Final Notice

Published on Sep 26, 2022


The Final Notice ch. 1

The Final Notice

Chapter 1: First Notice

By Seymour Rose

ABOUT: See Prologue: Preliminary Notice for full notes. The premise of this story is based on real-life but all of the characters are the invention of the author and are not meant to represent any person real or fictional. This story includes sex between males 21 years of age or older and should only be read by those interested in and allowed to read such content. It is important with all sexual activity to get tested regularly, get on PreP if you're at risk, and discuss safe sex with all of your partners. Copyright of this work is retained by the author with permissions given to Nifty under its standard license. Please consider donating to
This is part 2/10 and I currently have a few more drafted. I welcome your comments and feedback at []( Final Notice: Chapter 1 Comments)

Saturday, 11:30 am

"Say you want me
Say you want me
Out of your life
And I'm just a dead man walking--
Oh, hey!

Nick sang as walked past me into the kitchen, pulling out one of his earbuds post-workout. I had just woken up and was stomaching toast as best I could at the dining room table, hoping it would help my headache go away. There had been a bunch of parties to celebrate the end of finals and I didn't get home until around 3 am. I took another couple of bites of my toast before taking my dishes into the kitchen where Nick was fixing a protein shake.

My roommate had been pretty fit as long as I'd known him but at the beginning of Senior year when he started working out every day, his naturally athletic build started gaining serious definition. This was especially clear when he turned to me, revealing the front of his shirtless torso. Sweat glistened on his curly hair and his abs and started to soak through his skimpy v-notch running shorts, sticking them to his body and emphasizing his prominent package.

"I can't believe you can do that. Exercise after a night of drinking," I said putting my plate in the dishwasher next to him.

"I know if I hold myself to working out it'll make me think more about drinking too much. Plus, I only ran three miles and I feel like it actually helps get rid of a hangover."

"Sounds fake but more power to ya, I guess"

"Besides I wasn't out that late, I ended up making out with John again but then he just ditched me for some reason so I decided to just go home at like one."

"I have always said, `you can't trust frat bros.'"

"I know. I know. Ugh."

"So are you doing the bar crawl tonight?"

"Yeah, I think Chris and I are going head down with some people around six and Sam told me he and Michael were planning on going at the very beginning at four."

"I feel like I'll still be hungover at four."

"Well, you're welcome to come with me and Chris."


"Sure thing, so long as you've managed that hangover. Not gonna lie: you kinda look like shit," he said with a jovial laugh as he patted me on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen. It was tough living with a guy you were into because he sees you at your worst. I thought about this as I leaned against the counter in the kitchen. If I had seen Nick at his worst it was when he was back from his workouts which, cruelly, was also super hot.

My daydreaming about Nick's sweaty body was soon interrupted but by a buzz from my phone. It was an email from the Final Notice. I was a bit surprised when I opened it.

Hello Dean,

We hope your Senior week started with a bang last night! Even if it did not, you are in luck. We are pleased to inform you that you have matched with the following seniors:

  • Akash G. -
  • Jason P. -

The next step is up to you. Have fun and remember the rules.
Do not forget that round two is open at from now until tomorrow at midnight. You may expand your list to as many as 10 seniors. You may replace or keep any selections from the first round with whom you DID NOT match but anyone with whom you DID match has been locked in as part of your ten, so choose wisely.

I was surprised to get two matches. I wasn't surprised who wasn't on my list since Bobby and Dan were long shots and Nick was just a fantasy. I was glad he wasn't still in the room when the message came in. I hadn't thought about how embarrassing that could have been either way it went.

I was excited to see Akash and Jason on my list. They were both guys that I'd been around a good bit but never took a chance with. Exactly what the Final Notice was for, I guess. The problem was I didn't know what to do next. That solved itself quickly when I got a text from an unknown number.

Hey Dean, it's Jason I pulled youre number from the gay union contact sheet I feel like thats less weird that sending an email for some reason lol

He did that pretty quickly, I thought, vainly suspecting he put my number in his phone before this.

Hey! How's it going? Pretty good. You? Nursing a hangover from last night 😬 but otherwise doing alright So about that email... About that. I'm down for whatever if you are 😉 "Whatever" sounds fun � When are you free? That's the thing, I'm actually headed out of town tomorrow to present my thesis at a conference and I'll be gone a few days. if you don't have plans I thought we could meet up tonight I could make that work I'm doing the bar crawl so maybe we could meet up along the way at some point and grab a drink then if that goes well we can head over to my place and do...whatever Sounds perfect 😻 I'm going with some friends so I'll text you when we're getting near the end

I was honestly amazed at how easy it was to schedule at same-day dick appointment. I kind of felt like I was missing out during the four years prior. I texted Chris asking their plan for the evening since I had just heard Nick start the shower. Chris replied that they were going to ride to the first group of bars from the house at 6:15. I asked him to save me a spot in the car then refilled my water glass and took it back upstairs to my room.

