Final Notice

Published on Sep 25, 2022


The Final Notice Prologue

The Final Notice

Prologue: Preliminary Notice

By Seymour Rose

ABOUT: The idea of Final Notice is based on a real app at my alma mater. I've discovered that similar apps exist at several schools so if yours has one it may or may not be the same one (so please don't ask). If it doesn't, grab a few friends to help you with the programming and have fun.
Some aspects of the story are inspired by real-life but all of the characters are the invention of the author and are not meant to represent any person real or fictional.
This prologue introduces several main characters and the rules of the Final Notice but does not include any sex. Later installments will include sex between males 21 years of age or older and should only be read by those interested in and allowed to read such content.
Copyright of this work is retained by the author with permissions given to Nifty under its standard license.
I have been reading Nifty for quite some time and hope you will donate to keep it up.
I am new to story writing (besides the original true retelling of this story which you might find elsewhere on the interwebs). I'm planning for this to be 9 chapters. The first one is done and I have drafts of a couple more so far. I welcome your feedback at []( Final Notice: Prologue Comments)

Friday, 12:00 am

"The Final Notice is out."

Micheal must have been taking a break from his paper to check his email because he broke the silent focus of the living room to say. It was the night before the last exam of my college career. I was doing some last-minute studying along with my housemates: Sam, Nick, Micheal, and Chris plus Chris's girlfriend Amber. I looked over at my phone and saw the email notification with the subject "Seniors: This is your Final Notice." We knew before reading the email what the Notice was, but we all opened inboxes anyway. All four of us were reading the email sent from on our devices.

Dear Seniors, Our time at this strange institution is nearing its end. As we take the last of our final exams today, we stand just 10 days away from Commencement and our departure from campus. In the past four years, we have done so much, but still, there are so many things we never had the chance to do. Furthermore, there are so many of our classmates who we never had the chance to do. For those of you with regrets about those with whom you did not get a chance to get it on thus far, this is your Final Notice. It's simple. Go to and follow these rules:

  • Register using your university email
  • Add any member of the Class to your list by searching their name or email
  • You have until 11:59 on Friday (tonight) to add up to 5 names to your list
  • Round one matches will be sent out on the site and by email at noon on Saturday (tomorrow) with the name and email of each of your matches
  • You will have until 11:59 on Sunday to add up to 10 total names to your list (NOTE: if you did not match with someone on your list you may replace them or keep them to see if they add you to their list in the second round)
  • Round two matches will be sent out at noon on Monday
  • Remember, you can receive STI/HIV testing as a walk-in or by appointment at the University Health Center for free through the end of August
  • What you do with your matches is up to you, but remember, you are beholden to the University Code of conduct and that the matches themselves should not be considered affirmations of consent to any activity until expressly communicated (Read: Don't get us sued)

This is all for fun so we as the Servers of Notice reserve the right to throw in some surprises but we promise not to change the existing rules and to keep your list private, with the sole exception of revealing mutual matches. ~THIS WILL SERVE AS YOUR FINAL NOTICE~

When we finished reading to ourselves, three of us went directly to the site.

"Well, I guess this means you guys are pretty much done studying tonight," Sam said closing his laptop. A few nights earlier when we were guessing when the annual Notice would come out, he thought it was so funny how excited we were about it. Sam was still dating his high school girlfriend. Even though she went to school in a different state, they were very happy together. Still, he admitted he could understand the draw of the final notice to his single classmates.

"I still think it's kind of sad. Some of us have found relationships and some have already taken the opportunity to screw the people they wanted. The whole thing just reminds the people who do it that they missed their chance. Whether that means they don't match or they do match and the one time they get to hook up makes them regret they didn't do it sooner," Chris offered, put off by the idea from the start.

"I think its a fun idea," his girlfriend Amber replied. "I mean, like it says, you don't even have to do anything. Whether you get laid or just laugh about it, it's kind of nice to know at least. Don't you think?"

"You sound like what your friend Rachel was saying last week. How gross she thought it was when she'd match with guys on Tinder she knew to say hi and they'd respond wanting to hook up."

"In her defense, the girls she matches with who she's already friends with do want just laugh about it and if they are interested in hooking up they have more tact and don't rush things because they aren't creepy and don't want to ruin a friendship."

"I guess that's were men and women really are different," Eric admitted. "I bet you though, if Rachel gets any matches this week, she's going to try to sleep with them whether they are a guy or a girl. Including all her friends she matched with on Tinder and brushed off as a joke and now regrets not banging."

"Just because your right about that doesn't mean that the Final Notice is some awful thing."

