Filthy Family

By Naked Guy

Published on Sep 30, 2018


Filthy Family Pt 8

Scat - Incest

(Fictional story--for fantasy purposes only)

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It was weird back at home after staying several days at Raj's place. I marveled over the experiences I'd had there. Our routine was back in place immediately. Mom went back to work in the city while dad worked at home.

On the first day that mom went back to work, I decided to boldly walk naked into the living room with a towel around my shoulders (instead of my waist).

"Dad, I wanna get in the pool."

He looked up with one eyebrow raised, but just said "okay".

I walked out to the backyard and put the towel by the steps. I walked over to the deep end and dove in. The water felt good around my naked body. Soon after I swam around a bit, I grabbed the raft and pulled it into the water. I rolled on top of it and lay on my stomach. My dick was between my legs laying flat. As I lay there with a breeze flowing over me, I got hard. My dick stiffened and it ended up pointing to my feet laying flat against the rubber. I imagined dad watching me from the window with my hard dick pressed lewdly on the plastic pointing back at him. I moved one knee outward so my hole was exposed. I felt so exhibitionistic.

The longer I lay there the hornier I got. I debated jacking off right there. I recalled my talk with dad about jacking off and discretion. I rolled over onto my back and my dick flipped up against my nearly hairless pubes. The few golden curly hairs I had there gleamed in the sun. I couldn't wait until I had a bush!

I fantasized of shitting in the pool and eating it while dad watched. I had to jack off so bad. I decided to get up and go inside. As I walked in drying off I didn't bother to hide my erection.

"I'm gonna go take a nap, buddy."

"Okay dad."

I listened as dad's footsteps walked to his room. I walked to the hall and heard him rummaging through drawers as I put my ear to his bedroom door. Then I remembered that's where the vibrator was stored--I had to think about it and was relieved when I remember I had put it back. I heard a drawer shut and a zipper open. There were some other clicks and then I heard a hum. My perv mind thought maybe dad was using the vibrator, and then I realized how dumb that was. Yet I heard the sound similar to it.

I dared to open the bedroom door just a centimeter, and there was dad lying on the bed with the vibrator in his ass! His dick was hard and he was nude. He was jacking off slowly as he moaned softly. Then I lost my balance and fell forward. Dad jumped up instantly.


I ran from the hall and zoomed into my room and closed the door. My heart raced so bad I thought I was going to barf. The door opened and my naked dad stood there with the vibrator in his hand.

"Don't you have any god damn respect for anyone's privacy?"

"Dad, I'm sorry...I--"

"Shut up! You certainly have no discretion. You walk around without a stitch. You sit here beating off in your room all day and flash your penis around the pool! You're not the only one horny around here. Why the hell are you doing snooping on me?"

I was crying.

"Sorry dad! I didn't know you were gay!"

"Goddammit--just because a man likes his ass played with doesn't mean he's gay. I can't help it if I get off on it. Your mother won't even use it herself. I've got feelings and urges too. I'm gonna use this when she's not home. The bottom line is that you can't just bust in on me when I am jacking off son."

I wiped my eyes. Dad stared at me. My hands were shaking. Then he sighed and sat down next to me. He sat the vibrator on the bed. We sat side by side by my eyes were on his glistening dick. It wasn't hard now but I thought it was sexy.

"Dad, I've found it already. I've used it too. It feels really good!"

I nodded toward the greasy vibrator in his hand.

"You've used it in your butt son?"

"Yeah dad. I thought it would help me know what it was like for a dude to fuck me."

"Watch your language."

"Yes sir," I said and swallowed hard.

"If you're gonna explore your sexuality, I guess this IS the safest way."

"How did you know you liked it dad?"

He laughed. "I got it for your mom. Out of curiosity one day I used it on my felt good. I had a girlfriend once that licked my ass. I thought maybe it would feel good just on the outside. Well, I kept on trying things and before I knew it, I pressed it in my butt."

I wasn't upset any more. I noticed his dick rise just a bit.

"Well Bruce, I tried again to get your mom to use it. We were having some kinky fun one night and I asked her to try it in my ass. She did, but wasn't into it. Wouldn't do it again."

"I have an idea dad...I was horny. You were horny. Why don't we jack off now right here?"

"Son, that's a little weird."

"No dad, we're like buddies. Did you ever jack off with a friend?"

"Yeah, years ago. We were both looking at a Hustler mag of my bud's dad. We did it at the same time to get it done fast before we were busted."

"Lay back dad. I'm already hard see!"

"You are. And I been meanin' to tell you that you look more like a teenager down there now than a boy."

"Thanks dad!"

I scooted over.

"Lay back dad!"

He reluctantly lay back.

"What were you thinking about before?" I asked.

"Well, I'm bit embarrassed but...I thought about your mom wearing a strap-on penis and going at me for punishment!"


I asked dad some more about it and he was getting hard as he talked about his fantasy. He surprised me by pushing the vibrator in with ease and twisted its end to turn it on. He signed. He jacked off with the other hand. I was already beating my dick furiously. Then I moved my hand between his legs and held the vibrator.

"I got it dad!"

I moved it in and out as he jacked faster and faster. I fucked him faster and as deep as it could go. Then dad started spurting loads of cum in the air. One hit my wrist; the other flew onto his chest. The rest pooled down his shaft. It was a cum load that rivaled one of Raj's brothers.