I still had six hours before we were leaving but I felt like I had to start getting ready. I picked up the clothes from my floor, straightened my desk a bit, and made my bed. I didn't typically entertain so I even lit a candle to freshen the air. By the time my room looked presentable, Nick had gotten out of the shower. I got undressed and went into the bathroom. The warmth was soothing as my headache was finally subsiding.

As I washed off the night before I felt my dick getting a little stiff thinking about the night ahead. As much as I would have loved to get fucked by Jason, I had no idea what the evening would have in store and figured I probably wouldn't be in a state to bottom even if the opportunity happened present itself. Nevertheless, I gingerly wriggled a finger into my ass to make sure it was reasonably clean for "whatever". That short stimulation was enough to get me fully erect but I managed to resist temptation and let it go down on its own to make sure I'd be fully ready for Jason.

I finished showering and dried off before going back to my room. I usually laid down and scrolled through my phone for a few minutes after a shower but I didn't want to have to remake my bed. I sat on the edge of my mattress and grabbed my phone to see an email from Since I had made plans with Jason so quickly I had forgotten about Akash.

Hey there stud, So what we gonna do bout this, then? Lol a brand loyal bottom told me to send that, but for real though, let's figure this out. Message me on Snap: KashSmash616 -Akash

I switched over to Snapchat trying to form a witty reply.

Hey there tiger
So what's this about Kash smashing?

I thought it was a decent retort to his email, if a touch more cheesy. I immediately saw reply dots on the screen.

Lmao he's got jokes too then? Too? As in, in addition to...

Maybe I was just in a good mood at this point but it was really fun to flirt a bit. addition to that hot bod...stud 😘

I knew he was baiting me at this point and I had no reason not to take it. I stood up and took a selfie down my modestly defined torso, making sure to get a piece of my dark brown bush peeking out the top of my white towel. I captioned it with "You mean this?" and sent it to Akash. Thirty seconds later he replied:

Well that was even more than I hoped for I hope you don't mind

I felt myself getting hard again when a video came through. I opened it to see Akash with a smirk on his handsome bearded face with the caption "not at all" before the camera flipped and tilted to show his left hand gripping a large, well-outlined dick through the fabric of khaki pants.

Well we will have to do something about that R u free tonite? I'm busy tonight, sadly your monster there is going to have to wait What about tomorrow afternoon?

I didn't have logistics on my mind but based on how excited my cock was I figured I could manage that regardless of how my night went.

3:00 my place?

After that, I sent along a picture of the tent I was pitching in my towel with the caption "mine seems just as eager."

Sounds great, stud

A few seconds later I opened another picture. The fly of his khakis was open and the waistband of his boxers was two inches down his shaft revealing his cockhead peeking out of his foreskin with a small drop of precum on its slit shining amidst his black pubes. After admiring the preview of his member, I read the caption which said, "Why don't your release you beast so I know what to look forward to for the next 24 hours."

Without hesitation, I unfurled the towel from my waist and took a quick shot my cock with a string of precut stretching from my its tip a couple inches to my finger. I captioned it, "Hope that's enough time for you to be ready." I licked the taste of precum off my finger then pulled on my sexiest pair of underwear for Jason and picked out clothes to keep myself from wasting a load before back-to-back hook-ups. By the time I got my pants on there was a reply on my phone.

Plenty of time 😈

Saturday, 9:00 pm

"Mind if I get by ya there?"

I had been to 5 bars and had at least a drink in all of them. Chris had gone home after we met up with his girlfriend and Nick had disappeared either to meet his girlfriends or, more likely, to meet all of his Final Notice matches. Michael and Sam had been out twice as long but at that point were only one bar ahead so I was going to head out and meet them. That is until I saw Jason when I went to close out at the bar. He was wearing a loose patterned short-sleeve button-down with a few of the top buttons open and tight black jeans. He was sipping on some fancy-looking specialty cocktail and laughing with a group of girls.

"Oh hey, Dean," he said turning towards me and setting down his drink. "I was just about to text you. We were just talking about jumping ahead to the last bar if you want to join us."

"That'd be great!"

I didn't recognize any of the three girls he was with so we introduced ourselves. Then, after they finished their drinks and we all paid, we headed out and walked the couple blocks past the campus dives to the nice restaurant bar that ended the list. I thought I should text Sam.

