses at the edge of town. This was where kids went to get stoned, drunk and laid. Nobody lived nearby and even the cops didn't waste their time here. Once in awhile there were stories of rape, robbery even murder here. "Honey, I know you're a teenager and like to have fun with your friends, but stay away from there..." his mother had repeated the horrible stories. "BOOT you are not allowed inside until you are in your jockstrap and ready for inspection. Knock when you're ready...or dress and leave" Carolos said as the group went inside one warehouse. He was breating slowly, trying to quiet down his stomach. Then slowly Mitch stripped naked and put his jock strap over his smoothly shaven crotch. He did one last check and found a hair here and there...which he yanked out suffering the little stabs of pain. Then he knocked. There was no answer. He pounded the door with his fist..and it opened. Standing in front of him was a huge guy. The man wore a black mask, no shirt and a black studded jock with black chaps. In his hand was a black leather studded paddle. "WHAT THE FUK DO YOU WANT?" "SIR I AM BOOT PREPARED FOR INSPECTION" Mitch yelled it so loud he knew that all could hear him. "WAIT HERE BOOT" The door closed. It seemed like hours as he waited. The night air began to chill him. His cock which had hardened then softened began to shrink as it always did when he was chilled.

His mind, for some reason, thought of the huge wrestlers he liked to watch on televison. Maybe because the guy with the mask reminded him of them. He had gotten caught by his mother jacking off one night while watching them. She told him to go to bed and never said anything. But his embarassment about that night lasted. "Sorry about that night" he finally said to her. His mother laughed and said it was ok...all boys do that. But he was embarassed nevertheless.

"BOOT IN" the door slammed open almost hitting Mitch. The huge guy stood there and yelled. He moved inside the darkened space. "STAND THERE FOR HAIR INSPECTION" Mitch stood where there guy pointed using the paddle as a pointer. A blindfold was put on Mitch adn then hands began to slide all over his body, removing his jockstrap, pushing him forward to check out his buttcracks too. His cock was rock hard....he couldn't help it. "Let's shower down" his cousin said and Mitch got into the shower stall with Bobby. The two little boys soaped each other feeling every part of each others body..then using soap they jacked themselves and each other off until their sperm mixed with the soapy water down the drain. They did that only once but Mitch loved it. "BOOT, YOU HAVE HAIR" the voice rang in his ear. Mitch began to complain "I checked, uh, SIR. I--" Hands yanked him as if they belonged to angry owners, to another place and he was forced to his knees. Mitche recognised Carolos voice. "BOOT I am disappointed. You did so well until now. But my soldeirs report that you have disobeyed us..there is hair " Mitch's cock was still hard..the sound of Carolos voice always aroused him. "AND YOUR FUCKING DICK SEEMS TO NOT CARE" A foot or something seemed to nudge his cock. Mitched jumped. "SIR we could shave him ourselves" another voice said. "BOOT you have a choice, we will do the job you didn't do or you can fucking leave" Mitch knew then this was part of the initiation. "SIR SHAVE ME SIR" Hands held him as if he were about to be tortured and the sound of the electric razor filled his ears. As it landed on his neck and moved up, Mitch knew how to find out who had just joined the club. In the hallways at school he had occasionally seen guys with their heads totally shaven. In fact he had seen one or two of them in the gym shower with shaven crotches too. They had been kidded but it didn't last long. "Makes me swim faster" and other excuses were told. But now Mitch knew they had been turned into club members as he was being. He too would be standing in the shower on Monday, naked, totally shaven head to toe and be kidded..and it made his cock arch in its erect state. The hair dropped to his shoulders..and onto his bended thighs. His mother would cry at loosing the hair. "Oh honey you have nice thick hair....don't cut it again" he had cut his hair to a flattop before going to summer camp one year and she was distraught. The feeling of cold shaving cream on his head made him shiver. His outstretched arms were still being held as someone turned his skull into a smooth head of skin. "BOOT, you are not acceptable..but you need to be punished for making us do the job you were supposed to do" Of course none of the shaving had been to his body...he had done his job and shaven himself smooth. "YES SIR" he said as he got on his hands and knees knowing the huge mane with the leather paddle would be striking him. "NO BOOT STAND" He stood and waited. "WHOEVER SHAVED HIM DESERVES THANKS..TAKE HIM TO THE ROOM AND THERE USE HIM AS YOU WISH" Mitch stumbled a bit as he was led into another small was totally dark and warm. He remained there waiting. the blindfold remained so he didn't see who was slapping his face with their cock..and he didn't know whose cock he was soon sucking or whose sperm was splattering all over him. Nor did he know whose fingers were in his butthole. "It feels fantastic, try it" Bobby said in the shower. He was fingering his own butt as he jacked off. Mitch tried it and found it was a new and stimulating sensation. "Boy your butt is safe..don't worry." the voice said as the fingers played until Mitch felt sperm splatter on his back. "BOOT, you're a mess. If you are ready to be total property of your brothers, remove you jock strap and go outside" Mitch pulled off his jock. He was thrilled to know that his new brothers didn't seem to mind cocksuckers. Maybe the guy with the broken arms had told them, or maybe it WAS ok...after all guys were always horny. Hell, he had had sex with a neighbor man who was married with three kids.