When I saw dad's jizz fly out, I started cumming hard. It was not like any orgasm I'd had to date. I had felt my penis pulse when the cum squirted. It was my larges load to date. We just sat there and got our breaths back.

After it was over for both of us, I grabbed my t-shirt from the floor and handed it to dad. He wiped himself up and I took it from him.

"Okay dad, now don't weird out after we did this. I'm very cool with it. In fact, if you want me to help ever again just let me know!"

"Bruce, I'm afraid I got carried away. I shouldn't have come in here and yelled but more so I shouldn't have had sex in here."

"Dad, get over it. We just jacked off. You didn't molest me or anything. It's our secret. Just you and me! You haven't perverted me. I jack off all the time with Raj. I'm not so innocent in that department."

He seemed a bit embarrassed anyway. He quickly left with his dildo. I grabbed the t-shirt and rubbed my face in his cum. I inhaled it deeply. I spit on my hand and started jacking again. As I sucked on dad's jizz, I quickly had another orgasm. I lay back playing with my balls...door still open. I knew things were going to be very different at home from then on! If only my dad knew how experienced I really was and how nasty and sick my sex play became!

Needless to say, nothing happened at home the rest of the week. I did go swimming naked everyday and wore nothing until mom got home. Dad disappeared once a day but didn't mention why he was going to his room to do--but I knew he was jacking with the vibrator in his ass.

Meanwhile, Raj had gotten in trouble at home again on the weekend for playing in the attic and falling through! Then he and his brothers fought about something stupid and he broke something else. He was grounded for a month. I had no idea when we were going to enjoy a load of shit together again.

At the same time, Scotty was off to football camp. I considered sneaking over but I wasn't sure what the atmosphere would be with Bobby stuck watching Raj and not being able to get out. I could probably have sex with Scotty but if their dad came home or was working from home it wouldn't work--Raj was to have no friends over (all this I got from a secret phone call Raj had made to me).

I decided to go ride my bike to find the house of the dude that we messed around with in the park bathroom. The day the experience happened, I went right home and wrote down the address he'd told us. Raj seemed to forget all about it. I put on only socks and shoes with a pair of shorts on. The shorts were kind of small on me now, but I thought it would look hot to any perv that wanted to see.

I rode a few miles to that dude's house. When I found it, I saw it was a duplex. The side with his street number had a large truck in the driveway with a business name in huge letters. The other side of the duplex had a "for lease" sign on it. I cautiously drove up the driveway and parked my bike at the door just inside a small gate. I rang the bell. It was hot outside but I hadn't really started to sweat all over yet. The door opened and a surprised man looked at me through the glass storm door. It was the man from the park.

"Whoa kid, I didn't think you'd really come over."

"Should I go?"

"Oh no, come inside and cool off. Where's your friend?"

He looked from left to right suspiciously.

"He's grounded. I'm horny!"

"Well, you came to the right place. And by the way, I'm Samuel."

He was shirtless and had on a towel. He was a bit stocky but his long, jet-black beard was exquisitely trimmed and his hair looked freshly cut. He smelled of shaving cream. He pulled off the towel and exposed his soft uncut cock. I pushed down my shorts and stood there in sox and shoes only. He nodded for me to come after him, so I followed him to a bedroom. After I pulled off my shoes and socks and he rubbed my feet while I lay on my stomach.

"Nice butt kid. Not exactly a man's butt but not like a woman's either. Wanna let me see it up close?"

I nodded and rolled over into my favorite position on my back. I drew my knees to my chest and pulled my cheeks open with my hands.

"Nice hole. Has it been fucked lately?"

"Not for the last week," I admitted.

He moved onto his stomach and sniffed my ass deeply.

"Sweaty but fresh."

Then he moved his mouth directly onto my hole and sucked my butthole firmly. Then his tongue drilled deep. He stroked my dick slowly by massaging its head. His thumb rubbed the sensitive underside of it while the middle finger tweaked my piss hole. I moaned because it felt so fucking good. He munched on my hole for a half hour. We changed positions a few times, but he never tired. I reached for his fat uncut dick and pulled the skin back.

"Sorry kid, I just washed. Had I known you were comin' over I would have been cheesy for you like last time. I remember how much you liked my filthy dick that day in the nasty bathroom. You and your pal were really raunchy!"

"Yeah," I said.

He had a nice full black bush over his dick that wasn't trimmed at all. I looked him over again and admired his thick muscular legs and arms. I admired the tattoos all over his upper body. His belly was round, but it was sexy in its contrast to the rest of his body. His pecs sagged a little and his thick nipples were erect. I reached to play with one of them. I admired the black hair sticking out from his armpits.

"Yeah buddy, I liked those nips played with--you can be rough with 'em."

I pinched it hard with the tips of my fingers and twisted it. He didn't flinch. Instead he just moaned.

"Mmmm, yeah!"

I felt a finger slide inside my hole.

"Did you douche kid?"

I wasn't sure what he was talking about.

"You know...did you rinse your ass out?"

I shook my head.

"Well maybe you got a full house then--we'll have to see. Can you take a good fudge packin'?"