"Well, I have plenty of regrets but that's exactly why I'm adding as many guys to my Final Notice as I can," Nick interjected. He was always the one to jump in with some levity, especially when it came to Chris and Amber's spats. I was also already working on filling out my Notice. I wasn't going to be the one to announce my readiness to list out the guys I wished I had fucked. And for that matter, I didn't want anyone to know that Nick was the first on that list.

After four years, I had only hooked up with one guy in my class. Besides that, there were a couple of times with one a year above me, once with a guy from high school one summer, and a guy I dated for a couple months a year younger who was great but wasn't ready for a serious relationship or very much sex.

Nick had had a little more luck. From what he told us, he was with a few guys here and there when we were underclassmen and while he was abroad Junior year in London he got pretty serious with a Indian guy in his program. In our last semester, he really went for it though. It seemed like after every party he went to, he had a story about a guy (or sometimes two or three) who he had made out with that night. He didn't care if they had a boyfriend or if they were believed to be straight; if they showed interest, he took the opportunity while he could. I was sure he'd be listing those make-out partners he hadn't got in bed and his other hot friends he'd yet to get on the dance floor. Even so, I didn't want to miss my final chance to match with him. Even though I thought he was sweet and funny and really cute, I always enjoyed being his friend and never really had any interest in dating him. It was mostly just that, for about a year or so, I found myself really wanting to hook up with him. Maybe it had something to do with the seeing guys go in and out of his room late at night and early in the morning while I spent most nights alone in my room jerking off or maybe this desire was beneath the surface since freshman year and I just felt the pressure of the clock ticking.

Besides Nick, there were plenty of other guys that I wanted to add to my list. There were guys I had classes with or was in clubs with (a few of whom I wasn't even sure were into guys), dudes who I had matched with on Tinder or chatted up on Grindr but never sealed the deal with, and few friends of friends who I wasn't even sure knew who I was but were so hot I had to take the chance. I picked my top five and added them on the website. First was Jason who I knew from the gay union and who I matched with on Tinder sophomore year but never messaged. Then there was Bobby who I also knew from the gay union. I thought he might have mentioned a boyfriend but he was cute and always really friendly to me so I put him down. Next was Akash who came to the coffee shop where I worked a lot. I'd seen him ordering several times recently with a guy he was clearly seeing, but during that time I had also seen him on Grindr so I figured they were at least open enough for him to have a Final Notice hook up. The fourth was Dan. Dan was friends with a lot of the people I worked with but we had only ever spoken once or twice. I thought he was the hottest guy on campus and I knew he was gay so I put him down with the hope that maybe he'd exhausted the queer population on campus and I was one of the last ones to try. Finally, of course, was Nick. So, with my first five down and a good idea of my next five in the back of my head I submitted for round one.

Chris and Amber had gone upstairs to bed. Micheal, I could see out of the corner of my eye, was back to typing his essay after spending a few minutes on The Final Notice adding two or three girls to his list. Sam was packing up his bag, having finished up his practice problems without the distraction. I decided I wasn't going to get any more out of going through my notes, especially now that daydreaming about all the guys I wanted to fuck had my mind far from European Diplomacy. The same seemed to be the case for Nick who was now scrolling through his phone. As if he could sense I was watching him, he said, "I wish I had taken Game Theory this semester, I feel like it would have helped me figure out this list."

"You think so?" I asked as I was packing up my bag.

"Yeah, I mean, do I put down the guys I know are into me? If I knew they were why wouldn't I just text them and say I'm interested? That way I could use my Notice for the guys I'm less sure about. Then there's which round to put them in. Would someone put me in their first-round then trade me out for someone else in the second round even though I would put them in either round but decide to save them for the second?" Nick wondered with a sense of exasperation that I found amusing.

"I feel like you're overthinking it. And besides, like you said yourself, there are plenty of guys who don't want to miss their chance with you so even if you don't match I'm sure you won't have trouble getting laid this week if that's what you want."

"Thanks. I just feel like I've been hooking up with the wrong guys this semester and I want to end on a high note. You know."

"I mean I haven't been hooking up with any guys this semester but, yeah I think I know what you mean."

"I find that so hard to believe. You are such a great guy."

"That's sweet of you but you know it's not as easy for me to put myself out there. Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep. Good luck with your Orgo exam. And with you Game Theory I guess." We both laughed with Micheal looking over his laptop smirking and shaking his head.

I went to bed, with the exhaustion of finals week hitting hard. I drifted off absentmindedly rubbing my hardon thinking about Nick and the other guys I might match within less than 36 hours.

Next: Chapter 2

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