Probably not gonna make it to you guys np

We grabbed some beers when we got to the bar then took them out to the patio with some chairs around a fire pit. People must have been split between being in the earlier bars and finishing the crawl to go to parties because the place wasn't very crowded. I sat on a bench next to Jason and the three girls sat on the other sides of the fire.

Mike wants to know if your finally going to get laid Please just put him to bed So thats a yes? 🖕 ðŸ`�🤞ðŸ�†

I couldn't tell if Jason had told his friends he was meeting me or, if so, what reason he gave. The girls were very nice though, and we had a lovely conversation reminiscing about college and talking about graduation. When we finished our beers, I went to get Jason another since he had been nice enough to get me a beer when we got there. I got a couple of ciders which I thought would be nice on the surprisingly chilly spring night. When I sat back down the girls said there were about to head out so we said our goodbyes and Jason got up to hug them. Once they walked away Jason sat back down next to me but instead of leaving the small gap that had been between us he positioned himself with the outside of his thigh firmly against mine. He folded his hands around his drink in his lap and leaned his head onto my right shoulder.

"What a nice night," he sighed, clearly feeling the effects of a long evening of bar hopping.

"Yeah, this fire is really great," I said. I pulled my arm back and around Jason's waist. He snuggled closer and moved his left hand to my inner thigh and rubbed gently with his thumb. I smelled a sweet vanilla scent from his head on my shoulder. Maybe it was the light drunkenness, but the romantic intimacy was really doing it for me.

I brought my left hand to his head, running my fingers through his smooth, strawberry-blond dyed hair. My right had drifted slowly down to cup his ample right butt cheek. He gripped firmly on my right thigh with his fingers and for a moment I imagined myself pushing his head down to my crotch and letting him blow me right there in front of the fire. Instead, I drew my hand from his hair and placed it on the one grabbing my thigh then turned to kiss him on the head. He picked up his head and looked at me with his kind brown eyes and sweet smile for a moment before leaning in and giving me a peck on the lips. He pulled back and grabbed the hand I had rested on his.

"You wanna head out?" Jason asked, "It's kind of cold out here."

"Yeah, my place is close by."

We got up and started walking the two blocks to my house. As we strolled, we stayed close with my arm around Jason's waist and his around my shoulder. We didn't say anything and just enjoyed each other's warmth.

After we got into the house and up to my room, Jason plopped down onto my couch. When I walked close enough to him he grabbed the front of my black t-shirt and pulled me far enough to grab the back of my neck and bring my lips into his for a much more energetic kiss than the peck at the bar. I brought my knees up onto the couch straddling his and bent down sloppily making out with him as I grabbed his hair and he groped my ass. I brought myself upright and pulled off my shirt then started to unbutton the remaining half of his as we continued to kiss. I licked my way down his body, sliding my knees off the couch to the floor. When I reached his waistband, I found the tip of his hard dick stretching just past the top, revealing a beautiful, leaking bunch of foreskin. I immediately dove my tongue into his skin and licked the sweet precum from around his head. He let out a moan and pushed me back as he stood up.

I watched him as he undid his fly and set his remaining inches free. It was a sight. He had no hair on his body but for the small trimmed patch of jet black pubes at the base of his 7-inch cock. He didn't have a defined six-pack or pecs but he looked like he had zero body fat. He was a perfect tall, smooth, Asian twink. He pulled me up off my knees before I could lean in for a better taste. He undid my jeans as we made out. I wrapped one arm around the back torso pulling his smooth chest tight to my slightly furry pecs while with my other hand I grabbed the back of his neck forcing our mouths together for our tongues to deliciously continue exploring. At the same time, his hands reached down behind me and slid into the back of my tight black Calvin Klein trunks. He pulled our hips together so that our raging hardons rubbed together separated only by the thin layer of cotton holding mine in.

Jason broke away as soon as I loosed my hold on his upper body and dropped to his knees with my fingers still in his hair. He licked along my 7-1/2 inches through the fabric and lapped up the precum soaking through at my cockhead.

"Fuck! Suck my dick," I pled.

Jason pulled off my underwear and noticed, "Wow, I didn't expect you to be that big and uncut."

"More to enjoy," I told him.

He gave me a delectable smile and started to slowly lick along my shaft. He pulled back my foreskin with one hand and licked the rest of my precum off of my slit. With his hand still gripping the base, he wrapped his lips around the other half of my cock, continuing to tongue underneath the tip as best he could. The great thing about to uncut guys together is they tend to know exactly how to take care of an intact penis.

"I don't know if I can get that down my throat as thick as it is," he said as he reached a thumb to tease my frenulum, driving me wild, "I'll do what I can, though."