I nodded even though I wasn't sure I could take his dick.

"Good, because I'm gonna fuck you good dude!"

He reached into a drawer and found a squeeze bottle. He poured some lube on his dick. He stood on the floor and pulled my legs. I was on my back again--my feet against his chest with my knees bent. With a swift move he pushed inside of me. I winced at the initial pain and waited for him to move further in.

"Good job kid--I'm all the way in already! You're much tighter than your little friend was."

"Ugh, thanks!" I grunted.

Despite the discomfort, my dick was totally hard. It lay against me just below my bellybutton. There was a long drip of precum. I was happy because I hadn't seen me make it before anywhere. I'd only seen it come out of Bobby or Scotty's dicks. The burn in my hole made it more exciting.

Samuel fucked me fast. Soon enough the pressure from his dick and whatever shit inside began to feel good like when I sat on the vibrator at home and jacked off--even though there was a jolt of pain now and then when he punched it hard. Samuel ran his rough hands all over my body. Then, roughly he pulled my shoulders off the bed and gripped me into a hug. I felt his thick, full black beard rub against my neck and it gave me chills. His mouth sucked my entire ear and his tongue dove into my ear filling it with warm spit. It drove me crazy.

When he forced his mouth back on mine he kissed me passionately. The whole time his dick kept fucking me like a machine. His big arms held me up and he lifted me off the bed. I wrapped my legs around him. We kissed hard. His tongue was everywhere. He let me suck hard on his long tongue and I love that. He walked around the house to different rooms holding me while we kissed and fucked. Then his dick hit that spot. I knew I was cumming.

"Ahhh!" I groaned.

He pushed me against a wall for support and jacked me with his left hand. I felt come spurting. Still, he didn't stop banging me. Eventually we made it back to that bedroom where he managed to sit on the bed without us separating. On my side with him behind me, he held up my outer leg and entered me from behind. He wrapped his arms around me and we made out with my head turned to the right. His fucking became a bit slower. He rubbed my sticky dick with the remnants of cum still there. I was in total heaven.

Eventually he started groaning in my ear. His thrusts came very hard but slow. He was cumming inside of me. When it was over, he grabbed the back of my head and began licking all over my face. I closed my eyes and let him lick my eyelids. He sucked my nose and licked the nostrils. He ended with a slow kiss and nibbled on my lips.

"My god kid. You're a great fuck. You're so sexy. I like you way better than your friend."

"Good. Thanks!" I sighed.

"You're almost like the teen boy that kept flashing me out his window a few weeks ago while me and my crew took a break in their yard while doing their kitchen floor. I kept seeing his naked bod in the window. After we went back inside, he sneaked me in his room and I fucked him right under his daddy's nose! You horny white boys really turn me on, but I never thought I go this young! But fuck man--you're a little stud!"

After a few minutes of just laying together, I wanted to explore his body. I moved my hips and his dick came out with a smack sound. I moved down to clean off his cock. There was a slight bit of shit in his foreskin, but the rest of his dick looked clean--I thought his dick would be really shitty. Or maybe he just pushed the rest of my turds back up inside me?

"Yeah that's nice buddy. Clean that cock!"

He lay there looking so hot with sweat dripping down his forehead. After I worked on his half hard dick, I went up and nursed on his tits. Each of his pecs was meaty under the skin despite being a little out of shape. His nipple hardened against my tongue. While I sucked and nibbled on that one, I pinched the other one hard. With my free hand, I stroked his soft and long beard. I chewed his nipple harder.

"Oh yeah, that's it. You can do that all day long!"

I was hard again. He gripped my dick with his hairy thighs. I alternated back and forth until I smelled his armpit. I wiggled my face under his triceps and he moved his arm up.

"You like pits? Go for it."

I sucked on his hairy armpit and he gripped my head with his thick arm. I rubbed his muscles as I sucked the pit hair. Then I moved to the other one. I rubbed my face into its stink. Since his shower, we had worked up a sweat there and it was heady. I covered my face with his smell and then I began licking it up and down.

"Who trained you kid? You're too experienced for just a 12 year old. You're some primo boy-butt!"

"Just some friends." I said.

"Well your friends are goddamned lucky."

Then I moved down to his dick and sucked the hairy balls. He spread his legs and lifted one. I moved my head down there and he rolled on his side. He spread his ass. The sweaty funky scent blasted my nose. I sucked on his asslips hoping for some shit.

"Sorry kid. I took a massive shit just before I showered. That's why I showered actually--it was one of those shits that stick in your crack and you gotta rinse it out."

"Damn," I said.

"You're so nasty--but I love it!" he laughed.

I would have loved being fed from his muscular butt. I would have even come over and eaten the shitty crack for him.

"You into feet? I could use a good foot rub!"

I answered by getting up and moving to his feet. I got on my hands and knees with my ass facing him.

"Nice view from here!" he joked.

I sucked on his toes and rubbed his feet. He had big feet and nice toes. The ball of his foot was kind of dry and rough--but that was like the rest of him. He was masculine as hell.

We made out again and then he grabbed his phone after it beeped.

"Shit man. My guys are on their way. I run a flooring business. My guys are picking me up so we can finish a job. The guys will be here in about fifteen minutes."

I was disappointed that it was over. I really dug this guy.