"You're a hot looking young man" the guy had told him as they lay on the apartment building roof in the sun. "Thanks sir" Mitch had said to the guy. He had seen him before..and even talked breifly. "My wife and kids have been out of town for two weeks..shit, I'm so horny I could make love to a refrigerator" the man said Mitch lauged "I know what you mean" "Yeah, I guess boys your age are always horny" the man sympathised "Know what I used to do at your age when I couldn't stand it anymore?" Mitch didn't reply but the man continued. "I had a special friend, real close you know, and we just helped each other out now and know what I mean?" Mitch knew of course. They lay in the sun a while longer. Mitch saw the man occasionally position his cock. Mitch did the was a signal he knew. "Hey it's time to cool off, want to come down for a beer?" Mitch was in the man's apartment drinking a cold beer. "We should shower" the man sat on the toilet watching Mitch strip naked and shower first. Then he man did the same as Mitch and he talked. They walked naked into the bedroom and the man began to make love to Mitch until it happened. Mitch was face down, his massaged back and shoulders feeling wonderful and his asshole invaded by the mans fingers. "Just bite on the pillow if you need to" the man hissed and then the stab of pain as he entered Mitch. Mitch already knew that eventually the pain would subside so he endured until it became pleasure and he was fucked for the first time. Mitch and the man fucked many more times...and then the entire family moved.

The night air chilled him. Mitch had removed his jockstrap inside and tossed it somewhere. He was led outside and knelt when he was told to. The streams warmed each member marked him as property of the club. His cock hardened..and Mitch didn't care if they saw now. He knew he wasn't the only queer in the club, or at least not the only one who liked man sex. They still wanted him and he wanted to belong. The large splash of water was warm this someone washed him off. "BOOT, the next step is for you to reveal yourself totally to the membership" He was led inside and knelt again. He heard voices all around him. "BOOT you are not a member yet. But you have progressed to becoming property of each and every member of this club. Do you accept that fact?" "SIR-YES-SIR" it came out as one word. "As property, whenever you are addressed by you new name, you will do whatever you are told...NO is not allowed, do you understand?" "SIR YES SIR" A wide leather collar was placed around his neck and a lock snapped. "ONLY I HAVE THE KEY BOOT" Mitch wore the collar day and night after that. There would be nights when he would paint someones room, help them do homework, suck cock, be fucked, run naked around a house full of women, play soccer naked in the night air, run across town to answer a phone, and help other people. It would be a continual test of his obedience. Mitchs mother worried his school work would suffer, but instead it seemed to do better. Perhaps the evenings spent at club members house doing homework with them helped him as well as them. Perhaps the evenings spent naked laying on his stomach doing reading assighments while club members did the same made it even more fun....

There was kidding in the gym shower at his totally shaven head and body. His mother did freak out..and the collar he had to wear got comments from teachers and others alike.

Mitch knelt naked for the final night. His mind, body and self had become a part of the group around him. He had played the game and deserved to be rewarded. The collar was removed. "BOOT you are now a full member....stand with your brothers" Mitch stood as the group applauded. "And as reward for your faithful service, you will have one wish fulfilled by another member" The rest of the meeting was fun, talking, eating drinking and making plans for a club camping trip. "Well? Have you decided your wish?" Carolos asked Mitch. Mitch whispered his wish and Carolos smiled. It was two am when Mitch arrived. Carolos was waiting as were the huge guy, named Greg and another boy, the one whose arms had been broken though he now was out of the cast. Mitch entered without a word and stripped naked. The collar was placed around his neck and he served as slave to the three all night long. Paddles, whip, bondage, assfucking, cock sucking and partying filled the night and most of the next day. His wish fulfilled, Mitch stretched his naked body and relunctantly dressed to go a man of pride, accepted as queer and a member of the secret club. His name BOOT would follow him the rest of his life..for he had found it suited him perfectly. Finally, he knew who he was..and that he belonged!

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