Jason went back to working my shaft in and out of his mouth as he got deeper and deeper until I felt my tip hit the back of his throat.

"Oh fuck, Jason, you're fucking amazing," I let out as he plunged my tool just deep enough that his nose reached my bush. He was swallowing the head of my cock without even the suggestion of gagging. I nearly doubled over when he started working it with his throat. He was so hungry for it. He pulled his mouth off my dick and immediately brought his hand back up to stroke it as he caught his breath.

I reached a finger below Jason's chin and guided him up off his knees to eye level with his hand continuing to stroke me. We kissed sloppily for a moment before I pushed him backward onto the bed with a soft hand on his firm chest.

I got down to his towering cock and pulled back his lengthy foreskin. I went straight for his exposed head, knowing it would be ultra-sensitive. I alternated flicking my slick tongue on his frenulum and rubbing it with the rougher pad of my thumb, the combination of which made him lay back on the bed moaning.

My housemates were definitely home but I had been moaning when he was sucking me. I didn't think about it, either because I was still a little drunk or because I knew I was moving out in a few days and it wouldn't matter. I was glad to be giving him that much pleasure though.

I showed a little mercy and licked and sucked his dick a bit more gently for a few more minutes. He sat up and pulled me up to his mouth. We moved to lay down together on the bed and kept making out kind of slowly and lazily, absentmindedly exploring each other's backs and butts and nipples, rubbing each other's dicks with our own hands and hardons. Before too long it settled to just cuddling and spooning. When he fell asleep I turned out the light and dozed off in his arms shortly after.

* * *

Several hours later, I woke up with Jason next to me with an exposed cock. I pulled some blanket from him and nestled up to him and sort of half fell back to sleep. He stirred a little and I gave him a soft kiss on the neck. He turned to me and we started kissing. As we woke up we started making out harder. He straddled me and held my arms down beside my head.

"Can I give you a hickey?" he asked in both the sweetest and hottest way possible.

"Yes, please," I responded submissively, caught off guard by the fact that a guy would ask first.

Jason proceeded to suck and nibble my neck before making his way down to my nipples then stomach then past my straining cock to my thighs. What he did next though was incredible.

He started to suck the place where my thigh met my crotch to the left of my waiting cock. It was one of those amazing tickling sensations and because it was so surprising it had me gasping and writhing. I put that in my mental bank to try with him (and anyone else) later. Noticing the sharp gasp and physical reaction to the move, he was encouraged to continue to tease me with his tongue, lips, teeth, fingers, and nails in every spot around my crotch, finding the most intense combinations before even touching my impatient dick.

Before long, it got too intense; plus, I didn't want to wait much longer to get payback. First, though, I reached down and directed his head to my dick. He sucked and deepthroated it for a while before I guided him off. We sat up and I pulled his hips to mine and we made out while I stroked our dicks together, slick with his spit from my cock. I was getting close to cumming so I had him lay down and went down on him, making sure to try my newfound tricks.

I had him moaning before even touching his dick. I wondered for a moment what time it was and if we were waking anyone up. I let the thought pass.

I didn't make him wait as long as he had denied me. We had essentially been edging each other mercilessly for hours at this point and as a result, Jason was leaking like crazy. I just couldn't resist. I licked up the puddle on his smooth stomach and then the bead from his still bunched foreskin.

It wasn't long before he said he was close so I made my way up his smooth, firm torso our lips met to kiss and our cocks met so I could thrust them together between our hips. When he said he was close again I got on my knees straddling him with our dicks close and jerked his while he stroked mine. He came just after that. Then, before his last rope hit his chest I started cumming all over him, one shot just reaching his chin, the hardest I had cum in years (since my first time bottoming). Waiting had been worth it.

I wiped my cum off his chin with my finger and put it in my mouth before giving him a short, deep kiss. We toweled off then, out of the coital bliss, he panicked.

"Shit! My conference," he jumped to his pants across the room to check his phone. "Oh good, it's only eight, my trains not for an hour."

Relaxed again, he came back to the. We made out for another 15 minutes and he played a little with my dick.

"I can't believe you're still hard after that,"

"Too bad you can't stay for another round," I teased, making no mention of the fact that I was expecting Akash in just a few hours.

We got dressed and Jason headed out after giving me one more peck on the lips. I went back upstairs and made my bed and straightened out my room a bit then I got in the shower. I stroked myself at first thinking about what just happened then about the date I had scheduled at three. Even though the anticipation of my second hot guy of the day got me even more excited I stopped myself from finishing to make sure I'd be ready for at least one more round that day.

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