"Tell you what. The guys are coming from another site. I really doubt either of them bothered to shower. I'm gonna invite them in. Don't worry. They're a couple of bottoms like you but that's part of why I hired them. Even so, I bet they'd love to have their dicks sucked! My dick was instantly hard again. I watched Samuel put on work pants and a T-shirt with his company name and logo on the back. He pulled on some socks and work boots. Once he had his cap on he looked smoking hot in a totally different way than before. The doorbell rang. He stood up and told me to follow him. I walked naked to the living room.

"Sit there!" he ordered.

I sat on a fancy chair that was really soft. He opened the door and spoke only Spanish to two younger guys. They were both skinny and wore dusty work clothes. They didn't seem very surprised to see a naked kid sitting there watching them. They look rough and cute at the same time.

After more Spanish, one of them walked up to me and unzipped his pants. The smell of sweaty, dirty dick hit my nose immediately. He pulled out his balls too and stood there. I moved my head forward and sniffed. I smelled the smegma scent from when I first met Samuel at the park in the bathroom.

Samuel spoke more Spanish and the guy pulled his foreskin back. A ring of whitish yellow crud was around the ridge of his dick head. I licked it all clean. The smell was addictive and it tasted good. Then I sucked the guy's entire semi-soft dick into my mouth and began sucking it. He grew fully hard fast. I felt his hands grip my head. Before I knew it, I was being face-fucked.

I gripped onto his leg for balance. I smelled sweat and cheap cologne from above me. He wasn't very as cute as the other guy, but his dick was long. Samuel said something else in Spanish and they all laughed, but the dude raped my mouth harder--he was filling my mouth with jizz. I swallowed it all. After he was done cumming, he pulled out and wiped his dick on my face. He moved away and walked off with his dick out. In the distance I heard him pissing into the nearby toilet.

The cuter guy walked over to me and unzipped. He pulled his very long foreskin back and again I cleaned all the cheese from it. Then he pushed the foreskin back and let me chew on it with my lips. I loved the feeling of the long foreskin and ran my tongue inside it. He sighed spoke to himself. This one I liked more and I looked up his face as I sucked. He smiled back at me with a grin missing a tooth. He was adorable.

Adorable or not--he wanted to get off as fast as worker buddy. He gripped my head and fucked my mouth hard and fast. In much less time than the other guy, he was depositing his load in my mouth. Samuel spoke to him again and he just stood there while his dick got a bit softer between my lips. Then I felt my mouth filling with piss.

"I told him there was no need to go to the bathroom with you around!"

He laughed devilishly.

I gulped and gulped to a piss stream that seemed to be endless.

"The guys drink a lot of water in this heat!"

He laughed again and told them to go outside.

"You'll need to get your shorts on kid. I'm out 'til sundown. I just happened to be home today to take care of some business. Normally I am just free on weekends. If you come Saturday or Sunday be discreet. I have fucking nosey neighbors. I'll just tell 'em you're the lawn mower boy."


I burped a long nasty belch that tasted like piss and cum. I pulled on my shorts and shoved my socks in my single pocket. I slipped on the shoes fast and headed out to my bike. I rode down the driveway and saw into the huge truck full of gear and pallets of tile. The two guys sat in the passenger seat as Samuel closed the back doors.

As I pedaled away, I felt the urge to fart. I knew I had an ass full of cum. I tried to squeeze it off hard until I made it home. Just as a stepped in the front door, it splattered out and warm liquid ran down my crack and the back of my leg. Dad was nowhere to be seen. I tiptoed to his bedroom door and heard the hum of the vibrator and dad moaning.

I pulled off the shorts and pushed out the cum into my hand. I licked it all. It was mixed with traces of fecal matter. I lay there on the bed and got naked. I could smell Samuel all over me. I decided to lay there and jack off again. Just before doing that, I got up and opened my door all the way. Then I started jacking off. I edged a few times until I heard dad coming down the hall. As he stopped to chat in the open doorway, I started cumming.

"Sorry dad, I thought you were out at the pool," I lied.

"No worries," he laughed.

He walked on but called out to me.

"I'm heading there now though!"

I didn't bother washing off. I walked out nude to the pool where dad was in his trunks.

"Why bother with the trunks dad?"

He laughed and pushed them off. Then he walked down the steps into the water. I dove into the deep end and met him there.

"Where you been all day?"

I just went out bike riding.

"For three hours in this heat?"

"Okay, I stopped at Raj's place. He's grounded and can't go anywhere."

Dad didn't debate that. He just floated on his back with his eyes closed. I farted under the water--probably ejecting more cum. Sitting there naked with my dad in the pool after cumming in front of him...things were getting better all the time!

The next day was boring. I went swimming with dad twice. I had hoped he'd invite me into his room to fuck his ass with the dildo, but nothing happened. However, I made every attempt to walk around with an erection. I made no apologies for it and dad never said a word. When he was working at the dinner table on his laptop, I openly played with my dick on the couch. I kept hoping he'd turn around but he never commented on it. When I shot my load I openly licked my fingers clean.

That evening, mom and dad disappeared early from the living room. I could hear them having sex. I went to my room and took a big shit on a napkin. I tried to eat the pile with my mouth using no hands. My mouth got really nasty and the room stunk badly. Then I heard their door open and I turned the lamp off. I sat totally still hoping I wouldn't be busted with a shitty mouth and a stinking room. The footsteps stopped at my door, paused, and then moved on to the kitchen.

I think dad had gone to get food for him and mom. After a bit I heard him walking back and then the low sound of them talking. After a while, I walked to the bathroom and washed my face and flushed the paper towel. I looked at my teeth in the mirror and they were covered with shit! I felt my dick get hard again.

In my room I watched some movies online and felt restless. When I looked at the clock again, it was around 2am. I was feeling really adventurous. It was thundering outside and lightning occasionally lit the sides of the blinds. I felt an urge to get out. So, I raised the blinds and slid the window open. Gently, I pushed out the screen and it fell softly onto the grass below. I sat on the sill and flipped my legs over. After a quick hop, I was standing naked in the grass.

It was oppressively humid outside. There was almost no breeze. Thunder rumbled sinisterly in the distance. I felt excited. I walked to the gate of the wooden fence and pulled it open. I stepped through it and left it open just an inch. I walked into the front yard and just listened.

No neighbors were out--no cars were moving around. I walked to the edge of the driveway and stood on the street. I was so hard. My feet felt the warmth of the pavement still there after the very hot day. Lightning flash and I jumped. I wondered if anyone saw me when it had blinked so brightly. Still, that didn't deter me. Thunder followed and I laughed at myself for flinching. I decided to walk into the middle of the street. I felt a few warm sprinkles on my back. Feeling braver, I walked onto the sidewalk across the street. Then I decided to keep going.

Eventually I was at the end of the street stark naked. I felt so free--even better than when I did it with Bobby. I kept walking and before I knew it, I was two blocks away. I didn't care anymore if anyone saw me. I just moved on with my hard dick bouncing. Soon I was at the small convenience store that we'd gone to and had adventures before. I walked around the back of it and peeped at the parking area. Only the one car. Then I stepped in front of it and walked onto the pavement to the glass doors. The same dude we messed with before was there. His eyes bugged open when he saw me.

"Holy fuck kid!"

I walked in naked like it was nothing. He rubbed his crotch.

"What the hell are you doing out in this storm--you alone?"

I just nodded. He acted a bit nervous.

"We gotta be careful. Why don't you come around and hide behind the counter here."

"Okay," I said.

Just as I moved behind it I heard an engine outside.

"Duck under there dude -- where the old safe use to be!"

He pointed to a nook just under the counter. I squeezed there in a squatting position. I heard the door open. Then I heard two voices.

"Hey guys, how's it going tonight?"

"Hell, it's about to rain cats and dogs out there. I hope we don't have any calls."

I saw a tiny crack in the wood and peeped through it. I saw uniform pants. Just beyond that was a policeman looking through the dirty magazines! They were cops!

"I gotta take a shit!" one of them said.

"Hey, don't flush it. The toilet is fucked up. I'll plunge it after you go!" the store dude said.

"Sorry man, but I gotta go bad!"

"No biggie! Plumber is coming tomorrow."

The other cop chatted with him about baseball and boring stuff. They seemed to stay there forever. I heard really loud thunder. Finally I heard the other cop again.

"Hell Chuck, was that thunder or you taking a shit?"

Everyone laughed. I heard the register ringing up a bunch of stuff and then they guys were gone. After a minute or so, the clerk guy walked out of the counter area and to the door. I got out and stood up.

"Yeah, they are long gone!"

"I gotta go pee!" I told him.

He told me not to flush it as well. I got to the bathroom hoping to see the cop's turds. Lo and behold, there was a massive pile of shit in the water! I took out the best and longest log and wrapped it in paper towels. When I came back out I had it behind my back and laid the rolled up shit towel on a stack of newspapers. The guy was too busy looking out the front door.

"You look hot naked!" he told me. "I can't believe your and your friends are such exhibitionists. You ever been busted?"

"This is my first time to go out alone."

"Well kid, you better be careful. Those cops patrol the neighborhoods around here all night."

"Can I suck your dick?" I told him.

"Duh dude! But let's go to the back row just in case anyone comes in."

I followed him to the donut area. He unzipped his pants and took his dick out. It was already hard. I got on my knees and started giving him head. He rubbed my hair softly.

"God kid, you're a great cocksucker!"

I sucked and sucked without pausing. I had learned to breathe through my nose. I rubbed his balls and he sighed. I heard thunder. Suddenly he fucked my mouth hard.

"Oh god!"

He was cumming. He pumped spurt after spurt into my mouth. It was the most cum anyone had filled in my mouth at one time. As he slowed down, he sighed.

"God that was a week's load."

"It tasted really good!" I said.

"Kid you're a wonder!"

He zipped up.

"That storm is really bad now man. You might need to wait it out."

"No, I gotta get home!"

I looked at the clock and I had been out for an hour. I began to panic. I decided to go for it and just run into the rain. After grabbing my paper-covered turd, I opened the door and hauled ass! My feet bounced in the water as I ran. The hard rain was all over my body. Thunder and lightning was non-stop. I laughed at the wonder of it all. I was jogging for my life in the middle of the night without a stitch of clothes. I nearly slipped several times but I kept moving on. When I was finally at my street, I saw two headlights in the distance. They kept coming my way, so I ran up next to a house and hid in the bushes.

The car finally passed and it was a police car! I sat squatted huffing and puffing. When the lights were gone, a dog's shrill barking started shrieking behind me. I ran out of there as fast as I could. When I was finally at my yard, I sat on the side of the house under the cover of the roof's overhang. Then I was excited again to be naked and free! The rain poured down hard and got colder.

I walked out to the driveway and lay down. I peeled the wet paper off the cop's long turd and started stuffing it into my mouth! I sucked it hard and then bit a big chunk off. I chewed it hungrily like I was starving. Without a care in the world, I started jacking off. Cum flew out in seconds. Then I just sat there letting the rain rinse the cum and shit off of me.

I wasn't sure how long I sat there in the pouring rain. When I felt the rain letting up, I came to and stood up. I tossed the turd into the street and didn't turn back. I lazily walked through the side gate and latched it. When I got to my window, I raised it slowly and hopped up to the sill. I heard it starting to pour again. I lowered the window down to a few inches so I could still hear it. I plopped onto the bed and rolled around in the sheet to wipe off the water. In my naked "high", I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I had a bit of a cramp in my stomach. It was Friday morning. Dad was still in his bedroom instead of being at the laptop. I barely got to the bathroom before I felt warm diarrhea running down my leg. On impulse, I jumped into the bathtub. Standing there, I let my ass relax. My stomach cramped more. To release the pressure, I knew I needed to dump it out.

I squatted on my knees and it didn't release on its own. I pushed hard in my ass and then nasty shit sprayed onto the tile wall. It smelled nasty and sour. More shit sprayed out and then I let out a gusher of diarrhea. It drained down my legs and I started to heave because of its disgusting smell.

For about three or four minutes, I was in misery. After the final volley of liquid sludge drained out of my asshole, the pressure in my stomach was gone. The smell didn't bother me so much. I ran my hand in the cooling shit juice and rubbed it on my chest, face, and cock. I licked my fingers--not much of a taste. My dick was hard and needed a release. I took the nasty liquid pooled at the drain and lubed my dick up. The feeling of its smoothness was unique and sexy. I imagined Scotty having the runs on my chest while he sucked my dick. I came really fast.

I heard movement out in the hall and quickly turned on the shower. The bathroom reeked badly. I took the shower nozzle from its holder and sprayed all my crap off the walls. It was a shame because I'd done some wonderful shit graffiti with my diarrhea spray. I took the shampoo and poured it all over the wall and me. I tried to use it to mask the smell. Not satisfied, I got out some bleach and poured it into the tub and let it rinse down.

After the shower was done, I got out and dressed. I was relieved to find I hadn't dripped shit anywhere on my way to the bathroom. Then I remembered the likely cause of my runny shit--the beautiful cop shit log! I couldn't wait to tell Raj about my adventure!

Finally Raj's restrictions were over a week earlier than he expected. It was the last weekend before school started again. Mom and dad said I could spend the weekend over at Raj's. On Friday evening I hauled ass over there. The entire family was home.

It had been a while since I'd been over. When I stepped in, Scotty came over and picked me up. He spun me around and hugged me tightly. We kissed hard.

"I missed you sexy. I beat off every night at camp thinking about you!"

I was pressed tight against his muscular chest. I felt his middle finger prying into my hole. Finally he put me down and sniffed his finger.

"Mmm, nice!"

Raj came into the room.

"Dad's grilling burgers out back!"

Then their dad came in through the sliding glass door from the backyard wearing nothing but an apron with a beer logo on it.

"Good to see you Bruce!"

His dad winked at me. Bobby came strutting into the room behind Raj.

"Hey man--good to see you."

I felt like it was weeks ago when I spent nearly a week there. Raj started talking about what trouble he'd been into and asked me about any adventures I had. We started talking and walked to the den arm in arm liked best friends. Scotty winked at me from the corner.

A couple of hours later we were stuffed from all the food and were watching a few DVD's. We all fell asleep there in the end. His dad on one couch, Bobby on the other. Scotty and I were in the same large sleeping bag. Raj lay next to us on a blow up mattress.

In the morning we woke up late. I stood up and was going to go get some cereal. When I stood up I bumped the TV tray and woke up the others. I told them I was getting something to eat.

"Well now Bruce, since you've been away...there's been some changes here."

"Oh yeah?"

"Tell' em son," his dad said to Scotty.

"Yeah man. Well you know dad always feeds Raj on the weekend. You got me started with the shit that last time we fucked. So dad's planned for us to have a big breakfast--with everyone contributing!"

"Fuck yeah!" Raj yelled.

"Raj get some plates!" his dad said.

Raj disappeared and I heard plates clanking. He came back with some plates and forks!

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"No man," said Bobby. "I'll have to admit. I've nibble some turds now and then when eating ass. The guys that fuck me usually make me clean their cocks off after they fuck me. Sometimes I don't douche or know what's up in there. So today I'm going for it."

"Cool bro!" Scotty said as he rubbed his middle fingers up Bobby's crack.

Everyone was given a plate.

Their dad said, "Shit now if you can. Use your plates and then we'll pass it around like a buffet!"

I was thrilled. I squatted over my plate and felt a lot of nuggets squeezing out of my butthole. They piled up nicely on my plate. I smelled shit behind me and saw Bobby laying a nice semi-soft pile of shit. Scotty just farted, but their dad was laying a huge coiled load on his plate. Raj walked to the kitchen and brought back a oversized cup. He stood and pissed into it. Scotty rose aside the cup and pissed there too. Their dad filled the cup to the top and I took it to take a sip. The top was covered with foam like a beer. It tasted salty and delicious.

The plates were passed around. I took my forks and took a giant chunk of Bobby's shit and shoved it in my mouth. Next I dissected a section of their dad's shit and started chewing on it. I looked over and Raj and Bobby hungrily ate their dad's turds. Scotty came over to me with a handful of nuggets.

"I'm getting these first because they're yours. I love you so much!"

He shoved my shit in his mouth and chewed hard. I smelled the saliva and shit in his mouth and rubbed my dick. He looked into my eyes and swallowed hard. He looked at me and smiled. His teeth were full of my chunky shit! He pulled me to a kiss and we made out. Raj was covering his face and chest with Bobby's soft shit. Their dad chewed up his shit and spit it on his cock to get it wet.

"Come over boy!" he said to Raj.

Raj's dad pulled him onto his lap and his shit-covered dick slid right up Raj's ass hole. Bobby sucked Raj's dick. I grabbed some of their dad's shit and rubbed it on Scotty's pecs. I sucked the shit off his tits while he fingered my asshole.

"I need to fuck you bad!"

I rolled onto my back and spread my legs. Scotty bent down and started tongue fucking me. He ate my ass passionately for a few minutes before stuffing some of the shit on one of the plates in my ass. Then he used his dick to pack the shit inside me. Then he pushed his whole dick in me. He fucked me hard and fast while we kissed. The shit he crammed inside me caused my ass to feel really full. I smelled fresh shit while he fucked me. With his left hand he pulled a turd from his ass and bit a chunk off.

We shit kissed like to starved lovers. The shit dissolved like chocolate.

His shit was earthy and mild and I begged him for more. He fucked me with no pausing and fed me more of his shit by hand. My cheeks bulged. I smacked it and chewed until it was gone. He fed me again. When the last lump was shoved in my mouth he rubbed his shitty hand all over my hair and massaged it into my scalp. Raj rubbed shit into his armpits and burped.

Their dad mounted Bobby and started fucking him good. While Scotty fucked me, I pulled Raj toward me and rammed my dick in his hole. It felt so good to be fucked from behind while I fucked another person. I had to piss, so while we were sandwiched, I let my stream gush up into Raj's bowels. When he sensed it he moaned really loud.

"Oh fuck dude, you're filling me with piss. I feel my guts squishing inside me!"

I couldn't pee my whole load because I was getting hard again. Scotty's muscled arms were tightly around me and I had my arms around Raj. We fucked each other like a machine. When Scotty finally popped his load, I felt him biting lightly into my hair. His nose smashed into the shit on my scalp. Raj picked his nose and offered his boogers to me. I sucked his fingers clean. He shoved his other shitty finger up the other nostril and forced some soft shit in there. He snorted hard and the shit was now in his sinus. Scotty pulled out.

"I want you to flush my nose with your ass piss!"

"What?" I asked.

"You know like those neti-pot commercials on TV where they pour water in one side of the nose and it goes out the other!"


It was hard to maneuver, but I got my ass pressed against his nose and he pressed the one nostril against it. I pushed hard and shitty piss blasted up his nose. I heard choking and gulping.

"It went up both sides of my nose--it's in my throat!"


"You crazy clowns!" his dad sighed.

Their dad looked really hot with shit around his mouth and all his scruff. His big nipples were erect. He winked at me when farted. Raj decided I should have my ass filled with repacked shit. He spit in my hole to lube it up even better. Then he began forcing various chunks of shit from the plates into my ass. He pushed parts of leftover logs, nuggets, and mushy shit inside me. As he forced it in, remnants of my piss enema drooled out. He caught the brown liquid by cupping his hands and sucked it out of them.

In about ten minutes I couldn't take any more packing and I told him to stop. I told him I was afraid I'd start shitting it out. Then Scotty came over and forced his dick in my already filled rectum. I thought I was going to die. The pain mixed with cramps was intense. Once inside me he stayed still. Raj got behind his sexy oldest bro and ate his ass.

"Mmm bro, you got some good mush in here...force it out."

I heard gurgling and farting. Then hungry Raj swallowed anything whole that oozed out. It looked creamy and smooth like peanut butter. Raj's dad laid another round of smaller turds. Bobby farted out some runny goo mixed with cum and shit. I caught the mess in my hands and rubbed it on my dick. It smacked as I jacked with it. It was the best lube ever and smelled awesome. I didn't wait long and let myself cum as soon as I could.

I sucked their dad's cock until he came in my mouth. Scotty pulled out of my ass and slowly the repacked shit was oozing out in a newly formed log. It crackled and popped as it twisted out of my sore asshole. As soon as it was out it dropped to the wood floor with a heavy thud. The guys playfully clapped. Scotty went right to my ass and started sucking my hole. He gently tongued me and I felt my ass ring expanding into his mouth. I'm not sure what came out, but he kept rimming me. My ass lips stayed protruded and he made love to them.

Eventually we end up in a mound on the floor--everyone was sucking or fucking another person (or both). Each of us came again in the next half hour. When we were done and rested, Raj's dad got up and walked into the kitchen with all the shitty plates. He scraped all the remaining broken turd parts and sludge into a blender with a plastic spatula. Then he began to piss into it. A frothy and foamy piss filled the lower half of the glass container. Then he grabbed some Jack Daniels whisky and poured it in.

He grabbed small glasses for each of us and we passed around the glass container. The smell of shit and whisky was wild. Each of us took half a glass of the alcoholic shit shake. The alcohol burned as it went down my throat.

Then a couple of joints were passed around. I took my first hit ever of marijuana. I was showed how to suck in but not fully inhale. I release the smoke out of my mouth. The smell of the smoke was very pleasant. I first got buzzed from the whisky...then I got really stoned from the pot. Bobby and his father were making out. Scotty fucked Raj. I got under Scotty and sucked his toes. There was dried shit between them after having stepped on turds in our dirty orgy.

Someone found a large dildo and small device connected to wires and another box. I felt the wires being wrapped around my dick and balls. The dildo was shoved in my ass. I jumped as the power was turned on from the box and light currents made my dick bounce. The sensation was wild. Little by little, the juice was turned up. It was like torture and bliss at the same time. My ass was being stretched wider with the dildo. Someone was sucking by my feet. I just lay there dazed with my eyes closed.

I smoked more of the weed and I was totally hammered. I just laughed and I don't recall much after that. The one thing I do remember is someone fisting me and showing me on his or her iPhone as they filmed it. I just laughed.

We woke up one by one covered in filth. The room stunk like a sewer. Shit was everywhere...the floor, the vinyl couch cushions, and finger and feet prints were all over. I felt tired and dazed. I looked around and saw the whole family naked and covered with shit. It was like I'd died and gone to shit heaven.

"Fuck it stinks in here!" Bobby said.

"Let's get this cleaned up and the we can relax some more!" their dad said.

Raj got up and started picking up pieces of shit off the floor and plopped them into his mouth. Most looked dried up but he munched them and swallowed. I saw the blender pitcher and tried to remember what we'd done with it. Then I remembered we all drank shit milkshakes made of shit and piss!

The reality of what happened hit me. Booze, marijuana, plus an all-family member sex and shitfest! I stood up and saw their dad with a broom and trash bags. I didn't realize he'd left the den. Shit fragments were swept up. Scotty walked around with a spray cleaner. He sprayed paper towels and handed them to Raj and me.

"Let's get sprayed off so we don't go dropping this dried stuff all over the house."

"Yes, dad" they all replied in unison.

In half an hour, the room looked cleaner but still smelled of shit. We took turns spraying each other off in the backyard and then headed to the showers. Despite all the shit I ate, my gut was feeling fine and I felt no ill effects (other and farting a lot). I felt hungry for real food, so Raj and I went to the kitchen for snacks. On the way there we passed Bobby's room and saw him asleep on top of his dad chest to chest. His dad's cock was still stuffed up his butt even though they were both dozing.

Scotty lay naked on the couch watching sports on TV. As I passed him, he grabbed me and pulled me to him.

"You sexy little fucker. You were a star today with your shit eating and taking a fuck from all of us!"

I couldn't remember all of that.

We all had in several different ways on Sunday--swapping partners and being nasty. Raj and I got fed from the rim chair on Sunday morning. Everyone took turns fucking Raj and me after that. By the time I was ready to go home, my ass was totally full of jizz. Just before leaving, I shitted the cum in a glass and sucked it down.

It was hard to leave all those hot guys, but it was time to go home. School was to start the next day and I had to get home for Sunday dinner.

When school started again, there were a couple of hours before mom got home from work each day. After a week had passed of me coming home and finding dad in his room, I just finally knocked on his door.

"Come in son," he said.

I found him on the bed--vibrator in ass and dick full of lube.

"Let me help you dad!"

"Sure son!"

I walked over to him still dressed in my school clothes. I took the vibrator and fucked his ass. He relaxed and jacked off. Taking a risk, I moved my other hand up and jacked his dick. His other hand dropped from his cock and I finally touched my dad's penis! I massaged it up and down and went to work on his ass. I fucked his ass faster with the dildo. I paid special attention the head on his nice dick and he groaned.

"Damn Bruce, don't stop for anything!"

"Cool!" I said.

I loved watching dad squirm in pleasure as I got him off. Dad started cumming with no warning. When the squirts of cum flew out of his piss hole they landed on my face and hair. I kept on with all of it until dad made me stop.

"Oh man, that was intense!" he cooed.

"Dad, don't freak out like before. Let's just from now on let me help you out and you'll be set!"

I stood up and walked out of there. I wiped dad's cum off my face and licked it--delicious!"

From that day on, I took care of my dad every day after school. I'd come home, door would be open, and I'd just walk in there and take over for him. Now as I am about to graduate high school and move off to college, mom's just announced she's pregnant. Dad and I have agreed to find time now then on our own to have our special fun.

And that filthy family...they are just as nasty as ever and are around if I need to be fed some delicious shit!

The End

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